The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2248: The real purpose of the people

Chapter 371 The Real Purpose of the Border People

Guo’s captain’s hegemony was solved by Ji Feng’s wave, which made Guo’s captain’s missiles not brush the prestige. In the end, he was left with a trepidation and became a laughing stock.

However, this has bittered the female reception of the private chef!

Seeing that even Wang Yin and Guo’s captain were leaving, she could not be aware of it. The eyes were not what she thought before, but only a few who had no money but had to fill their heads. People, but really have energy to come!

The female receptionist was suddenly scared!

She realized that she might have made a big mistake and offended someone who shouldn't offend!

This made her incomparably embarrassed, seven or eight, for fear that Ji Feng will avenge, if Ji Feng wants to care about him, she really does not know what to do.

In particular, she does not want to be dismissed!

The treatment in this private kitchen is much higher than that of the hotel outside, and there are some big people here. If one day is seen by a big person, it is almost a step into the sky.

But if you leave here, it is equal to losing this opportunity!

It is this ending, she is not willing to bear.

The female receptionist wanted to apologize in the past, but she remembered the indifferent attitude of Ji Feng, which made her feel timid and could not enter the box again.

Naturally, she did not dare to tell the boss.

This is what made Ji Feng and others clean a lot. In addition to the waiters who came to the restaurant, they didn't bother them until they finished their meal.

As for the final checkout, Ji Feng took the initiative to pay the bill. This time, Shan Wendong wanted to pay for it, but Ji Feng smiled and said: "This time I come, if you feel that you are not willing to go, then Just ask me again, okay?"

Shan Wendong is very happy!

He couldn't help but nod his head, and he was very impressed.

At this time, he realized that from the beginning to the end of the day, Ji Feng did not actually play with him, whether it was Ji Feng waved a BMW, or later he let Guo Captain and others apologize, or now Paying bills is so calm and natural, there is no such thing as a contrived.

More importantly, Ji Feng must have seen that he likes Tong Lei, and he definitely understands that he was running on him before, but he did not have a slight attack. Instead, he was very calm. Just this kind of cultivation, let Shan Wendong Very embarrassing.

On the birth, Ji Feng is obviously much better than him. Otherwise, the captain Guo can not be so afraid of him.

And if it is about wealth, it is the car of Ji Feng, and the beautiful driver on the car, it is enough to explain the financial strength of Ji Feng.

Both of them are as clear as they are, but they are definitely not the opponents of Jifeng, but Jifeng has no arrogance. The more Zhou Feng is so calm, the more the single Wendong is ashamed.

Now Shan Wendong finally understands why Tong Lei will choose Ji Feng.

When leaving the private kitchen, Shan Wendong shook hands with Ji Feng with great emotion and said: "Ji Feng, I must give me a chance to treat you in the next day!"

Ji Feng smiled and nodded and said: "Do not worry, it will be!"

Shan Wendong nodded, but then did not know what to say, had to smile and give Ji Feng a cigarette.

Ji Feng smiled and patted Shan Wendong's shoulder and said, "Come here today, often contact. If there is anything you need to help, call Tong Lei or find me!"

Single Wendong certainly knows how much gold is included in Ji Feng’s sentence. He can’t help but nod and say: “Must be certain.”

Subsequently, several people, Ji Feng and Tong Lei got on the bus.

At this moment, the door of the private kitchen suddenly shouted: "Several wait, please wait..."

When Shan Wendong and others looked at it, they saw a middle-aged man who was already somewhat blessed and rushed over. The single Wendong recognized it. This is the owner of the private kitchen. Although the single Wendong was only far away. I saw it once, but his impression was particularly deep, because cousin Liu Yanping told him that the man accompanied by the owner of the private kitchen was the district head of the district!

At that time, Shan Wendong especially envied the boss of the private kitchen. He also thought about when he could be mixed into the family. The person who is in contact is either a big boss or a senior official...

"...a few, please wait!" At this time, the owner of the private kitchen ran straight to the BMW of Jifeng, and the single Wendong understands that the owner of the private kitchen I must know that Ji Feng came here to eat, and here I have a conflict with people, so this is specifically to ease the relationship.

Shan Wendong couldn't help but look at Ji Feng, who was already sitting in the car, but saw that Ji Feng didn't even look at the owner of the private kitchen, and the car drove off.

