The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2217: Sharp

Chapter 340 is fierce

Just returned when I was back? !


Ji Feng sneered and immediately said, "Pretend to open their appearance and see their reaction..."

Although from various indications, Ji Feng almost can confirm that the Yamada commercial vehicle is tracking them, but in order to be safe, he decided to try the other side!

After all, they just returned to Jiangzhou, and they didn’t even stay at home. It’s less than two hours before and after. How can they track them?

Can it be said that someone has been following Jiangzhou from South Guangdong?

Therefore, Ji Feng is a bit strange, will it be the other party made a mistake, admit the wrong person, or this is just a coincidence, the other party happens to be with them?

Although this possibility is small, it is not completely impossible. Therefore, Ji Feng will try them.

Liu Zejun’s words were only slightly nodded, but his hands were already moving. He didn’t talk much. He was completely an activist.


Suddenly, the low roar of the engine began to roar gradually, and a strong back push came, and the scene outside the car suddenly accelerated back.

The BMW X6 suddenly started to accelerate!

Ji Feng stared at the rearview mirror and watched the movement of the Yamada commercial vehicle behind.

At the beginning, there was no abnormal situation in the commercial vehicle. I did not say that when the BMW accelerated, the other party followed the acceleration, but it was very smooth.

However, Ji Feng has not taken it lightly. If he is tracking, he can't do so obviously. When others accelerate, you will accelerate. When others slow down, you will slow down. Then everyone knows that you are following...

But gradually, Ji Feng felt that something was not quite right.

Because the speed of the BMW car is getting faster and faster, the Yamada business car in the rearview mirror is getting farther and farther, but the other party has not shown any signs of acceleration. It seems that it is completely unaware of the car they are tracking. Already want to get rid of them.

"Is it..."

Ji Feng’s brow slightly wrinkled. Is it true that both himself and Liu Zejun have made a mistake? The other party is really just the same way to go with them, not tracking them?

However, Ji Feng still did not relax, until the Yamada business car could no longer see the trace in the rearview mirror. Ji Feng put his hand on it and let Liu Zejun turn the rearview mirror back.

"Boss, it seems that it is not tracking us!" Guo Tao said thoughtfully.

"Before the other party has been following us!" Liu Zejun Shen Sheng.

Guo Tao’s gaze fell on Ji Feng’s face. What should I do now? I have to listen to Ji Feng’s. After all, the Yamada business car is very suspicious and cannot be prevented.

Ji Feng indulged for a moment and said: "Ze Jun, don't go to the Soaring Group first, we will detour and take a remote place!"


Liu Zejun immediately understood the meaning of Ji Feng and nodded.

The traffic on this road is somewhat large, and there are many cars. It is difficult to determine the intention of the other party very accurately. However, if it is in a place with less traffic in the suburbs, it is easier to judge.

At that time, the other party can't hide!

Therefore, Liu Zejun turned directly at the intersection of the front and galloped in the direction of the suburbs.

In the rearview mirror, the trace of the Yamada commercial vehicle has long since disappeared. It seems that it has not followed up. But Liu Zejun did not slow down, but continued to gallop. He went to the suburbs and he slowed down. But I have not seen the Yamada business car.

"Is it wrong?" Guo Tao frowned.

"Not necessarily!"

Jifeng shook his head and said: "It may also be because the other party saw that we suddenly accelerated, knowing that we were aware, so we did not keep up!"

Guo Tao nodded, it is indeed possible.

"Go to the Ascendas Group." Ji Feng said, "I will pay attention to some things on the road."


Liu Zejun nodded.

At this time, Ji Feng took out his mobile phone and entered a string of alphanumeric characters. This is the license plate number he saw from the rearview mirror, although the distance was not too close, but for Ji Feng. This is not a difficult task, he remembered it very easily.

Now that the car has not kept up, but after the South Guangdong attack, Ji Feng will not be taken lightly. Some things have been enough to eat a loss, even if it is a stupid, it is impossible Planted twice in the same pit!

Ji Feng sent his license plate number to Zheng Yuanshan. In the police system, the people he knew were Zheng Yuanshan and Li Ruonan, but Li Ruonan had not been in contact for some time, and now Ji Feng is not good to find her. Help, otherwise, I am afraid that Li Ruonan will feel that she only contacted her when she used her. It was too utilitarian.


Suddenly, Liu Zejun said with a deep voice: "The other party is coming!"

