The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2267: Then fight!

Chapter 391, then fight!

"What happened?" asked Ji Feng frowning.

Listening to Ji Shaojun’s tone, it seems that the Wujia people suddenly became mad, but this is not the focus of Jifeng’s attention. The Wu family’s people have always been rampant. At the beginning, Wu Zhi and Wu Zhiyong’s arrogance, Ji Feng had long been taught. pass.

What really makes Ji Feng pay attention to is that according to Ji Shaojun, how does he sound like a Wujia person deliberately targeting the Jijia?

If this is the case, then the Wu family can be too much.

The two do not deal with each other. In a strict sense, it is also because the two sides' ideas and ambitions are different, resulting in conflicts, but this does not mean that the Wu family can easily bully the children of Jijia!

More importantly, according to Ji Shaojun, the people who were bullied were not the Jijia people, but the children of the Jijia family.

What does this mean?

If the Wu family really intends to do this, there is no doubt that the Wu family is in the stage of the demolition of the family. He is using practical actions to tell all the people who follow the Ji family. You dare to follow Ji Jiagan, then Be careful when your children will not be surprised.

Or, if you walk, you fall, go out and be hit by a car, wait, etc...

Of course, the words of the Wu family will certainly not be said, and even they will not mention a word, because this kind of thing is a big taboo!

After all, there are many political factions in China. If every faction is to deal with opponents like this, it will be a big mess!

You can deal with people like this, and people can deal with you like this. Who is worse than anyone?

Therefore, even if the Wu family really intends to do so, they will certainly not say it, but they will do it very secretly.

It is precisely because of this season that Feng has to ask what is going on, so that he can judge whether the Wu family is doing this. If this is the case, then the maple must have some action, absolutely can not let it Wu family is so arrogant!

Imagine that people are struggling with the family, but the family can't even protect their children. The most important thing is that they are bullied if their children are not wrong. Can't manage it - in this case, will their confidence in Jijia be shaken?

Even there will be other bad effects!

"Small army, you say carefully, what is going on!" Ji Feng Shen Sheng.

"It was a small nephew of the Wu family. Once I was playing outside, I met my brother. As a result, the little voice was yin and yang, and the two sides had a conflict..." Ji Shaojun said things again.

"So, they just accidentally hit?" Ji Feng asked.

"Yes, it was accidental." Ji Shaojun nodded, said.

"The little sister-in-law of Wujia is still a student, but nowadays the children are developing earlier. The little sister-in-law is still a middle school student. It’s just a meter tall, even higher than my brother, so the two sides have a dispute. After that, my brother got out of his hand and gave him a scoop! In fact, if I knew the age of the little sister, my brother might not have such a heavy hand!"

Ji Feng nodded slightly, this is true, and now I don't know if the eating conditions are better than before, or because the genes are gradually optimized. Anyway, the children are very tall, and some are still in junior high school. It is already one meter eight, even if it is the average height, it is much higher than the previous generations.

In this case, this is indeed an accidental conflict, and the friend of Ji Shaojun, who is also the son of Wu’s family, may think that he is already an adult. As a result, he immediately took the hand when he started.

"How is that person now?" asked Ji Feng.

"Which?" Ji Shaojun.

"It's the little nephew of the Wu family you said." Ji Fengdao.


Ji Shaojun shook his head and said: "What can he do? The head is broken. As a result, the parents reported the police, went to the hospital to check for a minor injury, and came to a **** little slight concussion...fuck! What **** is slight Concussion, really when others are idiots? If you shake your head too much, it may cause a slight concussion. It will be fine if you sleep for up to two days. Is there a hair relationship?"

"What about your friend?" asked Ji Feng.

"Now the police station is waiting to catch my brother. He has to leave Yanjing. It happens that my older brother is also lacking in manpower, so I transferred my brother." Ji Shaojun said.

Ji Feng nodded slightly, and Ji Shaohong intervened in this matter - the eldest brother of Ji Shaojun is Ji Shaohong.


Ji Shaojun couldn't help but swear. "In fact, like this kind of conflict, it often happens in this circle. Everyone usually has a small number of police, unless it is a little heavy, or the two sides themselves are better than the background. I have to be more competitive. Now the little sister-in-law of Wu’s family is just a layer of skin, and she actually called the police...”

Ji Fengdao: "This is a conspiracy. If you report to the police, you can't say anything."

