The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3063: The power of the laser cannon

"To the chief, where do we go to test?" Ji Feng asked.

At this point, he and the liberation are sitting on the military plane, this is a transport plane, can not see the outside in the cabin.

I looked at him in liberation and smiled: "Are you not interested in the South China Sea?"

Ji Feng asked: "We are going to the South China Sea?"

No answer to liberation, just smiled: "You will know when you arrive."

In this case, Ji Feng simply no longer asks, just close his eyes and raise his spirits. At this point, the laser cannon was placed in a box and placed under his feet. I saw that Ji Feng randomly placed his foot on the box, and could not help but twitch twice from the liberated face.

This kind of weapon will be used as a baby, no matter where it is placed. But Ji Feng is good, and the foot is directly put on it. This kind of drop really makes the liberation somewhat helpless.

"To the general manager, why do you always look at me like this?" Ji Feng suddenly opened his eyes and asked strangely.

"I can't imagine it. If you are studying economics, how can you study this weapon!" said the liberation. No one would have thought that such a powerful weapon turned out to be from the young man of Ji Feng. If Ji Feng is specializing in the study of weapons, it is better to say something. He is a genius and can explain the same. It can be said that Ji Feng is studying economics. This is not surprising.

Ji Feng heard a smile and said: "This may be a gift. Anyway, I am not very interested in professional courses at college. I am very interested in scientific research, and then slowly research, there is such a little achievement. !"

Said to the liberation nod: "Maybe, see you, I finally believe that there is really a genius in this world."

In fact, it is extremely doubtful to liberate the mind. It is said that Ji Feng has such talents, but this talent is really too amazing. He is able to develop such a powerful weapon by himself.

This really makes people wonder if it is developed by Jifeng!

But if it is not developed by Jifeng, who can it be? There is no such weapon in the whole world. Although there are laser guns in the dynasty, the laser gun developed by Jifeng is not in a grade.

In the end, liberation can only be acknowledged. There is really a genius in this world, and it is still a self-taught genius, not a boast.

When I heard the liberation, Ji Feng did not say anything but smiled, but could not help but sink.

There are indeed some special performances in one's own performance. One who studies the economy has such an in-depth study of weapons. This cannot be ignored.

Although in the past when the introduction of new chrome alloys and laser guns, Ji Feng put most of the credit to the experts in the group, but in fact, in the identity of liberation, he is certainly not difficult to find out who this is. Developed, this is why Ji Feng will directly ask for weapons to be released from his own home.

Because he knows that these confrontation is definitely not a secret.

"It's out of style!"

Ji Feng shook his head secretly, and now he doesn't care much about it. The speed of progress of the dynasty's scientific research level really made Ji Feng feel shocked, and he felt great pressure. If it is still developing steadily, I am afraid it will be left behind by the dynasty.

Moreover, now the Ascendas Group has also stood still, even if it has a certain influence in the international arena, although it has not yet become such a real multinational giant, but it is also anxious, it takes time to slowly expand The impact takes time to precipitate and accumulate.

Therefore, Ji Feng has a rapid advancement.

Even if there is doubt in the above, there is a threat of dynasty, and there are endless challenges in the high-tech of the dynasty, and his performance has been suppressed a lot.

This is also a good thing!

After a period of flight, Ji Feng suddenly opened his eyes and he felt that the speed of the plane was slowing down.

"Report, the road to the target area soon, please instruct!" A guard came over to the liberation report.

"Is the test ship ready?" asked Liberation.

The guard nodded and said: "The ship is already on standby."

Swing to the liberation: "That's good, according to the scheduled plan!"


The guard said aloud, respected the ceremony, then turned to convey the command to liberation.

Ji Feng asked: "To the general manager, have we arrived in the southern waters?"

Said to the liberation nod: "Yes!"

What Ji Feng wanted to ask, he felt that the plane began to fall, and then he faintly heard the sound of the waves. Suddenly, as the plane suddenly trembled, the plane swayed a few times and slowly stopped.

The cabin door was opened, and Ji Feng looked around and saw that there was an endless sea outside, and a ship was parked not far away.

"Ji Feng, go on!"

Said to the liberation behind.

At this time, a small boat under the cabin door was put down, and Jifeng nodded and followed the boat.

