The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2199: Not even?

Chapter 322 is not even?

"It seems that I can't stay here...!" Qiao Rong anxiously sinking: "Go away!"

Randomly, she had to push the wheelchair away, but when her hand was just on the wheel, she suddenly stopped: "Will someone find out that I am here, so I made such a farce?"

Think about it, but it is not without this possibility.

For example, if someone finds out what clue she is hiding in the community, but she doesn't know which building she is hiding in, she deliberately set fire, so once she rushes out, she will definitely It is not impossible to be caught by the other's minions... This is not impossible!

Think of the hot spots of Jifeng and Jijia's beasts, Qiao Rong feels that they can't do such a thing!

As for whether there will be other innocent people involved in the arson, or burned to death in the fire, Qiao Rong did not consider it at all, she did not think about it, if the fire is really the people of Jifeng and Jijia Even if she catches her, what kind of responsibility will the family assume after the event!

There is such a kind of person in this world. When thinking about problems, they always use their own thinking and character to locate others. They are hot people, and they think that people all over the world I am even more hot...

There is no doubt that Qiao Rong is such a person!

But unfortunately, Qiao Rong’s full-fledged speculation is close to the fact to a certain extent. The fire downstairs is indeed Ji Zhenping’s, but she did not think that the fire It is not true at all, just using something that specifically produces smoke.

Moreover, in the two buildings affected by the situation, Ji Zhenping has already arranged manpower to prevent possible stamping events. At the same time, there are observation points in the lower floors of the community and around the heights to prevent people from happening because of the incident. Suddenly panicked, so jump directly from the upstairs...

But in any case, Qiao Rong is basically guessing, it is indeed someone who discovered her clues hidden here, now is to force her out!

It was because of the vigilance of Qiao Rong that she guessed this possibility, so she originally intended to go downstairs to the wide ground as soon as she did, and dismissed it.

"If this fire is really deliberately released, then if you go out now, can you completely expose it?" Qiao Rong secretly.


If she can't go on, what can she do?

At this moment, Qiao Rong was very anxious. Even with enough vigilance, she almost thought of all the possibilities, but in the end, she still had no good solution.

What can she do with such a crippled person?

Qiao Rong almost screamed!

She grabbed the wheel with both hands, and kept grinding it back and forth. The body was twisted and twisted, just like the fire under the buttocks, showing how anxious and annoying her heart was.

"No matter what, can't just go out!" Qiao Rong gritted his teeth and said to himself.

"It seems that I can only use that method again..." During the conversation, Qiao Rong looked down at his legs, his eyes hated and he was born, his teeth biting loudly: "Ji Feng, **** little beast, you It’s hell!”


The 'fire' is getting bigger and bigger.

The two buildings in the community have been completely surrounded by thick smoke, and the rolling smoke is still rising. People will definitely know that it is a big fire at a glance, and the fire is not big.

At this time, the police and fire fighters have also been in the emergency evacuation of residents in the building.

A large number of fire fighters wearing masks and rushing into the building are more important than firefighting. They are to rescue all the residents in the building.

"Uncle, it's so chaotic... Will there be any trouble?" Seeing these things on the balcony in the distance, Ji Feng couldn't help but frown, and asked: "If you do this, if there is any confusion." Maybe there will be a large number of people injured..."

"Do not worry, the two buildings are not high, just small high-rise, there have already been arranged people!" Ji Zhenping laughed.

"There are also many households!" Ji Feng frowned. "There is a person who is impetuous in this area, or the pressure is too big. Now, if you look at such a big smoke, maybe your heart will collapse, directly from the balcony. Jumped down..."

“There are not many people in the building!” Ji Zhenping said, “There will be no problem!”


Ji Feng was slightly stunned. He was keenly aware of the meaning of Xiao Shu’s words and asked: "There are not many people in the building, what do you mean?"

Ji Zhenping said: "You kid, do you think that you are worried about these problems? This involves a large number of ordinary people, and even actions that may have a great impact, do you think it is so easy to get approved?"

Seeing the thoughtful look of Jifeng, Ji Zhenping said: "Before the action, it was carefully deduced and arranged. Let’s say that a large part of the residents in the two buildings are basically all kinds of The reason is taken away, or they are not in the building, or they are not in the community at all..."

