The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2196: The phone is connected!

Chapter 319, the phone is connected!

When I first saw Zhang Qian, Ji Feng was very vigilant. In fact, Zhang Qian left until the end, and he was still very vigilant.

However, in addition to his vigilance, he also found that things seemed a little bit wrong...

"What do you mean?" asked Ji Zhenping.

"I think Zhang Qian may not be playing a major role in this matter..." Ji Feng said in a discretion. "He doesn't seem to have the iron heart to get a confession from me!"


Ji Zhenping suddenly snorted: "Do you think he will be so kind? This thing is not Zhang Qian's mastermind, but he certainly wants to see our family bad luck!"

Ji Feng nodded and said: "This is true."

It is true that Zhang Qian is indeed hostile to his Ji Feng. This season, Feng Feng naturally looks out. In fact, Zhang Qian also disguised this hostility. From the moment he just got off the car, he said the first sentence to Ji Feng. The tone is a bit rushing.

But apart from that, Zhang Qian has no other moves.

Especially in the investigation of the activities of the Ascendas Group and Ji Feng, Zhang Qian is even more difficult to do. It is just a routine matter to ask a few questions. During this period, he only asked Ji Feng to cooperate and answer the questions honestly. But there is nothing more than that.

Even, he did not manage what Ji Feng answered, as long as Ji Feng answered his question, things are gone.

This situation is obviously not quite right.

"Uncle, I feel that Zhang Qian is going to be prepared, but he can't put his eyes on him!" Ji Feng said, "The mastermind of this matter, I am afraid it is another person!"

"Talk about your opinion!" Ji Feng's words caused Ji Zhenping's attention.

Although he has a grudge with Zhang Qian, but Ji Zhenping is not the kind of young boy who is passionate and impulsive. Of course he understands that he should think about the problem from a global perspective.

"I don't know the specifics. It's just a feeling..." Ji Feng said.

Today, Zhang Qian’s move is very wrong, especially in the process of inquiries, Zhang Qian is completely routine, even as if he is doing tasks.

how to say……

He has no subjective intention to get a confession from Jifeng here!

If Zhang Qian wants to take this opportunity to make a difficult move to Ji Feng, or to do something small, then he can completely induce Ji Feng, or he does not have to directly ask Ji Feng, but secretly investigate in private. Some researchers and senior executives of the Ascendas Group can even take certain measures to investigate.

It is much easier to get any useful information from those people's mouths, but it is much easier than getting it from Jifeng!

If you change to Ji Feng, then he will certainly do the same.

Because in his identity, whether it is really connected with the dynasty, if you want to move him, you must have tangible evidence, but also consider the full-time, if you can't move him, you will be scared.

In this regard, Zhang Qian’s approach is undoubtedly somewhat strange.

I don’t want to say whether Zhang Qian really wants to achieve anything from it. It’s just that he can sit in the position of the boss of a special department. The experience of handling a case is definitely not a general rich. He can’t know the public inquiry season. Maple, not only does not achieve any effect, but may also make Ji Feng generate enough vigilance?

So Ji Feng only felt that things were weird.

After listening to the analysis of Ji Feng, Ji Zhenping indulged for a moment and said: "What you said is justified, but now, in the end, what is the situation, you can't see clearly, your father is right, no matter what others do, as long as we don't have our own heart. Ghost, then there is no problem!"

After a meal, he said: "We are still watching this change. Now we want to pick the other side, so they will definitely act. We just have to wait for the other person to jump out!"

Ji Feng nodded. It is true. Now it is obvious that the other party is dark. They are clear, so no matter what they do, they will be seen by the other party. Instead, they will not do anything, just wait for the other party to jump out.

As long as they can hold their breath, the other party will be anxious!

"You don't have to worry too much about things here. Your dad will definitely not sit back and ignore the national security. It's no big deal. Let's put down the burden and do your thing!" Ji Zhenping patted Ji Feng's shoulder.

"I know!"

Ji Feng nodded. He didn't worry too much. However, the matter involved the national security. He had a feeling of being awkward on many issues, so he was a bit awkward.

Of course, there is a more important point - if you really want to rigorously study it, he really can't explain the origin of the advanced technology of the Ascendas Group.