Ji Feng immediately frowned: "Where?"

"Chasing up from behind!" Liu Zejun pointed to the rearview mirror. "The other party is very fast and is still accelerating..."


Ji Feng decisively ordered: "Be careful, always ready to stop!"

A few people in the car are looking very dignified. After all, Ji Feng was attacked and killed only recently. This has not happened for a long time. Now I have encountered such a thing, they have to guard against it.


Perhaps because the speed is too fast, the violent roar of the Yamada commercial car engine faintly came, Baizhu immediately took out a pistol from behind the waist, directly bullets on the squat, and then slightly sideways, ready to aim at the back of the business car.

Ji Feng pressed her pistol down and said, "Don't worry, see what the other side is!"

"If the other party is like last time..."


Ji Feng puts his hand on the swing, he will certainly not eat twice the same loss. If the other party really has a gun, then he will never give the opponent a chance to shoot.


Just when Ji Feng whispered a few people, the next Yamada business car was still coming, just for a moment, the distance between the two sides has been very close.

At this time, Ji Feng turned around and watched it without any scruples.

Since the other party has already caught up, it means that people are not afraid of him being found to be being followed, so now he has no problem turning his head.

Through the window, Jifeng vaguely saw that there was a shadow in the car behind, but he could not see the face clearly, and could not see how many people there were, but it is certain that the other party is definitely more than one person.

“Be prepared to do it!”

Ji Feng said with a voice: "Ze Jun, slow down, but don't stop..."


However, Ji Feng’s voice just fell, and he heard the roar of the engine approaching quickly. The next moment, a shadow suddenly flashed from the side.


The harsh sound produced by the intense friction between the tire and the ground is almost numb, but Ji Feng and others are in the eye, and their face is dignified, because the Yamada commercial vehicle suddenly surpassed the past and then A sudden brake in front of the BMW.

- The other party is to block their way.

It all happened in the blink of an eye, but Liu Zejun was prepared, and while the other side was braking, he also stepped on the brakes and slammed the steering wheel, ready to smash it... but before he could wait to avoid it, Seeing that the Yamada business car door suddenly opened, several people suddenly rolled down from the car, and then kneeled on one knee, and the two guns were aimed at the BMW.


Ji Feng saw the shape, the eyes suddenly flashed, and the gun was taken directly from the white bead, and the trigger was pulled without hesitation.


At the time, the first person who rolled down from the commercial vehicle was tripped and rolled on the floor with his shoulders rolling.

However, Ji Feng did not hesitate at all, with a cold murder on his face, and continuously pulled the trigger: "嘭~~嘭嘭嘭~~"

Five shots!

Next to the business car, four people fell, and the last shot, Ji Feng directly blasted the tires of the business car!

At this point, the guys who seemed to be physically fit from the business car were all stumbled.

Ji Feng's fierceness, so that Guo Tao and Liu Zejun could not help but secretly **** a cold breath, they did not see the good shooting, the sharp gunners in the mercenary went, but in this sharply shaking car, It’s a sudden incident, but Ji Feng can easily trip the other side so easily, this shot...

What surprised Liu Zejun and Guo Tao is that the few people are all shot in the shoulders!

This shot of Ji Feng is really a god!

Guo Tao and Liu Zejun looked at each other and could not help but see the surprise in the other's eyes, but they were not ordinary people after all. Even after returning to God, the two cooperated with each other with great understanding. I saw that Liu Zejun suddenly pushed the door and rolled it on the ground. The legs suddenly made a force and went to the few people.


At the same time, a cold dagger appeared in the hands of Liu Zejun.


"Do not hit!"

At this time, on the side of the commercial vehicle, there was a sudden exclamation: "We are Guoan, we are carrying out the task, and the people in front immediately put down their weapons and stopped shooting!"


However, the voice of the man had just fallen, and he only saw a cold flash in front of him. The next moment, he only felt that his neck was tight, and a painful pain came from his thigh and spread all over the limbs... ...


Another scream was screaming. I saw a guy who was buckled by Liu Zejun with his hand, and the other hand directly inserted the dagger on his lap.

The man was shaking and trembled, and even the screams of screams were shaking, showing how painful he was at the moment.

"We are national security, stop working..."

Feeling that the hand that buckled his neck was getting tighter and tighter, the man suddenly felt awkward and suddenly screamed in panic: "You are committing a crime..."

Ji Feng suddenly wrinkled, Guoan?

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