The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2254: Jealous?

Chapter 377 is jealous?

"Why are you laughing?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's glamorous face, always with a weird smile, and from time to time staring at myself, let Ji Feng can not help but feel a bit stunned.

Xiao Yu grinned and said: "Nothing to laugh."

Ji Feng couldn't help but shake his head. This fairy is naughty again...

At this time, it was lunch time. Ji Feng had to participate in the negotiations between the Soaring Group and the Four Star Group in the afternoon, so he stayed with him, and together with Xiao Yujun and Han Zhong, had lunch in the staff canteen of the Ascendas Group.

At present, the total number of employees of the Ascendas Group has exceeded 1,000. This does not include the pharmaceutical company of Xiao Yu's family. Although it has already been incorporated into the Ascendas Group, it is still independent of the Ascendas Group in the sales channels, and there are no office locations. Moved over, it is managed by Lin Life, otherwise the number of employees at the headquarters of Ascendas Group will increase.

With so many employees and being located in industrial parks, there must be a staff canteen, and in addition to this, there is a fixed-point supermarket in the group headquarters that cooperates with a well-known supermarket chain in Jiangzhou. Other supporting facilities have also been gradually improved.

Therefore, the employees' canteens of the Ascendas Group, the environment and hardware facilities are doing very well, at least in the big environment and the sanitary conditions are doing very well, which makes Ji Feng look very satisfied.

In particular, Xiao Yuxi and Han Zhong often come to the canteen to eat from time to time, and this also fully guarantees the taste of the canteen meals, so this canteen is quite popular among employees, not like other factories, the food is criticized by the workers. The value is mentioned.

It was in this case that Ji Feng went to the staff canteen.

Although Han Zhong was accompanying him, Xiao always suddenly went to the staff canteen with a tall and handsome guy. It still made many people very novel. From time to time, someone came to say hello to Xiao Yu, and then his eyes would look away. Ji Feng’s body swept over.

Obviously, the employees want to know that this man who is talking and laughing with Xiao is not a boyfriend of Xiao.

Because there has been news in the company, it is said that Xiao has already had a boyfriend, but what is Xiao’s boyfriend doing, where is the person, what he looks like, but only some people around Xiao’s side. And some old employees in the group know.

But those people are more aware that Ji Feng's identity is not normal, so for other employees' inquiries, they are all vague words, or simply say no.

The more they are like this, the more they are curious about other employees. Now they suddenly see a handsome man around Xiao’s side, and they all whispered about whether it’s Xiao’s boyfriend.

Of course, they will certainly observe and observe Ji Feng when they greet Xiao Yu.

In this season, Feng Feng just smiled, and there was nothing else to say, until he had a good meal and sat in his seat.

"Sho is always good!"

"Xiao Zong..."

"Xiao Zong, Han Zong, good at noon!"

"Good, good..."

As soon as I sat down, there were employees coming from time to time to say hello to Xiao Yu, so that Xiao Yuqi and Han Zhong both nodded and responded from time to time.

Ji Feng couldn't help but look at it at a glance. Xiao Yuxi was very prestigious in the company, and his popularity was very good. There was not much distance between the employees and Han Zhong.

This is a benign development company!

But soon, Ji Feng’s gratification became a bit of a sigh, because he found that since he sat down to eat, although the employees were very acquainted with each other, they didn’t bother them to eat, but Xiao Yu’s lips were a smile. A pair of beautiful eyes with a strange look, from time to time to see the quarter maple sitting opposite.

Ji Feng shook his head helplessly, and gave her the tea tree mushroom that Xiao Yujun liked to eat on her plate. He asked, "Let's say, what are you laughing at? If you dare not come from the real thing... I will give this to you. eat!"

Said, Ji Feng put a piece of meat on her plate.


Xiao Yu said: "I am already fat enough, you still let me eat meat!"

Ji Feng said: "Don't drop out of school with others. Is it a little fat? What's wrong with you? Then you are still fat?"

Xiao Yuxi gave her a look at her, and she was flattering.

"Hey..." Han Zhong couldn't stand it anymore. He said helplessly: "I said that the two of you can lead the feelings of this subordinate. You are here to kiss me and me, but I still One is alone."

"Why, you want me to help you pick up the food?" Ji Feng asked.


Han Zhong took the plate and went to the next table: "You will spare me!"

This scene, just in the eyes of the nearby table staff, they suddenly widened their eyes, now it is certain, the handsome young man must be Xiao’s boyfriend, did not see him just gave him a clip The movement of the dish is so casual and natural, as if it has been done countless times.

