The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2268: Main bone

He Jijun is only a nephew. He is usually not seen at home. The battle between the younger generations is not too much. The elders of Jijia usually have little question. Of course, if others come to complain, they can It’s terrible.

This is in the case of their fight.

But if they lose, the elders must be as if they don't know about it at all. Don't expect to help them get back to the scene, let alone the contacts and resources in their hands to give them a gas.

Ji Shaojun himself, although there are some connections and relationships, even many people think that he is still not small, but it depends on who is compared.

If it is compared with the young masters of the general family, Ji Shaojun is quite powerful, but if he compares with the Wu family, he is not so good. This is not to say that the Wu family is bigger than the Jijia, but because Ji Jijun The Wu family’s people are in conflict, and the Wu family’s elders even secretly intervene, either Wu Zhiyong or Wu Zhi and intervening.

This is also the most annoyed by Ji Shaojun. His mother is only a sideline in the Ji family, and even the elders do not help. This is not equal to the children of the Shangwu family. It is not fair, but the elders of your Wu family are still old. The face is secretly intertwined, how can I **** with you?

Even if the elders of the Wu family do not intervene, even if Wu Zhiyong and Wu Zhi and two people are free to intervene, it is also unacceptable.

Don't underestimate the children of this family, especially the children who are trained as successors. They will even get the approval of many officials and cadres of the Wu family.

In this case, what Wu Zhiyong said may be equivalent to what Wu Zhengmin said.

This is like the status of Jifeng and Ji Shaodong in Jijia. If Ji Shaodong expresses his opinion on one thing, it can almost represent the opinions of the entire season, and even many generals of the season. They will respect the opinions of Ji Shaodong.

It can be seen from this that Wu Zhiyong and Wu Zhihe have a huge amount of energy, and they can even mobilize many officials at some level to help them.

In the past, Ji Shaojun had a conflict with a son of Wu Family. At that time, Wu Zhi and the unlucky one were still alive. The result was a conflict between Ji Shaojun and the Wu family.

At that time, Wu Zhihe was just a fluttering sentence. As a result, the police directly took Ji Shaojun with the Wu family, and both of them were closed for one day and one night. It is useless to let the Ji Shaojun say anything!

Ji Shaojun was locked in the interrogation room. He was almost not eaten by mosquitoes, and there was no table in the whole room. There was only one chair. Ji Shaojun had to sit on the ground and stay on the wall for a night. That night was really painful. He is a bit unbearable.

Imagine, when a child like Ji Shaojun, has suffered such a pain?

What kind of taste does it take for a day and night in that environment?

The problem is that Ji Shaojun didn’t know until the next day. At that time, only he was locked up in the interrogation room. The Wu family’s children actually lived in the reception room!

Although there are no beds there, there are soft sofas, air conditioners, and fucking, good food, smoke, and fruit...

At that time, Ji Shaojun was almost mad!

But he didn't have any evidence, and he couldn't help but Wu Zhihe!

He can only recognize his teeth!

That is, Ji Shaojun’s facial skin was almost wiped out by Wu Zhi and his peeling, almost letting him face his face.

But even if it was treated like this, Ji Shaojun could only smash his teeth and swallow it, because if he relied on his own energy, he would never be able to fight Wu Zhihe. If the two sides continued to carry on, Ji Shaojun believes that he will certainly eat more losses.

In fact, this kind of physical injury does not matter, how to say that he is also a child of Jijia, the Wu family is arrogant, and only dare to interrupt his leg, or break his ribs, etc., but If you want to kill his life, I believe that it is Wu Zhihe. Even if Wu Zhiyong came, I would never dare to do this. At this point, Ji Shaojun still has this confidence.

Because this self-confidence is not from himself, but the family of Jijia gives him.

The elders of Jijia may turn a blind eye to being bullied by their own children, but they will never look at their children's serious injuries or even death, which is even more unacceptable!

In fact, Ji Shaojun did not know at the time. The reason why Ji's elders were bullied by their own children outside was not indifferent to their lives, but they were observing their psychology.

These elders have to take a look at the big quarter home. Is it only Ji Shaodong who can come out alone? No one else can come out to support the scene?

