The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3055: storm

Chapter 1179 Storm

The attack of Ji Feng and Zheng Yuanshan caused a great wave in Nanyue.

Because the identity is too sensitive, many people are already paying attention when Ji Feng comes to Nanyue. Especially when Ji Feng personally went to the Guangdong Provincial Bureau to report the case, his arrival suddenly made many people know, which also caused many people to feel shocked, because Ji Feng personally came to report the case, which itself is very unusual.

Not to mention Zheng Yuanshan, the boss of the South Guangdong police system, the weight is absolutely not light.

Now that two people are attacked, it is difficult to think about it.

What's more, no matter the explosion that Zheng Yuanshan encountered when he was attacked, or the body of the site in the hotel that Ji Feng attacked, it was already a fierce gun battle. The movement was very small, which was shocking.

Who is so bold, dare to attack Zheng Yuanshan and Ji Feng?

Do not!

Strictly speaking, this is not an attack. It can be said to be a long-planned murder!

This made the entire South Guangdong can not help but look at the murder of Ji Feng and Zheng Yuanshan, this is to eat the ambition of the leopard!

There were a lot of arguments from outside, and the high-level officials in Nanyue made a voice. When a leader spoke at the police station, he said that he must thoroughly investigate the case and severely punish the murderer.

This is interpreted by the outside world as the meaning of the Wu family wanting to clear the relationship. This speech is obviously saying that this has nothing to do with the Wu family. The Wu family will only make such a voice in order to prove their innocence.

The case is not what we did, it has nothing to do with us, so we will thoroughly investigate.

However, it is surprising that Jijia did not seem to appreciate it at all. First, the South Guangdong Military Region sent troops to block the whole city, and then the investigation team of the central government went straight down. Obviously, it was necessary to target the case.

But what is even more unexpected is that the investigation team just took away several high-ranking officials from South Guangdong, including even the second-in-command in South Guangdong.

Broken a pair of glasses!

No one can think of it. When the investigation team arrived in South Guangdong, the first thing that happened was the old man who was called the South Guangdong officialdom. This is an old man who has been immersed in the officialdom for dozens of years. How many times he has been floating, but always Did not completely fall down, some people call him a pinnacle of the sea, and some people call him a tumbler of the South Guangdong officialdom.

Unexpectedly, Ji's first knife turned out to be cut towards this old man.

This is inevitably eye-catching and even has many speculations.

Could it be said that Jijia’s doing this is actually the meaning of the drunkard, not just for the case of Jifeng and Zhengyuanshan, but for the official residence of South Guangdong, and further, for the Wujia in Nanyue. power?

Maybe it is this possibility!

However, there is no waiting for outsiders to have a judgment on this, and the central investigation team has carried out a second action - taking the leader of the Yuezhou City Bureau, the second-hand of the South Guangdong Provincial Office!

The two police systems of the two consecutive police systems were taken down, plus the old man who had won the previous one. This took off three heavyweight characters, just like a deep-water bomb thrown into the calm lake. It’s a wave of waves!

Everyone was shocked and stunned. Is this going to uproot the entire South Guangdong system?

The actions of the central investigation team really made many people feel astonished.

Even some of the big cockroaches that are far away from Yanjing can't sit still. Some people even couldn't help but take a table in some semi-public situations, and questioned the investigation team.

"It’s just a noisy, is this the investigation team, or the circus? Is it because the children are not able to take the family? Whoever wants to take it, this is simply to regard the people’s livelihood in Nanyue. The investigation team belongs to the public office of the country. People, not some people's private soldiers!"

Although this is not the name of the surname, the meaning of the words in this statement is actually no different from the name of the surname.

Obviously, the spearhead of this statement is directed at the quarter.

However, Jijia did not give any explanation. The investigation team is still doing what to do, which makes the outside world even more suspicious. However, with the outflow of some gossip, some things have gradually become clear.

Some people say that when the people in the investigation team went to the Guangdong Bureau to get people, they were intercepted. Some police officers were even provoked. They even wanted to arrest the investigative team. When they took the other two, even the special police. There are some changes.

But in the end these people did not pick up, because when the investigation team encountered resistance, the garrison of the Guangdong Military Region directly dispatched.

There was a nose and an eye in the gossip. It was said that some people saw the confrontation between the two sides at the time. Finally, the military directly transferred the machine guns and the field troops. It was extremely hard to press the police side down, and finally the investigation team succeeded. take away.

This kind of gossip is often the most market-oriented, and has been strongly supported and endorsed by some people, because some people have used mobile phones to take photos of a large number of soldiers running towards the police station, and sent them online, but only very short. The photo was deleted after the time, but it has undoubtedly become evidence.

