The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2222: Kill!

Chapter 345 is killing!



A scream of screaming, I saw one of the people with Qi Shaohua, a **** flower on his stomach, his whole body slammed a few times, then his body twitched, and the screams disappeared.

A companion of Shao Shaohua was killed!

He suddenly turned red and yelled: "Wang Ba... I am **** you!"


However, in response to him, there was still a gunshot.

Another person was killed, and this time, the man was shot directly in the head, because the power of the bullet was too great, so that the man’s head was instantly smashed, just like being stoned. The cockroach's cockroaches are generally on the watermelon...

Ji Feng and Guo Tao could not help but stunned!

The change in this matter is too fast, so that they have not had time to respond in a timely manner and can only hide themselves.

However, why the killer had to poison the hands of Yan Shaohua and others, Ji Feng and Guo Tao did not want to understand.

What makes Ji Feng and Guo Tao even more shocked is that they did not expect that there is still a hidden gunman in the vicinity, and obviously it is definitely a master, accurate and very patient.

The other party could have been patient until now, and before that, Ji Feng did not even notice it, which made him feel at ease.

This is another elite gunner!

Even, it is probably an ace sniper!

Ji Feng is extremely confident in his own six senses. He can be sure that as long as the other party shows hostility towards himself or if he is being monitored, he will be able to detect it.

Although it was just because my attention was distracted, and the scene was still a bit confusing, but this second gunman was able to be noticed by Ji Feng just before the shot, which is enough to show that this person is amazing.

Where are the gunmen?

Why are the elites so worthless now, all over the street?

Or is it said that the Guoan Jiangzhou Branch has dispatched all the elites in order to put themselves to death? !

Ji Feng is really a bit of time to understand!


After two consecutive men were killed, Yan Shaohua suddenly became angry. He didn’t know where to come from. He suddenly stood up and then rushed to the side. On the ground not far away, there was a pistol. That was Ji Feng confiscated them, but the attack was too sudden, and Ji Feng did not have time to take it away.

Yan Shaohua grabbed the pistol in his hand and then suddenly slammed it on the ground. Following the huge impact, he rolled up directly on the first, and pulled the trigger, in the direction of the gunshot. shooting!


Yan Shaohua's movements were extremely fast, and the shooting method seemed to be very accurate. His gunshots rang and the gunshots on the opposite side disappeared immediately.

Ji Feng, who is hiding on one side, has a slight look at his eyes!

This Shaohua is definitely an elite. At least he must have a very rich experience in combat. Otherwise, most people will have no time to react when they encounter this situation. Even if they respond, they will definitely protect themselves. .

But Shao Shaohua is different. He can find the pistol on the ground and the hiding position of the other gunman in such a sudden and flustered situation. Moreover, he can also use his self-protecting action to launch a counterattack!

From Qi Shaohua stood up, he picked up the pistol, then he rolled on the ground, and then shot back... This series of movements showed a very high level, and very amazing combat literacy!

This is definitely a fighting elite!

However, the more this is the case, the more violent the Ji Feng heart is, the more obvious it is that this Shaohua is definitely not a rookie, then, when they came down from the Yamada business car, they wanted to kill themselves!

This Shao Shaohua to stop himself, obviously not as he said, just to ‘please go back to assist the investigation’ is so simple, he must have other orders!

"Boss, this guy is very problematic!" Guo Tao hid on the other side of the car, staring at the Shaohua on the ground, Shen Sheng: "Now it is the time of melee, do you want to take this opportunity..."

Having said that, his hand made a neck-wrapping action on his neck: "Would you like to take the opportunity to get rid of him?"

Ji Feng is shaking his head: "No! It is not the time..."

Guo Tao is very puzzled. Now it is a time of melee. Everywhere is chaos. The two companions who are still alive and remaining in Shaosha, even rushing to find a place to escape are too late to come. It is impossible to notice this.

If at this time, I will take down Shaohua from the back, then there is no evidence to prove that they are doing it. Even if the national security is checked in the future, at most, it is only suspected of Ji Feng, but there is no tangible evidence, because now The guns in their hands are all a few people!

There are no witnesses, and the weapon is the victim’s own weapon. Even if Guoan is even more powerful, it may not be able to find out.

