The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 491: People found

"Ah..." Yang Xueer screamed, and she felt her whole body leaning straight down. In other words, three seconds, two seconds... maybe even shorter time later, her delicate little His face is about to come into close contact with the floor.

At this moment, she felt that her body was copied by a powerful hand. The whole person plunged into the arms of a man full of masculinity. Then she raised her head and compared her big eyes with a pair of Her small eyes faced each other.

"Miss Yang, are you okay?" Li Zedao looked at Yang Xueer and asked. But he also breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't mean it. He just figured it out after letting out the water and opening the door. Who knew Yang Xueer would kick a second kick and kick so hard.

"I'm saved me?" Yang Xueer asked with her mouth slightly opened and her face flushed.

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao said angrily.

"Really handsome..." Yang Xueer said with an idiotic expression on her face. As the person involved, the panic just now was true or not. At the moment when she was standing upright and about to pounce on the ground, she really thought that her flowery and jade face was about to suffer. If so, the days after It's really impossible.

Not everyone can look like a dinosaur like that so and so, but think that he is a panda all day long.

So Li Zedao hugged her in time, which really made her very grateful and delighted, and felt that this guy didn't seem to be that annoying.

"It's okay..." Li Zedao was very disgusted and pushed her away from his arms... His warm embrace can't be entered by any woman, at least Yang Xueer can't... not now!

"Hey, idiot, how can you push a frightened beautiful girl aside? Do you have a gentlemanly demeanor? Do you have a little conscience? It's not like that in the movie." Yang Xueer furiously rebuked. Li Zedao didn't understand pity and cherish jade.

"I only know that you just tried to scald my feet with coffee." Li Zedao said angrily.

Yang Xueer only then remembered that there was still this matter, and this account hadn't been settled yet, so she said angrily: "Big idiot, you are obviously okay with things, too much, too bastard..."

"Give it to you." Li Zedao took out a box and handed it over. Since I have already bought it, it's useless to keep it, and it's worthless to sell it second-hand. If you give it to her, it's okay to coax the child to shut her up for a while.

"Give it to me?" Yang Xueer was taken aback, her face was already shy.

"No?" Li Zedao asked. If you don't want to be better, then you can simply hang it on the Internet as a second-hand sale. Even if you only sell for one dollar, you can help the Tiandao Foundation raise an extra one dollar.

"Who said no? This're a little compensation for my mental loss!" Yang Xueer sniffed and snatched it at the same time, then ran out of the bathroom and slipped back to her room. .

"Stay?" Bai Libing asked as he watched Li Zedao coming out of the bathroom, thinking about it and adding, "It's still in that room."

"This... it's not anymore. Just after school, the school requires you to live in a dormitory." Li Zedao said, and then his eyes fell on the dozen or so pieces of chocolate on the tray, with a look of embarrassment already, "That...I Can you take away those chocolates?"

"Idiot!" Bai Libing said with a slight curl of his mouth, then stood up and went upstairs.

"Hey, can you take it away?" Li Zedao looked at her beautiful back and muttered helplessly. In the end, he felt that if he gave Yang Xueer a gift, would it be too bad to ask for something from her? Up?

So I didn't get tangled up and put all the chocolates into my pocket, and then left with a little tune in my mood.


In the early morning, the sun did not rise as early as before, but there was a hint of gray, as if the sky was suppressing the possibility of a downpour at any time.

Li Zedao was eating breakfast. Miffy and Lin Susu were in the opposite position. Since they met on the first morning of military training, Li Zedao always met them when he went to the cafeteria for breakfast in the next few days. I don’t know if it was. What they are interested in is what they do.

However, with these two big beauties during the meal, Li Zedao was still in a good mood, and his appetite improved a lot.

The military training has lasted until now, and it has been more than a week. In this more than a week, the original curiosity of these new students has long disappeared. They are repeating those movements every day like a machine, or It was the kind of sunbathing that "enjoyed" under the sun, and in the end most people were noticeably dark.

Of course, some exciting things have happened. For example, on the first day of military training, a frog prince appeared in the sky. The frog leaped five laps and finally became no1 among the new students; for example, there were three. The instructor of a phalanx was changed so that all kinds of rumors were spreading that the instructor had a car accident or the instructor fell in the toilet... Of course, only a few people know the specific reason; for example, a girl in a phalanx Even confessing to his instructor scared the instructor away... Miffy and Lin Susu were talking about this now with a smile.

