The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2224: Combat order!

Chapter 348 Fight Command!

How many national security people were killed by snipers?

This makes Bai Zhu not surprised, can it be said that this sniper and Guoan people are not a group?

"Today's things are a bit complicated. Let's control people first!" Ji Feng didn't know how to explain to Baizhu. In fact, he still didn't know what happened. The only thing that is clear now is that There were three people on the scene. The first one was Xiao Shaohua, and the rest were two snipers.

Qi Shaohua and others and the second sniper should come from the same place, or follow the same person's orders, so Yan Shaohua will have the phrase 'crossing the river to break the bridge'!

But whether this first sniper is a group with Yu Shaohua and others, Ji Feng is still unknown.

Now, the people of the national security, except for Shao Shaohua, have all been killed. Now it is necessary to seize the second sniper. In this case, the three people will be caught. .

Ji Feng mentioned the sniper on the ground that was stunned by the white beads, and then went back.

"Be careful, there is still a sniper here!" Ji Feng whispered.


Baizhu nodded, sighed.


Suddenly, a gunshot sounded in front of him, and Ji Feng suddenly sighed: "Go!"

The two immediately rushed in the direction of the gunshots. From a distance, they saw some people shaking in the woods. Jifeng immediately concealed with the white beads, and then slowly approached.

However, when they gradually approached, they saw that the figure was actually Liu Zejun, and in front of him, a person was lying on the ground and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

"Ze Jun!"

Ji Feng shouted, and quickly walked over: "What happened?"


Liu Zejun pointed to the guy on the ground and said: "This is the sniper. I have been dealing with me just now. Seeing that I am going to catch him, the guy gave himself a shot and committed suicide!"

Ji Fengyi: "Suicide?"

Liu Zejun nodded and said: "Yes, suicide! This guy is really embarrassing, can't run away, even dare to shoot at himself!"

Ji Feng's brow wrinkled, he did not expect that this sniper would be so extreme!

"Boss, it seems that today's things are not simple!" Liu Zejun Shen Sheng.


Ji Feng nodded.

Today's things are indeed a bit complicated. Let's not say what these people are. It is just this sniper. If you can't run away, you will shoot suicide decisively. If you have this kind of courage, it is obviously not the average person. It is said to be a dead person. Not too much!

Have you met these people to kill yourself? !

Are they all national security people?

Ji Feng calmed his face, kneel down, turned the sniper's body over and examined it carefully.

This person is indeed dead!

There was a shot in his chest and a shot in the temple... Ji Feng had a few in his heart. This shot on the chest was probably the one he hit before the counterattack. It may be because of this that the sniper will be Liu Zejun found that he was forced to go nowhere, and finally he had to commit suicide.

After careful inspection, it was confirmed that this person was dead. Ji Feng stood up and said: "Ze Jun, you are like this... Take this man's clothes down and check if there are any special signs on his body. Take a picture if you have one, then join us as soon as possible!"

Liu Zejun immediately nodded: "Yes!"

Ji Feng patted his shoulder, then quickly with the white beads, with the sniper before leaving.


Seeing that Ji Feng and Bai Zhu came back, Guo Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Feng threw the sniper on the ground and asked, "How is the situation of Qi Shaohua?"

Guo Tao shook his head and said: "Not very good, he is too hurt. Although he is not dying immediately, he is still in a semi-conscious state. He does not know how long he can persist. If he does not immediately go to the hospital, I am afraid that after the efficacy of the special effect current has passed, his death will come."

Ji Feng frowned, raised his hand and looked at the time, Shen Sheng: "The police have not come yet?"

Guo Tao shook his head and said: "No. The efficiency of the police is really too low, boss, or else we drove Xiao Shaohua directly to the hospital?"

Ji Feng sinks up and does not immediately nod.

In fact, in his opinion, this may not be the inefficiency of the police. Maybe someone would not want the police to come so quickly.

Today's situation is too complicated, and the incident is sudden, he must consider clearly to make a decision.

After a moment of indulgence, Ji Feng Shen Sheng said: "So... Guo Tao, you are going to the BMW car immediately, take the driving recorder down, take it away immediately, remember, don't walk the road, don't touch anyone, Immediately rush to the city with the fastest speed, hand over the things to my uncle, I will help you contact there, you have to keep the communication open!"

