"Done?" Li Zedao asked after starting the car.

Wu Xin nodded and pursed her lips and smiled: "Well, it's settled...The contract for the construction of the network platform and the later promotion contract have been signed, haven't you seen it?"

"You know, I don't know much about this." Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

"It's true." Wu Xin nodded in agreement, "But there is one thing you are good at, that is investment?"

"Investment?" Li Zedao was taken aback. When did he become good at investing?

"Your investment is to find a smart and beautiful woman." Wu Xinqiang said solemnly, holding back a smile.

"..." Li Ze tugged at the corner of his mouth and almost vomited blood. Indeed, his investment was only invested in the women he knew well. To put it simply, he only invested in his own women... whether it was Nintendo or Wu Xin, both of his women, are also helping him with his career, and Li Zedao knew that in the future, He Xiaoyu and the others would definitely resign from their current positions and then help him with other careers.

It was just that Wu Xin was too blunt, which made Li Zedao more or less embarrassed, and even felt that her cheek was not thick enough. If Master heard this, she would definitely not be moved.

At the moment, Li Zedao took Wu Xin to find a restaurant that seemed more romantic to Wu Xin. After dinner, Li Zedao sent Wu Xin home, then drove for more than half an hour, and finally stopped slowly by the side of the road. Down.

Soon, the car window was tapped twice.

Li Zedao rolled down the car window, there was no special expression on his face, and the pervert standing outside the car saw that Li Zedao was like this, he already knew that the boss was in a bad mood, and his head was slightly constrained, with a respectful look. Dare to speak first.

"Did you know? In the morning you were very likely to be followed." Li Zedao looked at the pervert and said.

He believed in perverts, so he didn’t think that the bombs on Zhu Zhiwen were perverted, and that “zombie” had no reason to do such boring things. So what Li Zedao could think of was that the perverts were putting Zhu on Zhu. When Zhiwen kidnapped to Fengming Mountain, someone followed him secretly, and finally planted the bomb. The purpose was obvious. The other party wanted to kill himself.

The perverted face changed slightly and said, "Boss, this..."

"When I arrived, a bomb was placed on that person." Li Zedao said again, "Finally, the bomb exploded and he turned into some rotten meat."

The perverted eyes widened, his complexion was even more ugly, hot and painful, as if his face was drawn heavily. It was really shameful, he was a famous killer, but now he is being followed. Don't know yet.

At the same time, he was slightly moved in his heart. The boss could trust him after all, otherwise he would not tell him such a thing. He had long thought that the bomb was planted by him.

"Boss, I..."

Li Zedao waved his hand to stop him from continuing and said: "Forget it, his immortality has little effect on me, because I already know what I want to know, so be careful next time."

"I will, boss." The pervert nodded and said solemnly.

"How was the investigation of the matter that you were investigating before?" Li Zedao asked.

"Boss, the black modern car you asked me to follow is now parked in front of the bar opposite." Pervert pointed to a bar called "Ye Mei" across the road.

Li Zedao looked back and saw a black Hyundai parked there. It was the same black Hyundai I saw when I slapped those little sisters at the school gate.

"I also saw three non-mainstream girls walking into the bar, all with injuries on their faces. They should be the three women the boss you told me on the phone." The abnormality said immediately.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "I see, I have worked hard for you, so let's do your job."

"Okay, boss." Pervert said respectfully, then turned and jumped onto a white Kia K2 parked there, and drove away quickly.

Li Zedao got out of the car, crossed the road and came to the bar. The bar is not old and new. There are two large characters "Yemei" composed of neon lights on the door.

When I lifted my feet slightly and kicked in, it looked a bit dim inside. It was obviously night, but it was not open yet, so the bar was empty, only a few drinking people sitting on the counter and echoing that With a touch of sad blues music.

At the same time, the men and women who were sitting at the bar drinking, saw that someone was kicking in, and they all looked back. When three of the women dressed as little sisters saw the slightly immature face , I was stunned for a few seconds, and then chattered.

