The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2221: Killer

Chapter 344 Killer

"This way..." Liu Zejun turned his head and looked at it. He couldn't help but frown. Ji Feng did not agree to take Shao Shaohua and others as a meat shield, which is more troublesome.

Because this car is close to the side of Song Berlin, the side of the vehicle is the direction of the killer, so it will not work from the past, but if you want to sneak into the woods, you can only go from the other side of the road, but that cross Over the entire road, and this business car can not cover the entire road!

How is it going?


At this time, Ji Feng’s body suddenly came a shock. He immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket, but he saw the message from Baizhu: “Ji Shao, I am passing!”

Ji Feng suddenly wrinkled his brows, then looked sideways, but could not see any situation, the BMW car still stopped there, but the white beads were not seen.

"Old Guo, you come to cover me!" Liu Zejun said, he said, he handed the guns of several people from Shao Shaohua to Guo Tao. "When the shot is going to be fast, my life can be paid." In your hands!"


Guo Tao shook his head quickly and said: "You said that I am under great pressure."

Liu Zejun snorted: "There is pressure to have motivation!"

Said, Liu Zejun began to move slowly backwards, but was stopped by Ji Feng: "Don't rush, first fire reconnaissance!"

Liu Zejun nodded: "Old Guo, your shot is better than me, or you come!"


Guo Tao took a pistol and prepared to put the bullet on the raft, but found that the insurance of the gun had already been opened, and the bullet had already been smashed. He could not help but glance at Yan Shaohua.

Liu Zejun also saw that the famous hall came. He saw the murder in his eyes: "The boss..."

The pistols are a few of them. The specifics of this one are not known, but one thing is certain - before this, these **** really want to kill them!

Otherwise, why bother to put the bullets on, even the insurance has been opened? !

In this case, as long as the trigger is triggered, it is a fatal threat!

Ji Feng Shen said: "This thing is postponed and said, first solve the threat of darkness, then, Ze Jun, give me a gun!"

Liu Zejun nodded and handed one of the pistols to Ji Feng: "Boss, you don't want to do it, give it to me and Lao Guo!"

Said, Liu Zejun made a gesture to Guo Tao: "Begin!"

At the next moment, Guo Tao suddenly slid half a mile and then went straight to the ground, just reaching out to cross the front of the commercial vehicle.


Guo Tao shot, he pulled the trigger continuously: "Hey! Hey~!!"

After six rounds of playing, Guo Tao rolled out and hid behind the commercial vehicle again.


However, the opposite is silent and there is no sound at all.

Ji Feng smiled slightly: "It seems that the opponent is more able to hold back than we think!"

Guo Tao’s movements are fast enough. In such a short period of time, the other party must look at the situation here and make the most accurate judgment. This is not easy.

But the other party has no sound at all, obviously it is definitely not easy!

"It seems that I have to sneak in before!" Liu Zejun sighed.

"Don't worry!" Jifeng shook his head and said, "Let's wait..."

"What are you waiting for?"

Guo Tao whispered: "Boss, if you wait any longer, the police will come, and the other party will definitely run away. This is a potential threat!"

It is now certain that hiding in the dark is definitely an experienced veteran. If such a person is released, it is definitely a huge threat.

Ji Feng nodded: "I know, still wait!"

Seeing that Ji Feng insisted so much, Guo Tao had no choice but to wait quietly.

At this time, Ji Feng was holding a pistol in one hand, and holding the mobile phone in the other hand, spinning back and forth, and then looking at the BMW car not far from time to time, there was still no movement on it.

Ji Feng can not help but frown, how does Baizhu intend to act?

The reason why he did not let Liu Zejun and Guo Tao act was because of the message that Baizhu sent him. Obviously, Baizhu was going to act on his own, and obviously it was the same idea that Liu Zejun played, and he had to sneak into the past.

But now Baizhu is going to take a step. Where is her, Ji Feng is ignorant, but Ji Feng still dare not call Baizhu, this time if it is the key to Baizhu action In the event that the phone call has exposed her whereabouts, it will not only be abandoned, but will even make Baizhu dangerous.

And Liu Zejun can't act on this side, because once he acts, he will let the other side notice.

"Boss, do you want to continue?" After a while, Guo Tao whispered.


Ji Feng Shen channel.


In the cypress woods.


A petite figure flashed past and disappeared into the shadowy woods.

