The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2249: wishful thinking!

Chapter 372 is a delusion!

If the Wu family did not know the true purpose of the Jiepeng beforehand, then no matter what reason the Wu family is, or how much benefit it has received, it is still understandable that the brilliant group will cooperate with the Lingxia Group of Jiepeng.

The world is bustling, all of which are famous for their interests. Although Wujia is one of the most powerful families in China, it still needs benefits.

However, if before the Brilliant Group cooperated with the Lingxia Group, the Wu family already knew the true purpose of the Jiepeng people, not only for the resources of the brilliant group, but more importantly for the technology of the superalloy project. However, it is still necessary to insist that the brilliant group cooperate with the Lingxia Group, and that is something that cannot be said.

If this is the case, then the Wu family will not be worthy of having such a status, they are not worthy of having such power!

Because this cooperation is too great for China's harm!

As we all know, because China's technology is backward, especially the navy is weak, don't say that it is against the world-class superpower of the country. Even in the surrounding countries, they have the warships provided by the people of the country. Not much worse than China, not to mention the naval strength has always been strong, and it has been the confinement of the Navy that has been supported by the United States for decades against China.

Therefore, in this case, Huaxia's high-level officials decided to have the ability to protect themselves first, so they vigorously developed submarines and anti-submarine equipment.

After all, the development of submarines is not good, because the technological level of the people of the borders is better than that of China. Their submarines are not bad, so anti-submarine equipment must also be fully developed.

It is precisely because in the past few decades, China has not interrupted the investment and research and development of submarines, which has made some countries in the surrounding areas obviously stronger than China in the naval strength, but they are afraid of the submarine of China and do not dare to use force. .

It is conceivable that submarine and anti-submarine equipment are of great importance to China, which is almost equal to the main force of China at sea. At least for a long time, the submarine will be the most important sharp force of the Huaxia Navy!

It can be understood from this that once the technology of the superalloy project is obtained by the people in the world, if they use this technology to develop the special steel, it is used on the submarine, and the anti-submarine equipment of China will probably become a scorpion. Ears - furnishings!

At that time, the border can want to bully China. The Navy can't beat others. It can only be squashed in the military port. Even the homes are afraid to come out. All the coastal cities will be covered in artillery and missiles. Within the range!

In that case, China will not have to mention any development, and it will be directly trapped on the land by the people, and Huaxia will never want to become a naval power!

"What is the specific reason, I am not too sure." He Hongwei shook his head, and he could not know the stakes?

However, the problem is that the Wu family’s control in this regard is very strict. He Hongwei did not inquire about it. However, according to the news, it seems that even people who are close to the Wu family have no idea why this time the Wu family would insist.

He Hongwei himself is the person who is careful to guard against the martial arts. How can he find out any useful news again?

"That... don't know it?" asked Jifeng frowning.

"It is estimated that I don't know. Otherwise, why should the boss let me go to South Guangdong?" He Hongwei said.


Ji Feng nodded slightly and said, "What are you going to do?"

He Hongwei sighed: "How can I do it? Just follow the discussion in Nanyue, and work hard to develop the Tianyao Group. I will call you this time, that is, I want to communicate with you, so that you have a number in your heart. Just fine!"

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Yes, it should be like this, you are in Yanjing, the news is definitely more than my own. If there is any news, I will talk about it in time."

"Do not worry, it will be." He Hongwei said.

Ji Feng nodded slightly, and after agreeing with He Hongwei about the exchange, the two ended the call.

Then, Ji Feng was indulged.

"Special steel..."

Ji Feng chewed the word, and immediately he stood up and said: "Lai Lei, you read the book here first, I went upstairs to check the information."

Tong Lei nodded slightly: "Yeah."

Ji Feng smiled and squeezed her tender face, then went to the study.

"Special steel..." Ji Feng knocked on the three words in the search bar, and then saw that there are countless messages related to this special steel appear on the page, and you can notice it at a glance. The three words can basically appear together with the military words.

Ji Feng opened a webpage and carefully looked at it. He discovered that the so-called special steel is actually divided into many kinds. For example, some special steels have high temperature resistance, while others are Have better flexibility and so on...

