The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2207: Sudden news!

Chapter 330 is a sudden news!

"The people in the border will be polite?" Ji Feng suddenly smiled.

"Hongwei brother, what kind of personality are the people in the border? You won't know?" Ji Feng asked. "They are all a bunch of people who can't afford to be early!"

He Hongwei shook his head and smiled. "You have some partiality in your words."

Jifeng shook his head and said: "Maybe it is, anyway, I don't think that the people in the border are really polite to us. I will feel that the more polite they are, the more they want to achieve what is ulterior. maybe!"

Although Jifeng has not dealt with the people in the border, and each time it is basically hostile, even several times are arrogant and the atmosphere is extremely tense, but this does not hinder Ji Feng’s understanding of the people in the border. .

In fact, since the beginning of China’s opening, the people of the border have come over. At that time, they seemed very polite and they were very polite. They apologized for what they did, and they made some of the mainland’s officials. Vanity swelled and was very satisfied with the attitude of the people.

Of course, they are more satisfied with the investment brought by the people.

However, we do not know that the kind of politeness and courtesy of these people are actually illusions, because the so-called investment projects brought by those people are all heavy pollution projects, such as chemical projects, paper making and so on.

The projects they invested in are actually in the borders of the country, and in the Western countries, they are already outdated, and even if they can be put into production, they must spend a lot of money to get rid of the pollution treatment equipment, otherwise they will not pass.

But where do we know about China at that time, and look at the other side's big investment, no matter what pollution is not polluted, they have introduced a whole brain.

At first, I saw the economic benefits, so that many people’s incomes have doubled compared with the previous ones. But no one would have thought that after only one or two decades, the local pollution will be so serious that people can’t bear it. Even, it has threatened the lives of local people!

For example, the cancer villages that have sensationalized the country, and other areas where there are frequent diseases, are surrounded by these factories!

Although the so-called experts and the so-called investigation team all claim that there is no direct evidence that the people frequently send these strange diseases to the surrounding factories, but in fact, what is going on, the discerning eye can see at a glance .

As for the so-called experts' opinions... I am afraid that no one does not know that there are some so-called experts who are worse than those who make money with their legs. The skin is thicker than anyone else. If anyone believes in them, then it is really Stupid home!

In fact, this is not the case, the black belly of the people can not only be these.

The most impressive impression of Ji Feng is the circle of resources of the people in China. Because the equipment in China was backward and the level of technology was not good, many useful resources could not be detected by Huaxia, or they did not know what was a resource. What are just ordinary things.

At that time, the people of the boundary were taking advantage of this opportunity to invest in this area in China. As a result, they did not know how many good things were in the circle, and even included some very precious resources.

In addition, Ji Feng has also seen a news that there is a company that has invested in tourism in a certain place in China, and has covered a mountain. Later, it was discovered by some people. The Peng people were not very active in developing tourism. They just walked around the mountain all day.

Then, the people in the border suddenly said that the place was not suitable for development, and they took the initiative to compensate for the large amount of liquidated damages, and then all went home.

Later, it was discovered that in the depths of the mountain, there were scattered pieces of antique porcelain, and there were traces of digging around. People knew that the gangs were not investing at all!

A few years later, only a piece of news broke out. It turned out that the gangs had obtained a treasure map through an old devil who had participated in the invasion of China. In fact, when the devils surrendered, they secretly The precious treasures from all over China were brought back to the border, but most of the rest were hidden in the ground, and then they were made into treasure maps, perhaps for the future, or perhaps they would rather hide. It does not leave a Chinese mentality.

The gangs of the gangs got such a treasure map, and then, in the name of investing, they stunned the local officials and took away a lot of treasures - looking at the area dug in the mountains. , you know how many treasures are buried there!

However, this matter has been suppressed by the local government, and the news media has rarely reported it...

All of this is covered under the politeness of the people of the border!

Therefore, at this moment, He Hongwei said that the people of Peng Peng were polite, and Ji Feng suddenly did not hit a place. He said that the people in Peng Peng are polite, but it is better to say that they are more accurate in hiding their swords!