Also, Han has taken the initiative to avoid it. Is there anything doubtful about this?

This time, the employees were like chicken blood, and they were all excited. They were all talking about the voice.

Jifeng is tall and tall, with a strong face and a man's masculinity. Xiao Yuxi is very prestigious in the company. I don't know how many male employees are dreaming goddesses, so I saw them so intimate. With laughter, the employees in the company are very concerned.

It was Ji Feng and Xiao Yuxi, but there was no conscious self-consciousness. Looking at Xiao Yu’s own meat, I couldn’t help but smile. I asked, “You haven’t said what you laughed about, and still. You have been looking at me with that kind of look. Why?"

Xiao Yu grinned and said: "I have said nothing... Ok, let me know."

Seeing that Ji Feng had picked up a piece of fat meat, Xiao Yu’s frightened flower eclipse quickly rushed to surrender and honestly explained: “I just want to see what you are when you are jealous.”

Ji Fengyi said: "I am jealous? Where does this start?"

“Is there?” Xiao Yu snorted and looked at Ji Feng, jokingly. “I heard Han Zhong said. I didn’t intend to stay in the afternoon negotiations. I heard that Li Zaimin has been entangled me. As a result, you are on fire immediately?"


Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. How did Han Zhong say this to the rain?

Looking at Xiao Yu's playful look and the weird smile, Ji Feng couldn't help but smile: "There is ignition, but not as exaggerated as Han Zhong said."

"That is jealous?" Xiao Yu slammed the two beautiful, asked.

"...Is it." Ji Feng Khan took a moment. "You can understand this, but it doesn't matter. The key is not to let the guy harass you again."

"In fact, he didn't harass me any more, but sometimes things that made people laugh and laugh..." Xiao Yu swayed and thought about the things that Li Zaimin did. She really couldn't help but feel helpless.

"What did he do?" Ji Feng frowned and his face sank.

"There is nothing too much, just he... how to say it, too much to take his own identity, and too artificial." Xiao Yu shouted.

Ji Feng understands that Li Zaimin must be a child of the Li family of the four-star group and a deputy manager of the Huaxia District. Therefore, there is some arrogance in the bones. In normal speech, this arrogance will be unconscious. It was revealed, which caused Xiao Yu’s resentment.

In fact, this is a common problem for the entire Cree nation. Isn’t they still claiming that the Cree people are the best people in the world?

They can afford to see foreign talents blame!

On the other hand, Li Zaimin may not necessarily have the kind of conservation that he has shown on the surface, so gentle and elegant, so Xiao Yuxi said that he has some contrived, and this is Xiao Yuxi's most disgusting.

Because Xiao Yuxi had a boyfriend before, but that person was ruined by Jin Yu, and even the last thing he did was to make Xiao Yuxi disgusted to the extreme. Therefore, Li Zaimin’s work made Xu Yuxi resentful.

"Then let him go straight out!" Ji Fengdao.

"How come that!"

Xiao Yuxi shook his head and said: "In any case, he is also the deputy manager of the four-star group, and now the company is negotiating with the four-star group. Even the government is very concerned about this negotiation. The industrial park management committee of the previous two days The director also went to the company to understand the situation, how can he directly drive people away?"

Ji Fengdao: "How can't it be? We are not right about people, just hate Li Zaimin, let the four-star group exchange people to talk, I don't believe it, will the four-star group give up negotiations for such a thing? Don't forget, now we don't just need the four-star group, they also need the Ascendas Group!"

Xiao Yuxi shook his head and said: "That is too impolite, and it may also make the negotiations outside the branch... Moreover, Li Zaimin is still very polite on the surface, and he does not know how to open him."

Ji Fengdao: "That line, since you can't open your mouth, then I will see the guy in the afternoon, I will come to him..."

"Xiao Zong."

As he said, Xiaoying suddenly came over and whispered: "The Kerry is coming again, saying that he is looking for you."

When talking, Xiaoying looked at Ji Feng.

Ji Feng suddenly blinked: "You gimmick, you are glaring at me like this kind of thing? Let you protect the rain, and prevent others from harassing her..."


Xiao Yu groaned: "I told Xiaoying not to tell you, this is not afraid of your distraction... Xiaoying, you go with Li Zaimin, I am very busy now, I am preparing for the afternoon negotiations, what is it for him to tell directly? My assistant will do."


Xiaoying is a bit embarrassed. Anyone who knows where Li Zaimin is here is, "If you go back to him, will he be troubled?"

Ji Feng suddenly blinked: "Noisy?! He dares!"


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