“Is it open?” Ji Feng asked, “How do you open it?”

"Give you an example. I think that today’s Yanjing’s fights will definitely increase a lot. Many of the protagonists of the incidents are residents of these two buildings! So they can only be called to the police. Going in the bureau..." Ji Zhenping said, "I understand now?"

"It turns out!"

Ji Feng suddenly stunned: "Deliberately arrange for people to conflict with those residents for various reasons, and then be invited to the police station, and then inform the family?"

"It's not just this method. There are more ways to arrange it... I told you, I don't have to worry about it. There may be some accidents in the action, but there will definitely be no big problems!" Ji Zhenping said.

"That's good, then that's good!" Ji Feng nodded.

Now, he understands that he is completely relieved. It seems that the military has real experience in action. I am afraid that they have long explored a set of strategies and routines for action. Under what circumstances, what methods, departments How to cooperate, how to arrange...

For the special forces, I am afraid it is really not a problem!

This is fine!

What Ji Feng was most worried about was that Xiao Shu and other commanders were not well-considered, or the staff had any negligence, which resulted in casualties. If this is the case, Feng Ning would not have found the trace of Qiao Rong!

Now, that is naturally the best.

"I don't see it, but everyone who stays at home is basically evacuated!" Ji Zhenping pointed to the two buildings that were 'fired' and said: "In order not to arouse the vigilance of Qiao Rong, the two buildings The people in the building didn't all open up, and some of them came back after work. Now they should all leave..."

Ji Feng nodded slightly, he can understand.

Now the weather is hot. Before this, the people in this community will definitely have some movements after they get off work. They either go for a walk, take a cool ride, or do something else. If Joe Rong lives here, she must be every day. I can hear these sounds.

If all the people in the two buildings were taken away, no one would come back after work, and Qiao Rong couldn’t hear the familiar voice, and he might be alert.

From this point of view, Xiao Shu is indeed considered to be comprehensive enough, and has a certain degree of certainty about human psychology.

"It seems that there is no Qiao Rong..." Ji Feng took the telescope and observed it carefully. "Uncle, the people who have been evacuated must be strictly checked out!"

"That is for sure!"

Ji Zhenping said: "Especially disabled people, as well as some people with limited mobility, who are abducted and in wheelchairs will be carefully checked..."

Qiao Rong is a wheelchair. They all know that this kind of goal is more obvious. Even if Qiao Rong wants to disguise, he can only use crutches at most. If he is better, he will not be able to do so. Otherwise, she will not be in a wheelchair. It is necessary.

Ji Feng nodded slightly and took a close look at the telescope.

The flustering underneath continued. Shouts, screams and sharp whistle sounded from time to time. Some people rushed out of the building and cried out, crying, and fire fighters whistled to evacuate the voice of the people...

A group of people ran out of the stairs, and in front of and behind them, police officers were maintaining order.

Because there is smoke blocking, Ji Feng can't see every person who ran out of the corridor, and it is impossible to determine whether Joe Rong is in it.

However, when Feng Feng saw that all the people who had escaped were concentrated together, there were police officers watching around, and some people were staring at the outside, he was relieved. Obviously, Xiao Shu also expected this. In this case, I have already sent people to stare at the outside.

If Qiao Rong is really mixed among the people, she will not run well, as long as she thinks about stealing, it will definitely attract attention.

In this way, half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and basically no one has ran outside in the corridor. At this time, Ji Zhenping also received a report from the bottom: "The head, the people in the residential building have all been evacuated... ”

"Evacuation is over?"

Ji Zhenping suddenly wrinkled his brow and asked, "Can you be sure?"

The subordinate replied: "Can! We are a family evacuation."

Ji Zhenping frowned: "What did you find?"

"Report head, no discovery!"

"Not found?!" Ji Zhenping's brow immediately wrinkled more tightly. He looked at Ji Feng and looked at it. How is this possible?

"Then...has you been in a wheelchair or abducted?" Ji Zhenping asked again.



Ji Zhenping’s face was dignified: “Can you confirm that there are no people in the building?”

"We have searched twice and are currently sweeping the third time, but so far, we have not found any suspicious targets!"

"How can this be……"

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