The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2218: Have no fear

Chapter 341 has no fear

"We are national security, stop working..."

Feeling that the hand that buckled his neck was getting tighter and tighter, the man suddenly felt awkward and suddenly screamed in panic: "You are committing a crime..."

Ji Feng suddenly wrinkled, Guoan?

He glanced at these few people coldly, his eyes flashing, these few people turned out to be Guoan?

This made him somewhat surprised.

These guys tracked him along the way, and even forced them to stop their cars. Even if they didn’t say that they got off the car, they immediately used weapons. If it wasn’t for him to react quickly, I’m afraid these people had already fired... now They even said that they are national security people? !

Is there anything more funny than this?

Is Ji Feng the most sinister criminal, or the murder of countless evil Jiang Yang thieves, or is he a spoiled spy abroad?

Otherwise, why should this national security person treat him like this?

You know, Ji Feng is very clear. The actions of these people from the business car, including their demeanor and other subtle actions, are unmistakably indicating that they are definitely not just doing it.

If Ji Feng had the meaning of resistance at the time, or made some actions that threatened them, these people would definitely shoot!

...... Even if it is a step back, even if they don’t shoot, they just didn’t show their identity at first, but they just pulled the gun up and changed it to anyone, and they will definitely subconsciously resist, at least they will think about it. protect yourself!

In fact, this is not the concern of Ji Feng. He is annoyed. Why do people in Guoan treat themselves like this?

Whoever changed it, just when he came back for no reason, he was pointed at the gun and would never be comfortable.

What's more, Ji Feng was attacked only a short time ago, and now it is actually this set, which makes Ji Feng not angry? He did not directly hit the key points of these people. If he did not kill them directly, he would be regarded as a lover.


The man was caught in the neck by Liu Zejun, and his breathing was a little difficult. Plus, he was stabbed by Liu Zejun without any mercy on his thigh. Now it is already trembling, his forehead is full of cold sweat, and the breathing is getting heavier and heavier. .

Ji Feng's cold eyes stared at him for a moment, then he got out of the car and said: "Put him away."


Liu Zejun snorted and suddenly pulled out the dagger on the man's thigh.


The man opened his eyes in an instant, his mouth was still open, his face was red, and his body was shaking violently: "Ah-!"

The next moment, the man fell directly on the ground.

"If you call again, believe it or not, I will cut your tongue directly?!" Liu Zejun said coldly.


The man was screaming, but when he heard Liu Zejun, he was stunned, but the pain on his thigh was not reduced by half, and his face became distorted.

"You are Guoan?!" Ji Feng did not have the time to pay attention to how painful these people, but asked coldly.

"...Yes, we are the Jiangzhou Guoan Branch..." The voice of the man trembled.

"Why come to kill me?!" Ji Feng said with a cold light in his eyes, his face coldly asked, "Where did I offend you?"

"No, no."

The man hurriedly shook his head, and the severe pain made his voice go, but he did not dare to delay. He said hurriedly: "We just want to ask you to go back and assist in the investigation, and you are not going to kill you... Ah!"

His words have not been finished yet, and it is a scream. I saw Liu Zejun stepping on his injured lap. His face suddenly changed and he almost didn’t jump...


Liu Zejun smiled and said: "Do you really be a fool? Don't want to kill, why do you pull the gun when you come up?"


The man couldn’t speak, maybe to cover up, and he kept sucking cold.

Ji Feng stared at him and said coldly: "Do you have any evidence to prove that you are a national security person?"

"Our work permit is in the car!" the man said hurriedly.

"Guo Tao!" Ji Feng gave Guo Tao a look.

The latter immediately understood that he walked a few steps to the Yamada commercial vehicle and quickly flipped over the car. Soon, he took a few work permits and walked over. He whispered at the side of Ji Feng: "The boss , I really have a work permit..."

Ji Feng took over the work permits and saw that it should be true, because at the time of Yanjing, the two Guoan guys of Cao Yong and Zhao Anxiang were also working permits, but the final issuing authority was different. The work permit of Zhao Anxiang was directly issued by Guoan, and the documents of these people were issued by Jiangzhou Branch.

But in addition to this, other textures such as work permits, formats, and official seals are exactly the same.

Even the stencil above is the same.

