The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2239: Eat your own fruit!

Chapter 362 is self-sufficient!

Suddenly, a few people stunned at the same time, and Shan Wendong was also a glimpse.

"I can sit in my car with Tong Lei, and trouble you in front of the road." Ji Feng smiled slightly, holding the child's little hand in the car.

Between the moments, the face of Shan Wendong and others is not very good.

Especially when they saw Ji Feng holding the little hand of Tong Lei and sitting in the BMW car, Shan Wendong couldn't help but jump a few times and his face was black.

Single Wendong did not think of it, he actually lifted a rock and licked his own feet!

In fact, when they saw Tong Lei from the beginning, they naturally noticed Ji Feng. Even if they just focused on Tong Lei, it should be seen that Tong Lei is holding the arm of Ji Feng. How could you not see Ji Feng?

Let's say that such a big living person is beside them. These people are not old-fashioned, and naturally they cannot be seen.

The problem is that it is hard that no one has taken the initiative to say hello to Ji Feng, and no one even has his eyes on Ji Feng - except that they occasionally pass through Ji Feng’s body and secretly look at Ji Feng. .

In fact, it can be seen from this point that the attitude of Shan Wendong to Ji Feng is exactly what it is.

Obviously, they are not too happy to see the appearance of Ji Feng!

However, the only girl named Xu Ling, but more to look at Ji Feng a few eyes. Perhaps for her, the appearance of Ji Feng is actually to help her eliminate some of the potential threats - breaking the thoughts of Shan Wendong on the child!

After all, Tong Lei already has a boyfriend, and people are still standing intimately together. If you only like Tian Lei, you will have no chance, right?

At this time, whether you are looking for the pursuit of children's buds and hopelessly, you may not be in love, or you may want to retreat to the next level. Anyway, in this case, you should always look at me more?

I am afraid, this is Xu Ling's mentality.

In addition, she may also be somewhat curious. If she wants to know what Ji Feng has, she can pursue Tong Lei.

But a few people in Shanwen are not thinking so!

Because of the appearance of Jifeng, they are very uncomfortable, and even faintly hostile to Jifeng, but everyone is not a child, and there are children buds beside them, they are not too obvious.

Therefore, they intentionally or unintentionally ignored the existence of Ji Feng, anyway, they are all old classmates for almost ten years, and the tacit understanding between them is naturally unnecessary.

The nature they used to cooperate with was also quite good. Tong Lei’s boyfriend basically didn’t insert anything, which made them very proud.

So after deciding how to arrange at noon, they planned to give Jifeng an embarrassment. At the same time, let’s have a little more time between Shan Wendong and Tong Lei. Let’s learn more about each other... Of course, mainly Shan Wendong wants to let Tong Lei know more about him.

Because Shan Wendong believes that now and himself ten years ago, it is very different, the black seven-seat SUV is the best proof.

Therefore, Shan Wendong made a very necessary question as a difficult one - the car can not sit so many people.

But just one more person!

Although this is only a coincidence, it is obvious that there is an outsider here, so this is for whom, it is self-evident.

Originally, the meaning of Shan Wendong was to let Bu Dexin take a taxi with Ji Feng, and Tong Lei was sitting in his car, so that he could not only talk to Tong Lei at a close distance, but also eliminate the unfamiliar feeling that he had not seen in the past few years. You can also let Tong Lei feel his current changes.

However, what did Wen Wendong not think of was that this boyfriend of Tong Lei was simply simply beckoning and waving, and I said that I have a car.

So I came to a BMW X6, and I didn't have to drive by myself.

Look at the car, sitting is actually a beauty!

In fact, Shan Wendong did not look carefully, otherwise he would find that the car is not just a beautiful woman, in addition to driving the white beads, in the position of the co-pilot, still sitting Han Zhen!


Ji Feng and Tong Lei sat in the back row and lowered the window: "You please lead the way, we are behind!"

Shan Wendong is a glimpse: "..."

His face barely squeezed a smile and nodded. "That's good."

After that, he immediately turned to walk towards his SUV. He was afraid that if he didn't leave, he wouldn't help but change his face, and even let Ji Feng detect his hostility.

It’s just that Shan Wendong doesn’t know what these seasons Feng has experienced and what experience he has.

Such a means and a faction like Shan Wendong, for Ji Feng, that is really nothing at all, his point of thought and can not get through the season maple?

