The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3078: Heat up

The agreement between Ji Feng and the military is naturally not publicly available.

Because the country’s external statement is a spontaneous organization of the people, and it is constantly insulting the Chinese fishermen against the country, and therefore angered and counterattacked, and laid the first island.

However, this does not affect Ji Feng's plan.

Moreover, he did not intend to occupy the No. 1 island in the name of the country. In the private name of the Ascendas Group, this is the most appropriate.

Because, what he wants to do on the island is a bit special.

Anyway, now that Island One has arrived, many things that could not have been done can now be prepared. For example, some technologies that could not be taken out are now ready to be taken out. Weapons that could not be manufactured must now be manufactured.

Because Ji Feng is unlikely to let the country always help him to keep the number one island, the future guards will definitely be his stomach to complete.

"Rain, this time you have to tell the staff clearly, the headquarters must be relocated to the No. 1 island, and the research room must be moved, but the No. 1 island is not a desolate island, the foundation above Facilities are all available, and there is no need to worry about safety..."

Ji Feng is discussing with Xiao Yuxi about the relocation to No. 1 Island. He knows that this time there will be many people disagreeing with this move. Therefore, it is difficult to leave, but the relocation is imperative. It is impossible because some employees disagree. Just stop.

Xiao Yu said: "After moving in the past, living on a small island, many people will definitely not adapt, will this be..."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "It seems that you don't know about the No. 1 island. In fact, it is inaccurate to say that this is a small island. The first island should be regarded as a relatively large island in the southern waters. It can accommodate thousands of people. It’s definitely not a problem, and there are two airports on the island, and it’s quite convenient for anyone who wants to come back.”

Xiao Yuxi nodded thoughtfully.

Ji Feng smiled and said: "In fact, it is fair to say that when you go to work on the first island, you will go to other cities, even more convenient than other cities. It is a fixed route, and it is not so crowded. But at the beginning, the island would not be as prosperous as the city."

Xiao Yuyu thought for a while and asked: "When I go to so many people, how can I solve the problem of accommodation and eating?"

"I don't need to worry about the problem of eating, I am afraid there is no food? Isn't Baodao an island? Is eating a problem?"

Ji Fenghaha laughed: "As for the accommodation problem, the initial conditions may be worse, but it will not last too long. We can find the construction company to build a house on the island immediately, no problem at all."

Xiao Yuxi said: "Do you want to move?"

"First step by step!"

Ji Feng said: "For the time being, the headquarters will be moved in the first place, and the R&D center will move over. As for the rest, let's take it slowly."

Xiao Yuqi nodded and said: "Well, let me explain to the staff."

Ji Feng said: "It is now possible to find a construction company. The sooner you start, the better."

However, Ji Feng did not think that he had not waited for the Ascendas Group to contact the construction company, but He Hongwei took the initiative to come to the door.

"Brother, the housing on the first island, give me to build it!" Just sitting down, He Hongwei said with a smile.


Ji Feng is quite surprised: "Your company still manages the construction line?"

He Hongwei smiled and said: "This year the business is not good, so every line must be there, so that you can gather more and more!"


Ji Feng heard the words and suddenly laughed. Obviously, He Hongwei is not the truth.

He Hongwei smiled and said: "Daughter, is that fixed?"

Ji Feng frown asked: "Hongwei brother, you tell me the truth, why do you want to pick up this job? I can talk about the ugly words first, work here, the quality is not enough, the price is too high, certainly No!"

There is a lot of housing on the island, but how many can it be? Want to make a lot of money from this, or don't think about it!

This kind of unrewarding thing, He Hongwei actually has to rush to do, which makes Ji Feng somewhat puzzled.

He Hongwei looked at Ji Feng and said: "Your boy is not very kind. You don't remember your brother in this good thing. I still dig at me!"

Ji Feng frowned, he did not understand what He Hongwei meant.

“There is a construction company under the group, and the scale is OK.” He Hongwei said, “So you can rest assured in the quality of the building. There is absolutely no problem. But this is not the point. The key is that this is the first thing that is recovered from the foreigners. The island is of great significance to the whole country. Do you understand?!"

Ji Feng suddenly feels awkward, no wonder He Hongwei took the initiative to run to find alive!

It turns out that this can be related to politics!

