The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2186: Bottom pumping (middle)

Chapter 309, bottom-up salary (middle)

"You are Ji Feng?"

As soon as I was seated, one of them asked quietly.

Ji Feng calmly nodded and said: "It's me."

"Please take out your ID card and we will check your personal information!" said another person.


Ji Feng smiled slightly: "Why?"

One person’s face sank: “What do you say! Ji Feng, we are officially talking now, I hope you can cooperate, otherwise...”

"How else?" Ji Feng interrupted his words unceremoniously. "If any of the cats and dogs are coming to my ID card, do I have to cooperate honestly?"


The man suddenly took a table and squinted: "Ji Feng! You are honest!"

Jifeng shook his head and smiled, then his face sank and stood up straight: "Sorry, I don't have much time to waste with you here, just like this..."

After that, Ji Feng turned and left.

"Give me a stop!" The man suddenly screamed. "It seems that you are trying to make up your mind?"


Ji Feng suddenly turned around and sneered: "I warn you not to talk to me in this tone! I don't even know who you are, why do you cooperate with you? How old are you?"

"You..." The man was furious.

"What are you?"

Ji Feng calmed his face, the same **** for tat, cold channel: "Women are so big to scare who?! I am going out from this door now, I want to see, how can you treat me!"

"Ji Feng!"

The other person was cold-faced and said: "I advise you to think clearly. Now we are talking to you on behalf of the organization. If you don't cooperate, then we only have to take enforcement measures!"


Ji Feng suddenly sneered: "You talk to me on behalf of the organization? It's a joke! What is your organization's relationship with me?! Take coercive measures against me? Which unit are you, what power?"

The two men glared at Ji Feng, his face was gloomy.

However, Ji Feng did not buy it at all, but sneered: "Since you say that it is representative of the organization, then I would like to ask, what unit can be so cattle, can come up and even say no call, directly Just yell at me!"

"The Chinese people have a basic courtesy. When talking to people, they should at least report to their own homes. If they are people in the system and treat ordinary people, they should at least say a word of 'please', a public servant!"

Ji Feng’s gaze swept from the faces of the two men and smiled mockingly: “I can’t see this kind of courtesy on both of you. I really don’t know which unit you are. How do your leaders teach? Yours!"

After that, Ji Feng shook his head, as if it was a pity, turned and left.

"You stand!"

Behind it was a person’s rush: "We are national security!"

"National security?"

Ji Feng slowly turned around and taunted: "It's really amazing. I used to hear that Guoan's people are very bullish. Now, when you see it, it's really worth it! Your courtesy, work style... Hey!"

Ji Feng even satirized the thorns, and the two popular faces were iron-green, but they could hardly be said in one sentence.

Because Ji Feng said in their shortcomings, they are simply irrefutable.

Even everyone knows that there is a department in the national security department that is responsible for domestic intelligence and national security work. As long as the average person is brought by them, who still manages the work style, how can they be polite to those people!

However, these things can not be placed on the bright side, because there are clear provisions on the above, for the work style of government units and some rules for handling cases, there are provisions.

Therefore, even if they are annoyed again, they cannot refute Ji Feng.

These two people are really angry.

They have been working in Guoan for a long time, and there are many cases. There are also many thorns in them. They are either very hard-nosed, no matter how they are tried, they just don’t say a word, or they just Unbeatable, Zhangkou said who my relatives are, who is my dad...

They have even seen even more arrogant.

However, they have never seen anything like Ji Feng. They didn’t mention anything. They took their work style and courtesy directly. They even said that they even said that they were all three-year-olds. Not as good as it is.

This is simply hateful!

But they have no way, because Ji Feng is just a sentence.

"There is nothing to say?" Ji Feng asked. "If this is the case, then you should rest first..."

"... Ji Feng!"

One of them gritted his teeth: "You... please stay!"

"now it's right!"

Ji Feng showed a look of approval, nodded slightly, and then asked: "Oh? Are you looking for me?"


The two men were suddenly stunned.

The look of Ji Feng is like an adult who encourages ignorant children. If you do it right, give a thumbs up encouragement...

The two looked at Ji Feng's gaze, and almost all of them spurted out the fire.

