The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2206: Annoyed He Hongwei

Chapter 329 Annoying He Hongwei

"Hongwei brother, what's wrong, seeing you with a black face, isn't the negotiation with the brilliant group not smooth?"

Seeing that He Hongwei's face was not very good-looking, Ji Feng could not help but ask.

In the family of the family known to Ji Feng, He Hongwei is a relatively graceful one. He also has a certain city, usually he will not write his own feelings on his face, but now He Hongwei is completely irritated. Color, obviously his mood is already bad to a certain extent.

"Hey! Is it not smooth?"

He Hongwei snorted and said: "There is no progress at all!"

Ji Feng frowned and asked: "The brilliant group has no concessions at all?"

He Hongwei shook his head and said: "No, I think they are ironic to cooperate with the people."

"Is this result not long before it is expected? Slowly, why are you so annoyed?!" asked Ji Fengwen.

The Brilliant Group was originally bent on working with the people of Peng Peng, and they knew very well from the beginning.

Otherwise, it is not necessary for him and He Hongwei to come over. If the brilliant group and the Peng Peng people are not satisfied with each other, as long as they say a little above, they will naturally consider it.

But the reality is that even if the above statement is made, the brilliant group does not buy it, but as a private enterprise, it is not easy to directly intervene because it is a commercial matter, and the brilliant group’s practices do not violate the law. So I had to send He Hongwei over it.

Moreover, it is still the boss’s personal point.

It can be seen from this that the determination of the brilliant group to cooperate with the border people is determined.

He Hongwei was born with such a big gas, and Ji Feng did not quite understand it: "Okay, eliminate gas, as long as the brilliant group did not formally sign a contract with the people in the day, things will not be irreparable, let us slowly Come, there will always be a way!"

"There is definitely a way. I am not angry because of this, but..." He Hongwei snorted. "I was mad at the guy named Shao Jie."

"Shao Jie?"

Ji Feng picked up his eyebrows and asked: "When we went to the brilliant group, the young man wearing glasses next to Yan Yadong?"

For this Shao Jie, Ji Feng's impression is quite profound. When He Hongwei just mentioned, Ji Feng immediately knew who he was talking about.

Because this guy named Shao Jie has a very obvious hostility to Ji Feng, Ji Feng secretly investigated this person after seeing Shao Jie for the first time.

However, the result of the investigation was somewhat unexpected by Ji Feng. He originally thought that Shao Jie should be a child of a big family, or something else, but things did not come to mind, Shao Jie turned out to be Yanjing. A very ordinary cadre family member.

Except for Shao Jie’s Laozi’s hands, he has no special place.

Moreover, in Shao Jie’s relatives or friends, Ji Feng did not find any familiar people, so he could not remember, and he himself offended him.

This matter has always been in the heart of Ji Feng, and now He Hongwei said, Ji Feng was once again confused.

"Not just him!"

He Hongwei snorted and his face was gloomy: "This time I went to the brilliant group. This person is more arrogant than the last time, and the attitude is arrogant, and I still want to drive me out!"

Ji Feng immediately frowned: "Come out to you?! Are you in conflict?"

He Hongwei shook his head and said: "If it is really a conflict, I will not be angry. I will accept it. The key is that there is no conflict. I am talking to Yan Yadong. As a result, this person is next to the side. One foot, from time to time!"


Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. He Hongwei said so, he can understand.

Shao Jie’s arrogance and arrogance, Ji Feng was also personally taught. When they first went to the brilliant group, this Shao Jie was mad, and when he spoke, he had a good gun. It was very rushing. .

However, Ji Feng and He Hongwei did not have a general knowledge of him at that time.

Unexpectedly, he is becoming more and more arrogant. Even though the development began to rush to He Hongwei, the next time, can he tell the security guard to directly blast them out? !

"What is this Shaojie's identity in the brilliant group? How do you bring him to the side every time?" Ji Feng asked.

"Which do I know what it is!"

He Hongwei said with no anger: "His external identity is the assistant to the general manager of the brilliant group, but when you look at him, when he speaks, he can interrupt him at will, and sometimes even Yadong has not expressed his opinion. It started to be embarrassing. Which boss would like such an assistant?"

