The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2197: Re-tracking

Chapter 320 Re-Tracking

"This is already very good!"

Ji Feng nodded heavily. In fact, he also knew that his request was too high. Even if Wang Xin was so powerful, it would not be possible to identify the phone by the signal and use it. This is almost no possible.

"Actually... it is not completely impossible!" Perhaps it was the sense of disappointment in the words of Ji Feng, and he could not help but hesitate to say a word.

"What is the solution?" Ji Feng asked immediately.

"Now I can track down the people who are currently using the phone. If I can find a way to answer the phone outdoors, I can use the high-definition camera of the surveillance satellite to capture the image of the person, so that I can tell if it is us. The goal is to be found!" said Wang Xin.


Ji Feng's brow could not help but wrinkle up and carefully consider it.

Wang Xin can already track the person who is currently using this number. In this case, you only need to determine the location to directly capture people, but if you want to let the other person answer the phone outdoors, this can be a bit difficult, because before this is absolutely Can't alarm each other, so how can you make the other person appear outdoors?

"I want to think about it!" said Ji Feng, "Wang Xin, you should first hand over the phone to Lao Yi!"

"Boss, I am here!" Yi Xingchen's voice passed over.

Ji Feng immediately said: "Old easy, you detailed the process of talking to the other party, do not miss any details."


Yi Xingchen said: "Because I am worried about the other party's alertness, I have no rules when I call. If I think of it, I will call. Today, the other party finally answered the phone. It is a woman's call, but the tone is special, I am loading. I was in debt, and when I said some threats, I didn’t expect the other party’s tone to be more than me. I said a bunch of things, and finally said that I had made a mistake and then hung up.

Ji Feng asked: "Then you are on the phone, have you heard any background sounds from the other party, for example, is there a car sound or something else?"

If there is a car sound in the phone, it means that the other party is connected outdoors, it is probably on the side of the road, or driving. And if there are other sounds with certain characteristics, it is also possible to distinguish the location where the other party answered the phone.

But Yi Xingchen said: "There is very quiet there. There is no other voice besides the voice of the other party."

Ji Feng asked: "Is there a voice that is moving around, or is it a breathing sound when walking?"

"No, there is very quiet there. It may be that I didn't listen carefully. Anyway, I didn't hear anything." Yi Xingchen said, "It seems like the other person is in a very quiet place and is sitting there playing." Phone... yes!"

Suddenly, Yi Xingchen's voice was a bit high: "I remembered, the woman's voice is very sharp, but it seems to be a bit lacking!"


Ji Feng’s eyes lit up: “Do you think about it, what other characteristics are there?”

"...It seems to be gone," Yi Xingchen said.


Ji Feng nodded thoughtfully and asked: "Right, where is the signal range tracked by Wang Xin?"

Yi Xingchen said: "In a district of Yanjing, it is probably within the scope of two buildings."

Ji Fengdao: "You send a magnified map to my mailbox, remembering that the target should be detailed."


Yi Xingchen Road.

Ji Feng carefully considered it for a while, saying: "That's the first thing, you should take a break, wait for me to think about it, then it's time to act."

After receiving the line, Ji Feng couldn't help but say: "Little uncle, turn around, don't go to Nanyue for the time being."

Ji Zhenping asked: "What, what happened? Is it looking for someone?"

Although he can't hear the contents of the phone, from the words of Ji Feng, it is natural to speculate about a general.

Ji Feng nodded: "Well. We may find Qiao Rong, but I am still not sure whether it is her or not. I need further confirmation..."


Ji Zhenping suddenly asked in amazement: "You found Joe Rong? How did you find it?"

Ji Feng said: "Take the phone by tracking..."

He said the story in general.

Ji Zhenping suddenly said with amazement: "Good boy, you are flexible enough, you will come up with such a trick, it is really three stinkers over Zhuge Liang..."

Ji Feng, who actually thought of fake debtors, deliberately pretend to be a debt collector, called Qiao Rong, this method of relying on the skin, I am afraid that only they can think of it.


Ji Feng suddenly felt a move and said: "Uncle, now there is a problem for you to help."

"What problem?" asked Ji Zhenping.

"Looking for a way to get the other person to pick up the phone outdoors!" said Ji Feng. "At the moment we can only confirm that the number is still in use, but the user is not Qiao Rong, but there is no way to determine it. My people plan to use the satellite. Monitoring, but the other party must be outdoors."

