The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2280: select

Chapter 404 Selection

Everyone's eyes are looking at Director Wu, just see how he chose.

Although Ji Shaojun and Wu Zhicheng are both inside, they have no identity in the system, and they have no power to deal with this matter. Director Wu is a cadre of state organs. How he chooses, will decide who wins today and who will lose... ...

Only Ji Feng, but took out a cigarette, and took it leisurely.

How did Secretary Wu choose? In fact, Ji Feng is not too concerned about it. Even in his opinion, the contest between Wu Zhicheng and Ji Shaojun is not so important.

Ji Feng’s gaze has been removed from this matter, and he is now very interested in this Wu Zhicheng.

Especially when he knew that Wu Zhicheng was the son of Wu Zhengxin, Ji Feng was very interested. This Wu Zhicheng was so arrogant and even protected Shao Wen, which made Ji Feng particularly want to know Shao Wen and Shao Jie. What is the relationship between the two brothers and the Wu family!

As for the results of today’s handling of this matter, in the end it is only a matter of face.

Even if Secretary Wu did not withstand the pressure of Wu Zhicheng and eventually succumbed to Wu Zhicheng, but for Ji Feng, it is not a problem, even if the car goods are all lost, it will not reach the end of the world!

Moreover, in Ji Feng's view, if Secretary Wu is smart enough, then today, this matter can actually see the end.

"Wu Shao, sorry, the business and police are two different departments. I don't have the power to mobilize the business people to explain the situation."

At this time, Director Wu suddenly spoke.

Wu Zhicheng suddenly wrinkled his face and said: "Director Wu, what do you say?"

Director Wu bit his teeth and said: "Sorry, this thing is that Shao Wen is doing something wrong, even a serious violation of the regulations. Not only is the style rude, the attitude is arrogant, but also the law is trampled on. This kind of person is under my hand. I will deal with one!"

Wu Zhicheng’s face suddenly changed. He stared at Director Wu with a pair of eyes. The gloomy road said: “Secretary Wu, I don’t quite understand what you said... Are you sure to think clearly?!”

"I don't understand that because you are stupid!" Ji Shaojun sneered.

"shut up!"

Wu Zhicheng said: "Ji Shaojun, don't think that with a beater I can't move you, tell you, get angry with me, I will kill you now..."

When Ji Shaojun heard this, he suddenly became angry: "Grass! Come!"

"Wu Shao!"

The voice of Director Wu suddenly increased a bit. "In front of my police chief, I said that it is not appropriate to kill others."

Wu Zhicheng glanced at him and said: "Director Wu, it seems that you are the king of eight to eat the scales, ironed the heart, right?"

Director Wu just said in a deep voice: "I just do things according to regulations."

"Are you sure?!" Wu Zhicheng asked quietly.

"...I am sure." Wu said, "If Wu Shao still has doubts, he can go to the disciplinary inspection department of the police station to ask if there is any violation of my actions!"

"I will definitely go!" Wu Zhicheng Shen Sheng.


Director Wu nodded, but his heart was a long sigh of relief. Finally, he made a decision and opened his words. It felt like a sudden and relaxed.

In fact, Director Wu is also very clear that Wu Zhicheng has been offended anyway today. If he is standing on the side of Wu Zhicheng at this moment, he will never be regarded as a confidant by Wu Zhicheng. Even after the event, Wu Zhicheng can remember him. This person is hard to say.

On the side of Ji Shaojun, that is a complete offense.

This is definitely not worth the candle!

Now, Director Wu has chosen to stand on the side of Ji Shaojun completely. Although this is to offend Wu Zhicheng, he is completely on the same line as Ji Shaojun, and also let Ji Shaojun owe him a favor.

As long as you want to understand this truth, how to choose is actually very simple.

The reason why Secretary Wu was so embarrassed is that it is not difficult to choose, but it is difficult to make this decision... For Director Wu, who has no background, no matter whether it is Ji Shaojun or Wu Zhicheng, he is not offended.

In particular, Wu Zhicheng, a younger brother of the Wu family, thought that he would completely offend such a person, no matter who is in his heart, it will be very stressful.

Therefore, Secretary Wu will be so entangled.

Now that he made the decision, he was relieved, and his head was a knife and a knife. It was like this.

In fact, many things are like this. There may be all kinds of worries and fears before they are done, and there are all kinds of uneasiness, but once they do, they have nothing to worry about.

Secretary Wu is now in this state.

So even though Wu Zhicheng’s face was particularly ugly, he was only a little nervous, but he did not regret it.

"good very good!"

