The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2203: Deja vu

Chapter 326 is familiar

"Xiao Feng, what happened?" After Qiao Rong was taken away, Ji Zhenping immediately asked, "Joe's legs..."

"I have looked away."

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "Qiao Rong should also be a transformation!"


Ji Zhenping suddenly paused: "Qiao Rong is also a transformation person? Xiaofeng, have you made a mistake?"

How could Qiao Rong be a reformer?

For the dynasty, the military is undoubtedly the best known.

Ji Zhenping is of course very clear, but all the people who are transformed are not like ghosts, and even those who have been transformed have a strong aftereffect, and some lifespans are greatly shortened. Some are ugly and ugly, and some can't even be called people.

How can a woman, Qiao Rong, be willing to accept the transformation?

More importantly, as far as the current situation is concerned, the reformers in the dynasty are in a very low status, and most of the reformers are ordinary people who are caught from outside or deceived, but all dynasty Management seems to have few people to transform.

For example, the true super masters of the dynasty, such as Suo San and his head, are not transforming people.

Since Qiao Rong can easily transfer the master from the dynasty, your position is obviously not low. How can she be willing to be transformed into a monster that is not a ghost?

This makes Ji Zhenping very surprised and very difficult to understand.

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "There is definitely no mistake. However, it is not accurate to say that Qiao Rong is a reformer. In fact, strictly speaking, Qiao Rong should have been transformed half..."

“Has the transformation half?” Ji Zhenping said with a puzzled voice: “How do you say this?”

"According to my observation, Qiao Rong's body has only two legs modified, and no other parts have moved! Even the bones on her legs, only one of them has been replaced with special bones made of special materials! "Ji Feng Shen Shen said, "According to my observation, the reason why Qiao Rong is willing to accept the transformation, I am afraid to cure the injury!"

I just saw that Qiao Rong’s legs showed abnormal distortion. Ji Feng immediately saw through the eyes of Qiao Rong’s legs. He found that the two thigh bones of Qiao Rong had been changed. It was not normal humans. The color of the bones is obvious, and her legs have been transformed.

But this transformation is not complete, and she only has two bones of the thighs changed, but the muscles in her legs are extremely weak.

Ji Feng guessed that Qiao Rong was probably trying to treat the injury on his leg, so he could only accept the transformation, but obviously she was very aware of the damage after being modified, so she only changed the two thigh bones, but other The parts are not moving.


Ji Zhenping frowned: "How do you have this judgment?"

Ji Feng said: "Because Qiong Rong's body has not recovered from injury until now, I can feel that the muscles on her two thighs are very weak. If there is no special way, she can't walk independently!"

"What special method?" Ji Zhenping immediately asked.

"...I guess, it’s a special effect current!" said Ji Feng. "Or maybe it is possible to take any other medicine. Otherwise, with the muscles in her legs, it is impossible to make her." Body, not to mention walking or climbing!"

Ji Feng observed the muscles on Qiao Rong's thighs, which was obviously weak. Only after taking the special effect current, can maximize her body potential, so that she can act as usual in a short time, no different from normal people.

But after the efficacy of the drug has passed, Qiao Rong is weak. Unless she is taking special effects currents, but other drugs, the specific consequences, Ji Feng said it is not good.

Ji Zhenping suddenly wrinkled his brow and asked: "Can you be sure?"

"For the time being, I must be sure that this must be examined in detail, and the ingredients contained in her body should be determined!" Ji Feng said.

He knows very well why Xiao Shu will frown when he hears it, because if Joe Rong is taking special effects current, it means that there is a possibility of problems inside the military.

The special effect current is specially supplied to the military after it is produced by the Ascendas Group. Moreover, even if it is in the military, this drug is a strategic drug classified as a confidential level. Only the military has reserves and does not sell it at all, not to mention it. Said export or other channels.

If there is no approval, it is impossible to get the special effect current.

Therefore, if Qiao Rong is really specializing in current, it means that it is very likely that the military has also been infiltrated by the dynasty.

Of course, this is the worst guess, but it is not without this possibility, so Xiaoshu will be so careful.

If there are problems with other channels and links, of course, if there is a problem inside the military, then it will be a big problem!

"I will arrange for someone to check her immediately!" Ji Zhenping said, "Xiao Feng, you are doing very well!"


The news that Qiao Rong was arrested was strictly blocked.

Despite the fact that Qiao Rong was hiding in the community, it was very big, and even a large number of policemen and fire fighters were dispatched. It almost attracted the attention of the reporters. However, because Ji Zhenping had arranged in advance, the outside world did not grasp it. What exact message.

