The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2187: Bottom salary (below)

Chapter 310, the bottom of the salary (below)

"So, when did you get the advanced weapon? Where did you get it? Please tell me in detail!" Zhao Anxiang said.

In the heart of Ji Feng, he suddenly became alert.

For the origin of the laser gun, Ji Feng is certainly clearer than anyone else. Even, what is the level of the laser gun, what are the shortcomings, Ji Feng is clear.

If you say that there may be some fires in the other seasons, but there is no problem with this laser gun.

This gun was obtained from the country of rice. The source should be the border. He just found the laser gun and brought it back from the country.

There is no problem at all in the middle.

If it is hard to say what is the case, then that is when Ji Feng was in the country of rice, he once killed the guys on the underworld, and even finally alerted the agents of the country.

If this is also wrong, then the season will not deny.

In addition, Ji Feng really can't think of any problem with the laser gun, and the person who would lead Guoan personally came to look for him, and it seems that it is impetuous!

Ji Feng can definitely say that there is no problem with the weapon!

However, now the people of Guoan suddenly asked, this suddenly let Ji Feng feel a vigilant mind.

What's more, the two people in Guoan are obviously not good at coming. Although they don't know what they are doing, they can at least see their attitudes. They are definitely not all the way to themselves.

Therefore, although Ji Feng had some doubts in his heart, he only said quietly: "The weapon was discovered when I was in the country before the Spring Festival..."

He will generally discover and get the process of the laser gun. Of course, some special places in the middle have been taken with him. For example, how to fight with the Yamaguchi group, how to fight some gangs in the country, etc. Wait.

Since Cao Yong and Zhao Anxiang asked about the laser gun, that season maple only talked about weapons, and the others did not talk about it. It was really impossible to ignore the past. He also took it with a word and said it was vague.

"So, after you discovered the weapon, you realized its importance?" Zhao Anxiang asked.


Ji Feng had some doubts. He spread his hand and said: "Frankly, I don't understand too much what you mean. You better say something in detail, clearer!"

Zhao Anxiang suddenly said: "I asked you, when you found the weapon, did you see its particularity at a glance, knowing that it is a very advanced weapon?"

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "I don't know what the significance of this question..."

"You just have to answer yes, or not!" Zhao Anxiang directly interrupted Ji Feng's words, said in a bad tone.

Ji Feng suddenly wrinkled his brow and shook his head. "If you have always been this kind of tone, then there is nothing to talk about between us!"


Zhao Anxiang sighs his teeth, but he can only resist the anger, Shen Sheng: "Ji Feng, please answer the question, I think you definitely understand that since we come to you, it is definitely important, if this Once you don't cooperate, there will be another time, next time..."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Sorry, I don't have that much time."

"Then answer the question honestly!" Cao Yong, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke up, coldly.

"But you guys don't know how to answer this question!" Ji Feng's tone was also low.

"Let's say that..."

Perhaps it is to see that Cao Yong and Ji Feng are going to be deadlocked again. Zhao Anxiang said: "Why do you want to hand over the weapon to the military? As far as I know, the weapon is just a little weird. The weapon..."

"Yeah, even you all know, that thing looks weird!" Ji Feng took it very naturally. "I think so too. That thing should look like a weapon, and it’s still weird, then I will I think that it is possible to study it and see what it is, so I handed it over to the military..."

Having said that, Ji Feng made a slight meal and said: "You also know that the soldiers are still more pragmatic. They will do things in a down-to-earth manner. Unlike some people, they will only find ways to find the whole person all day. Others I’m not doing anything!”


Cao Yong and Zhao Anxiang snorted at the same time. Ji Feng’s words were obviously talking about them. They are not fools. How can they not hear them?

I can think of the sharp words before Ji Feng, and Cao Yong can only pretend not to hear.

"Ji Feng, you have to think clearly and then answer, as far as we know, this is not the case!"

Zhao Anxiang said, "The weapon uses high-frequency high-energy laser technology. Once excited, the energy released is extremely terrible, and more importantly, the level of technology contained in the weapon is almost the world's top, even At present, most countries in the world have not yet mastered it!"

