The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2200: why you? !

Chapter 323 is how you are? !

"How is this possible?"

Ji Zhenping couldn't help but frown. The following report made him very surprised, and some people couldn't figure it out. Since Jifeng's technical department has confirmed that the goal...or simply said that it is Qiao Rong, it must be in those two buildings. One of the households is just not sure which one is in the household!

For this reason, they made careful arrangements. They first conducted a secret investigation of the residents of the two buildings and carefully checked all the files. Although they did not find any useful information, the two residents All the residents of the building were screened again.

As a result, some of them are obviously not suspected, and they are all led by accidents that can be arranged or some minor conflicts.

Then they made a careful plan, even ambushed people in the corridor in advance, and even specially arranged the police and fire fighters... but did not expect that in the end did not find Qiao Rong!

"Re-check! One family's check!" Ji Zhenping said: "Look at the kind of no one at home, you listen carefully outside the door to see if there is any movement!"


"and also……"

Ji Zhenping said again: "Get the detector!"


"Adding strength, you must be careful when checking. This time the goal is very embarrassing and very vicious, so when you are in action, you must pay attention to your own safety, remember?" Ji Zhenping shouted.

"Yes, the head!"

After the arrangement, Ji Zhenping's face was not relaxed, his brow was still slightly wrinkled, and turned his head: "Xiao Feng, I just received a report, I did not find Qiao Rong in the two residential buildings!"

Ji Feng naturally heard that Ji Zhenping was giving orders. He frowned: "Is Joe Rong knowing about our plans, so I deliberately hide at home?"

"There is also this possibility, so I just let the group of people search again and use the detector. As long as there are people in the house, they will definitely be discovered!" Ji Zhenping said.


Ji Feng nodded thoughtfully and said: "Uncle, I am going to the site to have a look, maybe there will be any unexpected discoveries."

Ji Zhenping frowned: "You are now, if you are recognized, what should you do? There may be accompaniment of Qiao Rong on the scene, and maybe even a dynasty. If the other party recognizes you, will it be disturbing? But if the other party messes up and then you start, or when they directly put a cold gun on you, but it is impossible to prevent!"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I am so bad luck luck? Again, I am just looking far away, not too close!"

"...That's it, let's go down together!" Ji Zhenping considered again and again, still did not promise to let Ji Feng alone to act alone, the last time it was just not long before, if Jifeng is going to do something, And still under his eyelids, then he really can't explain to his older brother.

Ji Feng nodded: "Okay."

Afterwards, they packed up the equipment and, together with Ji Zhenping’s security guards, took the bus to the door of the community where Qiao Rong was located. Because there was a fire in the community, the doorway had already pulled up the warning line and prohibited outside vehicles from entering. Block traffic and so on.

Therefore, Ji Feng stopped the car at a distance from the door, and then three people came to the building near the fire building with the equipment quickly and entered one of them.

"This is one of the monitoring points!" Ji Zhenping explained.

"The head is good!"

"The head!"

Seeing that Ji Zhenping came in, the young people in the room who were wearing plain clothes could not help but salute.

Ji Zhenping just waved his hand and said: "What did you find?"

"Reporting heads, everything is normal, nothing special!" said a young man.

“Have you found anyone with obvious characteristics?” Ji Zhenping asked, “For example, a wheelchair, abduction, or a person who is obviously unnatural in walking posture?”


"Know it, continue to monitor it." Ji Zhenping nodded.

Ji Feng came to the balcony when Ji Zhenping and the young man understood the situation. He is now in the same position, and the building that is 'fired' is at most 50 or 60 meters away, even if he does not use a telescope. Can see clearly.


Suddenly there was a cue in the headset. Then, Ji Feng heard someone report: "The head of the report, we re-examined it again, did not find the target, and no one left in the residential building!"

“Can you confirm?” Ji Zhenping asked: “Is every family checked?”

"Yes, all checked again, including the elevators and the corridors, and no signs of activity were found!"

"...Check it again!" Ji Zhenping said.


"How could it be..." Ji Zhenping frowned and meditated, and then he looked at Ji Feng, "Xiao Feng, can you be sure that Qiao Rong is... huh? People?"