Even some people who know a little about the inside story know that this is probably a secret operation by the military. But who is this action, but what is the purpose, but only a few people know, but these people obviously do not It is possible to spread the message to the outside world.

Coupled with the above deliberate control of the news, so the wind has passed.

Grabbing Qiao Rong, Ji Feng suddenly relaxed a lot. This woman is too vicious and too crazy. Now she is caught, waiting for her will be what is going on, it is not difficult to imagine. Ji Feng is of course relaxed.

Now, only after the military interrogation is completed, the final outcome of Qiao Rong, I am afraid, will be fixed.

However, when he knew that Qiao Rong had been remodeled, Ji Feng waited for two more days in Yanjing. He wanted to know the specific situation of Qiao Rong and some information that Qiao Rong had explained.

But when he learned that Xiao Rong was less than two hours after being arrested, her whole person suddenly became extremely weak, and even did not even have the strength to move it, let alone answer the question. Ji Feng could not help but shake. Shake his head.

Needless to say, Qiao Rong used to take it, it must be a special effect current!

Only special effects current, this feature!

Sure enough, when two days later, Ji Zhenping told him that Qiao Rong’s blood had detected the composition of the special effect current. This result made Ji Zhenping extremely angry, even including the military high-level, very annoyed and attached great importance.

Next, it will definitely be a thorough investigation!

But what surprised Ji Feng was that after the efficacy of the special effect current, Qiao Rong was so weak for two days, even eating even the food was eaten - she did not even have the strength to eat normally!

After careful consideration, Ji Feng was relieved.

Obviously, Qiao Rong must be because the body is weaker than the average person, so after taking the special effect current, she has excessive overdraft potential, and even equals the overdraft life. After the drug is over, she is not weak. It’s strange.

However, the trial could not be carried out immediately, and Ji Feng did not have so much time to continue, he planned to leave for South Guangdong.

As for the results of the trial, I can only wait for the uncle to tell him.

On the third day after catching Qiao Rong, Ji Feng took his luggage, said goodbye to his parents, set off for Jiangzhou, and then went to South Guangdong from Jiangzhou. He had a little longer time with Xiao Yuqi and Tong Lei. This time, I naturally go to Jiangzhou to see them.

However, when Feng Feng was in the car just out of the community, he was stopped by a car.

A man with glasses and a split head walked down the car and came to the front door of Jifeng. He knocked on the window and signaled Jifeng to get off.

Ji Feng’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked up and down the man.

This person is about forty or fifty years old. Because the maintenance is good, the specific age is not very accurate, but I don’t think it’s too old.

What makes Ji Feng pay attention to is that this middle-aged man is tall and tall, and his face looks quite elegant and well-informed.

It’s more popular. It’s a very attractive middle-aged uncle, and it’s a mature man’s temperament. It’s definitely a young woman who is a teacher and a girl who has a love story.

The most important thing is that this person actually gave Ji Feng a feeling of deja vu!

This is very strange!

If it is someone who has seen or met before, then there is no reason for Ji Feng to recognize it, and if it is a person who has known him very long ago... She used to be a poor boy and she is not qualified to know such a person.

Just look at the Audi A6L that this man is riding, and there will be no intersection with the previous Jifeng.

this person……

Ji Feng carefully remembered for a moment, still feel familiar, but just can't remember who he is.

"Ji Gongzi, please forgive me for taking the rudeness to stop you in this rude manner, bothering!" The voice of this middle-aged man pulled Ji Feng’s thoughts back and saw that he was facing Weifeng. Bend over and bowed.

"you are……"

Ji Feng was not flattered by the other party's actions. Instead, he was somewhat vigilant. Of course, he was naturally not revealed on the surface, but asked with some doubts.

However, the middle-aged man did not immediately answer Ji Feng’s question, but asked gently: “Ji Gongzi, this is not a place to talk. I have booked a seat in the front club. Please enjoy your face and sit there. Sit down? Please rest assured that you will never delay your time..."

"Sorry, I am preparing to go out to the club. I don't have to go to the clubhouse. If you have anything, just say it here!" said Ji Feng.


The middle-aged man was hesitant, then smiled embarrassedly and said: "Ji Gongzi, frankly, I came here to plead with you..."


Ji Feng is somewhat awkward. He remembers the New Year. Suddenly, what he thinks of in his mind, he suddenly wrinkles and blurted out: "Is it you?!"

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