The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2198: It is her!

Chapter 321 is her!

"You will learn it!" Ji Zhenping laughed.

Ji Feng smiled and nodded, looking in the direction of a community in the distance, the eyes flashed cold, Qiao Rong, this time see how you escape!

He heard it, the voice just now - that is, Joe Rong!

In fact, when the phone was just connected, the voice of the other party came over, and Ji Feng immediately discerned it. The voice of the woman is not someone else, it must be the voice of Qiao Rong!

There is no doubt about this!

It is not once or twice that Ji Feng and Qiao Rong deal with each other. How can he forget Joe Rong’s voice?

What's more, as the practice of gymnastics continues to deepen, Ji Feng's own perception has become more acute. As long as he has heard the sound, he will never forget.

So he can definitely be sure that the voice is Qiao Rong!

Of course, compared to before, at this moment, Qiao Rong’s voice is obviously sharper, and even with some feelings of weakness, as Yi Xingchen said, this is a lack of performance, but I don’t know Joe. Rong was struggling because of her long-term escape, or because her injury has not completely healed, so she will be weak.

Thinking about it in Jifeng, it should be the first possibility.

Because the injury on Qiao Rong is serious, but for the dynasty, it may not be difficult for him to cure Qiao Rong. Since Qiao Rong can transfer from the dynasty to Suo San, let the dynasty help her treat the injury. Obviously not a problem.

- But in this way, Ji Feng could not help but have another question. Since Qiao Rong has this condition completely, he can treat the injury at any time, but why should she still take a wheelchair?

According to the girl who took care of Qiao Rong, the reason why Qiao Rong wanted her to take care of it was because Qiao Rong’s legs were crippled and life could not take care of herself.

Think about it, there are some contradictions before and after this.

"Is there any problem in the middle?" Ji Feng secretly doubted himself, but he thought for a while, but he couldn't think of anything, so he could only give up.

Now is not the time to think about it, first grasping Qiao Rong, is the most important.

Anyway, it is Joe Rong who can confirm the call, which is very exciting for Ji Feng, which means that Qiao Rong is not too far away in the community where they are in sight!

As long as she can catch Qiao Rong, she should be able to learn something from her mouth, especially the secrets about the dynasty!

More importantly, as long as you catch Qiao Rong, for Ji Feng, it is equivalent to a time bomb.

Qiao Rong is a woman who is too poisonous. She can even say that she is crazy. No one knows what she can do. The last time she could send someone to assassinate herself, she knew that the next time she would have a hot brain, would it be direct? Send someone to assassinate your family?

This is absolutely intolerable for Ji Feng, so he must catch Qiao Rong anyway!

This is also why even if Ji Feng is very clear, the game between He Hongwei and the brilliant group in Nanyue has reached the most intense time, but once he heard that Qiao Rong’s phone was opened, he immediately turned around and returned.

It can be seen how much he pays attention to this matter!

"Uncle, what are you going to do?" Ji Feng turned and asked.

"Mountains have their own tricks!" Ji Zhenping laughed and patted Ji Feng's shoulder and smiled. "You look at it slowly!"

Ji Feng can only shake his head helplessly: "Then I will wait to see!"

He is also very curious, what kind of method will the young uncle use to get Joe Rong out of the building?

You know, Qiao Rong is sitting in a wheelchair. If you want her to come out, it is simply impossible!




As the TV screen continued to jump, after a few changes, the remote control was suddenly thrown onto the coffee table.

Qiao Rong had a cold face, his chest was undulating, and his eyes were almost like a fire. These signs showed that her mood was not very good at the moment, and it could even be said to be very bad.

In fact, this time, Qiao Rong’s mood is very bad.

Especially in recent days, Qiao Rong is even more annoyed.

From the original lady, there were people who complimented and went forward. Even if they were injured, some people waited patiently. Some servants could give her a drink, but now, she A fugitive person who is in a hurry, like a family dog, can’t be a day.

The sharp contrast between before and after, makes Qiao Rong extremely anxious, and a sinister fire in his heart, I can't wait to tear down the building!


Qiao Rong screamed and didn't know who was yelling.

Just then, suddenly there was a scream from the downstairs: "Ah-"

Then there was a panicking shout, accompanied by bursts of screams and rushing footsteps.

"Fire broke! Fire broke!"

"Run quickly!"

"Hurry up the alarm, it’s on fire..."

