The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2261: Foundation Course!

Chapter 385 Basic Course!

"However, although there is no technology required by the owner in the database, there are some in the tutorial."


Ji Feng suddenly lost.

What's in the tutorial?

"Intelligent brain, you say it clearly, what does this mean?" Ji Feng quickly asked, listening to the meaning of the brain, it seems that it has the means to get the technology they need?

"Master, the information stored in the brain database is the most advanced technology when the brain is manufactured. In addition, the previous technology has not been stored." Zhinao said.


Ji Feng nodded. This point has been explained to him by the brain. In fact, this is a good understanding. At the moment when the brain was created, the scientific level of the gamma galaxy has developed to the extent that it is in the database of the brain. Certainly the current technical data will be stored. As for the past data, there is no need to store it.

This is like the current computer. The data and technology stored in it are of course used by modern people. Can you always store the old data in it?

Even if it is stored, the modern people can't use it.

For example, when people use computers, they use almost all windows systems. If you suddenly want to use DOS, you will not have it.

This is the same as the most advanced technical data of the gamma galaxy stored in the brain database.

"But what does this have to do with the tutorial?" Ji Feng asked inexplicably.

"Master, because Zhinao is only responsible for supervising the master's training, called a qualified super agent, so the master's previous tutorials are all prepared to become super agents." Zhinao said, "As for other skills. , not within the scope of the mandatory requirements."

Ji Feng glimpsed a little, and even if he understood it, according to the wisdom brain, everything he had learned in the training space of the brain was actually to make him go straight to the road of super agents. As for this road. What skills are there, Ji Feng does not know, and the brain is not forced to ask him to learn those skills.

When I think of it, Ji Feng suddenly feels awkward. It is no wonder that what he learned from the beginning is related to the agent's line, such as stealth, assassination, flight, intelligence analysis, and even various weapons related to the military. Such as laser cannons, electromagnetic railguns, etc., as well as illusory stereoscopic light curtain technology, and even including the driving of various vehicles.

It even includes the principles and maintenance of small space warships, driving, and more!

All of this has a very close relationship with the agent!

It can be said that from the very beginning, the brain was trained according to the standards of the gamma super-agents. All of this started from Ji Feng and agreed to practice gymnastics. It has been until now!

And because the beginning of the brain and what he said is about the super agent, even the reason why the brain is made, is to assist the owner to become a super agent - this is another name for the brain, not the super agent auxiliary system. What?

For this reason, Ji Feng has been habitually neglected. In addition to some of the skills that super agents have, there are other skills in the brain.

Even Ji Feng occasionally thought of this possibility, but he did not think deeply. This thought just flashed in his mind, and was immediately replaced by other ideas, and did not think about it.

But now, listening to the brain, saying this, Ji Feng suddenly reacted.

It seems that in addition to the standard that can help him reach the super agent, there seems to be another skill reserve.

After trying to understand this, Ji Feng was suddenly clear.

He immediately asked: "Intelligent brain, in addition to the skills associated with super agents, what other skills are there in your database?"

Brains and brains: "Master, there are three categories of other assistive skills..."

"Which three categories?" asked Ji Feng.

"The master please see." The voice of the brain is ringing in Ji Feng's mind. Then, Ji Feng sees the scene in front of him change. The original looks like a room, but at the moment it begins to change, except for the brain. The round halo group is still floating, and everything else around it begins to blur, and then it is quickly pulled away.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Feng is in an open world, not far from the front, is a frame similar to a tree, each with a shimmering font.

Ji Feng suddenly had some embarrassment, and everything in front of him was too familiar.

When he first started learning gymnastics, he was still learning other skills, such as various etiquettes, theoretical knowledge about weapons, etc...

At that time, the brain was to let him choose the skills to learn from this place similar to the big tree.

Only in the last year, as his gymnastics entered the third stage, he always wondered every time he practiced gymnastics in the evening, how to enter the fourth stage.