Ji Shaojun said: "The key is that the people of the Wu family are too disgusting! I used to be honest for a while, and now I am arrogant, and even arrogant..."


Ji Feng smiled and picked up the wine glass: "There are arrogant rights and arrogant capital."

Ji Shaojun touched him one by one, looked up and finished drinking, and then put down the wine glass and said something depressed: "The key martial arts **** are so arrogant, many people who are pressing can't lift their heads, just like the whole Yanjing is their Wu family. Like!"

"Okay, don't be so depressed!" Ji Feng smiled. "They arrogantly have nothing to do with us, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke."

"How can they not provoke!" Ji Shaojun sneered: "Xiao Feng, you don't know that the Wu family's people have been arrogant recently. There are several people who have told me that the Wu family and those who are walking with the Wu family are closer. People, not provoking them twice, once..."

"Then fight!"

"What?" Ji Shaojun stunned, and did not seem to respond at the same time.

"The dog has to pounce on you, do we not know how to resist?" Ji Feng smiled. "Whoever dares to bite, he pulls his teeth! Dare to reach out and give his claws!"

Speaking of this, Ji Feng points a cigarette and slowly takes a sip. He said: "We don't take the initiative, but it doesn't mean we have to swallow it all the time!"

"that's right!"

These words of Ji Feng, listening to Ji Shaojun can really be two eyes, he is a blind child, the most can not stand the bullying of others, and naturally can not look at the friends around him being bullied, not to mention the bullying Or Wujia?

But the energy in his hand is too small to involve the Wu family. He is a little bit shackled when he does it, because once something goes wrong, he may not be able to receive it, so as long as he does not involve himself, he It will not be easy to go straight.

But the grievances in my heart don't mention it!

When did the family of Jijia get this kind of anger?

What can I do?

As far as his friend is concerned, he still begged Ji Shaohong to transfer his friend to North China. Otherwise, I am afraid that I have already been taken to the bureau, even if it will not be abused, but the face It is to lose the light.

Therefore, Ji Shaojun actually had a sigh of relief in his heart. Otherwise, he would not complain when he was drinking alcohol with Ji Feng. In fact, he had no hope that Ji Feng could help them in their hearts.

Now, listening to Ji Feng, saying that Ji Shaojun suddenly has a spirit.

"I have seen that the **** are not pleasing to the eye!" Ji Shaojun said.

"Say first!"

Ji Feng's **** were holding cigarettes and he ordered a little bit of Ji Jiujun. "Your mind, I understand, we don't just bully, but you can't take the initiative to find things. Otherwise, I will help you." In the first place, it will be very passive."

Ji Shaojun suddenly smiled: "I understand that it is both able to play with them, and they can't let them catch the handle... Don't worry, I am here."

Who is Ji Shaojun?

He is a deaf child. There is no such thing as a normal thing. It is the people in the circle who are working together, or who is trying to figure out who to calculate.

Therefore, like this means that the other party has suffered a loss and can't say anything, Ji Shaojun is really too much. Even if it is a re-injury, Ji Shaojun can think of several times in a blink of an eye...

Ji Feng heard the words, just smiled and said: "Are you waiting for me?"

Ji Shaojun smiled and said: "There is no way, whoever asks us to be the masters of the family is outside. You see, the boss rarely asks these things. He is afraid that the previous generation of the Wu family will be regarded as opponents, those little nephews. In his eyes, I’m afraid it’s a kid, he’s afraid he can’t see his eyes.”

Ji Feng smiled slightly, and Ji Shaojun said that the boss is Ji Shaodong. Indeed, Ji Shaodong is rarely involved in this dispute between the younger brothers.

"Less mine, I also went to Jiangzhou, my older brother is also outside, you are also in Jiangzhou... This is said, no one really can be the master." Ji Shaojun said: "I will come back soon." Of course, you have to leave a sentence."


Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. He said: "The words have been left to you. Then will you still suffer, but you must look at your skills!"

Ji Shaojun suddenly said: "You can please this! The Wu family's **** does not provoke us, as long as they dare to find things, see how I clean them!"

With Jifeng's standard, Ji Shaojun even hardened his waist when he spoke.

In fact, Ji Shaojun said that it is the quasi-speaking of Ji Feng. In fact, it is the energy that Ji Feng has in his hands!


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