The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2185: Bottom pumping (on)

Chapter 308, bottom-up salary (on)

Ji Feng exposed such a hand, suddenly let the three generals of Zhang have a very different view of him!

Originally, Ji Feng said that the strength of the military they invited to do the experiment was too low. Some people were still a bit stunned. They even felt a little ridiculous because Ji Feng was obviously exaggerating.

You must know that the masters they invited, even in the martial arts, can be called the number one, and they have seen the armed men’s shots with their own eyes. The strength of those people is really making them big. be surprised.

So now, Ji Feng said so, General Zhang and others naturally think that Ji Feng is young and vigorous, so there is no certain head when talking, or even some publicity, but obviously it can't be done.

However, Ji Feng only used a pen, let General Zhang understand that Ji Feng not only exaggerated, but already gave them a face.

If Jifeng uses a blade, or uses a dart to open the flowerpot, it is not unusual, but Jifeng uses a pen!

Moreover, the pen is still flying out!

What kind of strength does this have to achieve this effect?

General Zhang and others can hardly imagine that this pen is in the hands of Ji Feng, just like a bullet, which is a bit beyond their imagination!

This also made them understand how strong Ji Feng is, and they also know what a real master looks like!

It is precisely because of this that the next problem is solved, and several suggestions by Ji Fengti are obviously highly valued by General Zhang and others.

"To the captain, Ji Feng said that the martial arts cheats, you have to ask for it!" General Zhang said.


Immediately nodded to Yong Yong, said: "guarantee to complete the task! But..."

General Zhang asked: "Why, is there any difficulty?"

"The difficulty is not counted, but even if the three surrendered the martial arts cheats he cultivated, how can I judge the true and false?" Some hesitations to the eternal war, "you also know that this martial arts cheat is not You can practice it casually. If you don’t practice it properly, you will not achieve the goal of improving your strength, but it will probably cause harm to your body..."

General Zhang nodded and said: "Hey! This is also a problem."

This martial arts cheats really can't be practiced, because no one knows what kind of conditions, what requirements, or what kind of environment must be practiced in the environment, etc. Outsiders don't understand!

Therefore, even if Susan handed over the martial arts cheats, they would not dare to hand over to the soldiers to practice.

"Ji Feng, do you have any good ideas?" To the end of the battle, I still looked at Ji Feng. Since this idea was proposed by Ji Feng, he should have a solution.

"This is actually very simple. You are responsible for the trial. If you are worried that Sao San will not tell the truth, you can give him medicine."

Ji Feng smiled slightly: "After he handed over the cheats, I can help you check it out, or you can look for a more powerful master to review it, so that you don't have to worry about whether the cheats will be fake or not. You can understand all the conditions needed to practice martial arts, etc.!"

The other two soldiers suddenly brightened their eyes and nodded at the same time: "Well! This is a good idea."

General Zhang said: "However, Ji Feng, I still have to trouble you at the time, we will not find other people, because you are most trustworthy!"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "No problem."

He smiled in his heart, who said that the soldiers are old and thick, this general is obviously not, this is a good word, but Zhangkou will come.

However, since it can help this, Ji Feng is still very happy to help, not to mention that these soldiers improve their strength is also to deal with the dynasty, to protect the country, even if it is to look at the face of the war, he has to help.

Moreover, although in recent years, although it has always been a period of peace, there have always been small-scale wars around China. It’s just that the warring parties are secretive, so the people don’t understand it, but it doesn’t mean that these soldiers just eat and die. On the contrary, they are out of great power!

In fact, only looking at the performance of the military in recent years, it is very popular with the military.

For example, whenever there is a major disaster in the country, the first line is always a soldier. The disaster relief is actually an alternative war. There will also be soldiers to sacrifice!

Seeing that Ji Feng promised so refreshed, General Zhang nodded and said: "Ji Feng, I am here to represent our soldiers, thank you."

Ji Feng smiled and waved his hand and said: "General Zhang is not polite, just a little effort."

General Zhang nodded and said: "The season is old!"