"These things you said are past tense." He Hongwei shook his head and said: "At that time, it was only because we were people or officials that we lacked knowledge and did not see the outside world, so we ate a lot of losses. It is different now."

"I didn't see anything different!" Ji Feng snorted. "Don't the people who want to master the important projects in the hands of the brilliant group?"

"At least, now they can't get so much benefit from China at such a small price!" He Hongwei said.

"This is also true!"

Ji Feng nodded and smiled: "This is also an improvement! It's just that progress... Is the price paid too big?"

He Hongwei heard that he could only shake his head and smile.

Although he is somewhat reluctant to admit it, he has to say that Ji Feng said that these are all correct. Huaxia has indeed gone too many detours, and the price paid is really too great.

"Because of this, we can't even let those important projects fall into the hands of the people in the border!" He Hongwei said, "So, in any case, we must stop the cooperation between the brilliant group and the people in the world. To!"

Ji Feng nodded. Over the years, it can even be said that in this century-long history, there are too many things that Jiepeng has obtained from China. They are like a blood-sucking poisonous insect, attached to the body of China. Desperate bloodsucking, and it continues until now!

So no matter what, this time can no longer let the border get any benefit from China.

"When oh..."

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Your phone!" Ji Feng reminded me.


He Hongwei nodded and took out the phone and went out, but after only a moment, He Hongwei walked in quickly and his face was gloomy.

Ji Feng could not help but ask: "What happened?"

The guy went out to pick up a phone call and his face changed. It was obviously something.

Although the heart has already been expected, but He Hongwei's answer, but still let Ji Feng quite surprised ... I saw He Hongwei gloomy face, Shen Sheng: "I just received the news, tomorrow brilliant group and the border people may Will have the last negotiation!"

Ji Feng suddenly said: "The last negotiation?"

Immediately, he reacted suddenly, his brow wrinkled immediately and asked: "So, the two sides have basically negotiated now?"

Ji Feng noticed that He Hongwei said that it was the last negotiation, not the last negotiation. This means that other details of the cooperation between the two sides should have been discussed. Now there are only the last questions left, waiting for tomorrow. After the negotiations are completed, it is equivalent to officially starting cooperation.

This kind of negotiation involving major projects is always protracted, and it is not too much to say that it is a tug-of-war.

Therefore, the cooperation between the two sides has been talked for so long.

Now, it seems that they are going to formally cooperate.

He Hongwei calmed his face and nodded. "It seems that they have already negotiated all the conditions. The last negotiation of tomorrow, I am afraid, I will only talk about the last few branches... this is a bastard!"

At the end of the day, even He Wenwei, who has always been gentle, couldn't help but swear.

Ji Feng’s face is not too good-looking. The brilliant group and the Jie Peng people have to make the final negotiation, which means that all his efforts with He Hongwei have been in vain.

More importantly, once they reach an agreement, the important projects in the hands of the brilliant group will be easily obtained by the people in the world. Perhaps the people in the world will pay a lot of money, but many things are Can't just count it with money!

The borders of the borders are small and the resources are scarce. It is precisely because of this that they will invade China and plunder resources.

Therefore, using money to exchange important resources and projects is naturally cost-effective for the boundary, but for China, it may not be the case.

"...Bastard!" He Hongwei is a gloomy face, biting his teeth: "It's so good!"


Ji Feng took a table and suddenly stood up: "Go!"

He Hongwei said: "Where?"

"Go to the brilliant group!" Ji Feng said, "I want to confirm this news for Yan Yadong!"

“Is this necessary?” He Hongwei frowned and asked, “Since all of my people can get this news, it means that this is definitely not a fake, and things are a foregone conclusion...”

"After signing the contract, you can still breach the contract, not to mention the next negotiation!" Ji Feng said: "No matter what, I don't ask for it personally!"

He Hongwei pondered for a moment and nodded: "Well, let's go together, I would like to see if the Wu family is eating the scales, he is ironic?!"


This sudden news suddenly angered Ji Feng and He Hongwei. This kind of practice of the brilliant group is undoubtedly the meaning of Wu family.

They are ironic!

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