If it weren't for the students who were all children's buddies, Ji Feng wouldn't even care about them, let alone with them so much nonsense, and finally have to go eat with them!

As for the other people, it is a little worse than the single Wendong. The look on the face is a bit complicated. I looked at the BMW X6 that stopped at them and looked at the season in the car. Feng and Tong Lei, this turned and walked toward the SUV of Shan Wendong, but I didn’t know what it was.


Watching Bu Dexin and others all went to the front of the SUV, Tong Lei could not help but slightly raised the eyebrows, said: "I don't like them like this!"

Ji Feng smiled and pinched her little hand and said: "Nothing, don't like it, it's okay, it's rare for old classmates to meet, talk together, eat and eat is not bad."

Tong Lei was silent for a moment and said: "But I don't like it very much. I think they are different from before."

Ji Feng nodded and smiled. "I know what you mean. No way, people will always grow up. Those simple youthful times are afraid that they will never return!"

The current university campus is no longer the sacred place, nor the pure ivory tower.

Now some of the students in the university are even more sophisticated than the people in the society.

Although they have not yet realized the cruelty of society, they have matured, or they have been polluted. Since then, they have lost their hearts and nowhere, just thinking about how to play, how can they talk to girls who have secret crush on themselves? Then, in the heart of the sneak peek or sneak, I am even excited to go home and do not want to write homework.

Even after night, I was still thinking about the day. Lying in bed, I will also fantasize about what I can do with my favorite girl, or think about how I can catch up with my favorite girl.

Or, I will imagine how I will accomplish in the future, and give my favorite girl happiness...

That ignorant youth time is the most beautiful.

But nowadays, a few people in Shanwendong obviously have no such ignorance of youth. In fact, not only them, but most people of this age have no such ignorance.

Now, although they all like people, they don’t have the sweet love of the past, and they don’t have the kind of dreams that they can be happy at night when they say a few words with people they like. Happy and simple.

Because the students nowadays have already seen the beautiful school flower class flowers being picked up by a BMW Audi on Friday evening, and then on the afternoon of the afternoon, carrying a big bag and a smile on the face and even dressing up. Street girls are also **** girls, so these students have long known that the charm of money and power is enough to conquer all beautiful women...

In this case, the ignorant feelings that were originally sour and sweet have also changed.

Looking at the situation of Shan Wendong, I am afraid that this feeling is also somewhat, especially when Ji Feng saw that Bu Dexin, an old classmate of Shan Wendong, began to slap on Ma Wendong and is still so skilled, obviously not After doing it once or twice, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of emotion, and at the same time he could better understand where the discomfort in Tong Lei's heart originated.

Just because the pure classmates' friendship was gradually disappearing.

"White beads, keep up with the car in front!" Jifeng shook his head and smiled. He said a word to Baizhu, and then patted the little hand of Tong Lei. "You, you should learn to look at the opening point. This society is impetuous." It’s normal to laugh and poor, and your classmates have changed.”

"So I am more willing to deal with children!" Tong Lei said.

"Oh..." Ji Feng couldn't help but laugh.

This is also true, although the child is naughty, but it is very pure, and with the personality of Tong Lei, wanting her to deal with people in the community, but also makes her embarrassed.

Therefore, it is to be with children, in order to make Tong Lei more happy.

In this regard, Ji Feng is of course happy.

As long as Tong Lei is happy, as for what to do, it doesn't matter. Moreover, teaching children is also a very meaningful thing!

While Ji Feng and Tong Lei are chatting, naturally, I don’t know. In the black SUV of Shan Wendong in front, several people are talking about what they are saying.

"The guy is a boyfriend of Tong Lei? Is there a BMW?"

"Isn't that a boy who is deliberately looking for a buddy to use as a shield?"

"probably not……"

"Ying Rong, where did you meet Tong Lei, the guy who called 啥...Ji Feng, is it really a boyfriend of Tong Lei?" Bu Dexin looked at Chen Xiangrong and asked.

"should be!"

Chen Xiangrong nodded casually and looked a little listless. "When I met Tong Lei on the campus of the UNU, they were together. Tong Lei is also holding the guy's arm."

A few people don't talk. If you say this, Tong Lei can't just find a man to be a shield. So, they are really lovers.

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