The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2266: Ji Shaojun

Chapter 390 Ji Shaojun

Ji Zhenping sent a car to send the three people to the destination - in order to facilitate the handling of the car and cargo tomorrow, Ji Feng chose a hotel closer to the local traffic police team.

Going home tonight is definitely not going to work.

Although it is only a little more than nine o'clock now, it is not easy to go home with Baizhu and Qin Shuzhen. Don't say that these two women have a very close relationship with themselves. Even if they don't, they can only watch themselves go out. No one brings any women, but only two women, when they are seen by the mother, they may have to say how to say themselves.

Needless to say, Dad went home to see this scene, but he didn't know what it would look like.

Although they are very tolerant in other respects, in this respect, Ji Feng can be sure that they will never condone themselves. At the beginning, the mother has never accepted Xiao Yuxi, and even flew to Jiangzhou and talked with Xiao Yuxi.

If it is not Xiao Yu’s remarks, I am afraid that I cannot be with Xiao Yu.

What's more, now I am carrying two women, and neither the children's buds nor Xiao Yu's are in it. If they are seen by their parents, they will not be mad at them.

Therefore, Ji Feng decisively chose to live outside, some things, it is better to be smoother.


The car had not yet arrived, and Ji Feng’s phone rang. He took a look, but unexpectedly found that the phone was actually called by Ji Shaojun.

Ji Feng is a bit strange, Ji Shaojun usually rarely contact him, this big night suddenly hit his phone, but did not know what happened.

Ji Feng connected the phone: "Shao Jun?"

"Xiao Feng, come to Yanjing?" The voice of Ji Shaojun came from the phone.

"How do you know?" Ji Feng suddenly stunned, he came to Yanjing but no one said, even the second brother Ji Shaolei did not inform him, how did Ji Shaojun know?

"It’s the third uncle who called me.” Ji Shaojun smiled. "He said that if you come to Yanjing to do something, you may need someone."

"It turns out!"

Ji Feng suddenly felt guilty. It turned out that Xiao Shu called Ji Shaojun. He couldn't help but smile. Xiao Shu thought about it. He knew that he was unfamiliar in Yanjing's life, so he called Ji Shaojun.

"It's a little thing, if you have time tomorrow, just follow me for a trip..." Jifeng smiled.

"Where is this? I don't have time anymore. I have to take time out when you come." Ji Shaojun smiled. "I don't know if you still know me. There is basically nothing in the company that needs me." Care, it’s all day, it’s a lot of time...”

For Ji Feng, Ji Shaojun is somewhat awesome.

From the beginning, the season maple suddenly popped up. They had some invisible eyes in these quarters. They thought that this was just a wild child who grew up in the folks. It was just a sudden confession of the ancestors. It was a big luck. But it is also limited to this. He is afraid that he has nothing to do.

However, with the strong return of Ji Feng, they have broken the glasses.

Ji Feng first learned the lesson of Ji Shaoyou, even the second master was told by him that he couldn’t speak, and even more, the old man’s iron man, Tang’s father, and the old guard’s old guard They all have an eye on Ji Fengqing, which is really a surprise to them.

However, even more surprising is still behind, with Ji Feng showing a series of powerful wrists, Dou Qiao, War Wu, Ji Feng's limelight is almost nowhere.

The most astounding and awe-inspiring of Ji Shaojun is that Wu Zhida and Wu Zhiyong were even planted in the hands of Ji Feng several times, even Wu Zhihe, who was born to be killed by Ji Feng, even though the Wu family declared Wu Zhihe It is sick and dead, but what is going on in the middle, how can it be worthy of others?

It’s just that everyone is obsessed with the face and power of the Wu family. No one has to poke in person.

But this does not exist for Jijia, the two have already been very uncomfortable, and why do they want to give Wujia face?

Therefore, when the children of Jijia’s family saw the Wu family again, they all had the feeling of raising their eyes.

This feeling, but it has not been a long time.

You should know that the previous quarters have some thoughts on the position of the successor, so they are not so close to the two brothers of Ji Shaodong and Ji Shaolei. They can even say that there is still some alienation. In that case, like Wujia The top families that are almost the same as the Jijia family, naturally, do not put their neighbors in these seasons in the eye.

Although Ji Shaolei was in the same family at that time, he helped them and even married a lot of people. After all, it was not a long-term solution, and Ji Shaolei later went to Jiangzhou. Ji Shaodong was calm and unwilling to participate in this kind of embarrassment. The battle between the children, as a result, they are almost unable to lift their heads in front of the martial arts family.

During that time, they were bullied many times.

Since Ji Feng recognized his ancestors, it was not the same, especially his several loud slaps in the face of Wu Zhiyong, and suddenly the children of the entire Wu family were in a cold heart.

After several consecutive times, the children of the Wu family were more convergent. Even if they met again, they would not dare to be so arrogant.

These things, Ji Shaojun, can be personally felt.

