The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 875: The secret of immortality

Li Zedao remembered the scene when he first met with Master. That day, he was walking on the path in the school lined with slabs of stone and planted with coconut trees. Then a kid appeared. He turned to the left, and the same person turned to the left. He goes to the right, and the same person goes to the right.

At that time, Li Zedao stared at the handsome face that even he was a little jealous, with a look of alertness. He regarded the other party as a homosexual, and when he saw that he was handsome, he began to molest him.

Later, he was horrified to learn that this man who was as young as himself and handsomer than himself was already in his forties, but the ruthless pig-killing knife of the years did not leave any marks on his face. .

After that, he showed all kinds of awesomeness, of course, pretending to be coercive, and brazen... Li Zedao felt that he was pretending to be coerced from time to time, and he was infected by the master.

He taught his own inner strength, he taught himself ventriloquism, and the so-called medical skills that are not very popular. He trained himself, and he also gave himself a lifetime of squandering wealth...It can be said that, If you can have the current ability, the so-called Shenwan accounted for 30%, and the remaining 70% came from Master's teaching.

It was his mother, Xiao Qiangwei, who was able to have the current detached status in business, and she was also given by Master, because Brilliant International was hers.

But he turned out to be the murderer of the grandfather Shangguanwen? He is the source of the sin that forced his father to do this kind of abandoning his wife and abandoning his son to establish what Yan Luo Temple is.

If so, really want to find him for revenge? is it possible? Maybe I can convince myself to do it on him!

But is it possible? The chance is slim, because how powerful is he? With his current ability, he just slapped over, and Li Zedao felt that he would be shot flying.

"Uncle Dongfang, go ahead." After a long silence, Li Zedao said hoarsely.

Dongfang Undefeated sighed and nodded and continued: "Your father actually didn't believe that his grandfather's death was related to Wang Zi at first, because Shangguan Wen treated him so well and treated him like a grandson. No, more pro-grandson, how could he kill Shang Guanwen? The most important thing is, why is this? What reason does Wang Zi have to murder Shang Guanwen?"

Li Zedao looked away from the cold cup of coffee, looked at Dongfang Undefeated and said, and took a deep breath. He had a hunch that what Dongfang Unbeaten would say next must be shocking!

As if trying to calm the fluctuations in his heart, Unbeaten East took the cup of coffee, took a sip and swallowed it, then took a deep breath and continued: "At the time, your father was hugging He returned to Yenching with suspicion and sorrow. The first thing he did after returning to Yenching was to dig the grave!"

"Digging the grave?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"Yes, secretly dig your grandfather Shangguanwen's grave!"

"..." Li Zedao's expression was a little moved, and he immediately understood why his father did this. Is he trying to understand the real cause of death of the grandfather? Is it just possible? After all, there is only a handful of ashes left in the corpse. What clues can you see?

"Presumably you have already guessed why your father is digging the grave." Dongfang Unbeaten looked at Li Zedao and said, "As you think, your father wants to investigate the real cause of your grandfather's death, because Gu poison is a This is a very powerful and overbearing thing. Even if the corpse has been burned to ashes, the poison will still adhere to the ashes. If it has not been solved, it will not disappear even after a hundred years."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, signalling Dongfang Undefeated to continue.

"At that time, your father risked disrespect to secretly dig up your grandfather's grave and took out some ashes, and then went to the China Special Bureau." Dongfang Unbeaten said.

Li Zedao nodded with an ugly expression. Because of the master, he also became a member of the China Special Bureau. So he knew that there were strangers in the China Special Bureau who were not curious. Naturally, there were personnel who are very researching on Gu poison. .

"Of course, your father would naturally not say that it was the ashes of your grandfather's Shangguanwen, but only the ashes he collected when he inspected a certain grave in Miaojiang. An archaeologist who worked in Miaojiang said that the deceased was taken down. I have some kind of gu poison, so come here and let me check it out."

"Because Wang Zi's influence is extremely terrifying, and your father is Wang Zi's brother, so the people from the China Special Bureau are naturally very polite to your father, and immediately ask the person who has a lot of research on poison to come and help. Check it, and sure enough, a disease was found on the ashes!"

Li Zedao’s expression became even more ugly. There was indeed Gu poison. Grandpa Grandpa really died of the disease. When he had a heart attack, only Master was present. What a master is Master, who has also studied Gu poison. ...


