The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2225: The contest in the forest!

Chapter 347 contest in the forest!


In Songlin, a figure flashed abruptly and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Even if someone saw it, he would doubt whether it was an illusion.

Ji Feng mentioned his speed to the extreme!

Although the trees in Songbull are extremely unevenly arranged, there is no rule at all, but this does not have a slight impact on Jifeng.

This kind of wood is for him, it is simply a pediatrics.

You must know that in the training space of the brain, in order to exercise his endurance and the strength of the biological current in the body, Ji Feng directly smashed the beast forest, and when he came out, the strength of moving his fingers was gone. It is simply a dead man!

Even then, Ji Feng was still smashing the beast forest again and again, from the beginning of exhaustion, and later, he passed through the forest, just breathing for a while.

However, what is the beast forest?

Among them, the beast is rampant, and no one knows when a sudden beast will suddenly be thrown out, or even on a branch above your head, a snake will be wrapped around it!

Moreover, there are no trees in the forest that are regularly arranged. If you want to walk through them quickly, you must have a quick response and excellent body stability and balance.

These are some of the most basic requirements for Ji Feng.

It can be imagined that even the beastly forest has been smashed countless times. How much trouble can this pine Berlin bring to him?

So for Ji Feng, walking through this pine Berlin, he is just like walking in his own back garden!

However, at this moment, Ji Feng’s face is a little dignified!

Baizhu’s coming in is too long!

The gun that has just been ringing has been there for a long time, and Liu Zejun has come over for a while, but since then there has been no movement anymore, which makes Ji Feng’s heart Unable to mention, Bai Zhu had no other weapons at the time, and there was only one dagger.

If it is an ordinary person, then the white dagger is naturally enough, even if it is an ordinary master, even in the woods with a gun may not pose any threat to the white pearl.

Because the strength of Baizhu is not bad!

Moreover, the use of guns in this woods is still very much affected, especially when dealing with people, it is likely to be better than daggers.

The power of a pistol is bigger than that of a scorpion. Everyone knows this. However, in the face of a real master, people may not give you a chance to shoot. If you don’t even have the ability to shoot, how can you kill each other?

However, what makes Ji Feng worry is that the gunman is not a mediocre. On the contrary, he is probably an experienced master!

This can be seen from the second sniper who emerged. The other party’s shooting method is accurate and the reaction speed is extremely fast. Even Ji Feng can’t easily leave the cover without anyone’s cover. How strong is the sniper!

If the first sniper is at the same level, then the white beads may be dangerous!

This is the reason why Jifeng is in a hurry!

Moreover, there is another sniper hidden in the woods. Ji Feng is not sure of the sudden counterattack before, is he killed the other side, because the pistol has a limited range and is in a hurry, if Ji Feng at that time There is a rifle in his hand, and he can definitely kill the sniper cleanly.

But now, Jifeng must find Baizhu as soon as possible, but also guard against another sniper!


In Songlin, the white beads clung tightly against a tombstone, and their legs were half-squatted. The slender legs contained extremely strong explosive power, but at this moment, Baizhu could only endure and let any part of the body Keep still and not make a sound.

At the same time, on the left arm of Baizhu, her clothes appeared to be damaged, and there was a little blood on it!

Baizhu was injured.

However, Bai Zhu’s face did not have any flustered look, and her beauty looked around and was looking for something. In the previous confrontation, her dagger was taken out by her, so she had to find a weapon to pick up.

At the same time, just behind another tombstone not far from Baizhu, there is also a figure, but this person is holding his hand on his stomach, clinging to his hand, is a dagger, just plug it On his body, blood oozes from the seams of his fingers, making his face a little distorted!

That was the beheading of Baizhu. In the moment of the moment, Baizhu used the dagger as a flying knife and hit him.

However, he did not dare to pull out the dagger, because there is a dagger now, it can also block the spew of blood. If the dagger is pulled out, he can't stop the blood. When he doesn't use others, he will lose blood. More dead.

"Damn woman, so powerful..." He snorted in his heart. He had never seen a powerful woman, whether it was cold or awkward, and even some women were more fierce than men.

However, like the woman who just played, he really has never seen it.