The most let Qi Jijun touched, but Ji Feng shot to help Ji Shaohong things, the two sides were not very good at the time, but Ji Feng did not hesitate to help.

"Don't kiss a family, interrupt the bones and ribs!" This is what Ji Feng said at the time.

After the event, Ji Shaohong was feeling, Ji Feng, this person, has a big belly, not the average person!

Ji Shaojun also started from that time. He had a kind of admiration and awe from Jifeng. It was like respecting Ji Shaodong. Sometimes Ji Shaojun forgot that Ji Feng’s age was smaller than him. Almost a kind of Jifeng was regarded as a kind. The feeling of big brother.

Now I heard that Ji Feng needs manpower. Where does Ji Shaojun have two words?

"Xiao Feng, I don't want to wait until tomorrow. Anyway, the time is still very early. You can tell me the address directly. I will go now and drink two cups together..." Ji Shaojun smiled.

"...just fine!"

Ji Feng raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost nine and a half. The time was not very late. "Then come over..."

He told Ji Shaojun the name of the hotel he had set.

"Well! Up to half an hour, I am sure!" Ji Shaojun said with a smile. "Exactly, I have two bottles of good wine here. I won it from a guy's hand. Let's do it today. It!"

"That's time to see." Ji Feng smiled.

"Right, I have two friends here, you see..." Ji Shaojun asked with some hesitation.

If it is for others, Ji Shaojun has no friends in the past, but he does not dare to be so casual about Ji Feng. He must seek the opinions of Ji Feng.

Ji Feng asked: "What friend?"

Ji Shaojun said: "It's two guys who usually play better. They are very close to our family. I think about it. These two guys have heard that you are coming, they want to see you, and they are in Yanjing. The ground is also quite familiar, so..."

Ji Feng was happy at the moment: "I am not a celebrity, what is good? Shaojun, you promised people?"

Ji Shaojun sneered, apparently the default.

Ji Feng couldn't help but smile. As the long-term grandson of Jijia, his status has been recognized by everyone. Those who want to make him can understand it, but they have no channel to talk directly with themselves, so they I found Ji Shaojun there.

"Then come together, too many people are busy." Ji Fengdao.


Ji Shaojun suddenly said: "I am going to pass..."

Ji Feng nodded: "Hey! Be careful on the road."

Then he took the line and shook his head and smiled.

For this kind of thing, Ji Feng is not disgusted. He believes that if it is not a trustworthy person, Ji Shaojun will not bring him to see him. Although this guy likes to play, it is not a person without a brain.

In fact, how many of these people who have grown up in the big family are fools?

as expected!

When Ji Feng saw Ji Shaojun, this guy introduced him to the two people he brought. Ji Feng listened to their origins and understood that one of the families was in the same camp as Jijia. Closer, and the other, his father is a member of the Jijia family.

Ji Feng saw Ji Shaojun at a glance and greeted the two people at the same time, but the two seemed somewhat cautious, but everyone was young, and after a few glasses of wine, they gradually let go.

"Small army, the company is not busy?" Several people sipping wine, Ji Feng asked casually.

"I have something to do, the company has professional managers to take care of, I only occasionally go to the company to check, hehe." Ji Shaojun sneered.

Ji Feng shook his head helplessly: "You smile, I am afraid that others do not know the purpose of your visit to the company ... I see you are the time to cast the election, but also check? Is it to pick beautiful women?"

Ji Shaojun opened an entertainment company, of course, it was hung in the name of others, but this guy is obviously a bad guy who is not doing business. He goes to the company to check?

This is all new!

"There is nothing wrong with this season!" A slightly fat guy nodded and smiled. He called Yu Hui, one of the two people brought by Ji Shaojun. "If you want to go to the company, you don’t have to say It must be that the company has a new female star..."

"Shantou is correct!" Another person laughed. His name is Wang Hao. He is a little older, about 30 years old. He is more restrained and more restrained.

"I said Shantou, you two are coming to tear down our platform today?" Ji Shaojun said.

A few people laughed.

After a while, four people have a bottle of wine. At this time, Ji Shaojun suddenly said: "Xiao Feng, don't look at these two guys, usually, haha, but they are absolutely right in this Yanjing. Qing, the streets and alleys, they almost know that there are things that you are not convenient to come forward, and hand them over to them, and they will definitely do it for you."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "This is the ability."

"Isn't it!" Ji Shaojun said, "Speaking of it, there is still a guy. We played the best of the four, but recently the guy offended the Wu family, and the result was only to avoid the limelight..."

"Wujia?" Ji Feng brows slightly wrinkled.

"Yeah, you may not be very clear. Recently, the Wu family's people suddenly picked up again. Even a little boy dared to drink five or six. He even dared to openly swear words and say something ugly. At that time, my brother was nearby. As a result, they had a conflict. My brother gave a son of Wu’s family, so he could only hide..."

Ji Feng’s brow wrinkled.

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