The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 500: Hit in the face

"Are you kidding me?" the man said coldly. He was actually amused by Li Zedao’s words and wanted to laugh, but he also thought that he was the boss. The boss should have the majesty of the boss. When such a place is provoked by people, he laughed out loud, obviously some Not suitable... well, in fact, the main reason is that no one else smiles. If he smiles, doesn't it appear that his smile is very low?

"No, I'm serious." Li Zedao said blankly. I feel a little depressed in my heart, does this guy think he is joking with him?

"If you don't do that, I don't mind to help you personally, but then not only one hand will be broken, but two hands." Li Zedao said.

"..." The man couldn't help it, laughing. He laughed hysterically, leaned forward and backward, and laughed so that tears came out of his eyes.

He pointed to Li Zedao and said, "Boy, when I was at the entrance of Phoenix University, I was afraid that the impact would be too great, so I temporarily let you go. Unexpectedly, you took the initiative to come to the door... Do you think you still have it today? Can you get out of this door?"

Li Zedao widened his eyes and said with some fear: "You want to kill me?"

"Kill you?" The man sneered, "That's not enough, the most is to beat you so hard that your mother doesn't recognize you and then let you get out, and you will definitely have a hard time in the future, such as driving. When there was a car accident when you were eating, you were poisoned in food, walked on the road properly but you were stabbed in the back of the heart-this world is too dangerous, everything is possible occur.

"This world is indeed too dangerous." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Anything can happen, such as..."

"Slap!" Li Zedao suddenly shot, a slap in the past, and slapped the man's face fiercely. The man was slapped and turned around, and then sat on the ground, Li Zedao again It was a kick that kicked him heavily on his stomach, and he kicked him off the fly. Finally, the man's body hit the bar heavily, and then he stopped.

"I beat you so hard that even your mother doesn't recognize you." Li Zedao clapped his hands and continued to say what he hadn't finished.

The others looked at Li Zedao with shocked faces. Does this guy really know how to write the dead word?

Does he know what kind of person their boss is? Does he know that if he does this, he will suffer endless revenge from the boss?

The man coughed heavily, his face was a little distorted because of the pain, and he was struggling to get up from the ground, his eyes were cold and staring at Li Zedao and said word by word: "You guys, dare you hit me? I'm looking for death." As he said, he reached out and took it in his pocket. He already took out a black pistol, and the muzzle was directed at Li Zedao's head.

Li Zedao looked at the black muzzle, and was taken aback. He really didn't expect such a small **** to get such a pistol. He thought he was digging a knife just now.

Now he raised his hands high and said, " can insult me, but please don't hurt me...put down the gun and say something if you have something..."

Seeing that Li Zedao was really conquered by his own pistol, the man came to his spirits. He strode to Li Zedao and said grimly: "You are the one who dares to beat me? Do you dare to beat me again? Hit me here... ...Slapped in the face..."

"Pop!" Li Zedao slapped his face... He is such a kind person, how could he refuse such a reasonable request from the other party?

The man is dumbfounded! His little brothers and sisters are all dumbfounded! Who is the man? He is a well-known figure in the underground world of Phoenix. He is known as Brother Hao Bei... This name was taken by himself. His idol is Chen Haonan in the movie "Young and Dangerous", so he took this one with "Hao Nan" "The echoing name "Haobei".

He came out when he was a student. He used to take his brothers and people into the streets more than once to kill, kill people and break people. He also encountered many dangers, but as long as he had a gun in hand, he basically They are able to find some negotiation capital or human dignity.

But what is going on now? He has already taken out the gun, and the muzzle is still pointed at the opponent's head. How can he dare to hit him in the face?

Well, even if he did say "snap in the face...", what he meant was that Lao Tzu has a gun in his hand now. If you dare to hit Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will break you... this guy Can't understand human words?

Brother Haobei was startled at first, and then his face turned into anger, looking at Li Zedao's eyes as if he was looking at a dead person, and screamed: "You fucking..."

Brother Haobei's voice stopped abruptly, because he suddenly discovered that the pistol he was holding tightly in his hand had disappeared. More tragically, he found that his head was topped by a black muzzle. Finished.