The first island that the country has recovered is of great significance. Therefore, the units and individuals involved in the construction must have positive and positive significance.

He Hongwei does not see if he can make money, but must participate in it!

"It turned out to be like this... Well, since your grand brother spoke up, it is definitely no problem!" Ji Feng laughed.

"That's good!" He Hongwei laughed. "Go, go drink two cups!"

The relocation of the No. 1 island has been put on the agenda, but before that, infrastructure construction has quietly started.

With the leadership of Han Zhong, the Ascendas Group began planning and construction of the No. 1 Island with the planning map that Ji Feng had already prepared, and a large number of projects began to start.

Civilian housing was the first to start, followed by roads on the island, docks, and submarine cables laid from Qiongbian.

Then there are two airports, because the planning and design of the airport will take a long time to demonstrate, so the construction is relatively late.

These are all done by various construction companies headed by Tian Yao Group controlled by He Hongwei. If it is strictly calculated, the cost of starting these projects is an astronomical figure, just the construction of two airports. The cost is calculated in billions.

However, the Ascendas Group does not need to spend too much money. On the one hand, it is aided by the military. On the other hand, it is because, although there are many projects, but the scale is not large, the Soaring Group’s strong financial resources can be fully affordable. Since then, there has been no impact on the capital chain of the Ascendas Group.

Because the Ascendas Group does not have any bank loans at all, and at most it is only a few hundred million friendship loans.

The so-called friendship loan is actually that the major banks have their own loan tasks every year and even every quarter. Banks can not only collect money, but also how many loans they can release. This is also an ability, or even an indicator of assessment.

Of course, the loan that is released must be a benign loan, and the group that has a lot of money, such as the Ascendas Group, naturally becomes the target of the major banks. This is the virtue of the bank. The more you don’t have money, the more they The more you want to make a loan, the more you lack money, the less the bank will lend you.

As for the company, there is no pressure on the funds. The progress of the project is naturally fast. A batch of resources is continuously transported to the No. 1 Island. If you look at it from the sky, you will find that the No. 1 island is full of construction sites, everywhere. The scene of the heat.

Infrastructure, solar and wind power and other energy facilities, as well as military facilities, are in full swing.

Ji Feng took the time to talk to Yong Yong and asked about the situation on the next island.

"Do not worry, everything is going well. The people around the country are on the verge of enemies. There has been no incident of bullying the fishermen recently." Laughing to the eternal war, it is obviously a good mood.

"This is fine." Ji Feng smiled.

"But other aspects are a little troublesome." To Yong Yong said, "According to the information received, laser guns and laser guns are no longer secret, so the Ascendas Group must seize the time to produce alloys, and the troops should complete the replacement as soon as possible. Only then."

“Oh?” Ji Feng asked: “I know it so soon?”

"Is this fast? A war, I don't know how many eyes are staring, I can't hide it. This is also expected in advance." To Yongyou said.

With the use of laser guns and laser guns in the war, the countries that stared at the conflict received news, and according to intelligence, they also started research on this new type of weapon.

Even the new weapons have emerged in the country of rice and borders.

"I estimate that this should be a ghost of the dynasty. Otherwise, the country and the border will certainly not develop laser guns so quickly!" said Yong Yong.

"Their laser guns are the same as ours?" asked Ji Feng.

"I don't know. The intelligence department has got accurate information. I don't know. There is no way, the level is too low, and many things are not qualified to know." To Yong Yong said, "but as long as our troops have completed the change." With equipment and weapons updated, there is nothing to worry about."

Hanging up the phone, Ji Feng could not help but frown.

The dynasty seems to be pervasive, and the response is extremely rapid. Has the laser gun been developed?

Ji Feng believes that since the rice country already has finished products, it should not be the kind of defective products of the past. Perhaps the dynasty has made improvements and really developed a laser gun.

"Where is the dynasty, where is the leader king?" Ji Feng is full of doubts.

As time went by, the disputes in the southern seas and the outside world gradually subsided. In addition to the construction of the island on the 1st, Ji Feng was quiet, except for research and technology and cultivation. There is nothing else to do.

But at this time, Ji Feng got a news that surprised him.

"What? Shao Jie was assassinated? Did you die?" Ji Feng received a call from Ji Shaojun and returned to Shaojing of Yanjing, suddenly being assassinated!

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