The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2205: Awesome people!

Chapter 328 is awesome!

"Ji Gongzi, take the liberty today, it will bring you trouble!"

After receiving the express refusal of Ji Feng, Wang Wengao was no longer entangled, but a slight glimpse of Ji Feng, apologetically said.

Ji Feng waved his hand and said nothing.

There is really nothing to say between him and Wang Wengao. Moreover, he has already explained the explanation. He can't say more than half a word.

What's more, Wang Wengao's performance is so good that Ji Feng is very vigilant. He is naturally less likely to have a common language with Wang Wengao.

When Wang Wengao saw it, he just nodded slightly and said: "If this is the case, then I will not bother Jigongzi... Goodbye!"

Ji Feng nodded and replied: "Goodbye!"

Wang Wengao sighed and turned to the car, and then left.

Ji Feng stood silent for a moment, and shook his head secretly. Today Wang Wengao came to him to ask him. Ji Feng did not have the kind of high satisfaction, but had a feeling of sorrow.

Strictly speaking, Wang Wengao and his are considered enemies - although Wang Wengao may not hate Ji Feng because of Qiao Rong's affairs, but at least, Wang Wengao's son, Joe Jiayu, was hit hard by Ji Feng several times, even Have to go abroad for treatment.

If Wang Wengao does not hate Ji Feng, I am afraid that Ji Feng does not believe it!

However, Wang Wengao not only came, but he was very sincere and very calm and sought his own enemies.

It’s his own forbearance, and his courage is not what ordinary people can compare.

Based on these two points, it is enough to make Ji Feng stunned!

"This is a powerful figure!" Ji Feng sighed in secret. "If this person is bent on saving Joe Rong, or if he is willing to save Joe's house, this is a tough opponent!"

Ji Feng is definitely not going to let go of Qiao Rong. At least, he will never agree to give a light punishment to Qiao Rong. As for Qiao's family, he will not let them mess up.

Therefore, against the Qiao family, Ji Feng will definitely not relax.

If Wang Wengao wants to save Joe's family and save Qiao Rong, the two men must stand on the opposite side, not to mention the fact that there is a Joe Jia in the middle!

In fact, based on his own grievances with Joe Jiayu, he has already decided that he will definitely face Wang Wengao, but it is only a matter of time.

Think about it in the future with such a powerful person, Ji Feng can not help but shake his head.

If you can, Ji Feng is absolutely unwilling to oppose this kind of person, but the reality is that he can only wait for it.

But soon, Ji Feng couldn't help but get a little excited.

Think about being able to play against such powerful people, it is a rare opportunity!

Just like Wang Wengao’s current wrist, it’s enough to make Ji Feng treat it with caution. This person can be much better than some of the Wu family. This is definitely a good opponent!

"That's a try, who is the deer dead!" Looking at Wang Wengao's car disappeared in front of the intersection, Ji Feng did not make a secret voice.

His mouth was slightly upturned, and there was a high spirit in his heart!

But soon, his brows slowly wrinkled again. The news that Qiao Rong was caught should be strictly confidential. Then, Wang Wengao got the news so fast, and he could find himself directly. Come, it is obviously very clear why Joe Rong was caught, and the process!

How did Wang Wengao know this information?

More importantly, how does Wang Wengao know that he is currently living here? And how did he know when he was going to go out?

This one question can't be answered now, but one thing is certain. Wang Wengao must have sources that others don't know, and his news is very well-informed.

The surface of the season maple was pretending to be quiet, and the eyes glanced around, but no abnormalities were found and no surveillance was found.

He shook his head and did not continue to look for it.

Wang Wengao obviously will not leave such a clear handle, otherwise he is really not worthy of Ji Feng's attention.

It seems that Wang Wengao is indeed a powerful figure. Ji Feng’s heart has raised 12 points of attention!

After a while, Jifeng re-entered the car and went straight to the airport.

At this time, Ji Feng did not notice that the car that had disappeared from the intersection, but it was opened again, only to see the window glass slowly lowered a few centimeters, revealing a pair of sullen eyes.

Wang Wengao looked at Ji Feng and left by car. His eyes sparkled with cold eyes and he did not speak.

However, his eyes are cold and scary.


After a long while, Wang Wengao raised the window glass and gave him a cold voice: "Ji Feng... Hey!"

Then, as the roar of the engine rang, the car galloped away and quickly disappeared at the end of the road.


