The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2202: That's it

Chapter 325 is the same


The next moment, Qiao Rong’s screams stopped, and I saw a slap in the face. Qiao Rong’s whole person was thrown on the ground with a bang, and he fell in the air and stared at Venus... !

Ji Feng snorted and raised her directly in the first two steps. At this time, Qiao Rong did not respond at all. The whole person who was beaten by Ji Feng was still awkward, even the guns in her hands. I have already fallen to the ground, and my body is softer. I can’t make any effort. Where can I resist?

However, when Ji Feng mentioned Qiao Rong, he frowned slightly.

He found that Qiao Rong's weight and her figure seem to be somewhat inconsistent. Qiao Rong is obviously heavier than he estimated... Thinking of it, Ji Feng does not care about anything, immediately urging bio-current on his eyes. The gaze penetrated the clothes of Qiao Rong, and then arbitrarily turned Qiao Rong around.

Suddenly, his eyes could not help but squint a little.

"It's a crazy woman!" Ji Feng couldn't help but chill, and he found that on the back of Qiao Rong, there was a row of bombs, and there were as many as five or six!

If all these bombs explode, don't say that Joe Rong will definitely be blown away, and he will never escape!

No wonder Joe Rong obviously wants to be heavier...

Ji Feng stared coldly at Qiao Rong, and then opened her clothes directly. After a slight glance, she directly smashed the bomb on her body.

Fortunately, this bomb was not fixed on Qiao Rong's body by special means. It was only tied with a few strings. If these bombs were tied to Qiao Rong according to the method of taking hostages, then the dismantling would be arbitrary. It is likely to cause an explosion.

Thinking of this, Ji Feng couldn't help but be surprised by the viciousness of Qiao Rong.

This woman is not poisonous to the enemy, and she is also not soft on her own. The reason why the bomb is fixed on her body is obviously just in case of accident. It can be seen that Qiao Rong has already planned to go with the enemy!

As for who is the enemy of Qiao Rong...

That is naturally self-evident!

Ji Feng once again snorted, then carried a pair of Qiao Rong, the other hand first smashed the two guns on the ground, then carried the bomb, quickly walked away, and soon disappeared into the night.

"Sir, this gentleman..."

At this moment, Ji Feng suddenly saw two people in front of him galloping, while still yelling in his mouth.

Ji Feng recognized it, the two men are the two soldiers responsible for surveillance.

The two fighters soon came to the front. When they saw that Ji Feng was carrying a man in his hand, and the other hand was carrying a string of bombs like a grape, the two could not help but be amazed.

"This is the goal we are looking for!" Ji Feng said: "You are next to me, be careful to prevent someone from attacking, let's go back!"


The two fighters nodded immediately. Since the head of the army attached so much importance to this young man, it is obvious that his identity is not normal and they naturally have to cooperate.

Ji Feng was a glance at the rim. After confirming that there was no danger at the moment, he was accompanied by two soldiers and returned to the residential building not far away.

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you, why a person sneaked away..." Ji Zhenping immediately reprimanded when he went back. However, when he saw the scene in front of him, the rest was hard to be swallowed back by his life. The belly is gone.

"Qiao Rong?!"

Ji Zhenping looked at the woman in the hands of Ji Feng with a look of horror: "Have you caught her?"

Ji Feng nodded and smiled. "When I went, I just saw her sneaking away from the crowd. I just turned over the fence of the community and I brought her back."


Ji Zhenping was a sigh of relief: "You said she sneaked away and turned over the fence of the community?"

Ji Feng threw Joe Rong on the ground, and the latter fell.

"Small beast, you dare to do this to me, you must not die!" Qiao Rong finally reacted at this time, seeing that Ji Feng treated her like a dead dog, suddenly angered to the extreme, screaming.

"You don't think she is really disabled. We were deceived by this woman before. She didn't have a wheelchair at all, but she sneaked away on her legs!" Ji Feng's for Joe Rong The snoring sounds a deaf ear, just a mocking smile: "This woman is very embarrassed. If I don't think I am not quite right, I will go down and see if she has escaped now!"

"Is this true?!" Ji Zhenping's brow immediately wrinkled: "So, is that girl cheating us?"

"I am afraid it is..." Ji Feng nodded.

Although it is possible that Qiao Rong deceived the girl, Ji Feng feels that this possibility is not very big, because if a normal person is disguised as a disability, it would be better to say something in a day or two, but if it is long The time, the difficulty is really too big.

The girl is serving Qi Rong directly, and she can't see any flaws for a long time.