Shan Wendong realized that Ji Feng was so kind to communicate with himself. I am afraid that it is true to look at the friendship of old classmates. Then think about the cold personality of Tong Lei. I don’t usually talk to people, but today I can Come to eat this meal with myself, obviously also in the friendship of the classmates, which makes Shan Wendong feel somewhat flattered.

This point can be seen from the private chef's treatment in front of Jifeng. The owner of this private kitchen is obviously a very energetic person, but Ji Feng is not enough.

With this contrast, the feelings of Shan Wendong and others are even stronger.

Several people stood at the door of the private kitchen and watched the back of Ji Feng and Tong Lei's car. The heart was really five flavors!


In contact with Shan Wendong and others, although there were some unpleasant episodes in the middle, they did not affect the mood of Ji Feng and Tong Lei.

Back home in the afternoon, Tong Lei was sitting on the sofa reading a book, and Ji Feng was sitting next to his own paper.

But in fact, Ji Feng at the moment is thinking, how to approach the military hospital, how to approach Qi Shaohua, but also must seize the time, because according to Xiao Shu, Qi Shaohua is still in a coma, and the situation is very bad, There is always the possibility of losing your life.

If you can't get close to Yan Shaohua in time, if you don't come over, why is the behind-the-scenes ambassador of the assassination case, I am afraid it will be difficult to know in a short time.

The problem is, how to get close to Yan Shaohua, this really needs a good pondering.


At this moment, Ji Feng’s cell phone on the coffee table suddenly rang, and Tong Lei took it with her hand and said, “It’s He Hongwei’s call!”

Ji Feng gave a slight glimpse and immediately said, "Give me..."

After picking up the phone, Ji Feng connected the phone: "Hongwei, how do you say?"

"Brother, your luck is so back?" He Hongwei's voice came over, with a tone of tone, said: "In the South Guangdong was stabbed once, how did you just return to Jiangzhou, and was stabbed again?"

"How do I know!" Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. "How are you doing there? Didn't you have any trouble?"

"Of course, there is no problem on my side. After I came back, I went to Dae, and went to report the process and results of the trip to South Guangdong with the boss. I just heard that you had something out there when I came out..." He Hongwei said: "Brother, what do you need to help, you are welcome."

Ji Feng smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, I will definitely not be polite with you."

"that's great!"

He Hongwei laughed and laughed, and then he turned his head and said: "Brother, there is a message to be with you..."

When Ji Feng suddenly noticed the dignity in He Hongwei's words, he immediately sat up straight and said, "You said."

"When I went to Ouchi, the boss told me a message. This time, the reason why Lingxia Group wants to cooperate with the brilliant group is to provide technical support for a special steel alloy project in Jiepeng..." He Hongwei depressed The voice said: "This special steel alloy project is the most important for Jiepeng and Lingxia Group!"

"Special steel alloy?"

Jifeng's brow slightly wrinkled: "That is, the reason why the Lingxia Group wants to get the superalloy project under the brilliant group is actually to get this technology and apply it to their special steel alloy?"

He Hongwei said: "Yes. According to reliable information, Jiepeng is currently conducting a research on a special steel alloy project. If the project is successful, it will develop a very advanced special steel alloy, this special steel alloy. If applied to an aircraft, it will greatly increase the concealment of the aircraft and maximize the absorption of radar detection waves. If applied to submarines, the performance of the submarine will also be greatly enhanced..."

"Dive depth, concealment, mute..." Ji Feng blurted out.


He Hongwei said: "So I think that the cooperation between the Lingxia Group and the brilliant group is probably a cover-up. Their real purpose is to focus on the alloy technology in the hands of the brilliant group!"

Ji Feng’s brows are crumpled: “This news, I’ve known it for a long time, or...”

"It should be known!" He Hongwei said, "Listen to the boss's tone, the border area is extremely strict with this information, so our people have only recently discovered this news..."

"Your old buddy knows nothing about this news?" asked Ji Feng.


He Hongwei couldn’t help but sneer. Of course he knew who the old man Ji Li said. “I can’t figure it out!”

Ji Fengdao: "I think this is a bit interesting. The people in the border want to cooperate with the brilliant group for the alloy technology. However, your old folks have to work with the people in the dead. Why?"

This is the most puzzling place in Jifeng. This matter is not too satisfied at the highest level. Why do Wujia prefer to withstand such great pressure and cooperate with the people?

Is there any exchange of interests in the middle, or what other factors that outsiders do not know?

Or is it that the Wu family is benefiting from the people of the border?

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