Qiao Rong suddenly burst into a shock, she suddenly sat up from the sofa, and then quickly pulled the wheelchair next to her, with both hands, then sat up, she pushed the wheelchair and hurry to the balcony, see the scene, suddenly Just let her be shocked.

Looking down from the balcony, I didn’t know where the smoke was coming from the downstairs. It was just a moment of effort. The smoke had already floated to her, and it made her feel uncomfortable.

Is it a fire?

Qiao Rong’s face changed and he snorted: “Damn!”

But she didn't have time to think about it. She quickly retraced back from the balcony. The look on her face was amazed, but she didn't leave for the first time.

"this is……"

On a balcony in the distance, Ji Feng is also a bit stunned: "Uncle, are you setting fire?"

Ji Feng can't be naive to think that the fire in the neighborhood is just an accident. Obviously, this is probably the arrangement of Xiao Shu.


In order to force Qiao Rong out, it will directly fire in the residential building. Is this some...

"You can understand it as an arson!"

Ji Zhenping smiled and said: "But strictly speaking, it is just smoke."


Ji Feng gave a slight glimpse and immediately asked: "Is it a smoke bomb?"

Ji Zhenping smiled and said: "Of course not, Qiao Rong is not so ignorant. If she puts a smoke bomb, she will definitely be able to detect it. I am letting people put in a kind of smoke-making thing. This kind of smoke follows the smoke generated by the fire. There is no difference, at least the ordinary people are definitely not distinguishable!"

“Special equipment?” asked Ji Feng.


Ji Zhenping nodded and smiled: "Like this kind of gadget, there is more in the special forces."

Special forces often perform some very difficult tasks, so they must have all kinds of tools and skills. This kind of smoke-free gadget is one of the tools.

“What if the residents in the community have an alarm?” Ji Feng asked. “Now they are obviously taken seriously!”

"Do not worry, the police have already arranged it, there will be no problem!" Ji Zhenping said with a smile: "The other possibilities are also considered. Now that our people are already in the building, they will also prevent it to the utmost. The occurrence of the stampede... In short, everything is arranged, and you will wait patiently!"

Ji Feng is relieved: "That's good!"

"You can rest assured!"

Ji Zhenping smiled and took a picture of Ji Feng's shoulder. He said: "Although the army is also a violent organ, it is still very different from the dynasty. The dynasty is unscrupulous for the purpose. Ordinary people have casualties. They are not. Will care, but for the military, while carrying out the task, to protect the safety of the people, but also must be implemented!"

"This is the biggest difference between the country and the dynasty!" said Ji Zhenping.


Ji Feng nodded, Xiao Shu said, it can be said that the fundamental state of violence, the fundamental difference between the dynasty and the dynasty!

Although it is said that there are also harmful horses in the violent organs, there are still many, but the purpose of the violent organs is to protect the people as much as possible while safeguarding the state. Because the people are the cornerstone of the country, there is no ordinary people. The existence of the country!

For the dynasty, it is almost equivalent to a terrible organization. They don't care about ordinary people!

"That is why, as long as the country is not rotten, it will still get the support of the people. Similar to the organization of the dynasty, almost everyone is shouting!" Ji Feng said with emotion: "In fact, the people are honest and good, but Their eyes are also bright, they know what is good for them, what is bad..."

"So, the fight against the dynasty is not just because they infiltrate the country's economy, or want to seize power, there are other more meanings!" Ji Zhenping said.

Jifeng nodded heavily.

"Oh wow, wow~~"

Suddenly, there was a siren in the distance. Ji Feng immediately looked at the camera with a telescope, but saw two police cars driving in front, followed by several fire engines, and they were whistling.

"Uncle, how are they..."

"It's all arranged, and you can watch it with peace of mind!" Ji Zhenping said. "After they arrived, the people who lie in the building had legitimate reasons to act."

Ji Feng nodded relieved, it turned out to be.


"Damn! Damn..."

In the building, Qiao Rong's body wiggles from time to time, his expression is restless, and his eyes flashed a stern color from time to time.

Actually caught fire!

This sudden accident made Joe Rong extremely uneasy. Of course, she didn't want to be burned to death in the room. Even if she couldn't burn it... She turned her head and looked at the balcony where the smoke came in from time to time. So embarrassing, can also be killed!

"It seems that I can't stay here...!" Qiao Rong anxiously sinking: "Go away!"

Randomly, she had to push the wheelchair away, but when her hand was just on the wheel, she suddenly stopped: "Will someone find out that I am here, so I made such a farce?"

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