The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2223: Cross the river to break the bridge!

Chapter 346 Crossing the river to break the bridge!

The second sniper's precise shots made Ji Feng somewhat surprised.

This person's shooting method and quick response are enough to show that this is definitely an excellent sniper, and certainly a veteran with rich experience.

This makes Ji Feng could not help but frown. With such a veteran, the next action may be troublesome, and even danger may occur.

Not to mention the other, just such a master, plus a sniper rifle, is enough to block all their routes, so that they can not go any further, even even back can not be impossible, because in this area in addition to the car In addition, only that piece of wood can be used to cover.

However, the sniper is in the woods!


Just as Ji Feng quickly thought about it, he heard a roar, and then Ji Feng saw that Shao Shaohua was quickly galloping toward his fallen companion. At the same time, he did not forget to go S. Route to prevent yourself from being targeted quickly.

However, Yan Shaohua's thigh was originally stabbed by Liu Zejun, and the action was naturally not as convenient as normal people, so his speed was naturally affected.

And the sniper is in the dark, and Shao Shaohua is naturally at a disadvantage.


When a gunshot came, I saw that Shao Shaohua suddenly slammed, one of the legs suddenly softened, and he slammed on the ground, and then the whole person fell to the ground, but the huge inertia still let him roll forward. A few laps.

"Hey! Hey!"

Then, the gunshots in the opposite woods are remembered one after another.

Yan Shaohua’s reaction was also at its peak. At the moment he fell to the ground, the whole person continually rolled through inertia, and the other bullets followed.


Another shot was fired, and Shao Shaohua smashed his body, but the next moment, he suddenly slipped a metre or two, but on his shoulder, it was a **** flower!

Yan Shaohua took another shot!


Yan Shaohua snorted and then screamed: "The dog wants to cross the river to break the bridge..."

Ji Feng heard the words, suddenly the eyes flashed, the words of Shao Shaohua, but there are some other meanings, it seems that Qi Shaohua seems to know a lot of things.


Another shot.

Qi Shaohua’s chest suddenly came out with a **** flower. At this moment, he could no longer afford to dodge. He was hit by a bullet and hit the chest. He fell to his back on the ground.


Between the time, Ji Feng suddenly stood up, and then the pickpocket was a shot, hit the direction of the gunshot, "Hey!"

Then, there are two more shots!

At the same time, Ji Feng gave a low drink: "Guo Tao, save people!"

Guo Tao did not have any pause. At the moment when Ji Feng’s voice had just fallen, he suddenly rushed out and rolled on the spot. He went to Qi Shaohua’s side and grabbed his arm in one hand, so that he would do his best. drag.


At this time, Ji Feng was standing directly next to the business car, and shot in the direction of the gunfire in the opposite forest.

And in the opposite forest, there is no sound.

In the eyes of Ji Feng, the cold flashes, and the bioelectric current is rapidly applied to the eyes. He brings his vision to the extreme!

This is the opportunity he has been waiting for!

The sniper on the opposite side was hidden too deep, and there was a block of wood, so that Ji Feng could not see where the man was, let alone see the person.

In that case, he didn't even have a chance to fight back!

Therefore, Ji Feng can only wait patiently. He must first determine the position of the sniper before he can start. Moreover, he only has one chance to fight back. If it is not successful, the sniper will definitely run away. Infinity.

as expected!

After the sniper smashed several Shaohua’s companions in succession, he began to start with Yu Shaohua. In the process, Ji Feng has been carefully discerning. As a result, he found that the direction of the gunshots did not What changes.

Moreover, Ji Feng observed that the sniper shot more and more quickly, apparently Yu Shaohua's counterattack and dodge, making it somewhat intolerant.

This is a good opportunity!

So, after the sniper opened the last shot, Ji Feng suddenly began to counterattack, and the pickpocket was a shot.

The next moment, the gunshots in the opposite forest disappeared without a trace!

However, Ji Feng did not intend to stop at all. He continued to shoot a few shots at the same point, until Guo Tao dragged Yu Shaohua back, and he once again hid behind the commercial vehicle.


Guo Tao put the Shaohua on the ground and couldn't help but breathe a few times. He just rescued Shao Shaohua. Although the time used was very short, the process was unusually dangerous. Once Ji Feng’s counterattack and cover were unsuccessful, Then Guo Tao may be slammed by a sniper rifle to play a few blood holes!

More importantly, at this moment, Shao Shaohua has no ability to act. He relies on Guo Tao to drag him, so he is so fast that his physical exertion is not small.

