The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2253: Dog skin plaster!

Chapter 376 Dog Skin Plaster!

Although Ji Zhenping has no good feelings about Zhang Qian, even the two can be said to be inconsistent, but on the other hand, the person who knows Zhang Qian most is probably Ji Zhenping.

Not to mention that Ji Zhenping and Zhang Qian did not deal with each other since they were young, and they have been fighting until now. It’s just that the two people’s confrontation is enough for Ji Zhenping to treat him seriously.

Therefore, Ji Zhenping is very clear about Zhang Qian’s acting style and some of his means.

This time, the incident of Jifeng seems to have a great relationship with Zhang Qian, because Qi Shaohua and others are former national security personnel, even if they have already been delisted, but at least they used to be Guoan people.

As long as one day is a national security person, they will not be able to completely break away from the national security for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, even if Shao Shaohua and others later went abroad, if Zhang Qian knew nothing about their whereabouts and status quo, it seems that it is not quite true.

From this point of view, this matter is indeed inseparable from Zhang Qian.

But if you think about it from another angle, you will come to another conclusion - if this thing was planned from the beginning, the purpose is to blame Zhang Qian, thus provoking the relationship between Zhang Qian and Ji Ji. The dispute, then the real behind-the-scenes black hand can profit from it.

Think about it, this is not impossible!

In this case, Zhang Qian’s suspicion is still not completely eluted.

Even if Zhang Qian personally found Ji Feng, explain to him that Ji Feng is still wondering whether this matter has anything to do with Zhang Qian...

For Ji Zhenping, this is not a problem.

"Because things happened too suddenly, I didn't have time to calmly think about it before." Ji Zhenping said: "After waiting for it, I thought about it carefully, then sent someone to check something, and finally I was convinced that this time. There should be no relationship with Zhang Qian."

Ji Feng frowned and asked: "Is there really no relationship?"

Ji Zhenping said: "Even if there is a relationship, it can only be that Zhang Qian is not strict and the supervision is not good!"

“Is there any evidence to support you?” asked Ji Feng.


Ji Zhenping said: "Just because of my understanding of Zhang Qian, he likes to play yin, but also likes to hurt people in the dark, even best at picking up after doing bad things, but the problem is that he Not stupid enough to use people who are not clean!"

Ji Fengdao: "Whether if Shao Shaohua and others were killed at the scene?"

Ji Zhenping smiled and said: "You think they were killed, they can't find his identity? You are too small to see the intelligence department's ability!"

Ji Feng is silent.

It is true that even if you think about it, even if Shao Shaohua and others have become dead, it is not difficult to find their identity!

Since Zhang Qian can sit in this position, he is not a stupid person. This kind of easy thing can make people doubt the stupid things that come to him. Zhang Qian naturally will not do it.

"Wait, people hiding in the dark will not be able to jump out sooner or later!" Ji Zhenping said, "Now we should not be anxious, it is the urgency that they are right."

"... um." Ji Feng nodded thoughtfully.

When Ji Feng left the second uncle's house, it was almost late at night, first to send away the uncle, and then Ji Shaolei said to Ji Feng: "Three children, my brother is getting married..."

Ji Fengyi: "When?"

Ji Shaolei said: "Probably next month..."

Ji Feng asked in confusion: "Can you not say that in the spring? I have been busy this time, and I forgot to ask you, how can I change to the next month?"

Ji Shaolei said: "No way, the situation is too sensitive in the spring, not suitable for marriage."


Ji Feng suddenly smiled and smiled: "The people who get married in spring don't know how many..."

When he said that he suddenly reacted and asked: "Is it because of the pattern change?"

"Yeah." Ji Shaolei nodded.

Ji Feng will be relieved. There seems to be some changes in the position in the spring. Although it is not a strict change, it is also very important. At this festival, Ji Shaolei is married to Yurui. It is too sensitive and it is very likely It will be mistaken for an alliance between the home and the family, and even cause a lot of people to be vigilant.

"Second brother, then I have to congratulate you again." Ji Feng said with a smile: "Next month is it, I will write down, and I will definitely send you a gift that makes you laugh." ......"

"Come on!"

Ji Shaolei smiled and said: "Your boy has this heart, and I don't need anything. When you bring a few younger siblings, you can do it."

Ji Feng smiled bitterly: "This is too difficult."

