The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2281: Have a ghost

Ji Feng’s brow suddenly wrinkled and sneered: “There is a ghost! You should check it slowly, the box can be taken apart, don’t leave your traces!”

"Understood." Bai Zhudao.


Ji Feng hung up the phone and then turned to look at the truck driver and the employee responsible for the car. He asked: "When the traffic police buckled your car, did the business people?"

The two nodded together and said: "Yes."

"At that time, the industrial and commercial people asked you to open the door for inspection? Or did they open the door directly?" Ji Feng asked.

"I opened it."

The employee responsible for the car said: "The key is here..."

Ji Feng nodded and asked: "After the car was detained by the traffic police team, did you hand over the keys of the container to the traffic police team?"

The driver shook his head. "No, the people in the industrial and commercial department came over and checked the goods. They said that there was a problem with the goods. I don't know why, because I am only responsible for driving. As for what goods are pulled on this, how many pieces are there? , I am not responsible for it..."

"These are the ones I am responsible for!" At this time, the employee in charge of the car in Qin Shuzhen said.


The driver nodded and said: "So I saw the people in the industrial and commercial department checked it. I locked the container again. The keys were always carried on the body, that is, I was afraid of missing something..."

After the car was detained, the employee responsible for the car was no longer in the car. He was not in the car as a driver. In this case, the driver worried that if there was any problem, the employee of the car would blame him, and he I dare not go to the traffic police team to settle accounts... Just kidding, everyone knows that a small flat-headed people and the traffic police team are justified, what will happen!

Therefore, the driver always carries the key with him, that is, he is afraid of finding something in the middle to find him.

Although he didn't know how many pieces of goods were pulled in the container, he also knew from the employees of the car that the car was jeweled and jade. The price is naturally needless to say. He is a hard-working driver of a sports car. However, earning a hundred thousand tens of thousands of jewels in this container, as long as one less, I am afraid that he will top his salary for one year, and of course he is somewhat worried.

"In the meantime, the key is always on you, right?" Ji Feng asked: "And, you have not approached the car?"


The driver nodded. "After the car was buckled, we just stood at the door of the parking lot and looked at the parking lot. The people who watched the door would not let us close."

"We have been there several times in the middle, but we have not gone to the parking lot. We just came to the traffic police team to deal with this matter, hoping to start early." The employee responsible for the car added, "I just didn't think..."

"We have come a few times, and we haven't figured out what to do. The attitude of these staff members is arrogant and dying. If we don't move, we will blame us, or we will ask seven or eight sentences. People will be able to return to the sentence and say no. To the point!" said the driver depressed.

Ji Feng nodded slightly, this is normal, almost all the people know that the government department has three difficulties, the door is difficult to enter, things are difficult to do, face ugly!

Some time ago, there was a news report. A woman ran more than 30 baht to the police station in order to give her newly born child a hukou. The result was that she did not run well. The program, or simply the clerk, is not there, or is going to play cards and drink alcohol...

In the end, the lady couldn’t help it. She quarreled with the staff of the police station’s household registration section. As a result, it was better. Two or three people in the household registration section grabbed the lady and called.

How can a woman alone be the opponent of two or three people? The result was not light, but the last treatment opinion was actually that the lady was the first to provoke, disrupt the office, and bear the main responsibility...

Even when the news was reported, the lady’s children had not yet been placed in the account.

In fact, it is also said that with the above ruling, the last lady wants to give her child an account, does she still have to go to the household registration section of the police station?

But the staff member of the household’s Curry has just fought with her, and can they give her a good look?

It’s not good to toss her to blame!

And this kind of thing is too rare in the government department, it is not unusual.

Just looking at the person in charge of the freight company, since entering the traffic police team, even if I saw the security guard at the door, I nodded with a smile, I can imagine what the people are in the government department. The treatment.

In this case, the above is repeatedly emphasized, and it is said that it has begun to develop a targeted system, but this is not a day or two can be changed, it takes time to slowly change.

Therefore, Ji Feng’s attention is still concentrated on the truck. According to the driver and the **** staff, when the people in the industrial and commercial department inspect the car, they are the containers that they open with the key. After that, the car is detained and the keys are always On the driver's body.