Why can the boss refuse?

However, Ji Feng did not explain to him why, just staring at the figure of Yan Shaohua, and looking at the place where the gunman was hiding, the brow could not help but wrinkle slightly.

"Guo Tao, do you see it? It seems that something is not quite right..." Ji Feng Shen Sheng.


Guo Tao nodded and blurted out: "How do these people kill each other?"

This is the problem!

Ji Feng’s eyes are slightly stunned. Today’s things are very wrong, and it’s getting more and more complicated... There is no doubt that a few people in Qi Shaohua must have wanted to take the opportunity to kill themselves, and the gunman who was hidden in the woods is sure. It was also for this purpose, because the first shot was directed at his head, but Ji Feng was aware of the danger in advance, so he hid in the past.

However, this second killing, although Ji Feng felt extremely dangerous, but this is normal, since the other party wants his life, then naturally he will aim at him.

The problem is, after he and Guo Tao escaped, how did the gunman turn his guns and fire at a few people? !

Is the gunman because he has not killed himself, so he is not guilty, so he will be angry when he sees people?

This is obviously impossible!

"This gunman doesn't seem to be a passer-by with them!" Guo Tao whispered. "Boss, what is this?"


Ji Feng shook his head. Now he doesn't know what it is. Even what happened, he still can't figure out for a while.

First, Shao Shaohua and others followed them, and after stopping them, they wanted to kill them. Later, because they did not succeed, the snipers hidden in the woods shot at them.

But before I have finished solving these things, I actually came up with a second sniper!

This is really a mess!

"Boss, what should we do?" Guo Tao asked quietly.

"You cover me, I go to the woods on the cemetery!" Ji Feng immediately said, "Remember, after I have passed, you must pay attention to safety, protect yourself, and prevent the existence of a third sniper! ”

"It's very dangerous now!" Guo Tao was shocked. "Boss, let me go..."


Ji Feng shook his head and said: "Look at today's posture, the other party still doesn't know how long it will be prepared. Then there may be changes. There is no weapon on Baizhu. If there is any change, she will definitely be in danger. I have to look over the past."

Guo Tao whispered: "Then I will go the same..."

"You don't know Baizhu!" Jifeng shook his head and said: "I still want to be better... OK, I don't have to say anything, I am going to cover me..."


Ji Feng’s voice just fell, and suddenly there was a shock coming. He and Guo Tao suddenly looked at it and saw another person’s neck being hit. The huge power of the bullet actually gave the man’s neck. I ripped off a piece of blood, and the blood was just like a fountain pouring out!

And the man opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to make a scream, but perhaps the vocal cords and trachea were torn off, so that the person could not even scream, only the instinct of both hands could hold his neck and squat It was shaking violently, but the blood was still madly ejected from the cracks in his fingers...

That scene, the people who saw it were really scalp!

Just for a moment, the man fell softly on the ground, his eyes screaming, but there was no look in it, and his body gradually lost its convulsions!

Another person was killed by the sniper hidden in the dark!

In a twinkling of an eye, the four people who came with Yu Shaohua were killed by the second sniper that suddenly popped up. Now counted with Shao Shaohua, there are only two people left.

And the man who had just been torn by the bullet, and the last one, the two of them were hiding at the same time, but his companion was next to him, under his eyelids, the quilt was born. Tearing off his neck, he died at his feet!


The man's eyes were red, and the death of his companion was obviously irritating to him. His whole person was furious, and his mouth angered: "I **** your ancestors, I will fight with you -!"

Between the time, he suddenly rushed out from the side of the car, madly rushing in the direction of the gunshot.


However, he was still a bullet.


The man’s chest was directly hit by a pair, and a bunch of blood flowers came out. The man fell to the ground.

Ji Feng couldn't help but see the pupil shrink, the secret voice, master!

Maybe he didn't see it clearly before. However, when Yan Shaohua's last companion sprinted, the entire process of the season Feng Feng was clearly seen, and this time, he also probably saw the hidden position of the sniper. What really surprised him was the speed of the sniper.

There was movement from the woods, and when the man was hit by a bullet, the whole process was almost completed between two or three breaths!

In other words, the sniper is simply aiming at it and then shooting directly...

The strength of this gun can be compared with Yao Zhijian!

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