"Boss, this guy is dead!"

Guo Tao kicked and kicked Qi Shaohua, who was lying on the ground, but he didn’t react, and he couldn’t help but say.

Ji Feng squatted down and reached out to explore the snoring of Qi Shaohua, but found that there was still breathing. He immediately held down the chest of Qi Shaohua and the other hand smashed him.


After a few breaths, Yan Shaohua suddenly coughed, but it spurted a blood, "Wang, bastard..."

"Woke up?"

Ji Feng sneered and said: "Yu Shaohua, you are mad to kill me, but did not think that you will fall to the present field?"

Yan Shaohua seems to be a bit embarrassed. After hearing Ji Feng’s words, he slowly returned to his heart: “Have you saved me?”

Ji Feng was undecided and did not answer his question. Instead, he sneered: "Why, would you like me to go back and assist in the investigation now?"

Yan Shaohua paused. He coughed a few times and suddenly asked, "How are my brothers?"

"You are still alive!" said Ji Feng.

"Everyone else is quite dead!" Guo Tao sneered aside. "You are really funny. You are obviously killing us. How come you finally kill yourself?"

"... Someone crosses the river to tear down the bridge!" Yan Shaohua said with a bite.

Guo Tao suddenly took a look, then immediately looked at Ji Feng, but saw that Ji Feng's face became dignified: "Who is crossing the river to break the bridge? Who sent you?"

Yan Shaohua is biting his teeth and not talking.

Ji Feng suddenly frowned: "Zhu Shaohua, how is your current situation, you are probably better than anyone else. If you don't say it, I don't mind coming to see you dead! Killing the law, but you can't save it." Counting crime..."


However, no matter what Ji Feng said, Yan Shaohua is biting his teeth and does not say a word, as if the sentence was not what he said.

Ji Feng cold channel: "Zhao Shaohua, you are going to bring everything you know to the bottom? If you die, don't you say it?"


Yan Shaohua still did not speak a word, as if he did not hear Ji Feng’s words.

This makes Ji Feng can not help but feel some anger. It is not difficult to hear from the words of Shao Shaohua. This person is absolutely instructed by others to kill himself. However, perhaps because the task is not completed, perhaps because of other reasons, the result is Yu Shaohua. Behind others, there are two snipers.

They are the people who broke the bridge in Shaohuahuakou!

Or it can be said that it is after the arrest of the oriole, but in the eyes of the other party, as a cockroach, there is no death, but the shackles of Shaohua, but they have been killed.

At the moment, Shao Shaohua is also extremely hurt, especially the shot on the chest, which is almost fatal. This point can be seen directly after the stun of the Shaohua gun. In fact, even if the gun is not fatal, But just because of the two shots in him, just wait a little longer, he will also lose blood and shock too much.

Now there is only one Shaohua, and there is only one insider. If he is dead now, then he can't investigate who is going to kill himself!

Therefore, Ji Feng tried to let him tell the behind-the-scenes ambassador before Yan Shaohua swallowed.

But Shao Shaohua’s attitude of biting his teeth and not wanting to speak is to make Ji Feng extremely angry. He turned his head and looked at the BMW car. He heard that the engine was still running, which made him unable to bite his teeth and look cold. He took a look at Shao Shaohua.


Ji Feng snorted and then turned to Guo Tao and said: "Guo Tao, feed the special effect current you brought to him!"

"Boss!" Guo Tao suddenly stunned. "Does he match?!"

"Hey him!" Ji Feng was waved. "He knows a lot of things. Even before he spits it out, even if he wants to die, I don't agree!"


Guo Tao understood, he nodded immediately, took a small bottle from the inside pocket, poured out a special effect current, and fed it to Shao Shaohua: "You are lucky..."

At this time, Ji Feng stood up: "Guo Tao, you are optimistic about him here, you must ensure that he does not die ... be careful!"

"What about you?" Guo Tao asked immediately.

"I have to go there to see the situation!" Ji Feng Shen Sheng, from the first gunshot sound has been a short time, and now Baizhu has not heard any news, he can not wait.

Moreover, Liu Zejun has already passed, but there is no news at all. Even the movement is gone, which makes Ji Feng’s heart rise a bad feeling.


"Okay, don't say anything, follow what I said!" Ji Feng Shen Sheng.


Guo Tao should be honest.


Ji Feng looked up and saw the piece of Song Berlin, his legs suddenly exerted strength, his body skyrocketed, rushing toward the opposite side of the road...

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