The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3056: Grab Shao Jie!

Ji Feng suddenly paused: "Shao Jie?"


Ji Zhenping said: "According to the order he received, after waiting for you to be killed, he will kill Liu Gang again, and make the illusion that both of you will eventually die together, but I did not expect that he has not had time to do it, he will be caught by you. It!"

Ji Feng’s face suddenly sinks: “Shao Jie!”

He always knew that Shao Jie was very happy, and the identity of this person was very suspicious. He did not think that he was involved in the incident.

"In addition, according to Liu Gang's account, at the beginning, he didn't want to die with you. Although he was obsessed with face, he wanted to use other means to soften you, but when he said this idea, he was Shao Jie gave up."

Ji Zhenping said: "If Liu Gang's statement is credible, then Shao Jie is definitely playing a disgraceful role in this matter."

"That is for sure!"

Ji Feng nodded and said that since Shao Jie can send people to destroy Liu Gang, it means that he is not afraid to deal with this matter, but the question is, how deep Shao Jie is involved in this.

And the most important point, what is this identity of Shaojie!

"Little uncle, Shao Jie sent people to destroy, is there evidence?" Ji Feng suddenly asked.

"For the time being, there is only a confession, and there is no real physical evidence." Ji Zhenping said, "However, I intend to arrest it first, even if there is no physical evidence, but with the existing chain of evidence, I can already point to him. If I only look at Liu Gang Everything is sensible if you give a confession."

Ji Feng frowned: "Now catching Shao Jie? Is it right?"

Ji Zhenping said in a deep voice; "There is nothing wrong with it!"

This sentence fully shows Ji Zhenping's domineering and the Qi family's confidence.

"Wujia's side..."

"Hey! This time you have been assassinated, you have to say that there is no relationship with the Wu family. I pull my head down and give them a kick!" Ji Zhenping said in a deep voice. "Now the Wu family will wipe the cockroaches on their **** and say it!"

"That's catching!"

Ji Feng nodded. The uncle's words gave him plenty of conviction, and he also wanted to take a look at what this Shaojie is sacred!

Ji Zhenping said: "In addition, Liu Gang mentioned a message, I think it is a bit interesting. He said that Shao Jie told him more than once that within half a month, it will let you leave South Guangdong, and Shao Jie is When I say this, it seems to be extremely confident, as if I have a good idea!"


Ji Feng grinned and said: "He almost succeeded!"

Ji Zhenping said with a cold face: "I would rather know more about why he has such confidence! This person must catch, maybe he can dig a lot from his mouth!"

Thinking thoughtfully nodded, Ji Feng said: "Well. This person, indeed, is a bit weird, identity and status are not equal, but it is very powerful!"

"He can't wait for a long time!" Ji Zhenping sneered.

Ji Feng knows that since both Xiao Shu and his father have intervened in this matter, no matter what identity Shao Jia is, they are absolutely hidden!

Individuals can never compete with the state machine, even if it is a dynasty, it must be hidden in the dark, not dare to blatantly appear, not to mention a Shaojie in the district?

Later, Ji Feng chatted with Ji Zhenping for a while and learned a lot of useful information.

He summed it up and found some problems.

There is a trap, or exactly a bureau. When he first came to South Guangdong, he started to arrange it, and he was specifically targeting him!

First of all, Yang Xiaoai’s father was detained at the casino. There is no evidence yet that it is a bureau from this time on. However, after the news that he came to Nanyue later, the bureau started. This is certain.

Then there is the person who set up the bureau. According to Luo’s account, this person should be the number one whose identity and status are still above the prince!

On the 1st, it is necessary to use those armed personnel and reformers to kill him. Liu Gang is a scapegoat, which is why Shao Jie wants to send people to kill Liu Gang.

"Shao Jie..."

Ji Feng sneered twice. Now, who is still unknown on the 1st, Wang’s identity is not clear, but Shao Jie is exposed. There is no doubt that he is not a dynasty, and he is absolutely related to the dynasty. .


"Shao Jie, how do you sit uneasy?"

Within the glorious group, Yan Yadong looked at Shao Jie, who was walking around, could not help but ask.

Shao Jie’s face with an impatient look was obviously restless. When he heard the words of Yan Yadong, he could not help but say: "You don’t want to be jealous, I am bothered!"

Yan Yadong couldn’t help but shook his head and said nothing.

Shao Jie is afraid.

In the past two days, a series of changes in Nanyue have been seen in the eyes, especially the fall of the three heavyweights, which made him realize that the big event is not good!