I also brought a few younger brothers and sisters... If he did this, I am afraid that it will spread throughout Jiangzhou the next day. As for Yanjing, it goes without saying that I don’t know how many people are waiting to see his jokes. It.

After a few words with Ji Shaolei, Ji Feng left the car.


Yan Shaohua actually died of brain!

This made Ji Feng somewhat frustrated. He felt that this time he was too big. If he had kept Qi Shaohua in his hands and he was healed immediately when he was injured, I believe that Shao Shaohua will not die.

But at that time, Ji Feng wanted to save his strength, because he did not know whether there would be a killer in the future. He must ensure that he has enough strength to protect himself and kill the enemy.

As a result, due to the horrific speed of the police, the life of the Shaohua will be delayed!

This result made him somewhat helpless. Originally, he also expected to get clues from the mouth of Qi Shaohua, and then found the behind-the-scenes ambassador. Now everything has been disrupted.

But things have reached this point, but they can only do so. As Xiaorui Ji Zhenping said, now he can't worry, because the black hands will jump out sooner or later!

Ji Feng quickly adjusted his mentality. The next morning, he first sent Tong Lei to the school, and stayed with her in the library for half a morning. He received a call from Han Zhong. With white beads rushed to the Ascendas Group.

"Han Zhong, what is it to call me?" asked Ji Feng. Generally speaking, he basically does not ask anything in the company, unless it is a problem in the general direction.

"Cray's four-star group is coming again." Han Zhong said, "They plan to talk to us about the joint development of new TV sets..."

"Joint development?" Ji Feng picked a brow.


Han Zhong nodded: "The Cree people are not willing to be our agents. They want the technology of 3D TV. This problem has not been negotiated during this time."

Ji Feng heard the words and said: "Imaginary!"

For electronic products, technology is the most critical. If you don't have the leading technology and want to take the lead in the market, it is almost impossible.

What's more, the Four Star Group is originally a powerful multinational electronic group. It is a giant of the world's electronic products. If they master the technology, even if they only have a part, I am afraid that they will not be able to use them for a long time. The pattern, with the strength of the four-star group, where is the time to take part in the soaring group?

This kind of thing can not be done by the Ascendas Group. Mastering the technology means that you have mastered the core competitiveness. At this point, you can't give in anyway.

The practice of the Four Star Group made Ji Feng feel a little bit scornful. He wanted to get the agency right, but he only wanted to add some money to get the core technology. Is there such a good thing in the world?

Han Zhong nodded and smiled: "Yes, it is really whimsical, but this is the strength of the Kerry people. They are still very powerful in terms of imagination. If they are all called them Martians, maybe they will be someday." An expert will come out and Mars will be said to be in their country..."

Ji Fengwan, asked: "When did you talk about it?"

"It’s set, it’s in the afternoon." Han Zhongton paused and said: "Li Zaimin is also in the delegation of Cree."


Ji Feng couldn't help but pick a brow: "Is he not the manager of Huaxia District? He actually came over in person..."

"What is the manager of Huaxia District!"

Han Zhong suddenly smiled and said: "Before we were all fooled by this guy, he is the manager, but it is deputy! The manager of the four-star group in Huaxia District, in fact, has another person!"

Ji Fengyi said: "Is that guy a counterfeit?"

Han Zhong nodded and smiled: "Yeah, he has been pretending to come close to Xiao Zong. As a result, once I saw that Xiao was really impatient with him, I just called him a li manager, and that The guy is licking the urine directly..."

"I came here this time, is it for negotiation, or is it to get closer to the rain?" asked Ji Feng.

"Hard to say."

Han Zhong shook his head and said: "The guy is actually a dude of the Curry Lee family. I am afraid that this real negotiating occasion will not use him, so I estimate that the purpose of his coming is to be close to Xiao."


Ji Feng’s face showed a sneer, saying: “It’s really a dog skin plaster. If you get it, you can’t pull it down?”

Careful calculations, this Li has been from the first time to take off the group to the present, it has been several months, and he has been entangled in the rain during this period?

Is it really a stalker? !

Ji Feng's face is a bit bad, he can handle it generously in other things, even laughing, but in this kind of thing, he is the same as any other man.

Dare to stagnate the entanglement of Xiao Yu, that season, Feng can not sit still and ignore it?

"Call me when I negotiated in the afternoon. I am going to go to the club to stick this dog skin plaster!" Ji Feng snorted. "I want to see if this dog skin plaster can't really tear it down!"


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