Invincible Dongfang glanced at Li Zedao and nodded, then picked up the cup of coffee on the table again, took a sip, felt the special aroma of coffee filled his entire mouth, then put the cup down and continued: "At that time, Wang Zi went to high school in Meizhong, Phoenix. At that time, the president of Yanjing University went to Guanwen, that is, your grandfather is a talented person. After learning that there is such a student who always gets full marks in the exam, , I came to the United States to study and personally invited Wang Zi to take the college entrance examination and be sure to apply for Yanjing University."

Li Zedao glanced at Dongfang Unbeaten and said, "Actually, you can be more focused, because I already know what you said."

Invincible Dongfang nodded disapprovingly and said: "Don't worry, I will let you know the whole story, but I have a problem with me, that is, I have always been rigorous in doing things and speaking, so... I will try to focus on the main points."

"...Trouble." Li Ze said apologetically, "I am impatient."

"It's about your father's business. It's natural for you to be anxious." Dongfang Invincible sighed and comforted, "Then I will continue talking..."

"Because your grandfather’s two granddaughters, that is, your father’s two older sisters, and your two aunts are devoted to Wang Zi, so naturally, Wang Zi finally applied for Yanjing University and became your wife. Grandpa’s proud disciple, it can be said that your grandpa treats Wang Zi completely as his grandson. He treats him extremely well, even so good that it makes your father jealous. He wonders if he is your grandpa’s grandson. Finally , Your grandfather also passed on to Wang Zi a secret that your family has passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years, but not to your father."

"What...what? The secret... secret passed down from generation to generation?" Li Zedao's face changed slightly, and a huge wave was already in his heart. He already remembered the grandfather Huang Yu mentioned in the private kitchen of True Phoenix. Here comes the secret that Shangguanwen passed to him. Of course, that Huang Yu is not really Huang Yu, but his father Shangguan Haoyu!

And the so-called secret that has been passed down from generation to generation is related to the so-called colorful stones left by the old man Chen Tuan in the Song Dynasty and the quick method of internal force. It is said that Chen Tuan put these two things that are enough to make people crazy in an ancient genius doctor In his tomb, some institutions were also arranged, leaving clues to several of his disciples.

But now according to Dongfang Undefeated, that secret grandfather was passed on to the master, not to the father, but the father knew...the master told him?

"It seems that you already know this secret?" Dongfang Unbeaten asked, looking at Li Zedao's face.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded with difficulty, "It's just..."

"I know what you want to say." Dongfang Unbeaten said, "I know, your father told you this secret, but in fact, your grandfather passed this secret to Wang Zi, not your father. , Your father only learned this secret several years after your grandfather passed away."

Li Zedao frowned when he looked at Dongfang Undefeated, "Do you know that secret too?"

"I know." Dongfang Unbeaten admitted unceremoniously, "Of course, your father told me. I will explain to you later. I will first talk about the cause of your grandfather's death."

Li Zedao's eyes were dazzling, and he nodded slightly. He knew that what the unbeaten Dongfang would say next was the things he had desperately wanted to know for a while.

Li Zedao urgently wanted to know about the grandfather's death and a series of decisions made by his father back then.

"I've already said that your grandfather is very kind to Wang Zi, even closer to his grandson, and even passed on to Wang Zi the secrets of your family from generation to generation, but in the end..." Dongfang Invincible shook his head. , Said in a heavy tone, "Wang Zi murdered Shang Guanwen cruelly."

Although Li Zedao already knew what the Unbeaten Oriental wanted to say, but when he heard it, he couldn't help but open his eyes, his face showed an unimaginable look! Yes, he really can't imagine that Master would murder Grandpa Grandpa. If things really wanted to be like that, then what was Master's motive for murder?

"Now you know that although your grandfather died of a heart attack on the surface, he is actually in trouble." Dongfang Unbeaten said.

Li Zedao moved his already stiff neck with great difficulty, saying that he did know it. When he was in Fengming Mountain that day, Huang Yu said that Shangguanwen died of something called'sickness gu'. Of Gu poison.

This kind of gu poison is cultivated from the corpses of people who have died seriously. If your body is healthy, this kind of gu poison will have no effect at all, but if you have a certain disease, this kind of gu poison will cause Your disease is more than ten times more serious in an instant!

