The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3062: Island No. 1!

If the emergence of laser guns is just to let the liberation feel that the Chinese army can lead the world in small-scale equipment, and no longer need to let the Chinese soldiers suffer in some small-scale military operations because of the backwardness of the weapons, then the laser guns If you develop successfully, you can almost say that you are ecstatic to the liberation!

Although there is not a deep understanding of the liberation of laser guns, there is only a vague concept in the mind, and this is some hypothesis put forward by scientific experts, but once the word "laser" is involved, it is very itch in the mind. .

How terrible the laser gun was, he saw it with his own eyes.

Moreover, when the first season maple was in the rescue special squad, he used a kind of anti-aircraft-like thing on the ship. Just a moment, he shot a fighter, and it was inevitable!

This is even worse than the missile!

So to the liberation of the plane just arrived, the non-stop ride to Jifeng's villa.

In addition to the most basic guards, he didn't even bring other people.

"Ji Feng, has it succeeded?" Just after seeing Ji Feng, he asked hurriedly to the liberation.


Ji Feng smiled and nodded.

I can’t wait to liberate and say, “Come and take me to see!”

Ji Feng made a gesture of asking: "Upstairs, the top is a bit messy, don't mind the general manager!"

I waved to the liberation: "I have experienced the hard-working environment, what are you afraid of!"

Under the leadership of Ji Feng, I saw the laser cannon in Ji Fengkou in the study room on the third floor of liberation. When I saw it, I could not help but be amazed at the liberation: "So small?"

The laser cannon in front of it does not even have a heavy machine gun. Although it is supported by three legs, the height is only about half a meter, and the muzzle is small and pitiful. It is only about the size of a baby's fist.

Ji Feng said: "This is just a small laser gun, and now it is only the most rudimentary. The principle is similar to a laser gun, energy source, trigger, converter, but in terms of aiming and shooting, the method of operation Not the same."

Immediately asked for liberation: "How is the power?"

Ji Feng thought about it and said: "There is no way to describe it. I don't know how our military's weapons describe the power of weapons. If you can try it on the ground, it is the best."

Immediately asked for liberation: "How to try?"

Ji Feng said: "It is best to try at sea. Although this is a small laser gun, the range is still very far!"

Immediately liberated the board: "Then prepare for the test immediately! Level, top secret!"

Seeing that Ji Feng was a little surprised, he could not help but sigh: "Ji Feng, you have not been in the army, so you don't know what the backwardness of the weapon means for our country."

Ji Feng silently nodded, what does it mean to be behind the weapon? It means that China does not dare to use force at all. Even if it is bullied to the doorstep, it can only protest. At most, it relies on special forces to conduct small-scale contests with others in secret. But this year is because of this small-scale military. The outstanding fighters who died in action did not know how many.

It also means that the Huaxia Navy dispatched several warships to sea training, which will be tracked by the fighters of other people, and it is also very arrogant to pass through the range of the warships.

Even the aircraft carrier that Huaxia has just launched into the water, there are people in Vietnam who are just a large playground in China. They are not afraid of it, and they can easily sink.

As a **** youth, whoever sees this situation will be angry.

Therefore, Ji Feng understands the desire to liberate weapons.

Just when he issued a top secret order to the liberation and prepared to test the laser gun, Ji Feng suddenly made a request.

"To the chief, I want to ask you something." Ji Feng said: "If it is said that the Ascendas Group wants to establish a base overseas, for example, to establish a base on an island in the southern waters, the military will not Will it support?"

"Building a base?"

I was a little surprised at the liberation: "Is that the plan you mentioned before?"

He remembered that his son had told him about the war. Ji Feng seems to have a plan to build a base outside, but he has already given a reply after considering it. Now he hears Ji Feng asking, is it that Ji Feng wants to borrow? The development of the laser gun was successful, and the conditions were discussed with the military?

Who knows that Ji Feng is shaking his head and saying: "No, I saw an island..."

He took out his mobile phone, opened a map, and pointed to the island sign above: "It is here that the island is not too small, just right for the base of the Ascendas Group."

When I took a look at Liberation Gang, I suddenly wrinkled my brow: "Island One?"

Ji Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is the first island."

Said to the liberation frown; "Ji Feng, since you know this island, you should be clear, now the island is in the hands of Vietnam, you..."

Ji Feng nodded and smiled: "To the chief, I know, but I feel that regardless of whether the island is in the hands of Vietnam, but it is an island of China, Ascenda Group is a Chinese company, to build a headquarters. There should be no problem?"