Ji Feng believes that these guys are really the Guoan Jiangzhou branch... You can see the behavior of these people, this is the national security, clearly a group of gangsters!

"Please come back to assist the investigation, is this so please?" Ji Feng kicked the pistol on the ground. It was these guys who fell. They had guns on their shoulders and they couldn’t respond to Liu Zejun’s deception. They want to have no chance to shoot a gun.

"..." Those people are either painful or screaming, or sucking in the air, but no one answers the question of Ji Feng.


Ji Feng sneered and said: "I don't want to answer yes? Well, you will stay here and wait for someone to save you... let's go!"

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The man who was stabbed in the thigh hurriedly screamed: "We really came to ask you to go back and assist in the investigation. Maybe we have some problems with the way we work..."


His words have not been finished, and Liu Zejun turned his head to the ground in an instant. "Dog stuff! Are you just having a problem with your work?"

These people may have just wanted to kill Ji Feng. They did not have this possibility, but they had not had time to shoot them. They were all stumbled by Ji Feng.

Now they still have a face to say, it’s just a problem with the way they work, maybe...

It’s really a jerk!

Liu Zejun was originally the kind of cold character. Although there were not many words, his men were definitely not weak. Now they dare to shoot the gun against Ji Feng. If he is a mercenary when he is Liu Zejun, he absolutely dare to directly Help the dog's hand to pick the hand!

Liu Zejun is not very likely to argue with others. His favorite is to speak with his fist.

The man was screamed by Liu Zejun, but he clenched his teeth. He just killed him and asked Ji Feng to go back and assist in the investigation. It was just a matter of working style.

However, in his eyes, he has a sly look.

Obviously, this person did not tell the truth.

But he just killed this reason. No matter how it is asked, he only admits that it is a problem of working style, but he did not want to kill Ji Feng.

"You feel that I know that you are a national security person, you will not kill you, right?" Ji Feng asked quietly.

"...I am not a national security person, you can't kill me!" The man bit his teeth, although the painful body was cold and sweaty, but when he spoke, he was still very hard. "It is illegal to kill people. You will not know!"

"Oh! I still learned that I am coming..."

Jifeng shook his head, but he didn't say anything more. He only looked at this guy and the other four people, and his eyes flashed through the cold from time to time.

In fact, Ji Feng really moved to kill.

Today, if it wasn’t for his timely response and good shooting, he had to subdue these guys in time. Maybe they would actually shoot. By that time, it would be too late to say anything.

Since the other party has to start with him, can he still sit still?

At the moment, the other party has reported the identity of their national security staff, and it is clear that they have to be discouraged by their own hearts, and even faintly rely on this as a basis, a little fearless feeling!

This makes Ji Feng somewhat understand. Perhaps, this group of people really wants to kill him, but only to deliberately create some accidents, then they can say that they are resisting themselves, and they are killed in the crossfire... In this case, even if it is later When the family is pursued, it can only be judged at most, but it is not the death penalty.

Because they represent the national security, it is the image of law enforcement.

The state must not take this into consideration, and must also take into account the reaction of the country.

Most of the time, Jijia can only retaliate in private.

And if they can't kill themselves, they will insist that this is a misunderstanding. They came to ask for help to investigate. Just like they said, there is a problem with the way of working...

Really a good calculation!

Ji Feng's face is getting colder and colder. He is too lazy to argue with these people. They are just a few small beggars. Obviously, this thing has behind-the-scenes ambassadors, so Ji Feng no longer argues with several people.

"Well, then when you come to ask me to assist in the investigation, then who is going to let you come? Where to investigate?" Ji Feng asked coldly, "Which subject is accepted?"

"This... this is a secret. You will know when you go with us," the man said.

Ji Feng stared at him and shook his head. It seems that this person is going to resist the end.

"Boss, give them a few of them!" Liu Zejun smiled and said: "Up to an hour, I promise to let them tell the truth!"

This group of people is constantly playing sloppy eyes, and even fearless, Liu Zejun has been murdered, but there is no command of Ji Feng, he can not do it, but tormenting these guys, it is very easy to do!

However, Ji Feng just shook his head and said: "No, call the police directly, and say that we have encountered a mob attack, the other party is also a person who is a national security..."

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