After waiting for the warship, Ji Feng discovered that the transporter he was riding was still able to park on the water, but there was no seaplane structure on the outside.

"This is the latest transport aircraft in the country. It can stay on the water for a short time. It has a long range and a large amount of transportation. It is self-developed in China." It seems to be the curiosity in the eyes of Ji Feng, explaining to Liberation.

Ji Feng nodded, it seems that the country has been trying to catch up with those developed countries, and from the words of liberation, can hear a strong sense of pride.

On the ship, a young man wearing a navy uniform is already waiting. Seeing the liberation, he immediately salutes: "Total, you are here!"

Swinging to the liberation: "Go back and talk about it, do business first."

The navy immediately said: "Yes! The total length, the target ship is already on standby, ready to start the test!"

Nod to the liberation point, said: "Let the unrelated people all enter the cabin, no one can come up without my order!"


As the order to liberation was arranged, the navy began to enter the cabin quickly and stood on the deck to the liberation and other people. The Navy handed the liberation of a telescope and said: "Total, look, this is the target. The direction of the ship."

Ji Feng looked very far in the direction he pointed at, but he could only see a sea of ​​sorrow. The liberation on the side was nodded and said: "This distance should be almost the same?"

The Navy said, "This is the longest range of artillery on the ship."

Nod to the Liberation Point and said, "Okay! Go on, too, without my orders, you can't come up!"


The naval officer saluted and quickly turned away.

No explanation, no question why, this kind of clean and elegant style makes Ji Feng very appreciate.

"Ji Feng, then you should see your performance!" Said to the liberation, handed the telescope to Ji Feng, "How to fight, how to test, you can do it yourself!"

"To the chief, I want to borrow the aiming equipment on the warship." Ji Feng said, "Now this weapon is just a primitive appearance, without any aiming equipment installed. If it is not allowed, it will show no power!"

"This is no problem!" To the liberation, the naval officer immediately began to use the aiming system on the warship to calculate and report the position of the target ship at any time.

“Is there any other requirements?” asked Liberation.


Ji Feng shook his head and took the measurement results to start assembling the laser gun. In fact, the construction of the laser cannon at this time is very simple, as long as the following brackets are assembled.

Subsequently, Ji Feng adjusted his direction and began to aim.

I didn’t say a word to the liberation, but I looked with a look of expectation. The previous laser gun has given him a big surprise. Now, this laser cannon, he hopes to see more surprises.


Ji Feng said a word, and then directly triggered the trigger ... In order to use the hand, he still designed the launcher of this laser gun as a trigger similar to the laser gun, flexible and light, it is very easy to use.

He pulled the trigger!

The next moment, to the liberation, I only felt a sudden bright spot. The strong glare made him unable to hold his eyes and stunned. He only saw a fist-sized light group ejected from the muzzle of the laser gun. Then the blink of an eye disappeared.

He quickly picked up the telescope and pointed it in the direction of the target ship. However, he only saw a wave, but there was no shadow of the target ship.

"Hit?" asked Liberation.

"It should be hit." Ji Feng nodded.


From the beginning to the end, he frowned. In addition to seeing a light and a light group ejected, he never saw anything else. Even the target ship did not see it. How did he hit it?

Ji Feng took a telescope from the hands of liberation and said: "To the chief, the laser gun is very powerful, and the process of the explosion is very short. Maybe the target ship has been sunk. I will still prepare another ship. target ship……"

"Prepare the target ship!"

Immediately ordered to liberate.

Fortunately, the naval officer arranged three target ships in advance. Although he did not know what weapons to test to the general manager, he did not dare to neglect himself, so he was prepared in advance.

Therefore, this second time only took ten minutes, the target ship was ready again.

The second launch preparation, this time, to the liberation did not look at the laser cannon, but with a telescope staring straight at the target ship, he would have to see how the target ship disappeared for no reason.

Measuring the distance and orientation, then adjusting the laser cannon, and then, Ji Feng fired again.


Still a bright light, then a light group ejected, and the next moment, to the liberation, saw a light group hit the target ship at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye.

So, the scene that made him stunned appeared.

I saw that the light hit the target ship in an instant, the entire target ship suddenly burst into a strong light, the light directly wrapped the entire target ship, the next moment, the target ship is like a paper paste Instantly twisted and melted, and quickly disappeared into the sea...

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