"Although it can be verified that your grandfather's official document was caused by the poisonous poisoning that caused the heart attack, but your father is blindly trusting and admiring Wang Zi, and he still can't believe that Wang Zi will treat you. Great grandfather killed him." Dongfang Invincible sighed and said, "In this way, your father will spend every day in pain and suffering until one day, a student of your grandfather’s death came to the door and he found To your father and give your father a box."

"Box?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, a box." Dongfang Invincible nodded and said, "That person is my father, Dongfang is not group."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"When my father was young, he was puzzled by your great grandfather's preaching and teaching. The two of them had a good relationship and they were half-teacher and half-friend." Dongfang Unbeaten explained, "My father told your father that this box It was given to him by your grandfather the day before his death, and he also asked him to find a suitable time to bring this box to you and open it together."

"At that time, my father still felt weird because your grandfather's tone seemed to be explaining the funeral. He also asked your grandfather if he was unwell. Your grandfather just smiled and shook his head. , I gave my father another autograph letter, saying that he would open it after he died, and he also reminded my father that the letter must never be seen by anyone, and it would not be opened until he died."

"At that time, my father was strange and worried, because what happened to your grandfather's body, and asked again and again. Your grandfather just smiled and said that he was in good health. Don't worry...My father still doesn't worry. In the third place, let someone check your grandpa's body. Your grandpa is stubborn, but my father agrees."

"At that time, my father asked a master of traditional Chinese medicine who enjoys the reputation to examine your grandfather's body carefully. The result is that although your grandfather suffers from heart disease, he is in good control of his body. No problem... who knows, the next day..."

The Invincible Dongfang looked sadly at Li Zedao and shook his head, looking in memory of the official text: "The next day came the news of your grandfather's death, saying that he died of a heart attack. At that time I After hearing the bad news, my father was shocked and sorrowful. After all, he asked the best Chinese medical expert to check your grandfather the day before, and learned that it was OK. Why did you just leave the next day? When the grandfather gave him the letter and the box with those strange words, my father felt that the situation was wrong more and more, so he quickly found out the letter your grandfather gave him asking my father to be in him. The letter that can only be opened after death came, and when I saw it, I felt dim for an instant. At that time, my father slapped himself severely... he hates it!"

Dongfang Undefeated sighed heavily and didn't go on. Instead, he picked up the cup of coffee that Qin Yiping had in front of him again, but he didn't drink it.

"What is written on the letter?" Li Zedao asked blankly. By now, he no longer knew what kind of mood he should use to face this matter.

Avoid or accept? this is a problem! A problem that makes people feel extremely painful and tangled.

Invincible Dongfang sighed again, put the coffee down and said, "Write the secret of your grandfather's murder by Wang Zi."

"..." The tight muscles on Li Zedao's face were faintly twitched, and the point came.

"Your grandfather knew some secret of Wang Zi, so he was murdered." Dongfang Unbeaten said.

"What's the secret?" Li Zedao asked.

"The secret of immortality!" Dongfang Unbeaten said word by word.

"..." Li Zedao's expression was already moved, and he said aloud: "Changsheng... not old?"

The reason why the master is now in his forties but looks no different from a twenty-year-old boy is because he knows how to live forever?

"Yes, immortality!" Dongfang Undefeated looked at Li Zedao earnestly and said, "Wang Zi is already in his forties, why does he look no different from twenty? Because he is immortal! He wants to live forever! Not getting old, it’s not impossible. Wang Zi has taught you internal strength. There should be three bottlenecks that tell you about internal strength, right?"

Li Zedao nodded with a dull expression, still not waking up from it.

Dongfang Invincible nodded and said, "The three bottlenecks related to internal strength. The first one is the initial stage. This bottleneck isolates most of the acquaintances from the gate of internal strength training. That is to say, it is not just a person who does it alone. You can train your internal strength!"

Dongfang Undefeated has a deep sadness in his heart, because he can't train his internal strength.

"The second is to fight cattle across the mountain. You know this better than me, and I won't explain it much. The third is to return to the basics, to put it simply, to return to nature and to be one with nature, that is, as long as you practice If your internal strength reaches this level, it means that you are immortal just like nature!"

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