The elders of Jijia are holding this kind of mind, only to eat the loss of their own children, but they don’t seem to see it. Besides, the elders also want to use this way to let the younger generations understand that they don’t want Always taking advantage of the family's forces to behave outside, Zhang Yang, if you really cause any trouble, the family may not help you!

Without enough cuddling, there is not enough enthusiasm in my heart, so the following scorpions will converge a lot, like Ji Shaojun.

Otherwise, if the family tells them clearly, rest assured, what is going on outside the house for you to come out... The consequences can be imagined, I am afraid that the entire Yanjing City is being beaten by the chickens and dogs. Know how many people with no background are being bullied by them.

Ji Jijun is still not aware of this, so he can only bite his teeth, because he is very clear that he can not do Wu Zhihe.

Although even if he continues to do it, he will not be hurt in the body, but this face will be wiped out by the face!

They are the sons of the sons, isn’t it a face? If you don’t even have a face, and you’re stripped, how can you stand in Yanjing?

This is another reason why Ji Shaojun is bitter!

... Now that matter has passed for several years, but now I think of it, Ji Shaojun still has a sense of humiliation, and the chest seems to be a fire without knowing where to release it.

For this reason, Ji Shaojun said that his brother was forced to leave Yanjing because he had a conflict with a small nephew of the Wu family. He was so annoyed that he even ignored his identity when he spoke. 'Fucking' three-character.

It can be imagined how irritating Ji Jijun’s heart is!

But it's all gone.

Because Ji Feng gave a positive promise - if the Wu family people dare to provoke, then fight!

Since the people of the Wu family want to stretch their faces and let you fan, if you don’t fan, isn’t that very unfaced?

Ji Shaojun is very excited.

In fact, not only Ji Shaojun is excited, but Wang Hao and Yu Hui are also very excited after hearing the words of Ji Feng. Although they have passed the age of fighting for strength, they may even be in their usual work. Encountered pressure from the Wu family, which made them a little bit shackled.

Now that I heard the words of Ji Feng, are they not happy?

"The season is small, we respect you!" Wang Hao and Yu Hui took up the wine glass and stood up.

"No need to do this, too much to see." Ji Feng waved his hand, and also stood up, touched a cup with the two, and drank on his head.

Wang Hao and two people are somewhat flattered. Ji Feng can stand up and kill them. This is definitely a face-to-face approach.

The level of this thing, in fact, whether it is in ancient times or in modern times, whether it is in foreign countries or in China, it exists and never disappears.

This is especially true in the official forums where the system is well-defined and in the circle of close relations with the officialdom.

Although Ji Feng is younger than them, he is the core of the third generation of Jijia. If it is not necessary, people do not need to sit down with them to eat, let alone drink so refreshingly.

Now is the best example. Ji Feng is sitting in this place. They suddenly have the backbone of their hearts. Then they will dare to play with the little ones on the Wu family. This has nothing to do with age.

"The season is small, I have done this cup, you are free." Wang Hao took the glass again and drank it up.

"Yes, let me be one, you can do it at will." Yu Hui also looked up and drank another drink.

In doing so, they actually have the meaning of loyalty, but in this circle, they are also people with heads and faces, so they will not be so obvious, and they will not be so flattering.

Ji Feng naturally understood what they meant and smiled and said: "It’s all friends when you say these things..."

He said, he also looked up and drank a cup. Wang Hao and Yu Hui looked at each other with a slight excitement. Ji Feng would drink this glass of wine, which is equivalent to recognizing them. This is naturally worthy of being happy.


Ji Shaojun said next to him: "Don't drink alcohol, this dish is quite good..."

"Right, eat more..."

Some words will be enough, so they will not say these things, but some topics that have nothing to do with it, or that Ji Shaojun said some fun in the Yanjing circle, and Ji Feng faces with a smile.

Then, I also talked about the purpose of Ji Feng to Yanjing.

Ji Shaojun said: "I see, if the freight company is formal, and the car is trustworthy, it is either the seller has problems, deliberately gave some goods in question, or it is likely to be the local traffic police and business people. It’s tight again, I want to get some extra flowers...”


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