The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2208: Mania!

Chapter 331 is arrogant!

When Ji Feng and He Hongwei arrived at the brilliant group, Yan Yadong was sitting behind the desk, not knowing who to call.


Ji Feng opened the door of the office of Yan Yadong, and then, in the eager blockade of the reception lady at the front desk, Ji Feng and He Hongwei went straight in.

Yan Yadong is holding the phone in his hand and maintaining this position. His eyes are on the body of Ji Feng and He Hongwei.

"Hey, they..." The reception lady was anxious, "I can’t stop them..."

"It's okay, go out." Yan Yadong quickly closed the phone, waved his hand to the reception lady, and then looked at Ji Feng and He Hongwei, and asked: "Mr. Ji, He, you are..."


Ji Feng immediately opened the chair opposite the desk, and sat down in a big model, but his eyes were always staring at Yan Yadong.

He Hongwei also sat down, and his face was not too good.

Zhai Yadong was somewhat uncomfortable when they were stared at them. They couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Ji, Mr. He, the two suddenly came to me, is there anything?”


Ji Feng did not answer his question, but instead shook his head and sighed.

As a result, Yan Yadong was even more uncomfortable. He quickly asked: "Mr. Ji, you are..."

Ji Feng looks at his eyes, it is like watching a dead person, which makes Yan Yadong feel very guilty, it will not be how Ji Feng wants to be himself?

This is not right, Ji Feng looks at his own eyes, is merciful, not hot.

Did Ji Feng hear about his own news and know that he is going to be unlucky?

At the thought of this, Yan Yadong couldn’t sit still, but after all, he was in the mall for so many years, and his mentality had already been practiced, so even if he had some drums in his heart, he still had a smile on his face. .

"Hey, I am coming to you today, and there is no other meaning, I want to confirm a message with you!" Ji Feng finally spoke.

"What news, please say!" Yan Yadong immediately began to feel the spirit, busy said.

"I heard that the brilliant group will have a final negotiation with the Jiepeng people tomorrow?" Ji Feng asked. "I don't know if the news I heard is true?"

"It turned out to be this..."

When Yan Yadong was so relaxed, he suddenly laughed. What did he think was it? Just now, Ji Feng and He Hongwei’s impetuous rushed directly into his office, so that he almost thought that the two sons would like to be here directly. Now he knows, dare, these two are for the negotiation of things!

Yan Yadong immediately understood what was going on. The original horror and worries in his heart disappeared without a trace. Instead, he turned his mind and turned his mind to start thinking and thinking.

At this time, Yan Yadong was not afraid, but he still thought about how to deal with Ji Feng and He Hongwei.

In fact, the most feared by Yan Yadong is that Ji Feng and He Hongwei disregard their identity. It is important to know that these two people are not only businessmen but also their family members. This is their main identity.

Like these people, they may seem to be handsome on the surface, but in fact, these people are all arrogant, arrogant, especially the kind of pride and arrogance in their bones, but also deep into the bone marrow.

Corresponding to their character and identity, they are not rules.

This kind of person, you provoke them, maybe they can give you a few slaps on the spot, and even directly call the people to beat you, this is the fear of Yadong, he is the boss of the brilliant group, if Ji Feng With He Hongwei playing here, he has no place to rest on this face!

But now when Yan Yadong knows the meaning of Ji Feng and He Hongwei, he suddenly breathes a sigh of relief. It seems that Ji Feng is still a ruler. This is easy to handle. Cooperation, that is their own business, even if they are not happy again, what can they do?

So in this short moment, Yan Yadong was a lot easier.

However, Zhai Yadong did not immediately answer the question of Ji Feng, but asked: "Mr. Ji, can I ask, where did you hear this news?"

"You only say that this news is true!" said Ji Feng. The source of the news, he naturally will not tell Zhai Yadong.

Yan Yadong’s eyes squinted a little. The tone of Ji Feng and his tough stance made him a little uncomfortable, which was far from the attitude of Ji Feng when he first came.

"Mr. Ji, how do you say that you and He are also doing business, so you must know that this kind of news is a trade secret. As a general manager of a brilliant group, I naturally cannot disclose it..."

"Hey, we heard about this news, then you think, if it is not necessary, will we come to you?" Ji Feng directly interrupted the words of Yan Yadong, "So, I advise you not to fight with us." Sloppy eyes!"