Because in the database of the brain, the fourth stage is actually just a vague term, but there is no clear cultivation method. The brain is only once shown to Ji Feng, the scene of the two top masters of the gamma galaxy. .

The two people, one punch and one foot, can explode a mountain, and they can jump up to 100 meters or even higher. If the image time in the database of the brain is too short, Ji Feng even suspects that they will fly!

According to the wisdom of the brain, the two people should have entered the fourth stage, and they are still far away on this road, but what level they have reached, the brain can not give an accurate statement.

Because there is no such information in the database of the brain, from the fourth stage of the gymnastics, there is no standard.

So how do the two people cultivate, how long they have been practicing, how strong their ultimate strength is, and so on, and the brains are unable to answer.

If the brain is a human being, relying on its rich knowledge and rich knowledge, it may be able to analyze something based on the scene of the two people's confrontation, but unfortunately it is only an artificial intelligence, can go to this step. It is already amazing.

But even so, Zhinao only looked at the image of the two people against Jifeng, but it also made Jifeng feel particularly shocked. It can be said that it was amazement from the bones.

Because in the eyes of the original Ji Feng, the two people can be called Superman, which makes Ji Feng particularly eager for their level, and even this idea has continued until now.

Therefore, after reaching the third stage, Ji Feng has been pondering how to enter the fourth stage of gymnastics, or more accurately, how to enter the fourth stage of cultivation... Ji Feng is still unaware that the gymnastics taught to him by the brain is actually a method of cultivation, then he is really stupid.

Just because I have been pondering these things, and Ji Feng has almost learned the auxiliary skills of the super agents, he gradually ignored this skill tree.

Now, once again, Ji Feng is somewhat embarrassed. He seems to have returned to the days when he first encountered a brain, and some stupidly started practicing gymnastics...

"Master please see!" Suddenly, the voice of the brain is pulling back the thoughts of Ji Feng. "The skills that the master needs are in these tutorials."

"Several tutorials?"

Ji Feng couldn't help but look at it. He looked up and saw that several items on the tree had been marked with red in the brain. "Material basis, smelting process foundation..."

Ji Feng looked at it, but found that this turned out to be a door to the tutorial, and the most surprising thing is that these tutorials are all the basis of various disciplines, and there are many disciplines, he has learned, such as energy Based on the basics and materials foundation, he studied these two courses while studying superalloys.

"Intelligent brain, how are some basic courses?" Ji Feng asked.

"Yes, the master, the skills that the master needs, are in these tutorials."


Ji Feng is speechless. If you change your mind, do you mean that the technology he needs is not a high-end product at all. Is it enough to study the basic course?

Is the technology on earth really so bad?

Ji Feng shook his head and asked: "When you learn these courses, you can learn the manufacturing technology of alloys?"

Zhinao: "Master, according to the analysis, the alloy production process with low performance is not complicated. The master only needs to learn these courses and can master the method..."

"It turns out!"

Ji Feng immediately understood, dare, he is learning only basic knowledge, but this knowledge can be used to play a great role, to create the next super alloy is not a problem.

This is like learning the basic physics and chemistry knowledge in middle school. As long as there is suitable raw materials, it is not surprising that a middle school student can drum up explosives with great power and even create other amazing things.

What Ji Feng wants to learn now is the basic knowledge of the gamma galaxies, just to create an alloy that is not so too glaring...

"Master, do you want to start learning these courses right away?" asked the brain.


Ji Feng gritted his teeth and said: "Start learning now!"

Nowadays, the Lingxia Group is likely to have obtained the technology of their so-called superalloy project from the hands of the brilliant group. If they are brought back to China to produce special steel, the performance of the weaponry of the boundary will probably be great. Ascension, this is not a big threat to China.

"I want the special metal produced by the Lingxia Group to become a pile of scrap iron!" Ji Feng secretly bite his teeth!


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