This figure is the white pearl.

At this moment, she is walking between the pines and cypresses, and in her right hand, she is holding a sharp dagger. Her beautiful eyes contain a strong suffocating scent!

Also met and killed!

Moreover, the goal of the other party to kill is actually Jifeng!

This made Baizhu extremely angry. The last time in Nanyue, Jifeng was almost killed because of the killing. This time, someone actually came to this set.

Baizhu decided to give the other party out!

Among the people present, she was in the best position, so she did not hesitate to start the action.

Baizhu has another reason to do this. Maybe she can't help Ji Feng on the big picture. However, in this kind of thing, Bai Zhu is willing to do his best to help Ji Feng. She is not trying to prove her ability. But I don't want to let Ji Feng distract from this kind of thing.

At the same time, Baizhu is also hateful of the hidden killer.

Because the other party wants to kill, it is the person Baizhu likes!

For a woman, this is the most intolerable.

Therefore, the white beads moved!

At the moment, she ran fast in the forest, but on the other hand was a quick glance at the place where she passed, she must find the hidden killer in the shortest time!

The best way is to think in terms of empathy.

Since you want to attack Ji Feng and others, you must definitely find a place that does not affect your view and hides yourself. As a killer, choosing a suitable place to kill is a must-have preparation.

And just happens, Baizhu is the most people who think about it, because she used to be a killer, so she knows better than anyone else where to hide.

Baizhu runs all the way, his eyes are like electricity.

She also heard the gunshots just now. With her rich experience, she immediately judged the approximate position of the other party, so she did not stop at half point and went straight to the area she judged.

In this process, Baizhu is also extra careful, because the other side has a gun, and she only has a dagger.


Baizhu stopped and his face showed a dignified color.

The area she judged has been searched by her, but she did not find the killer!

Baizhu is so bright, she leans on a tree and carefully searches. She believes that her judgment is correct. If the other party is really an experienced killer, then her judgment is definitely right.

However, no matter how Baizhu searches in the woods, he did not find any traces of the other party.

Bai Zhu’s exquisite eyebrows could not help but pick up slightly. Did he judge it wrong, or was discovered by the other party, so the killer hid in advance?

Bai Zhu’s gaze swept around, and suddenly her eyes fell on a tombstone on the edge of the woods – on the tombstone, there was a trace of mud!

It was a footprint - it was a trace of someone stepping on it!

Bai Zhu suddenly looked at him and came to the tombstone to worship. Who would step on it?

Baizhu clenched the dagger and slowly leaned back.

As the tombstone got closer and closer, the white light on the corner of the eyeball flashed, and she suddenly turned around and saw a few meters away from the right side of the tombstone. A person was hiding behind another tombstone, and the muzzle in her hand was aiming at her. .


Between the time, Bai Zhu did not hesitate to take out the dagger in his hand, and at the same time rolled on the spot, hiding behind the tombstone.

At the same time, the other party's gun also rang: "Hey~!"


"The gunshot!"

Ji Feng suddenly blinked in the eyes, "is white beads..."

"Ze Jun, act now, and Guo Tao and you cover you!" Then, Ji Feng gave a low drink, and his legs suddenly made a force, and the gun shot in the direction of the gunshot.


Guo Tao also started shooting, covering Liu Zejun, while the latter went crazy in the direction of the road, and in the twinkling of an eye, he reached the middle of the road.


Guo Tao is low.

Liu Zejun ran wildly in the shape of S. Only a few breaths, he crossed the road and entered the gully on the side of the road. Ji Feng and Guo Tao retracted their bodies and hid behind the Yamada commercial vehicle again.


Another gunshot sounded, or the direction of the woods.

Ji Feng suddenly wrinkled his brows. He gritted his teeth: "Guo Tao, you cover me again, I am also..."

"Boss, this is too dangerous..." Guo Tao suddenly said: "I am too weak in fire, and you may be the target..."

Ji Fengyi waved his hand: "There is not so much, I have to go now..."

However, his words have not been finished, suddenly his eyes suddenly slammed, while grabbing Guo Tao, whispered: "Hazard, hide!"


The next moment, the gunshots suddenly rang, and this time, it was the direction in which Ji Feng was hiding...



A scream of screaming, I saw one of the people with Qi Shaohua, a **** flower on his stomach, his whole body slammed a few times, then his body twitched, and the screams disappeared.


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