The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2240: A place to show your identity!

Chapter 363 shows the place of identity!

"should be!"

Chen Xiangrong nodded casually and looked a little listless. "When I met Tong Lei on the campus of the UNU, they were together. Tong Lei is also holding the guy's arm."

A few people don't talk. If you say this, Tong Lei can't just find a man to be a shield. So, they are really lovers.

Tong Lei actually found a boyfriend, and it is still so rich, which makes them feel a little uncomfortable, and there is a feeling of eating.

Even the two girls Xu Ling and Zhang Xiaoli are equally uncomfortable.

In their view, Tong Lei is just a pretty beautiful, but very arrogant, people are high, so who can find such a rich boyfriend?

"Don't she be covered by rich people?" Xu Ling grinned and said.

"Is this impossible?"

Chen Xiangrong said: "The name of the family is very young, and he is the same as the son of a rich family."

Xu Ling said with a grin: "That does not rule out the possibility that she is being taken care of. Besides, the rich son of the rich family has more heart, and there are many girlfriends besides Tong Lei. Lei did not know, but was still in the dark!"


Zhang Xiaoli said: "She is so high, I am afraid I will not think that I am just one of the many girlfriends!"

"You shut up!" Shan Wendong, who had been driving, suddenly took a cry.


Zhang Xiaoli suddenly got a shock: "Single Wendong, you have taken the wrong medicine, what are you doing to me?"

Single Wendong did not look back, just holding the steering wheel with both hands and not saying a word.

Bu Dexin quickly gave Zhang Xiaoli a look and gestured to her not to say anything more. Zhang Xiaoli was also a little afraid of Shan Wendong, not willing to grin, and eventually did not speak.

In fact, they have the best conditions in a single Wendong family, especially in recent years, Shan Wendong’s family is doing business in Jiangzhou. It is said that he has made a fortune, and it is said that Shan Wendong’s family is very in Jiangzhou. With energy, I know a lot of people with heads and faces, so in their hearts, they feel that single Wendong is higher than them. No one is willing to offend Shan Wendong.

After all, no one knows that one day they will ask for the head of Shan Wendong. Now they have offended others. When will they help you?

After such an episode, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became dull.

At this time, Bu Dexin's eyes turned and smiled: "I have done it. Let's talk about this topic. Let's change the topic of happiness. Today, Wendong treats you. You are the most familiar and most energetic in Jiangzhou. Where are you going to take us to eat?"

After a moment of silence, Shan Wendong said: "Today I will take you to an upscale place!"


Bu Dexin said excitedly: "That is good, really, I have been in Jiangzhou for a few years. I have really not been to any high-end places. The consumption in those places is too expensive. It is really not for ordinary people. Place! Wendong, if you don’t take us today, I’m afraid we don’t know how long it will take to go to the high-end places to open our eyes.”

This words hit the itch of Shan Wendong. His tight face also revealed a smile. He said: "There are more high-end places. As long as you have money, it is not difficult to go. It is boring. Where I am going to take you today, even if you have money, you may not be able to enter, you must have a certain status..."

“Really?!” Bu Dexin said: “Is it the kind of place that is not open to the public?”

"Roughly the same!"

Shan Wendong said: "I will take you to open your eyes after the meeting!"

Several other people were busy asking: "Where is it?"

Shan Wendong smiled proudly and said: "Don't worry, you will know when you are there!"

Speaking of this, the strength of Shan Wendong's heart is a bit more comfortable, and the burning feeling of being beaten before has only slightly eased.

Originally, Wendong only wanted to bring Tong Lei to a high-end place. After all, there are not many people who drive a few hundred thousand SUVs at such a young age. Even if there are, there are very few, so Shan Wendong has a sense of superiority and confidence.

He believes that as long as he launches the offensive, Tong Lei will certainly be loose.

However, what Dan Wendong did not think was that Tong Lei’s boyfriend had a BMW, and there was a beautiful driver. The original capital of Shan Wendong’s original capital became worthless.

This made Shan Wendong angry and savage, so he decided to take them to a place where they could show their identity and energy.

What happened to the rich?