In addition to Kangyuan slimming powder, it is his step-by-step guide to Kangyuan 'R&D', like special effects current, and 3D TV, which he made with his own hands. The group's R&D team is actually only based on this. On, let's do some improvement research.

For example, they control the packaging of the product, or the cost of production, but the real core technology is still in the hands of Ji Feng.

If Guoan really wants to trace it seriously, Ji Feng can only say that these technologies were invented by him!

But if I say it out, I am afraid that nine out of ten people are unbelievers, even though this is a fact.

So, even if he denies it anyway, I am afraid someone will really think that there is a special connection between him and the dynasty!

This is also the most troublesome place for Jifeng.

Although they know that the Guoan will certainly not go into such a situation for a while, but this is always a problem, always have to find a solution!


Just thinking, Ji Feng’s phone suddenly rang. He took a mobile phone and glanced at it. He found that it was called by Yi Xingchen. He immediately connected the phone: “Old easy, how to say?”

"Boss, the phone is open!"

Ji Feng’s voice just fell, and there was some high voice in Yi Xingchen on the phone.

Ji Feng suddenly said: "The phone got through?"

But the next moment, Ji Feng suddenly reacted. He suddenly smiled and asked: "You mean, the phone I asked you to call, get through?"

Originally, Feng Feng’s mind was still thinking about Guo’an’s work. Yi Xingchen suddenly called and he had not reacted for a while.

But soon, he realized what Yi Xingchen was saying.

——Yi Xingchen is saying that the number provided by Suo San to contact with Qiao Rong was opened by Yi Xingchen!

Because it was said to someone who wanted to see him in the eternal war, and it sounded urgent, Ji Feng only temporarily explained Yi Xingchen, let him continue to call, but never thought, the phone was opened so soon!


Yi Xingchen’s voice is also very exciting. He said quickly: “Before ten minutes, I contacted Wang Xin, and then I started calling that number... I thought I would be busy again today. But I didn't think that when I hit the third time, the phone suddenly connected!"

Ji Feng immediately asked: "Can you confirm her voice?"

The phone number was used by Susan to contact Qiao Rong before being arrested. This has been calculated for more than 20 days. No one can guarantee that Qiao Rong is still using this number.

If this number is not used by Qiao Rong now, it doesn't make much sense to get through, so it is especially important to determine if the person at the end of the phone is Qiao Rong!


Yi Xingchen’s voice suddenly hesitated. He smiled bitterly: “Boss, I just can hear that the phone is a woman, and the voice is very sharp, but to say if it is her, I am not sure, because I don’t know Her voice!"

Ji Feng slammed his head: "This is also true, it seems that I am too anxious!"

It’s hard to hear a person’s voice on the phone. Unless it’s a familiar person, Yi Xingchen and Qiao Rong have almost never dealt with anything. He naturally doesn’t know if the person answering the phone is Joe. Rong.

"Boss, although I am not sure if it is her voice, but Wang Xin seems to have new discoveries!" Yi Xingchen said.


Ji Feng suddenly asked: "What did you find?"

Yi Xingchen said: "I can't say anything about it. It seems to involve some professional things. Now Wang Xin is online, let her tell you!"


Soon, Wang Xin’s voice came over.

Ji Feng immediately said: "Wang Xin, you have worked hard, I heard Lao Yi say that you have a new discovery?"

"Yes, boss, although it is not certain whether the person using the phone is the target we are searching for, but one thing is certain is that the number used by the other party, the number of calls is not very large, and the signal used is transmitted. The tower is just a few!"

Wang Xin said: "I have monitored the range of activities before this number. Now it is certain that the person who is currently using this number is still within the range I have defined, and the distance is not too far away!"

Ji Feng asked: "That is to say, in addition to this number, you can track the people who are currently using, and also determine the behavior of users of this number?"

"It's almost like this." Wang Xin said.

"That... Can you be sure that the current user is the same person as before?" asked Ji Feng.

"There is still no certainty at present, but what is certain is that even if the same person is not using the same number, the two people must not be far apart. At least one of them can be traced!" Wang Xin said with certainty.

"This is already very good!"

Ji Feng nodded heavily. In fact, he also knew that his request was too high. Even if Wang Xin was so powerful, it would not be possible to identify the phone by the signal and use it. This is almost no possible.

"Actually... it's not completely impossible!"

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