Jifeng shrugged and said, "What about that?"

"how is it?"

Cao Yong snorted and said: "The weapon contains a very high level of technology, and it involves many of the world's top technologies, but you did not hesitate to hand over to the military?"

Ji Feng brows up and asks: "What do you want to say?"

"According to our understanding, if you can master the technology in the weapon, don't say all the mastery, even if you only master a few of them, or even just one, you may be at the forefront in a certain field, and if you use that If technology is used to start a company and profit for the individual, the profits you get will not be understood by me." Zhao Anxiang asked.

Ji Feng smiled and shook his head and said: "Sorry, I really don't quite understand!"


Zhao Anxiang said: "I really don't understand, or pretend not to understand, you know your own heart! Ji Feng, now we have to ask you, when did you get the weapon?!"

Ji Feng’s eyes glimpsed and shook his head. “In the same way, I will not repeat the second time!”

"You don't want to say, then let's say it for you!"

Cao Yong snorted and said: "According to our understanding, you are born in ordinary times. Before you went to college, you were even a humble person. However, when you were admitted to college, you suddenly had a good person. The ability, but also has a very advanced technology, such as the Ascendas Group you established, the production of a drug is a special effect of current, according to our understanding, this drug is leading in the world!"

Ji Feng just listened quietly and did not speak. In fact, he had vaguely expected what the other party would say.

"I think that even if you are a genius, if you want to achieve a certain achievement, you have to go through a process!" Cao Yong said, "Even Einstein is growing up step by step, not suddenly. In the meantime, you have achieved an amazing achievement for the whole world! As for you, it is even more impossible!"

Ji Feng shook his head: "How about me, I still don't need you to evaluate!"

Cao Yong smiled coldly: "Ji Feng, you are still so arrogant now? I ask you, where are the technologies that Soaring Group has, from where did you get it?"

Ji Feng just wanted to talk, Cao Yong sneered again: "You don't tell me, it was developed by you and your team. We have already investigated, and those technologies are at the leading level in the world. Only the level of technology represented by the weapon can be compared!"


Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. When he said this, he naturally knew what the other party wanted to say. It seems that the other party is skeptical about the technology possessed by the Ascendas Group, and more importantly, Zhao Anxiang and Cao Yong, Obviously, the technology of the Ascendas Group was taken from the laser gun!

"What do you want to ask, just ask, no need to waste time, I have no time to accompany you to ink!" Ji Feng said faintly.

"Well, in this case, we want to know, when did you get the weapon, I want to know the exact time and place!" Cao Yong Shen said.

"I have already answered these!" Ji Feng shook his head and stood up. "If you have turned over and asked these questions, then I have nothing to say, I will not accompany you!"

"Give me a stop!"

Cao Yong suddenly sipped a cold, calm face: "Ji Feng! You don't think that you have a little background, how great it is, you can put no one in your eyes, tell you the truth, we have got accurate information, the weapon comes from An illegal organization, dynasty!"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Is it?"

"It seems that you still have to resist!" Seeing the response of Ji Feng, Cao Yong smiled coldly: "Ji Feng, I advise you to be honest and honest, what is the connection between you and the dynasty, the technology of the Ascendas Group Is it true that the dynasty provided it, and whether you are the spokesperson of the dynasty in China! Is the Ascendas Group a source of funds for the dynasty?! If you don’t explain these questions, even if you have a background, don’t think about the whole body. And back!!"


Cao Yong’s voice just fell, and a cold light flashed through Ji Feng’s eyes.

Ji Feng’s face was completely cold.

He stared coldly at Cao Yong and Zhao Anxiang, and Shen Sheng asked: "Repeat what you said, repeat it again!"

"Repeat ten times!" Cao Yong sneered: "If you want to listen, you can do it at any time, but before you do this, you should answer these questions first, which is good for you!"

"If I don't answer it?" Ji Feng asked coldly.

"I advise you not to do this. Otherwise, you will not want to know the consequences, because it is definitely not what you want to see, believe me!" Cao Yong sneered, and in his eyes, a smug look is very It is obvious.

At this time, Ji Feng, the look is very cold.

The other side, this is the bottom of the pump!

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