"Boss..." Guo Tao listened to Ji Feng's arrangement, and he couldn't help but change his face. "Is there any problem?"

"I don't know yet, but always be careful!" Ji Feng Shen Sheng, "White Pearl, you follow Guo Tao, first shoot the contents of the driving recorder with your mobile phone again, then you will act separately..."

"The season is less..."

"Don't talk, listen to me first!" Ji Feng waved his hand and planned to say Baizhu. He continued: "You don't have to worry about me. Since these people have not been able to kill me, then they are even less." Maybe!"

Ji Feng turned and pointed to the piece of Song Bolin, sneer: "Now we have long and short guns. Do you think there are enough people in the woods to kill me?"

The reason why Ji Feng always looked for cover was because he had no weapons in his hand, but the other party had a sniper rifle!

Ji Feng's kung fu is even worse, but he can't reach the point where he can't get into the gun, so he can only find cover.

But now, there are the rifles left by the sniper, and the pistols left by a few people, unless the other party uses the army, otherwise, if you want to kill him in the woods, it is simply an idiot!

Seeing that Ji Feng insisted, Baizhu had nodded and promised to come down.

"What should I do here?" Guo Tao asked. "The police have come, if there is no one here..."

"I and Ze Jun are staying!" Ji Feng said: "It's so decided, it's not too late, just do what I said, fast!"


Guo Tao immediately responded, then turned and ran towards the BMW.

Bai Zhu looked at Ji Feng deeply and turned and went.

Soon, the two men took the driving recorder that had been removed from the car, passed through the woods, and left in the direction of the city.

Ji Feng was a slight relief, and then he picked up the phone and dialed the number of the second uncle.

"Xiao Feng, are you back?" Ji Zhenguo asked with a smile. "You naughty monkey, have been in Nanyue for so long, and finally willing to come back?"

"Uncle, this thing will be said later, now I am in trouble!" Ji Feng smiled bitterly.

"What trouble?"

"I was blocked on the road, there are people from Guoan, and snipers who don't know what it is!" Ji Feng said: "We have a gun battle. Now there are a few people dead here, and some people are seriously injured..."

Ji Feng quickly said the story.

Then, listening to Ji Zhenguo’s voice on the phone: “Tear too much!”

"Xiao Feng, don't worry, now the first thing you have to do is to ensure your safety!" Ji Zhenguo said, "Keep the communication open, and let me arrange the rest!"

"I will stay near the scene." Ji Feng said, "Now the trouble has basically been solved, and the possibility of danger is not great..."

"First guarantee your safety!" Ji Zhenguo said, "Look at whether you can leave, if you can't leave, find a hidden place to hide, don't take risks!"

Ji Zhenguo knows the character of Ji Feng. What he fears most is that this kid is timid and irrational.

No matter how serious the matter is, as long as there is no danger in Jifeng, the problem is not big.

However, if Jifeng had an accident, it would be useless to turn over the sky at the time of the season. It was too late to do anything at that time.

Ji Feng nodded: "Uncle, you can rest assured, I have a few in my heart!"

After collecting the line, Ji Feng smashed the guns on the ground, and then mentioned the Shao Shaohua who was already in a semi-conscious state. He said: "You are going to kill me, but I will save you... if you can't I am alive, but I am sorry for my pain!"

But where can Shao Shaohua answer him?

Ji Feng snorted and turned quickly into the woods: "If there is a species, let's come, as long as you dare to come, today this cemetery is your bones!"

Soon, he disappeared into the woods.


At the same time, in the Jiangzhou Municipal Committee, the secretary's office.


Ji Zhenguo slaps on the table, sinking his face and biting his teeth: "It’s too deceiving!"

When the secretary heard the movement and quickly pushed the door in, he saw the scene. He couldn’t help but be so arrogant. The secretary has always been very calm, and he rarely gets angry, but now...

What happened?


"I will immediately call me on the military division commander!" Ji Zhenguo said to the secretary.


The secretary just stunned a little, and immediately nodded. His heart was extremely shocked. What happened? What happened to the rumor?

The secretary quickly dialed the number of the military division Hu Shiling according to the number recorded on the newsletter: "The secretary, passed..."

Ji Zhenguo took the call and said, "Is it Hu Shiling? I am Ji Zhenguo. Please move the helicopter immediately and give your troops a battle order..."

The secretary was suddenly taken aback, fighting orders?

Is this going to war?

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