Before breakfast was finished, it started to rain and the wind was blowing, and the wind was getting bigger and bigger, the wind was swelling and the rain was strong, and the downpour began to fall crazily.

"Ohhhhhhhh..." A few new students in camouflage uniforms stood at the entrance of the cafeteria and shouted loudly. They knew that such a heavy rain meant that no military training was needed today.

"Great, there is no need for military training today after such a heavy rain." Miffy looked at the heavy rain outside the window and said excitedly, "Finally I can sleep well for the whole day, the military training these days are almost exhausted. ."

"I'm tired too." Lin Susu was also very happy. The sudden death of her father dealt a great blow to her heart and body, so at this moment of military training, her body is still a little overwhelming.

Li Zedao told her that he could ask for leave for her, but Lin Susu refused because she was not that kind of hypocritical girl.

"Don't be too happy, maybe we will train in the rain?" Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"Oh, sir, you are too disappointed." Miffy said with a smile at Li Zedao, "I don't believe that the school dares to destroy our delicate flowers of the motherland so much?"

Li Zedao smiled when he was about to say something, but the phone in his pocket rang, and when he felt it out, it was Susan's call. The corner of his mouth was slightly pulled, but he had to pick it up. He said respectfully: "Teacher Su, are you looking for me?"

"Tsk tusk, dear classmate Li Zedao, when did the mouth become so sweet?" Susan joked with a chuckle, "I am more comfortable with your words calling me sick and the other calling me sick."

"I'm sick!" Li Zedao cursed in his heart, but said, "Teacher Su, there is no military training today...Oh, okay, okay... I'll go to other houses to inform... OK, goodbye Teacher Su... "After speaking, Li Zedao simply hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Susan listened to the busy tone of "beep..." on the phone, and the corner of her mouth was slightly pulled, and then she had a weird smile on her face and muttered to herself: "After eating, I want to wipe it off. People? How can there be such a cheap thing? Even if you don’t eat it and just smell it... that’s not good!

After putting the phone back in his pocket, Li Zedao looked at Miffy and Lin Susu and said, "The counselor Su gave me the call to inform everyone that today’s military training is cancelled..."

"Great." Miffy smiled.

"Then you eat slowly, wait until the rain is a little bit lighter, don't catch a cold." Li Zedao stood up and said, "I will go back to the dormitory to inform everyone of this."

"Hey, sir, it's raining heavily outside..." When Miffy said this, Li Zedao had already rushed into the heavy rain.

"It's really our monitor, the frog prince in everyone's mind, even the raining action is so handsome." Miffy said with a somewhat obsessive expression.

Lin Susu's eyes also fell on Li Zedao, his eyes were a little blurred, wondering if there would be something of his own in such a man's heart?

When Li Zedao rushed back to the dormitory in this way, his whole body was soaked and turned into a soup chicken, but he didn't care about changing clothes first. Instead, he went to a few other dormitories to inform that there was no military training today. He entered every dormitory. , There will be a cheering voice in that dormitory.

Li Zedao pushed open the door of bedroom 307 and looked at Zhao Xiaoxi, who was wearing shoes, and said, "No need to wear them. The counselor called me and said today that I will not rest during military training."

"Oh, I see, thank you." Zhao Xiaoxi nodded and said, then lowered her head and took off her half-worn shoes again.

Yang Baishu lying on the bed closed his eyes again, as if he hadn’t heard Li Zedao’s words. Of course, Li Zedao hadn’t said more than five sentences to him in the past week or so, on average, less than one sentence a day. .

And Ma Renjie was still asleep and didn't wake up. Yang Baishu wakes him up every morning.

After taking a shower, changing into dry clothes and walking out of the bathroom, Zhao Xiaoxi pointed to Li Zedao's phone on the bed and whispered, "Your phone vibrated just now."

"Oh, I see, thank you." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

Zhao Xiaoxi lowered his head again, looking extremely embarrassed.

Li Zedao smiled and took a look at the phone, only to find that it was a perverted call. At the same time, he also sent a text message, presumably because he didn't follow the call, so he changed the text message, and then opened the text message.

The text message is very short, with only a few simple words: Boss, I found it.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was already a bit weird, and then he took his cell phone to the balcony, watched the rain that was getting heavier, and dialed the abnormal number.

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