Therefore, the possibility of Qiao Rong successfully deceiving the girl is not great.

Then, it is only possible that the girl did not tell the truth to them and deliberately lied to them. Only this possibility is relatively large.


Ji Zhenping snorted and his face was not so good-looking. He was cheated by a little girl, which made him feel like he was overturned in a gutter. It was very uncomfortable.

But now is not the time to consider these, the ability to catch Qiao Rong is naturally the best result, and now the most urgent task is how to deal with Qiao Rong.

"Control her!" Ji Zhenping said.


Several fighters immediately responded.

Ji Feng reminded me: "You are a little careful, this woman is not a good person, beware of her being hurt."

Ji Zhenping snorted and asked: "Why, how can she still eat people?"

"What is impossible?" said Ji Feng. "I didn't see it. These bombs were searched from Qiao Rong's body. There are these two guns. I just got her way. This woman is squatting, or be careful."


Ji Zhenping suddenly wrinkled his brow and immediately took the bombs and looked at it. Shen Sheng said: "Yes, it is the same model!"

"What do you mean?" asked Ji Feng.

"When we arrested Qiao Rong at the house in Qiao's house, there was only one girl who was responsible for taking care of Qiao Rong, and the bomb that was tied to her was the same model as these bombs. It should look like The same batch!” Ji Zhenping said, “It seems that this is probably the same way!”

Said, Ji Zhenping looked at Qiao Rong and sneered: "Let's say, let's Mrs. Joe, there are a lot of things going on!"

Ji Feng nodded thoughtfully. At the beginning, he carefully asked about the details of arresting Qiao Rong. According to Xiao Shu, the bomb that was tied to the girl who was waiting for Qiao Rong was finally put up by the special forces. A special kind of frozen liquid was frozen, so there was no explosion.

More importantly, the method of tying bombs is very professional!

In this way, Qiao Rong obviously understands the professional knowledge of bombs. This is not like a lady who knows things!

It seems that this lady's body, I am afraid it is still a bit of a story!

"Don't say so much, take people away first!" Ji Zhenping said, immediately picked up the communication tool, "the first team noticed, immediately entered the third observation point..."

Ji Feng stood by and watched quietly.

Obviously, Ji Zhenping's arrangement is very thorough. Not only the police and fire fighters are arranged, but also the action team is arranged. I am afraid that Xiaoshu is also considering that once he catches Joe Rong, he can send someone to escort!

Here is Yanjing. There are policemen everywhere. I am afraid that it is the best city in China's public security situation. Xiaoshu still has such a careful arrangement.

In any case, I was careful, and Ji Feng learned another trick.

Soon, the people arranged by Ji Zhenping arrived, and they controlled Qiao Rong and they were ready to retreat. However, at this time, a soldier suddenly said: "He head, you see..."

Ji Feng and Ji Zhenping immediately turned their heads to see, but saw Qiao Rong, who was closely controlled by several fighters. Her lower body turned out to be an abnormal distortion!

——Qiao Rong’s thighs, bent directly back, looks like a pair of prosthetic legs, it is impossible for normal people to make such an action!

And the most important thing is that at this moment, Qiao Rong's body seems to be soft, it is like being swallowed by bones. This strange situation makes the soldiers next to it very suspicious.


Ji Feng immediately spoke, then walked two steps to Qiao Rong, staring at her and watching.

"Small beast, there is a kind of you kill me immediately!" Qiao Rong screamed in anger, "As long as I don't die, I will kill you! You are so humiliating me, you must not die!"

"It turns out!"

Ji Feng was completely ignorant of Qiao Rong's embarrassment, just staring at Qiao Rong for a while, then he showed a look of ignorance.

He shook his head and smiled: "I said what is going on, I can't think of it like this! Really..."

Then he waved his hand and said, "Take her away, remember to control her, but don't toss her for the next few hours!"


Several soldiers nodded, then looked at Ji Zhenping again, seeing the latter nod, they quickly dragged Joe Rong away.

During this period, I have been mixed with the vicious cockroaches of Qiao Rong. From time to time, I cursed that Ji Feng was not allowed to die, and even smashed the whole season.

Although Ji Zhenping was frowning, he did not know what it was like to be a woman.

Moreover, Qiao Rong sent people to assassinate Ji Feng, but also has a very close relationship with the dynasty, the facts are conclusive, so waiting for Qiao Rong is definitely not a good end, Ji Zhenping is even more guilty of such a woman.

"Xiao Feng, what happened?" After Qiao Rong was taken away, Ji Zhenping immediately asked, "Joe's legs..."

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