Yan Yadong was a glimpse. He didn't think that today's season maple was so sharp, which made him somewhat uncomfortable, because he had been dealing with He Hongwei before. It was all kind of gentle and elegant, now the style of Jifeng. It is very different from He Hongwei, sharp and direct, which makes Yan Yadong feel a sharp edge.

Jifeng is like a sharp knife. Just after a sheath, the sharp blade makes the skin of the cut person faint.

"... Well, since you asked, then I will not hide it." Yan Yadong nodded slowly and said: "Yes, the negotiations between our brilliant group and the Lingxia Group of Jiepeng have basically Upon completion, the two sides have also reached a basic cooperation framework..."

“Your cooperation, including the strategic project under the brilliant group?” He Hongwei asked.

"In my opinion, our brilliant group projects are important projects, and they can all be called strategic projects!" Yan Yadong smiled.


Ji Feng shook his head and said: "Hey, you think it's interesting to be in this circle?"

The smile on Yan Yadong’s face was a little stiff, and then he shook his head: “Two, I know what you mean, but this is indeed the trade secret of our brilliant group, and it cannot be said to outsiders. Moreover, I also Just working, always think about your future!"

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "Hey, I am coming today, not to listen to your complaints, I just want to hear a word!"

Yan Yadong’s face showed a distressed look: “Mr. Ji, you made me a little embarrassed...”

Ji Feng stared at him and didn't talk.

When Yan Yadong saw the sharp eyes of Jifeng, it was very uncomfortable, so he could only touch the bright head, hehe laughed, but his eyes were removed from Ji Feng’s face, and he did not look at Ji Feng.


Ji Feng nodded and stood up: "Hey, that's it."

"Mr. Ji, I am sorry, let you run for a while..."

"It’s also the last one!" said Ji Feng.

"What, what?"

Ji Feng stared at his eyes and said: "I said, this is my last time to come to the brilliant group! In the future, I will not step back here halfway, unless it is no longer a brilliant group!"

Yan Yadong changed his face and immediately smiled: "Mr. Ji is laughing..."


He Hongwei also stood up and said: "There is no need to talk about unnecessary nonsense. Your attitude is already clear!"

Yan Yadong opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. He could only smile with a smile: "I don't want to be angry. In fact, I am also very embarrassed. Please also bear with me..."

"People are alive, not just for money." He Hongwei did not listen to Yan Yadong’s explanation. "And sometimes things can’t be done too much. I always have to leave a path for myself, but here, both of them. I have not seen it, it is a pity..."

Yan Yadong's face changed again. When he just wanted to talk, he heard a sneer from outside.

"Hey! A big tone, actually ran to us to make a big slogan!"

Then, I saw Shao Jie coming in, with a sneer on his face: "Hey, I said who it is, it turned out to be two sons, how, bullying, old people, weak and sick, now come to bully us? But unfortunately, although we are just flat people, not everyone can bully!"

Ji Feng suddenly looked at his eyes and took a deep look at Shao Jie.

The meaning of Shao Jie’s words, he immediately heard it, this person said that he is dealing with Qiao Rong, the so-called old and weak, Qiao Rong is not a disabled person!

"Hey, is your temper very good?" At this time, Shao Jie was sneer: "The next time someone dares to come in like this, they will call the police directly. I still don't believe it. Is there a place to be reasonable?"

He Hongwei’s face suddenly sinks, Shao Jie is too arrogant!

Ji Feng looked at Shao Jie, but found that the latter was also looking at himself provocatively. He shook his head and said: "Great brother, let's go!"

He Hongwei nodded, then looked at Yan Yadong and said: "Hey, I hope you can remember my words, people are too arrogant, but there is nothing to end!"


Shao Jie sneered: "Is this talking about me?"

Who knows, He Hongwei did not care about him, turned and left, Shao Jie suddenly sinks his face.

Later, Shao Jie and Zhai Yadong looked at each other and they both smiled at the same time.

Shao Jie grinned, dismissively said: "What, I dare to come here to wilderness... They really thought that this South Guangdong is their home? I see, these two people are crazy, but I really think everyone will give Their face?!"

Yan Yadong smiled and said: "Shao Jie, cautious! Things can be done, words should be said less, it is best to not irritate them, these two, after all, are not ordinary people..."


Shao Jie sneered with disdain.

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