Wu Zhicheng nodded heavily and sneered two times. He said: "Director Wu is really a director of the Iron Face... Since this is the case, then as a friend of Shao Wen, I would like to disagree with you on this way of handling. I think it should be Let's investigate the matter and make a decision!"

Director Wu frowned: "This is something inside our police and we don't need outsiders to give advice."

"of course!"

Wu Zhicheng nodded and said: "This is a matter inside your police, but if Shao Wen wants to respond to it, it will be thoroughly investigated at that time, Director Wu, what do you say?"

Director Wu’s face is a bit ugly. Wu Zhicheng is obviously threatening him. If he does not listen to his opinions, he will directly investigate the matter through the above. If he comes, he will not be qualified to take charge of the investigation. Progress, even he will be investigated...

This time, Director Wu did not go to see Ji Shaojun, because he knew that this normal reaction problem, Ji Shaojun could not stop it. At the same time, Director Wu did not want to rely entirely on Ji Shaojun...

"Secretary Wu, I hope that you can make a quick decision. I don't have so much time to spend with you!" Wu Zhicheng said.

"For Shao Wen's investigation, it can be made public."

Wu said, "We will send people to communicate with people in the business sector."

Wu Zhicheng said: "Well, I have to look at it. Is it Shao Wen’s misconduct, or you are arbitrarily persecuting the integrity of the cadres!"


Director Wu’s eyes jumped a few times.

Wu Zhicheng’s words are a bit too vicious. Now, what age is it, is it so easy to persecute a person?

He Shao Wen is not a flat-headed people!

However, Secretary Wu did not say anything. Obviously Wu Zhicheng is angry. It does not make any sense to argue with Wu Zhicheng on this issue. Instead, it will irritate him even more.

"Then we will come to an on-site office!" Wu said: "Xu Xu, you inform all the party committee members to come here, even if there are tasks, in addition, you will send people to communicate with the business sector..."

“The office is good.” When Director Wu started to arrange work, Ji Shaojun said: “If there is any problem with the goods, then we will accept the penalty, but if it is Shao Wen’s question, I see how you still argue! ”


Wu Zhicheng gave him a disdainful look and snorted.

Ji Shaojun was suddenly annoyed by him. When he just wanted to say something, Director Wu came over: "Ji Shao, Wu Shao, I have already arranged, and then I may have to wait for a while to come. Everyone is here. Sit inside and wait."

Ji Shaojun snorted and took the lead in striding.

However, Ji Feng stayed at the end, and Baizhu made a look. The latter immediately noticed, gradually opened the distance with the crowd, then turned and walked out, and soon came out of the gate of the traffic police brigade, do not know to go Where is it?

At this time, Ji Feng took out his mobile phone. While he didn't know what he was doing, he whispered, "What is the license plate number of the car that pulls the goods?"


Qin Shuzhen gave a slight glimpse, then said: "I printed the order, all the information on the car is on it..."

Said, Qin Shuzhen took out a stack of documents from the bag, took out a piece of paper, it is the invoice of the freight company.


Ji Feng smiled slightly, took the invoice, and then took a photo with his mobile phone.

Qin Shuzheng asked strangely: "What do you want to do?"

Ji Fengdao: "Prepare in advance and be prepared."

Qin Shuzhen did not understand, but watching Ji Feng blinked at her, she gave a slight glimpse, and did not ask again.

A group of people entered the office building of the traffic police brigade. Ji Feng several people were resting in an office. Wu Zhicheng naturally would not go with them, but went to another office.

"Jiu Shao, today, my old Wu is doing his best. If something goes wrong later, please bear with me." Director Wu came in and lowered his voice.

"Don't worry, Director Wu, you just have to do your thing well, and you don't have to worry about the rest." Ji Shaojun said.

Director Wu nodded, and he was somewhat relieved. Although he did not know why Ji Shaojun was so confident, he wanted to come to Ji Shaojun. Although he was a child of Jijia, he was also a family of Jijia. The energy is definitely not his ability. Speculative.

I am afraid, Ji Shaojun is what he has to do.

Director Wu did not stay in this office. He had to discuss with Xu, how to investigate, and other things need to be arranged, because today’s situation is really special. Must cooperate, he can only arrange as much as possible.


Suddenly, Ji Feng’s cell phone rang. He glanced at the screen and immediately connected the phone: “How?”

The voice of Baizhu came from the phone: "The season is small. In some cases, the lock on the door of the cargo box has been opened. There are cardboard boxes inside. I don't know what is wrong..."

Ji Feng’s brow suddenly wrinkled and sneered: “There is a ghost! You should check it slowly, the box can be taken apart, don’t leave your traces!”

"Understood." Bai Zhudao.


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