Moreover, this kind of Gu poison can only target one disease. If the person who has been infected wants to make the person who has been infected, he will develop a targeted disease. There was a heart attack in the Shangguan text, but it was not a major problem because of the proper treatment, but it was because of this disease that his condition suddenly worsened and he passed away.

"It seems that you don't believe that Wang Zi will kill your grandfather?" Dongfang Unbeaten asked.

"Yes." Li Zedao took a deep breath and nodded and admitted, "Teacher... he is a master. If he really wants to kill someone, he won't let others know, and I don't understand him. Why do you have to suffer such a killer? I don't think he has any motives for committing the crime."

Dongfang Invincible sighed and continued: "When your grandfather had a heart attack, Wang Zi was the only one who was present. It was also Wang Zi who took your grandfather to the hospital. Of course, after arriving at the hospital, your grandfather has also passed away. "

"Even so, it doesn't prove that Grandpa's death is related to Master?" Li Zedao retorted.

"That's true." Dongfang Invincible nodded and said, "On this point, there is really no way to prove that Shang Guanwen's death is related to Wang Zi, and there is no way to prove that Shang Guanwen died of Gu poison, but your grandfather, after all It’s the president of Yenching University. It’s not an exaggeration to say that peaches and plums are all over the world. The students who had received his favor were also leaders in many fields. After learning about the death of Shang Guanwen, they rushed to the hospital to pay homage to Shangguanwen. The body, in the end, a student of Shangguanwen who worked in Miaojiang who was researching Gu poison quickly discovered that his mentor was not just as simple as a nervous new visceral disease, but was poisoned, which led to Heart attack!"

"Of course, although the student saw the clues coming, he was cautious and out of respect for Shangguan Wen. Similarly, he was afraid of offending someone and didn't announce the matter." Dongfang Unbeaten He said, "After all, people like Gu poison are inaccessible to most people. It is too far away for most people. If you say it, others may not believe it. Moreover, if you say that Shangguanwen is dead by fate, then it is right for Shangguanwen. His reputation is tarnished; the last point is that those who dare to attack Shangguan's writings are definitely not small. If this is ugly, maybe his life will be gone."

Li Zedao glanced at Dongfang Invincible, nodded slightly, and then continued to stare at the cup of coffee in front of him that he had never drunk. The gloom in his eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"The person who saw the clue didn't dare to mark it. Just like that, everyone thought that Shang Guanwen died of a heart attack rather than a fatal accident, so he buried Shangguanwen and this matter came to an end. "Don’t be defeated," said Dongfang Invincible, "and soon after your grandfather passed away, Wang Zi also took his women to live in seclusion abroad, faded out of people’s vision, and a few years later, your father also saw Yanjing. After graduating from the archaeology department of the university, he also joined the cultural heritage bureau."

"After that, your father led a team to inspect an ancient tomb that was accidentally discovered in Miaojiang, where your father met the student of your grandfather who worked in the Cultural Relics Bureau over there who studied Gu poison." Dongfang Undefeated looked at Li Zedao and said, "After seeing your father, the student of your great grandfather can no longer stand the kind of torture in his heart. Besides, things have passed for so long, so he told your father that day. His discovery means that although your grandfather did indeed die of a heart attack, he was poisoned by the poison and then died."

"As soon as your father got the news, he only felt that the world was turning around, because once something like Gu poison was hit, it would explode directly. It would not lie in the body for a period of time before breaking out. And when your grandfather had a heart attack , Wang Zi is the only one beside him. In other words, if your grandfather is really killed by poison, then the only person who can attack is Wang Zi."

"Why can't someone secretly poison me?" Li Zedao asked hoarsely.

Invincible Dongfang shook his head and said, "It can't be someone else."

"Why?" Li Zedao's voice trembled.

"Because Wang Zi is a master, as an absolute elite of the Shenlong Organization and the China Special Bureau, he is also very researched in Gu poison, even one of his subordinates is an elder-level figure in Miaojiang Miao Village, he is a A master of poisoning."

Dongfang Invincible said: "So if someone else is poisoning in the dark, he definitely can't find it. Even if he can't find it, how can he not see that Shangguan Wen is Zhonggu, even if he can't find it? Why didn’t you rescue him? So, the only possibility is that Shangguanwen was poisoned by him!"

Li Zedao was silent, but he clenched his hands unconsciously. Could it be that the master is really the murderer?

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