However, this is a gossip after all. Three such people with weights, even those who are under the central investigation team, are not trying to catch it. People who really understand the rules in this circle, although they believe that they may be taking people It may be rebelled, but the real reason for this is no one knows.

However, the outside world does not believe that the investigation team really wants to take advantage of the opportunity to make waves and target the Wu family.

Because if you don’t have any basis, you want to move this heavyweight. It’s really not easy. Even if the influence of the Jijia is big, it will never agree. Now it’s not the one who said it. The age of calculation.

The Wu family’s response to this was also fierce. A member of the Wu family was proposed at the meeting to form a joint investigation team rather than a unilateral investigation team.

However, this proposal has been resolutely put back.

In a blink of an eye, the time has passed three days, and at this time, the contradiction between the two sides has reached the most intense time, and the above-mentioned noisy has reached the point of blushing neck.

At this time, the central investigation team suddenly released a message to disclose the results of the initial phase of the investigation.

Therefore, an item of evidence was put out. At this time, people realized that the root cause of these people was actually that they were not standing right. They turned out to be the background of the godfather of the South Guangdong Road.

Car smuggling, oil smuggling, medicines and electronics...even, there are white noodles!

This is simply a big cancer!

People were shocked. It turned out that there were such a big case at their side, and they even involved these three big men!

When the news was announced, those doubts disappeared without a trace!

The people of the Wu family also suddenly closed their mouths!

The storm started!

Many people couldn’t help but say that the investigation team’s set of evidence is enough to shut up anyone who is questioning. However, this is definitely not the entire evidence held by the investigation team. I am afraid there are still many investigation groups. It was not announced.

For a time, the sound of Nanyue was strong.

The quarterly fierce counterattack, officially started!



Ji Feng took a deep breath and sat up from the bed, then stood on the ground in a stable underground bed.

In four days, his wounds have recovered almost. Now he has been able to walk. He was somewhat weak because of the special effects current. He recovered over the past few days while he continued to practice.

However, Ji Feng can feel that his strength has declined. Compared with the peak period, his body seems to be weaker.

Although this gap is not very obvious, but Ji Feng can feel it, but this is not what he cares the most. What really makes Ji Feng frown is that his injured arm is still plastered and can't move at all.

In the plaster, he felt that his arm didn't seem to be audible. Now he can only gently move his fingers, and he can barely lick his fist, but it doesn't matter.

The arm is really abolished!

Ji Feng was silent for a long time. Although the bones have not healed yet, he knows that even after the bones have healed, this arm can no longer bear gravity.

Perhaps the basic life will not be affected, but if it is compared with before, his arm is really abolished!

More importantly, during the training and recovery in the past few days, Ji Feng found that because this arm was seriously injured, even the cultivation was not as smooth as before, and the bioelectric current was swept back to the limbs, but when it came to this arm However, there is a feeling of siltation and blockage.

I think that the dynasty's technology is a thousand miles away, and even the research that combines the internal forces of the reformed man and the ancient warrior has been basically successful, and his heart is a bit heavy.

However, Ji Feng’s attention was quickly shifted by one thing.

This season, Zhenping came over and told him a message: "Xiao Feng, this matter involves the Wu family!"

Ji Feng nodded and said, "I know."

The three heavyweights that I had won before were all from the Wu family, so Ji Feng heard no news about this news.

Ji Zhenping shook his head and said: "I am talking about the things you attacked. When Liu Gang was caught by you, is there still someone next to him?"

Seeing Ji Feng nod, Ji Zhenping said: "Do you know? That person is not Liu Gang's accomplices, but was sent to destroy Liu Gang, you guess who sent it?"

Ji Feng immediately asked: "Who is it?"

He has been in the hospital for a few days, and he does not know much about the outside world, so it is still not clear about the progress of the case.

"Shao Jie!"

Ji Zhenping said: "According to the person's account, Shao Jie sent him."

Ji Feng suddenly paused: "Shao Jie?"


Ji Zhenping said: "According to the order he received, after waiting for you to be killed, he will kill Liu Gang again, and make the illusion that both of you will eventually die together, but I did not expect that he has not had time to do it, he will be caught by you. It!"

. . . . . .

In fact, this plot can be written very cool, I also want to write as cool as possible, but today I received a notice, the above policy is strict, it is easy to be harmonious, in order to avoid tragedy, so can only helpless I have not dared to write a detailed battle of positions and factions, and the harmony of the beast is coming, helpless.

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