This means that during this period, neither the traffic police department nor the industrial and commercial department can access the key.

"Is there any trace of shackles on the container door before the car was detained?" Ji Feng asked: "Or, have you ever been smashed before?"


The employees of the car shook their heads: "I don't think there is any, because when I started, I specially checked the container door. Every time I took the car, I got into the habit."

The driver said: "It is definitely impossible. Who is going to pick up the car?"

"It turned out to be like this..." Ji Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"Ji Feng, what happened?"

Qin Shuzhen whispered, "Is there any problem?"

Ji Feng snorted and said: "I just let Baizhu go to investigate the car. She said that she found traces of being smashed on the door of the container!"


Qin Shuzhen’s face flashed a touch of surprise. Just now the driver and the car employee’s words were clearly heard. The key was always in the driver’s hand, and the car had never been smashed before, but now Ji Feng said The container was opened...

Qin Shuzhen whispered: "How could this be?"

Ji Fengdao: "So I suspect that there are ghosts in this, wait and see, there will definitely be people jumping out!"

"These people are really... their conscience is eaten by dogs!" Qin Shuzhen said in anger.

"Don't be too angry, this kind of thing is normal for them!" Ji Fengdao, "As long as we have no heart in our hearts!"

Like this kind of thing, although Ji Feng did not experience it personally, he has listened a lot.

Moreover, from the beginning, Jifeng felt a bit strange. How did Qin Shuzhen say that the goods were definitely no problem, but the industrial and commercial departments still deducted the car for this reason?

Now that Wu Zhicheng has also stepped in, then in order to be on the safe side, Ji Feng will let Baizhu secretly explore the situation of the car, prevent the occurrence of fishing law enforcement, or the situation of planting and framing, if that is the case, When they are ready to plant their heads.

The result was never thought of, and it was so!

The container door was opened. Under this condition, what is the inside of the goods, but it is not so good.

As long as some people are willing, they can even change the jewels and jade in the car directly into white noodles. It is not impossible to even smash Qin Shuzhen’s poison.

"This team is really fast!" Ji Feng secretly sneered.

It seems that they should not be doing this for the first time, and this matter is absolutely irrelevant to Shao Wen. After all, the car is parked in the parking lot of the traffic police brigade, and the parking lot is still guarded.

If Shao Wen does not nod, who dares to pick up the container?

This traffic police captain did it, it was really arrogant!

"What do we want to do?" Qin Shuzhen naturally realized that there are problems in this. She has been battling in the business field all the year round. She is naturally sinister. She naturally understands that Ji Feng just said that she thought of various possibilities.

However, there is no good way for Qin Shuzhen to be there for a while.

Ji Feng whispered: "Don't worry, let's see the situation first."

Qin Shuzhen nodded slightly, it seems that it can only be so. Now, after all, it is in the traffic police team, they are not convenient to do anything.

At the same time, Ji Feng is secretly pondering in his heart, how to solve this matter.

Although I don't know what those people have done to open the container, in order to prevent it, we must make the worst plan, so that we can cope with all the changes.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Feng turned his head and said: "Wang Hao, you still need to do something."

"What is the matter, please say less."

"Go find your friends again and let him do a favor." Ji Feng said, "And you must help..."

Said, Ji Feng said a few words with a low voice.

Wang Hao heard the words and could not help but nod. "The season is less assured, this thing is easy to handle, I will call."

Ji Shaojun could not help but ask strangely: "Xiao Feng, what do you want Pharaoh to do?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Let him ask for some news, you will know when you wait."

Ji Shaojun is a bit strange, what is it going to do, how do you feel some mysterious? However, since Ji Feng did not say it, he did not ask much. Anyway, there is time to ask Wang Hao.

In a twinkling of an eye, the time is half a morning, and the sun has risen very high. Ji Shaojun has some impatient hands raised his hand and looked at his watch.

“Does the people in the industrial and commercial department climb over?” Ji Shaojun was somewhat dissatisfied. “It’s been more than an hour, and they haven’t come yet?”

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