In this society, not everything can be bought with money, including identity and status!

Therefore, Shan Wendong will let Tong Lei and her boyfriend know today, don’t think that if you have money, you can compare him to Shan Wendong!



Ji Feng looked up at the words: "Private kitchen?"

Tong Lei is also a little surprised: "Where is this?"

In front of them, it is a villa-style building, these words are written above the gate, but apart from that, there is no sign at the door, it looks like a house.

The children of Tong Lei seem to have some doubts. I saw Bu Dexin asking: "Wen Dong, what is this place?"


Shan Wendong smiled and said: "This is a private kitchen. It is not open to the public. People who can come here must have a certain status, or have such a person to lead in, like some of Jiangzhou’s heads. People often come to this place."

Others can't help but be flattered: "That... we are here today?"

"Of course! Otherwise, what do I bring you to do?!" Shan Wendong smiled. "Go, I will take you in!"


Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. It can be seen from the words of Shan Wendong that he is now beginning to show off.

If you are a regular classmate, you will probably say, "Go, let's go in!"

Rather than saying 'I take you in,' it may sound different, but in fact, the meaning is that the difference is big. This feeling is always uncomfortable.

However, for this private kitchen, Ji Feng also knows some.

He once heard the second brother Ji Shaolei said that Jiangzhou really has such a place, does not open to the outside world, can come here to eat, most of them are some people with head and face, or some people who are not convenient to eat and drink in public.

Moreover, if you want to enter this place, you really need to have an acquaintance, or you have a certain status status... but if you don't have an acquaintance, he doesn't know this place!

In fact, this kind of place is almost in every big city, and it is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Even its status is more than that of private clubs. After all, whether it is a club or a club, it is basically flooded. This private kitchen has only been around for a few years, and it is still a new thing for many people, and it seems that eating here can better reflect its identity and status!

Ji Feng is not convinced about this. His favorite thing is to eat at home. Compared to the restaurants in this style, the warmth of the family is nothing compared.

However, at the moment, Shan Wendong is very proud of the spring breeze. He took everyone into the private kitchen. After coming to the yard, he whispered: "Don’t look around here, don’t meet anyone. Speaking indiscriminately, don't make a fuss, remember it?"

Several other people saw that Shan Wendong said so solemnly that he could not help but nodded. Even the two girls became somewhat restrained.

And the eyes of Shan Wendong swept through the faces of Tong Lei and Ji Feng, but they didn't say anything more.

Later, they entered the living room, and there was a counter on the front. Shan Wendong walked over and said very politely to a girl in the counter: "Hello girl, I am Liu Yanping's younger brother. Is there a seat?"

"Liu Yanping?"

The girl at the counter squinted and thought for a while before asking: "Is it the captain of the branch?"

When Shan Wendong suddenly smiled, he nodded again and again: "Yes, that is my brother!"

The girl did not show any special look. Just thinking about it, she said, "Well, you can use the box, but pay attention to the quiet, don't talk too loudly, don't walk around, remember? ?"

Shan Wendong nodded: "No problem, no problem, I understand the rules here."

"Well! Come with me!" The girl took a few people to the second floor and opened a room. "You use this box. There are menus, and there are corresponding numbers. What do you want to eat directly?" Just fine, what do you need to call me again..."

"Okay, I am in trouble!" Shan Wendong nodded.

Later, the girl went downstairs. At this time, Shan Wendong turned around and said to a few people: "Is it? I know how hard it is to enter here? This is not enough to have money!"

Others couldn't help but nod their heads. Don't say that they saw it with their own eyes. Just look at the layout in the box and know that it is definitely not the place where ordinary people come.

I saw that the room was very luxurious, and there was a seating area next to it. When I saw that the sofa was leather, it was all foreign letters...

Several people looked at the direction of Shan Wendong's eyes, which made him very proud. So, he glanced at Ji Feng with a smug look, and suddenly he couldn't help.

I saw that Ji Feng was not attracted by the arrangement in this box, but did not know when he went to the window, looked at something outside, and carried his hands...

Single Wendong couldn't help but feel depressed. "Mom, you can pretend! I don't believe you have been to this place!"

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