The use of each type of steel is also different, and many of them can also be used in the military, such as submarines and fighter bombers, etc., which makes Ji Feng unable to judge for a time, which is the development of the boundary Type of special steel!

However, one thing is certain. The technology of the superalloy project in the hands of the brilliant group is definitely not a good thing for China!


Ji Feng closed the computer and couldn't help but shook his head.

I really don't know what the Wu family is for, so the king will eat the scales, and the iron heart will cooperate with the people!

"Superalloy...Special steel..." Ji Feng couldn't help but shook his head and sneered. "I really thought that with this superalloy project, you could make a leap in the military. Can you step on Huaxia?"

"……wishful thinking!"

With a sneer, Ji Feng slowly walked downstairs, but his back was extremely strong.


One day passed and the night passed, and the night fell.

After dinner, Ji Feng confessed to Tong Lei and Xiao Yuqi, and then drove out with white beads.

Tong Lei and Xiao Yuqi did not ask where Ji Feng was going, but he was careful to pay attention to safety, because they knew that if it was not necessary, Ji Feng would definitely not go out in the big night!

"White beads, look for a hidden position to stop!"

When the car drove out of the villa area and came to the road outside, Ji Feng immediately whispered.

Baizhu immediately followed the instructions of Ji Feng, drove the car into the auxiliary road, and stopped the car behind a green belt.

"Turn off the lights! Open the trunk!" Ji Feng also ordered, and then directly opened the door and got off the bus.

Although Baizhu had some doubts about why Ji Feng had to do this, but did not ask much, but obediently opened the trunk and turned off the headlights.

But he listened to Ji Feng and said: "Turn off the reading light inside the car and turn off all the lights!"

Bai Zhu’s pretty face showed a surprised look and turned off all the lights?

"The season is less..."

"Don't ask, do what I said!" Ji Feng whispered, "I will explain it to you later!"


Baizhu heard the words, immediately nodded, and turned off all the lights, and immediately got off the bus, warning around, her tacit understanding with Ji Feng is no need to say, sometimes Ji Feng just opened his head. The following things Baizhu know what to do.

However, what makes Baizhu feel strange is that this time, Jifeng did not have any action. Instead, he took out the toolbox from the trunk of the car and took out the wrench. He was **** the screws on the license plate.

Bai Zhu suddenly stunned, what is this?

In the past, no matter what action was taken, the season has never been unloaded. Is this time, what is he doing to not let others know?

"White beads, all the iconic pendants in the car, furnishings, all are taken, put in the storage grid!" At this moment, Ji Feng's voice passed again.

"...Yes!" The surprise in Baizhu’s heart is getting stronger and stronger. Seeing that Ji Feng is so cautious, what he has to do today may not be simple.

So Baizhu couldn't help but ask: "I don't want me to prepare for the season?"

"No, today's action does not need you to go, I go alone!" Ji Feng said, this time, the license has been picked up by him, and then went to the front, the front license plate was also picked off I threw it into the trunk, and then said: "When you are going to act, you have to be on the outside, the fewer people involved in the action, the better, or it will be easy to be discovered!"

Baizhu suddenly surprised: "How can I do it, I will go, you are on the alert!"


Ji Feng closed the trunk and said: "No need to fight, this time the other side's guard is very strict, you can't cope with it alone, even if it is Yi Xingchen, they can't cope, so I can only go!"

Tonight, Ji Feng is going to explore the ward of Shaohua!

However, according to Xiao Shu, the ward of Yan Shaohua was divided into three rooms, with soldiers on both sides guarding, and Shao Shaohua lived in the middle room.

The problem is that the three rooms are separated by glass, which means that as soon as you look at it, the scenes in the three rooms are all in sight, there is no hidden hiding place.

If Baizhu goes, once there is a slight carelessness, the soldiers there will be alarmed. When it is time to talk about the situation of Shao Shaohua, it is difficult to come out.

And there is one more important reason - this time the season maple, if you can get it, he will use the bioelectric current for the treatment of Shao Shaohua, do not seek to cure him, but at least let him wake up, such a military Fang and Xiaoshu can interrogate him.

But white beads will not heal, so you can only go by yourself!


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