The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2260: Technology is too advanced

Chapter 384 is too advanced

"Super alloy……"

Sitting in the study, Ji Feng sinks.

Speaking of the cooperation between the brilliant group and the Lingxia Group, Ji Feng is an outsider, but it is difficult to intervene. Even his identity can't easily interfere with the operation of a company. In particular, the company itself has a weak background.

Therefore, in order to crack down on the brilliant group and the Lingxia Group, we must find ways from other aspects. For example, since the Lingxia Group wants to cooperate with the brilliant group, it is actually because it is aimed at the superalloy project in the hands of the brilliant group. , then attack the Lingxia Group in this regard!

Then, this superalloy project is imperative!

However, if Jifeng is to be superalloyed, it will not be the same as the superalloy of the brilliant group. What he has to do is a new type of alloy from the brain database, which is the technology of the gamma galaxies!


In fact, it is also a material, but it is a composite metal with special properties not found in other common metals, such as various aluminum alloys, titanium alloys and the like which are now widely used.

In addition to learning a variety of knowledge, Ji Feng has extended his knowledge in the training space of the brain. For example, when he studied the weapons knowledge of the gamma galaxies, he learned the principles of making those weapons and raw materials. Processing...

The latter is the technology of alloys.

However, this kind of alloy is specially used to make weapons, such as electromagnetic rail guns. Therefore, the various properties of Jifeng’s understanding of this kind of alloy are really strong and outrageous, and even some metamorphosis. It’s not too much.

Conductivity, thermal conductivity, radiation resistance, super toughness...

As is known to all, in the human world, war and military have often promoted the development of science and technology. Most of the new technologies are used in the military, and such technologies are slowly being eliminated in the military. Perhaps Gradually changed from military to civilian.

The gamma galaxies are no exception.

Well, since it is applied to military technology, its strength and advanced level, it is natural that there is no need to say anything.

For example, the illusory three-dimensional light curtain technology that has long been taken out by Ji Feng is just a 3D TV set, and it has already become popular in the market, and this is only the lowest level application of the illusory three-dimensional light curtain technology.

If you follow the standard that the brain has shown him, you only need one trigger, you can present a completely three-dimensional light curtain world, let people be immersed in it, and carry out various research and analysis.

And the most powerful application of this illusory stereoscopic light curtain technology is in the military - if combined with enough monitoring equipment, when the two armies fight, the commander only needs to sit in the command hall, any war A corner can be presented in this three-dimensional way.

It is conceivable that this kind of command will make the vision of the commander open, and the thinking will be very clear...

There are other applications that can't be elaborated, but there is no doubt that the power and metamorphosis of these new technologies is undisputed.

Therefore, while Ji Feng decided to take out the super alloy of the brain database, he was somewhat hesitant.

Will this technology appear too early?

Or what is the consequence of the original manufacture of this alloy?

There is no doubt about the attention of the military, but there will be other consequences besides it. Now Ji Feng is not good, and can’t speculate, but he is very clear in his heart. What a new alloy would mean.

"In order to make a super-alloy project for the brilliant group, the people in the border can spare no expense, and even risk the risk of being suspicion of China, but also cooperate with the brilliant group, but the Chinese side is even concerned about the boss, so it can be seen. A new type of alloy that stands for."

Ji Feng secretly considers himself.

After a while, he couldn't help but bite his teeth and do it!

"Afraid of a ball! I have come up with a new alloy technology, can the country still catch me as a white mouse?" Ji Feng said, "The big deal, finally selling the technology to the country, it is also contributing to the country." Is it difficult for the country to report enmity?"

"However, do it, but have a measure!"

Ji Feng pondered in his heart, and then he called out the brain of wisdom: "Intelligent brain."

The brain of the brain immediately came out, it was still a pair of round little ball of light: "Master, what do you have to order?"

"I will ask you, is the alloy technology in your database simplified?" Ji Feng asked, and he said that he might not understand what he meant, so he added: "I The meaning is that the strength of the alloy in your database is too high, is it slightly worse?"

“Slightly worse?”

The brain has repeated the issue of Jifeng. It seems that some people don’t quite understand the meaning of Jifeng’s words: “Master, what is a little bit worse?”