Ji Feng nodded slightly. Indeed, Yan Yadong is not a fool. Even if he is looking for an assistant, it is absolutely impossible to find such a person. Otherwise, he will not have to do his work. He will only wait for Shao Jie to give him all the enemies. !

Moreover, that Yan Yadong is a very savvy person. Why is he looking for such a person to be an assistant? Is he still feeling too good, so find someone to be angry with him from time to time?

"Magnificent, have you ever thought about it, every time you go to find Yan Yadong, that Shao Jie is present, will it be that Yan Yadong deliberately did this?" Ji Feng asked.

"I understand what you mean, but I think this is not a big possibility." He Hongwei shook his head. "If you want to refuse, you don't have to go around such a big circle. It is no big deal to refuse directly!"

Ji Feng means that Yan Yadong didn't want to talk to him and He Hongwei, but he couldn't open it on his face, or because he and He Hongwei's identity did not want to offend them too much, so he simply took Shao Jie with him. By the way, let Shao Jie be a wicked person, so that not only can the purpose of rejection be achieved, but Zhai Yadong does not have to offend them too much.

However, He Hongwei feels that although this possibility exists, it is not very big.

Since the brilliant group can not even give the face above, why bother with them?

No matter how you do it, anyway, it will be a disappointing situation in the end. Then why do you want to go around such a big circle? This is completely unnecessary!

Because he and Ji Feng are not fools, if they are really annoyed, then I know who to look for in the end of this account!

"In this case, it means that this Shaojie must have other sources that we don't know!" Ji Feng said, "Or, what is unique about Shao Jie, what extraordinary ability, let Yan Yadong Rely on him!"

"This is not known."

He Hongwei shook his head and said: "It seems that Shao Jie is blocking in the middle. I want to make a breakthrough from Yu Yadong. It is not difficult. Now I have to prepare for the second hand..."

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Right, what step is the negotiation between the brilliant group and the Jie Peng people?"

"I don't know, they are strictly confidential, and it is not so easy to understand." He Hongwei said, "However, according to the news I got, they are not too far away from the formal contract."

"How do you know?" Ji Feng asked immediately.

"Because my people are in a brilliant group!" He Hongwei said, "I heard that in the past week, the people of the border have come three times. Obviously the two sides are in close contact. According to my inference, they should be the last. Consultations, as long as some details are negotiated, I am afraid that they can formally cooperate."


Ji Feng sneered and said: "There is milk is a mother!"

"This is understandable. The key question is that I have some doubts. Why does the brilliant group have to cooperate with the people?" He Hongwei frowned. "Only because the technology of the people is more advanced." Some, give more money?"

Ji Feng asked: "Is this the reason given by the brilliant group?"

He Hongwei nodded: "Isn't it!"

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. He really disagreed with these two reasons. Frankly speaking, the technology of the Jie Peng people is indeed very advanced, especially in some industrial finishing and crafts, the technical level of the boundary is indeed far away. If the two sides cooperate, it may really make the brilliant group gain great benefits.

However, Ji Feng feels that this reason is untenable, because the brilliant group is not just a simple private enterprise, but it is also the assets of the Wu family and the source of the Wu family.

The Wu family did not even care about the impact, which really made Ji Feng somewhat unclear.

But the high-level things, Ji Feng did not understand, He Hongwei also said that it is not clear, so they can only try their best to stop, but can not get from the source.

"If you can know why the brilliant group is so ironic, it is better to work with the people in the world. Maybe things will be much easier!" Ji Feng said.

As long as you find the root cause, you can solve this problem fundamentally.

"Is there anything that the Wu family has to ask for?" Ji Feng asked.

"Who knows!"

He Hongwei shook his head and said: "We don't guess here, we just waste time, or think about what to do next."

Ji Feng said: "There will be a way, there is no need to get angry... Yes, you are also in contact with the people of the border. Is there any gain?"

He Hongwei immediately asked: "Look at what I am now, what do you think I will gain?"

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. Obviously, He Hongwei was estimated to have touched the nose in the border.

"The polite people are polite, but they are not going to do this. I just need to mention them, they will immediately change the topic, and I am not too much to ask..." He Hongwei shook his head with some helplessness, saying that he followed There is no relationship between the people in the border, so it is only natural that people do not answer his questions.

"The people in the border will be polite?" Ji Feng suddenly smiled.

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