Frankly speaking, the performance of Jifeng today really surprised General Zhang, not to mention the amazing strength of Ji Feng, just the calmness and atmosphere he showed, and the general demeanor of this honor and shame. It is amazing.

The key point is that Ji Feng is not born in the family, but born in the private sector, which is even more rare and more amazing.

"Ji Feng, you have helped us so much, we have nothing to say, it is really a bit too much!" General Zhang stood up and said, "You can only say thank you!"

"General Zhang is really polite!" Ji Feng stood up and shook hands with General Zhang. He smiled and said: "These are all I should do. My uncle is also a soldier, so helping you is just helping me..."

"Haha... this is a good word!"

General Zhang laughed and said: "Then our conversation will stop here. Knowing that your time is precious, we will not delay you..."

Speaking of this, General Zhang suddenly lowered his voice, leaning forward slightly, approaching Ji Feng, whispering: "The two people who will talk to you are responsible for national security work. When you talk to them, try to Be cautious, don't get angry if you can't get angry!"

Ji Feng suddenly picked his brow: "Guo'an?"

General Zhang did not answer directly, but gave Ji Feng a hint of a look, and then nodded slightly, and he said aloud: "Okay, just like this, goodbye!"

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Goodbye."

At this moment, Ji Feng couldn't help but feel a good impression on this general. There is no doubt that this is a soldier with a clear and straightforward character. Although there is no lack of some sleek, he is still a heroic soldier.

Obviously, General Zhang told the two people the identity of the two people in advance, that is, to remind themselves to see if there is any place to do the special, or some secrets, alarming the national security, so that you can prepare in advance Organize the language and think about how to deal with it next.

Although it is just a wake up, it is a big deal.

You must know who is going to see yourself this time. Even the uncle is not too clear. It is obvious that there is still a certain level of confidentiality. The general of Zhang, who is naturally selling is not small.

Those two people are actually Guoan? !

This situation provided by General Zhang actually made Ji Feng somewhat surprised. How did Guoan find the door again?

When I was in Nanyue, there was indeed a person from Guoan who found him in the hospital. He asked him if he had any relationship with the missing things of the officials. As a result, Ji Feng gave him a hard time.

But this matter has not been explained much later!

Because when Zheng Yuanshan presented the evidence of the crimes of those people on the Standing Committee, he joined forces with the military and Zheng Yuanshan to represent the war. He also acquiesced that those officials were arrested by him, such as Ji Feng and Yi Xingchen and others. Just picked it up.

It can be said that the whole thing has nothing to do with them.

Although everyone knows why this is the reason, it is also known that Zheng Yuanshan does this not only to solve the case, but also to help Ji Feng revenge, but there is no evidence of the direct participation of Ji Feng from beginning to end. No one can say anything.

Even Guoan, they can't say anything without evidence.

But this time, how did Guoan come to find himself?

"Ji Feng!"

Ji Feng is thinking about it, and he will chase after the war from the back: "How, is there anything I need to help?"

To be honest, I heard that Ji Feng was actually a Guoan person, and he was also surprised by the Yong war, because he did not know this before.

Where is Guoan, of course, it is clear to the Yongzheng, so he realized the seriousness of the problem.

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "I don't know what is going on. I will listen to what the two people said."

Nodded to Yongzhan and said: "The next thing I can't accompany you. It's not fair. There is something to be as patient as possible. We can discuss it later. You can rest assured that as long as I can help, it must be Will try to help!"


Jifeng nodded. When he just wanted to say something, he suddenly saw it in the front corridor. The two men in shirts and trousers were waiting there. He couldn’t help but smile: "Oh, I used to see if they want to play." What kind of tricks will not be with you!"

Seeing that Ji Feng strode over and looked at the expressionless indifference of the two people, he couldn’t help but bite his teeth and screamed: "What?"

No one likes these people who specialize in insider intelligence, especially those who often fight with the enemy on the battlefield. They even dislike such people, but there is no way...

Soon, Ji Feng went to the two people and asked casually: "What do you want me to talk about?"

The two men stood up and pushed open the door of an office. One of them said, "Go in and say."

Ji Feng smiled and walked in calmly. He wanted to see what the two men wanted to say!


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