- Ling Li!

Yes, that's the feeling!

At that moment, the woman gave him the biggest feeling, it was fierce!

It’s like a sword that is unsheathed, sharp!

So they are just a face-to-face, he is hurt in the woman's hand, and the injury is not light!

Damn it!

Because he was curled up behind the tombstone for a long time, his legs were a little soft. As a result, his body just moved slightly, and suddenly there was a pain in his stomach, which made him unable to help but sigh, and his heart could not help but sneak.

"Is this leg soft?" He was annoyed. It was caused by a wound on his stomach. With so much blood, he could even feel that he was gradually weak...

"Can't go on like this, or you can't wait for the woman to do it, and you have to explain it here!" The gunman secretly gritted his teeth, and then he slowly peeped his head out and looked across.


He suddenly secretly surprised, and next to the tombstone that the woman was hiding, half of the shoes were exposed.

good chance!

He immediately smiled in his heart. From the position of the shoes, he could basically judge the position of the woman now, if he suddenly attacked...

Thinking of this, he bit his teeth, resisting the pain, carrying the gun and slowly retreating, must do this woman, she is too dangerous!

This person breathed, trying not to let himself make a sound, even when he stepped back, he was careful of 120,000 points, and while he was retreating, his eyes never left the shoes that were exposed outside the tombstone. .

People are still there!

Nothing happens!

His heart was slightly relieved, which shows that the woman did not notice her transfer.

After confirming it again and again, he began to go around the tombstone hidden by Baizhu.

Ten meters...

Eight meters...

He is getting closer and closer to the tombstone, but he doesn't know how to do it. He has no tension in his heart, but he looks around, but he doesn't find any abnormality. This makes him secretly gritted. He is really being This woman is scared!

Soon, the tombstone was close at hand.


As he gritted his teeth, he rushed forward, and the muzzle in his hand followed the position of the shoe, aimed at the woman... This is his judgment based on the position of the shoes.

However, when he slanted from the ground, he suddenly looked blank.

It turned out to be just a shoe, but apart from that, there was nothing behind the tombstone.

Between the time, he only felt that the scalp was numb and was fooled!

His heart suddenly jumped a few times, and the subconscious was going to avoid it. However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a hand coming in from behind him, and then he only felt the neck tight, the next moment It was black in front of me and I lost consciousness.

This hand is very beautiful, but it is so fierce!


The man fell softly on the ground like a mud!


Until all this was done, Baizhu took a long breath, and the process seemed simple, but it was actually very dangerous.

If the sniper is more careful, or if he looks back a few more times, then Baizhu may be exposed. Then, Baizhu may only have a dead end.

The heart is stunned by the words, but it is not words that can be described. This is almost the edge of death!

But all this has passed, and this sniper finally died in her hands!


Just then, a strange sound came from the woods, like someone running, and Bai Zhu was very alert and quickly avoided.

"White beads, don't hide, it's me!" With a voice coming, Ji Feng rushed to the front.


When Baizhu heard this sound, he immediately came out from behind the tombstone: "Jiu Shao, how come you?"

"You haven't been moving for so long, I'm afraid that you have any problems, so come over and see!" Seeing the white beads safe and sound, Ji Feng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but soon he saw the white beads on his arm. Wound: "Are you injured?!"

"On a little skin injury, I was rubbed by a bullet!" Bai Zhu looked at Ji Feng with his arm.

"This is good!"

Ji Feng just relaxed, but he glanced at Baizhu again: "Without my permission, I will not be allowed to act privately! I heard no?!"

Baizhu grinned and said: "Yes!"

Ji Feng snorted and asked: "This is the sniper?"

Baizhu nodded and said: "Well! Yes, I heard gunshots just now. Is there anything wrong?"

"Yes, there is a sniper here, and it is quite powerful!" Ji Feng nodded, Shen Sheng: "Zhao Shaohua...that is the few national security people, only one is left, everyone else was given by the sniper Killed!"

"Ah?!" Baizhu suddenly lost.


Khan, this chapter is a supplement. I did upload it before, but I don’t know how it happened. Is it because I have an illusion? I am sorry to have affected everyone’s reading...

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