If you can, they can't wait to catch Ji Feng for you now, or drive him out!

But there is no way. They can’t grasp the people now, and they don’t say that the identity of Ji Feng is not something they can grab at will. It’s just that the military’s office is here, they can’t do it at will, otherwise, the military First, I will stand up and speak!

As for saying that Ji Feng was driven out... I am afraid that Ji Feng is still a blessing, and their mission can not be completed!

It’s really awkward...

In desperation, one of them bit his teeth and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down and said: "Ji Feng, we are Guoan, now we represent Guoan, officially looking for you to talk..."


However, the man’s words have not been finished yet, and he was once again interrupted by Ji Feng: “I have doubts about your identity because of your work style and personal qualities. Therefore, I ask to check your work permit!”


The two men were suddenly stunned. They looked at Ji Feng’s look and couldn’t wait to eat Ji Feng.

Ke Jifeng seems to be a little vigilant and alert: "Why, you are not willing? Or, you are simply pretending to be a national staff member. If you can't get a work permit, then I have to call the police. Your courage is true. Not small, even dare to pretend to be a country in the office building of the General Staff..."


One of them shot the work permit directly on the table and almost bit his teeth and said, "This is my work permit. Look at it!"

Ji Feng was wary of taking the work permit, turned it over and looked at it, and looked at the photo, "Cao Yong?"

"it's me!"

The man named Cao Yong gritted his teeth.

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Hey! The inspection is qualified..."

"Since you have seen the work permit, now we will start..."

"Wait, there is his!" Ji Feng once again interrupted Cao Yong's words and pointed to another person.


Cao Yong don't go too far, don't look at Ji Feng.

I was interrupted by Ji Feng twice and repeatedly, and the rest of the words were smashed back. This feeling of grievance and nowhere to vent almost made him crazy, he could only work hard to make himself angry. Do not go to see the season maple, so as not to control their own anger, directly throw the pen in the hand to Jifeng's hateful face!

The other person also succumbed to the extreme, because he was interrupted by Ji Feng before, and also tasted the kind of grievances, so he can understand the feelings of colleagues at this time, but also more disgust and hate for Ji Feng. !


The other person also took the work permit on the table, and the words almost came out of the teeth: "Look!"

Ji Feng was very good at picking up the work permit, looked at it very seriously, nodded and said: "Hey! Zhao Anxiang is right? Work permit is no problem!"

"... Then we can start talking now?" Zhao Anxiang asked quietly. Because it was uncomfortable to be blocked by Ji Feng several times before, so this time he never dared to come up and started talking, but asked about the opinions of Ji Feng.

“Hey! Yes!” Ji Feng nodded. “Hurry up, my time is precious, I can’t afford it!”

"...your grandfather!"

Both Cao Yong and Zhao Anxiang almost want to swear, who is wasting time? We are going to start talking, is it that you have been looking for it?

However, the two did not dare to answer the words. Ji Feng's powerful they have already learned the truth. If they pick up the words now, God knows what problems Ji Ji will have.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Anxiang directly pretended not to hear the words of Ji Feng just now, and asked: "Ji Feng, we have a few questions, I hope you can answer it truthfully, because this will be related to what we will take next. Have you heard the investigation?"

A touch of cold light flashed through the eyes of Ji Feng, but his face was indifferent, saying: "When you do, let's say something right, so ink!"


Zhao Anxiang’s eyes leaped a few times and he asked me, “I asked you, you gave the military a very advanced weapon, right?”

Very advanced weapon?

Handed over to the military?

Ji Feng’s heart was slightly stunned, and he immediately remembered what Zhao Anxiang said. If he did not guess wrong, it should be the laser gun he handed over to the military!

That was what he brought back from the country. Because it was the first generation of laser guns, it didn't do anything to him, so he handed it over.

"It seems to be, don't remember!" said Ji Feng.

"Yes, or not?!" Zhao Anxiang was very serious about asking.

"There is this!" Ji Feng nodded.

"So, when did you get the advanced weapon? Where did you get it? Please tell me in detail!" Zhao Anxiang said.

In the heart of Ji Feng, he suddenly became alert.


The second is sent.

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