Qiao Rong was caught!

Although the military was strictly confidential, the news was still passed out, although it was only spread among some well-informed people, but it didn't take long for most families and forces to know the news.

Everyone couldn’t help but be shocked.

Qiao Rong was caught, how long did it take, she could not hide?

The power of the quarter is really shocking!

You know, although Qiao’s family is not a big family, but after all, it has been operating for decades. How can there be no certain relationship network in Yanjing?

Moreover, since Qiao Rong dared to start with Ji Feng, it means that she must have thought about the way back. In this case, if she wants to hide, it is not easy to find her.

But this is so easy for Jijia, just in the short few days after Qiao Rong escaped, he even took out Qiong Rong.

This shows how strong the quarter's strength is!

This time, I don't know how many people are frightened and restless, especially those who stand on the opposite side of the family, and often even secretly give the Jijia ghosts, even more difficult to sleep!

Because from this matter, we can see the strength of Jijia, even the early preparation of Qiao Rong was smashed out in such a short time, then if they are changed, they can be better than Qiao Rong. Where to go?

If Jijia wants to deal with them, is it more difficult than dealing with Qiao Rong?

When I saw this, many people were sinking in their hearts.

Many people realized at this time that they used to secretly give Jijia a ghost. Jijia may not know nothing about it. However, I am afraid that because Jijia did not put them in the eyes, he did not have a general knowledge of them.

But if they play the yin again and again in the dark, maybe they will really anger the season, and at that time, I am afraid that regret is too late.

... With this idea, there are not a few, especially when the quarterly family is fighting with the Wu family, those who are anxious to hold the martial arts thighs, or some small families, can not help but feel uneasy.

At this time, let them secretly give the Jijia trouble, they must carefully measure the amount.

In order to hold the martial arts thigh and thus offend a family with such a strong strength, is it worth it!

For this reason, many people who are hostile to the Jijia, or some who often do small moves to the Jijia, can't help but be honest!

The big families of Yanjing, as well as some big factions, are also quite surprised.

They are more likely to understand the truth of the matter than the small families, and the news is more informed, so they are more aware of how powerful the quarter home is to achieve this step!

Because they know that Qiao Rong is closely related to the dynasty. With the influence of the dynasty and the underground network, it is really easy to hide Qiao Rong. But if you want to find it, the difficulty is not normal. Big!

But in the end, Qiao Rong was caught, and it was still in such a short time.

In this incident, the comprehensive strength shown by Jijia is enough for everyone to look at it.

For this reason, the deterrent power of Jijia has risen a bit!


For the impact of this incident, Ji Feng naturally does not know, he does not want to pay too much attention, because no matter how the outside world is evaluated, Qiao Rong's end is already doomed.

Now that Qiao Rong has been caught, a large stone at the bottom of Ji Feng will land.

Therefore, he has now turned his attention to the body of Nanyue Brilliant Group. It is also important to stop the cooperation between the brilliant group and the Jiepeng people.

Therefore, Ji Feng first went back to Jiangzhou for two days, temporarily accompanied Xiao Lei and Xiao Yuxi, went to see Yao Yao mother and daughter, and Xu Yuan, and then rushed to Nanyue again, and He Hongwei met.

However, when Ji Feng rushed to Nanyue, He Hongwei was busy picking up the plane. He only sent an assistant from the company to Jifeng at the airport. According to the assistant, He Hongwei himself was He was busy negotiating with the brilliant group. At the same time, He Hongwei was also tentatively engaging with the people.

This made Ji Feng somewhat unexpected. He Hongwei actually had contact with the Peng Peng people?

Can it be said that the situation in South Guangdong has deteriorated?

Or the brilliant group has finally decided to sign a contract with the border people, so he forced the Hong Kong directly to contact the people in the border?

Is it true that the Wu family is so desperate to let the brilliant group cooperate with the Jie Peng people?

The assistants were not clear about these problems. Ji Feng did not expect to be able to get an answer from him. Instead, he rushed to the office as soon as possible, ready to understand the situation for He Hongwei.

Coincidentally, their car just arrived at the office downstairs, Ji Feng saw He Hongwei with the small flat head, just returned from the outside, just parked the car.

However, what is different from the past is that He Hongwei at this time has a black face and a raging anger in his eyes. It seems very angry.

Obviously, He Hongwei is in a bad mood!

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