"And then?" asked Ji Zhenping.

"I don't think there is any way to let him go outdoors without disturbing the other person, so I can only ask you for help." Ji Feng said.

"Going outdoors..." Ji Zhenping listened, and he frowned. "This is indeed a problem. However, your method is not too rigid. Since this road does not work, why not change the method?"

"You mean sending people to monitor?" asked Ji Feng.

Ji Zhenping nodded and said: "There are many similar methods! Now that you can determine which building is probably in the building, you can send someone to monitor it. If you can't do it, you can take photos directly. As long as the target comes out, you can Confirmed."

Ji Feng asked: "Can the other party not come out? If it is really Qiao Rong, then she must be very vigilant and careful, and certainly someone will answer her, or if it is not Joe Rong, we will stay for ten days and a half. After a month, I found that the target was wrong. I am afraid that she would not know where to escape."

"In the end, you still have insufficient experience!" Ji Zhenping shook his head and said: "It may be difficult to get the other party to pick up the phone. However, if you want to let it out, it is simple."


Ji Feng immediately asked: "Is there any way I can do it?"

"There are too many methods."

Ji Zhenping said: "You can do a little trick, you can do it, kid, learn something..."

Ji Feng is amazed.


As night falls, the bustling nightlife of Yanjing is just beginning.

Ji Feng and Ji Zhenping stood on the balcony of a house with a telescope hanging on their chests.

At the same time, in one of Ji Feng's ears, there are also miniature headphones.

Looking up at the time, Ji Feng picked up the headset and said: "Old easy, let's get started."


The voice of Yi Xingchen came from the phone. Then, the voice of the dialing phone came and the phone was connected, but no one answered.

"Beep beep..."

After a while, a busy tone came from the phone.

All these seasons Feng clearly heard clearly, he said: "Old easy, then dial!"


Yi Xingchen dialed the number again.

But several times, either the other party directly hangs up the phone, or simply no one picks up, until the busy tone is sent to the phone, Yi Xingchen is counted as a phone call.

"Come back!"


"Come back!"


"Come back!"

The phone has been hung up, but Ji Feng is not in a hurry, but is very calm and repeated over and over again, he never lacks patience, especially when doing important things, he is more patient.

Yi Xingchen dialed the past again, and then waited patiently.


Suddenly, a subtle voice came, and Ji Feng suddenly had a glimpse of his eyes. This is the sound of cell phone vibration.

Yi Xingchen also has the same spirit, the phone is connected!

"Grandson, you are finally willing to take the call of Grandpa, tell you, don't let his mother just pick a woman to answer the phone and feel that they can fool the past, Grandpa is not so good to lie!"

Just as soon as I noticed that I was connected to the phone, Yi Xingchen didn’t care whether the other person spoke or not. It’s a bunch of words: “I tell you, it’s a good idea to pay back the debts. You **** that you’re running, you’re fine? Don’t forget that you still have Family, they can't run..."

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, there was a sharp voice coming from the phone. This is a woman’s voice, but it seems to be very angry: "I told you, you made the wrong call, there is no one you are looking for, and later I called the police when I called."

"I am so scared~!"

Yi Xingchen sneered aloud: "Grandpa is not in the game, afraid of a hair? Chick, I advise you to let the guy answer the phone, otherwise, don't blame me for poisoning his family, Laozi split him Do you believe in the old lady's leg?"


There was no echo at the end of the phone, only a slight heavy breathing sound, it seems that the other party was scared by Yi Xingchen.

What kind of clever figure is Yi Xingchen, he suddenly laughed: "Do you know what you are afraid of? Tell you, don't pay back the money, then you are afraid of being late..."

"Bastard! Stop your mouth!"

The woman at the other end of the phone was mad: "I will kill you later, I will kill you!"

After that, she hangs up and hangs up.

When I heard this, Ji Feng couldn't help but reveal a smile. He asked the headset: "Wang Xin, have you found it?"

"I found it, or the original location, just less than two kilometers west of you..." Wang Xin’s voice also came from the headset.


The smile on Ji Feng’s face was even brighter. He turned his head and said to Ji Zhenping: “Uncle, the other party has not changed position. How to confirm it, it’s up to you.”

"You will learn it!" Ji Zhenping laughed.

Ji Feng smiled and nodded, looking in the direction of a community in the distance, the eyes flashed cold, Qiao Rong, this time see how you escape!

He heard it, the voice just now - that is, Joe Rong!

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