As a result, his face "brushed!" suddenly became extremely pale, and there was a slight cold sweat on his forehead.

"Ah!" The little sisters exclaimed. As for the little gangsters, they looked terrified, and their bodies moved backwards involuntarily.

"Shut up!" Li Zedao said dissatisfiedly. These ugly monsters are so annoying. When he was held by a gun, they were as quiet as a dead person, and their eyes were still gloating. Now it's their turn to come back, but they are shouting. It's like being assaulted by others... isn't this bullying the honest people?

After being yelled at by Li Zedao, those little sisters obediently shut up because of the gun in his hand and dare not say anything.

"Can you explain it to me?" Li Zedao looked at Haobei and asked coldly.

"You dare not shoot..."


As soon as Brother Haobei's words fell, he was shot in the right shoulder, blood was gurgling, while the face was distorted, his left hand was firmly holding the muzzle on his shoulder, and then he knelt down slowly. On the ground, his body twitched slightly.

It's not that he was uninjured. He was chopped more than a dozen times before, but he was shot... This is really the first time in his life!

The other people twitched violently after hearing the gunshots, they were simply dumbfounded, and they didn't even dare to mess around with the atmosphere. Now they know what kind of cruel person they have provoked.

"Can you explain it to me?" Li Zedao said the same thing.

"Yang Gang asked me to do this." Brother Haobei said with a trembling face, his voice trembling, "He gave me fifty thousand yuan and asked me to ask a few young ladies to pick up that woman's clothes. , I took some photos and sent them to the Internet, so that she was discredited and couldn't stay in Phoenix University..."

"Yang Gang?" Li Zedao frowned. This name is very strange to him, "Who is he?"

"An intermediary." Brother Haobei gritted his teeth and said, "Help introduce alive."

"It turns out." Li Zedao already understood. In other words, someone asked the intermediary Yang Gang to ask him to find someone to trouble Wu Xin, and then Yang Gang found the guy in front of him who seemed very unlucky.

"Call that Yang Gang here." Li Zedao said.

Brother Haobei didn't dare to be scornful, the sharp pain caused by the muzzle on the shoulder of Qiang Zheng, took out a cell phone with his other hand, and started the call.

After speaking a few words into the microphone, Brother Haobei hung up the phone and looked up at Li Zedao and said, "He... will be there in ten minutes..."

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" Four consecutive gunshots sounded, interrupting Brother Hao Bei.

It's just that Li Zedao shot so fast that everyone seemed to hear only one shot, and then the screams of screams resounded throughout the bar.

But I saw that Haobei had a **** eye on his left shoulder, and the three little sisters who tried to pull Wu Xin's clothes at the school gate before were shot in the arms, and they lay there loudly. Wailing.

Li Zedao wouldn't let them off just because they were women. Wu Xin was also a woman. Why didn't they want to show mercy to her men? If she didn’t arrive in time, Wu Xin’s clothes would be stripped off, she would be severely humiliated, and she would eventually be photographed and posted on the Internet, and she would be named "something shameless." Xiao San was stripped naked in the street and beaten up," Wu Xin might be destroyed just like that.

Other people are even more frightened when they see this scene. Some people even get hot and start to pee their pants... They are ordinary bastards, at most they scare people with a machete. A horrible scene?

"Shut up, I will give him one more bullet if anyone dares to say a few more words...Anyway, bullets don't cost money." Li Zedao said coldly.

"..." No one dared to say anything.

Li Zedao then set his eyes on Haobei, and said coldly: "I said, if you let me do it myself, you will break two arms instead of one."

"..." Brother Haobei lost the strength to speak because of pain and extreme fear.

"Of course, you can retaliate against me later, if you have that strength." Li Zedao said with a cold smile, and then the hand holding the pistol started to rub the gun with a slight force, and then soon Yes, that gun was crumpled by him.

Everyone's eyes widened again, like seeing a ghost in broad daylight, this guy is... a god?

Ten minutes later, the door of the bar was pushed open, the chubby man named Yang Gang appeared there, and then his cheerful voice sounded: "Brother Haobei, looking for me in such a hurry... The matter of begging you is already It's's wrong with this...?"

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