Ji Zhenping discovered that the balcony was empty, and Ji Feng, who was standing on the balcony, did not know where to go.

“Where did the people who came with me go?” Ji Zhenping immediately asked.

"The head, the gentleman just went out," said a young man.


Ji Zhenping suddenly sinks his face: "This kid is really running out alone... You two will go to him immediately, you must pay attention to protect his safety!"


The two soldiers put down their hands and quickly followed them out, but they went out and found that Ji Feng had disappeared long ago, and did not know where to go.

The two warriors looked at each other and immediately walked the stairs with a tacit understanding. One took the elevator and quickly went downstairs. Ji Feng had just gone for a moment, and he must not go far, maybe he could catch up.


"How can you get a fire?"

"Yes, it's bad luck, I haven't eaten dinner yet!"

"What is this, my valuables are at home, and I haven't had time to clean up? It's good to be able to run out!"

"Yeah yeah……"


The residents of the ‘fire’ are downstairs, and the people are gathered together and there are many discussions.

They were all separated by a policeman in a circle, but no one cares at the moment, because the police explained to them that this is to determine the list of people, to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to do something illegal, and also to prevent someone from staying in it. upstairs.

The people understand this very well, and the police will not harm them anyway.

However, among this group of people, there is a figure, but it is moving slowly in the shadows, not standing under the streetlights like everyone else.

This figure looks a little thin, so in this crowded and chaotic crowd, it is not so conspicuous, and no one pays attention.

Perhaps it was discovered that no one noticed himself. This figure gradually accelerated the speed, and walked quietly under a green tree, just avoiding the two policemen, and then through the cover of the night, the police quickly formed That circle, hiding in the crowd around the crowd.

When I got here, no one noticed this person. The fire broke out in the community. The residents of other buildings naturally wanted to come down and watch the excitement. This is the nature of the Chinese people, so it is normal for someone to come and go back and forth.

Therefore, when the figure left quietly, it did not attract anyone's attention.

Soon, the figure came to the fence of the community. She looked back at the noisy place and couldn’t help but sneer: "Hey!"

Then the person began to climb the fence, because the security of the community is very good, there are security patrols 24 hours a day, so the fence is not high, just to be isolated from the outside world, so this figure is easy to climb The past.

“It’s very flexible!”

Just then, a voice suddenly passed from afar, letting the figure that was about to leave suddenly suddenly stiffen, and then almost like a frightened rabbit, almost jumped up.


The figure suddenly turned around, and the face suddenly showed a horrified look: "You... are you?!"

I saw that under the streetlight not far from the front, a person was holding his arms and leaning on the pillar of the lamppost, staring at himself with a mocking smile on his face.

"I didn't think it was me?"

Ji Feng held his arms and said with a deep smile: "It seems that my appearance has shocked you. I am really embarrassed... But then again, I was also very surprised. I didn't expect a woman who was nearly half a hundred years old. It’s so flexible, it’s so simple to climb the fence, it’s amazing!”

He smiled slightly: "Qiao Rong, your behavior just now, not like a wheelchair person!"

Qiao Rong!

The thin figure that quietly left the crowd and then climbed through the fence of the community was not someone else. It was Ji Feng who had been hunting for it!

I never thought that I actually saw her here, which really surprised Ji Feng.


Qiao Rong’s face was a bit ugly, especially when she saw Ji Feng, her eyes even had a look of fear. “How come you are here?! Today’s things are arranged by you?!”

Ji Feng asked: "What do you think?"

Qiao Rong finally understood that his own guess is correct. Today's things are eight or nine. Jiufeng is a small beast arranged well. Otherwise, how could he appear so coincidentally here? There is no such coincidence in this world!

"When did you find me?" Qiao Rong asked with a grin.

“Just just now!” Ji Feng smiled and said: “I originally planned to mix in the crowd to see the situation, but I saw someone actually sneak away, so I followed, but did not expect that it was you! ”

Having said that, he couldn't help but shook his head: "I was still very strange. How did a person who should have been in a wheelchair escape from the tunnel? And he ran so fast that the well-trained soldiers were trained. Didn't catch up... now I probably understand!"

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