"It's him, it's him...the one who slapped me in the face..."

"It's a mess, my face hurts to death and I am still red and swollen..."

"Brother Yang, you must avenge me, it was this **** who hit me in the face..."

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth curled slightly, forming an extremely evil range. At the same time, seven or eight young people wearing vests with their tattoos stood up, and slowly surrounded Li Zedao with a hideous sneer.

Facing these so-called bastards, Li Zedao didn't even frown his brows. He smiled and looked at the little lady who was looking at him with vicious eyes, and said, "Go ahead, yes. Who made you do this? Let him get out, otherwise you will not just be slapped twice."

"Grass mud horse, who do you think you are?" With so many people backing up, Xiao Taimei's confidence is still very strong. Unlike the previous school gate, she was completely scared by Li Zedao. She cursed, "You Think you can still get out of this bar?"

"Boy, are you too ignorant of our brothers?" A long-haired young man mocked, and then suddenly waved a beer bottle and slammed it at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's body was slightly on the side, and his hand swung lightly towards the beer bottle. The Jiangjiu bottle was already in his hand, and then he smashed the man's head backhand.

"Kang Dang!" With a crisp sound, the beer bottle turned into countless green fragments on the long-haired young man's head, and blood flowed down from his forehead in an instant. Then the young man fell silent without saying a word.

Another guy with a ring on his nose launched an attack from the side, and the beer bottle slammed Li Zedao's head with an unstoppable thunder.

In the next second, the young man with the nose ring was slightly dumbfounded, because the wine bottle in his hand was missing...it's gone...oh, oh no, the missing wine bottle hit his head...and then, He ended up just like the first man with long hair. He was hit in the head by a wine bottle and then he fell to the ground altogether.

The remaining young men and those little sisters stopped, and they all looked at the innocent smile in front of them with a little horror, but they were beating people to death, especially those three. The little sister who was slapped by Li Zedao before, her body was even more abnormal. It seemed that they weren't so cruel when they hit people. It's really a pity that this guy is not a hooligan.

"Who made you do this? Let him get out." Li Zedao looked at the little sister and said again, "Otherwise, I will have to tear down this bar."

"Who is looking for me?" A wild voice sounded, and then a man in his thirties walked out of it. The man was wearing a slim-fitting black shirt with a thick gold chain in his open neckline, with a thick gold chain in his mouth. A cigarette, the slightly squinted eyes have a sharp look.

"No one is looking for you...No, if you let these ugly monsters do that, then I am indeed looking for you." Li Ze pointed to the three little sisters and said.

"..." The three little sisters who were shot collectively, looked at Li Zedao as if they were looking at the dead, who is ugly? Who is ugly? They are all beautiful girls with full personality at the age of 28, OK? This guy... his eyes are sick!

The man looked at the mess on the ground, his eyes narrowed slightly, the shock in his eyes flashed by, and then he said, "Brothers are on the road?"

"Who is your brother? Don't put gold on your face." Li Zedao said very depressed, these guys are sick, they are brothers at every turn? Who is your brother? You are a **** who bullies men and women, and I am the future flower of the motherland who will make a weak contribution to the construction of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland...Can you be a fellow?

"In a word, did you instruct these ugly monsters to trouble my girlfriend?" Li Zedao said coldly, "And if I guessed correctly, you were there then? You stopped at the door. See the excitement in that black Hyundai? If yes, then you have to give me an explanation."

The man's eyes narrowed again, and he said coldly: "Explain? What's the explanation?" This is also an indirect admission of what Li Zedao said.

"It's very simple. Tell me why you want to do that." Li Zedao said coldly, "In addition, you can do it yourself and interrupt one of their hands..." He said and pointed to the three little ladies.

"..." The others, including the three little elder sisters, all had incredible expressions. They all felt that the kid in front of them had a problem with his brain. Why else would they say such things?

"Then, you are interrupting one of your own hands, then the matter will pass." Li Zedao said immediately.

Then other people's eyes opened wider, and they no longer felt that they were sure that this guy's brain was sick!

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