Ji Feng thought for a moment and said: "Well... let's just say that there is no such alloy, which is more advanced than the technology on earth, but it is better than the alloy that I learned before to make electromagnetic railguns. It’s okay to have a bad difference.”

However, the brain is still shaking its round body, it seems to be shaking his head, saying: "Master, the brain does not understand what it means."

Ji Feng reluctantly said: "Yes... um, yes, it is an alloy that is lower in strength, toughness, conductivity, etc., is there any alloy?"

Ji Feng has a sweat in his heart. Although this guy is a very advanced artificial intelligence, it is not made on the earth after all, so sometimes he does not understand this way of speaking and habits.

Ji Feng is also used to talking to the brain. Even a long time, Feng Feng will subconsciously treat the brain as a person, so he often feels very casual in his way of speaking, but he did not expect to let the brain Hard to understand.

In fact, in many cases, some movements and words of the brain are also mistaken for people to think that it is really a person.

For example, just now, when answering the question of Ji Feng, it still seems to be shaking his head... This is really no different from people!

However, Ji Feng was also accustomed to it, so he did not realize it.

"Master, no."

The answer to the brain is to let Ji Feng come back.

"No?" Ji Feng could not help but stunned.

"Yes master, there is only one alloy technology in the brain database."

"This way..."

Ji Feng’s brow couldn’t help but wrinkle: “This is a bit tricky!”

If you take that alloy technology out, let's not say what the consequences will be. In fact, it is just a matter of manufacturing. I am afraid there are some problems.

The so-called alloys can be used not only to fuse several metals together, but the most important ones are the processes and the materials used. Among them, the technical requirements are not low.

Moreover, in the memory of Ji Feng, if you want to make this kind of alloy, you need some equipment. Ji Feng can't guarantee that he can get these equipments.

... Even if he has a background, how can Jijia have energy, but the most advanced machine tools and equipment can only be found in some countries such as Europe and the United States. How can people get the technical blockade of the whole China?

Besides, there are some devices that are not even on the whole earth. Where is Jifeng going?

Therefore, considering it, Ji Feng decided to make a slightly worse alloy, just like he has completely mastered the virtual three-dimensional light curtain technology, but only uses the simplest technology and principle to make 3D TV. Other aspects are Never move.

It’s not because Ji Feng doesn’t know the great value of this illusory stereoscopic light curtain technology, but now he doesn’t have that qualification, and he doesn’t have the ability to thoroughly develop this technology, because the application field of this technology is too broad. This technology can be used in small electronic products and home televisions, as well as in the military, aerospace and so on.

With the current strength of Jifeng and the industries that the Ascendas Group is now involved in, he is not qualified to participate in such cutting-edge and confidential industries.

The same is true for this alloy project. The general alloy can be used in the civil field. However, if the alloy is too advanced, I am afraid that Jifeng would like to be promoted in civilian use, and it will be blocked by the military. I am afraid that he will If there is no chance to do anything in the civilian field, it will be directly taken away by the military.

It is not that Ji Feng does not want to give technology to the military. The key is that he is not at ease.

But now, it doesn't make sense to let him down.

In the database of the brain, there is only one kind of alloy, and there is no such thing as the slightly lower alloy that Ji Feng estimated. This makes Ji Feng’s plan to be lost.

"Don't you really want to make superalloys?" Ji Feng was hesitant, and he thought about it with ill-intention: "That's just to make the electromagnetic rail guns directly..."

"It's fucking!"

Ji Feng couldn't help but shake his head. Others are troubled. There is no new technology, no advanced technology, but now he is troubled by no simple technology. This is really...

"Master, if you want to make an alloy with lower performance, you can't retrieve the data directly from the database." Just when Ji Feng was upset, Zhinao suddenly said.


Ji Fengyi: "What do you mean?"

Wisdom and brain: "In the database of the brain, all the technologies and materials stored in the tutorial are stored. In addition, there are some new technologies."

Ji Feng nodded, of course he knows that the brain database is the most advanced materials and technology, these are indeed extremely valuable things, but now he can not use many things!

"However, although there is no technology required by the owner in the database, there are some in the tutorial."


Ji Feng suddenly lost.

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