Looking at him liberated deeply, no problem? The problem is gone!

This so-called No. 1 Island is actually only unilaterally named by China. Its location is between the seas of China and Vietnam. Strictly speaking, it belongs to China. It is the largest island in the disputed seas of the two countries.

However, because the coastline of China is too long, the navy is too weak, and there are too many external constraints, it has been occupied by Vietnam since decades. The Vietnamese soldiers built a lot of fortifications on it, including basic ones. Living facilities, such as fresh water supply facilities, etc.

Although Huaxia has never given up the island in the righteousness and reputation, in fact, it is an indisputable fact that the owner of the island is now a Vietnamese.

Ji Feng now proposes to go to the No. 1 island to build the base of the Ascendas Group. Is this not going to war with Vietnam?

"Ji Feng, what do you think?" asked Xiang Li Shen, he did not think that Ji Feng was a noisy kid, but now suddenly come up with such absurd suggestions, you must understand his ideas.

"To the chief, I mean, the country has sovereignty over the island. Then, the Ascendas Group leases the island from the state. This should be a matter of course?" Ji Feng laughed.

"You should know that the No. 1 island is only nominally Huaxia, but it is actually closer to Vietnam, and now it is actually controlled by Vietnam. How do you go up and establish a base?" asked Liberation.

"The country is occupied, then we will get it back!" said Ji Feng.


To the liberation of the road: "Your boy is taking me to open up? Or whimsical?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I don't dare. To the general manager, I understand what you mean, the country is not convenient to come forward, then, how about the Ascendas Group?"

“Well?” A slight wrinkle on the liberation brow: “What about the operation?”

There is a door!

Ji Fengyi couldn’t help but feel happy when he looked at the liberation. He said immediately: “The operation is very simple. From the Ascendas Group, the right to use the No. 1 island...”

Said to the liberation and shaking his head: "Ji Feng, you should understand that in fact, if the country wants to take back the No. 1 island, it is not impossible. This is not difficult to do, but everything can not be impulsive. The South China Sea is pulling the whole body. Do you understand? ”

Ji Feng nodded: "I understand, so I said that it was made by the Ascendas Group."

"Tengfei Group?"

Shaking his head to liberation, said: "Vietnam has always been the No. 1 island and the surrounding island group as a bridgehead for attacking China. Don't say that the small team of your Ascendas Group can't get on, even if you hit it. Do you think that the more Congress is going to take a break? Can you keep it?"

Ji Feng said: "As long as I can get it, I won't be able to keep it."

Speaking to the liberation and shaking his head: "When you can't keep it, it's too late! This kind of action must be effective at one time. Otherwise, it may lead to a big war. Do you understand?"

Ji Feng nodded thoughtfully, he knew that there was a deep meaning to liberation of every sentence, and some words may be inconvenient to explain to him, but this meaning has been expressed very clearly.

"To the chief, I have a way to hold it!" Ji Feng said quietly.

"What is the way?" asked Liberation.

"After you have tried the laser cannon, you will know!" Ji Feng smiled slightly.

"I still sell it with me?"

I didn’t care about liberation. What kind of person he is, naturally, will not be able to be lifted by Ji Feng’s appetite. “Well, I will see what you can do after the trial!”

Ji Feng smiled, after the trial, I hope you can still be so calm!

He really wants to see what kind of expression he would have when he commanded a general who had commanded a thousand troops to fight with the devils of the country and played the name of the general.

Small laser cannons are still laser cannons!

Special events, and for the sake of confidentiality, I received feedback soon after liberation. The following has been arranged.

"Kid, let's go, this is only a trip to the sea." He laughed at the liberation.

"Wait a minute, I want to report to the leader!" Ji Feng said with a smile.

After smashing to liberation, I saw Ji Feng go to the side to call, and the name of the other person was called, called Lei Lei... I shook my head when I was liberated, this kid.

Of course, he knows that Ji Feng is also a kind of wind, and there are quite a few women around him. The closest thing to Ji Feng is that it belongs to Tong Lei and Xiao Yu, so when he listens to Ji Feng’s name, he knows that Ji Feng is Who is calling?

However, to the general manager, but did not eavesdrop on the habit of others, so he went downstairs with his hands.

Ji Feng gave a call to both Tong Lei and Xiao Yu, and said that they had to go to the military region to do something. They didn’t say anything. Fortunately, after this period of training, Ji Feng’s injury was completely good, even his arms were Already able to move freely, so Xiao Yuxi and Tong Lei just told him to be careful, but he did not stop.

. . . . . .

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