When he thought that the person he had sent to destroy Liu Gang had lost his hand, Shao Jie couldn’t help but hate his teeth. I heard that the man was holding Liu Gang at the time, but he did not kill him. Instead, he was arrested. This made Shao Jie more annoyed. If Liu Gang just broke down at the time, it was not anything. ?

Shao Jie did not think about it. At the beginning, he arranged for his men to take Liu Gang to watch the drama. Now that something happened, he pushed all the responsibilities to others.

However, even if you want to push the responsibility away, it is impossible.

The man and Liu Gang were arrested at the same time. Ten and eight will meet him. Although there is no news yet, Shao Jie’s heart has been raised.

What bothers him even more is that he has not received any calls to help him.

Take out the phone and see that the battery is full, the signal is full, and the phone is less likely to owe money, but no phone calls come in.

After a few turns, Shao Jie gritted his teeth and turned to the lounge inside, dialing a number.


"What's the matter with you! Don't you let me call you? How do you call me at this festival?" When the phone was connected, Shaojie had not had time to say anything, and there was an annoyance on the phone. sound.

"I may be in trouble here. Liu Gang was arrested and is likely to give me out..." Shao Jie explained carefully.

"How about the supply? Do they have evidence? Does Liu Gang have your handle in hand?" The person at the other end of the phone snorted. "You are not a national public official, and the second is not directly involved. Even if it is investigated, how?" kind?"

"Yes... this time, the people of Jijia directly went down to investigate!" Shao Jie said.

The person at the other end of the phone said, "You care about who he is investigating, and do what you want with peace of mind. If you don't have strong evidence, you can't admit it. Can they still eat you?"

Shao Jie snorted and said: "That... what should I do?"

The other party said: "Do your job well!"

After that, the phone was hung up.

Listening to the busy tone from the phone, Shao Jie is more concerned about the situation. Yes, he is not a national public official. Even if he has a relationship with Liu Gang, his criminal activities are not involved at all, afraid of a hair!

At this moment, Shao Jie heard a voice outside, and there was some noise. He listened carefully. He couldn’t hear clearly through the door. He opened the door and went out, and then he saw the office. Standing a few people wearing military uniforms, Yan Yadong is talking to them.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Shao Jie asked.

"Nothing, then what, you go to the marketing department to see how their work is done, I will look for you again!" Yan Yadong immediately said.

"Marketing Department?"

Shao Jie is a slap in the face, why do you want to go to the marketing department for no reason? I am not responsible for that piece... I saw the soldiers, and Shao Jie immediately reacted. Shouldn’t this be a soldier to find himself?

He nodded immediately and said, "Yes, I am going to pass!"

"and many more!"

Shao Jie just left, but a soldier reached out and stopped him. He looked at him and looked up and asked, "You are Shao Jie?"

"He is not!"

Yan Yadong immediately said: "He is who..."

"I didn't ask you!" The soldier glanced at him and turned to look at Shao Jie. He asked, "Are you Shao Jia? We have your photo, you don't admit it doesn't matter!"

"I am Shao Jie, what happened?"

When Shao Jie heard that the other person had a photo, he knew that he couldn’t pass, and he didn’t intend to conceal it. Just that phone call made him figure it out. As long as he didn’t admit it, there was no hard evidence to get him.

The soldier looked at him and gave a tribute: "Hello, we are in the Guangdong Military Region. There is something you need to cooperate with the investigation. Please take a trip with us!"

Shao Jie heard a sudden smile: "Walk with you? Are you an investigation team? Or a policeman?"

The soldier said: "No, we are from the Guangdong Military Region. We are ordered to perform the task. Please cooperate!"

"If I don't cooperate?" Shao Jie asked. "As far as I know, if there is power to arrest people, then only the police? If you are an investigation team, I can also help you with it. However, you are warriors, is it your duty to fight? Let me cooperate with the investigation? Sorry, I am not accompanying!"

The soldier glanced at him coldly and said: "The military also has a military court!"

Shao Jie waved his hand: "That is to judge your soldiers, it has nothing to do with me!"

"But if it is a special event, it has something to do with you!" The soldier said, waving his hand: "Please follow us!"

"Jokes, you go, I will leave..."


The two fighters are coming up to pull Shaojie, but Shao Jie is struggling immediately and shouted: "I see who you dare..."


The head of the warrior punched Shao Jie on the ground, and the severe pain made Shao Jie’s eyes wide open and his face turned red...

"take away!"

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