The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3079: Assassination

"Death is not dead, but the **** is not dead more than the death of the people!" Ji Shaojun haha ​​smiled, happy.

Ji Feng is a bit confused, and Ji Shaojun’s words are like tongue twisters. “What is better than not dying?”

Ji Shaojun laughed and said: "The third child, I am afraid you can't think of where the **** hurts!"

After waiting for Ji Feng to answer, Ji Shaojun continued to say: "He hurt the thing, haha, I heard the friend of the first hospital said that the guy's gadget has been cut off, he became a living eunuch!"

Ji Shaojun's words were full of pleasure, and he couldn't help but laugh on the phone. Obviously Shao Jie's injury made him very happy.

Ji Feng heard the news but was shocked: "When was Shao Jie assassinated? You said it was careful."

"I didn't get the news for a long time. I heard that it was noon. Shao Jie, who was eating at a restaurant, was suddenly attacked by gunmen. But it is a pity that Shao Jie has a bodyguard around him. The gunman can only be there. In the chaos, Shao Jie shot a few shots, but did not have the opportunity to aim, but in my opinion, it has been aimed very accurately, and it is better than the head!

I heard that one of the guns happened to be hit by Shao Jie’s thing. The hospital could not rescue it, and it could only remove the thing. When my friend called me, the surgery was done, so I am sure that Shao Jie is already an eunuch! ”

Ji Feng did not pay attention to the schadenfreude of Ji Shaojun. He was more interested in the assassination of Shao Jie itself.

It is not clear that Shao Jie is offended by many people. However, he dares to shoot Shao Jie in Yanjing. The mastermind must have certain energy, and he must have a knot with Shao Jie.

Thinking of this, Ji Feng did not wrinkle his brows, and he met them under these conditions.

"Small army, what is the movement now on the Wu family?" Ji Feng immediately asked.

"There can be any movements, big thunder, I heard that Yanjing police have intervened, but they are afraid to be busy, the gunman who stabbed Shao Jie was killed on the spot, I am afraid it can not be investigated." Ji Shaojun said with gloating.

Ji Feng indulged for a moment and said: "Small army, you are always concerned about the movement of this matter, what is the situation to call me in time."


Ji Shaojun didn't think so far, and he readily agreed.

Hanging up the phone, Ji Feng could not help but frown, look like, and then there is a lively.

However, what Ji Feng didn't think of was that he was a singer, and the excitement came so fast. After only half an hour, he received a call from Xiao Zhen Ji Zhenping.

"Do you know that Xiaofeng, Shao Jie and Yan Yadong were assassinated?" Ji Zhenping asked.

"Zhu Yadong also suffered an assassination?" Ji Feng heard the words suddenly surprised. "I only know that Shao Jie was assassinated, or the Shaojun call to tell me, how did Yan Yadong also be assassinated?"

"You don't know?" Ji Zhenping asked, and there was some suspiciousness in his voice.

Ji Feng immediately understood that Xiao Shu suspected that he did it himself, but he might not say it well on the phone. "Uncle, I don't know."

Ji Zhenping understood the meaning of Ji Feng, Shen Sheng said: "At noon today, Shao Jie and Yan Yadong have been assassinated, and the hands-on people have used weapons. At present, Shao Jie is still receiving treatment, and Yan Yadong died on the spot."

Yan Yadong is dead?

This news made Ji Feng even more unexpected. Since the Wu family took over the brilliant group, Yan Yadong has always been the flag of the brilliant group, and it is also the pillar. I did not expect that Yan Yadong was actually killed.

Moreover, it is no coincidence that Shao Jie was assassinated at about the same time.

Ji Feng realized that this seems to be a conspiracy. There is no doubt about the Wu family, but apart from targeting the Wu family, it is not possible to target other people.

Calling Xiao Shu now is a good example.

Uncle can think of himself, what about the other people?

"Small uncle, Shao Jie and Yan Yadong were assassinated together?" Ji Feng asked.

"No, Shao Jie was assassinated in Yanjing. The location of Yan Yadong was in a coffee shop opposite the Nanyue Brilliant Group Building. The same thing was that both of them were assassinated while eating lunch, but Shao Jessie did not die, but Yan Yadong lost his life." Ji Zhenping said.

Ji Feng heard a word and said: "It seems that the people behind this plan still have some energy, but they can do it simultaneously."

"Okay, since you don't know the news, you pay attention to safety. Now there are some people who are deliberate and have to guard against it." Ji Zhenping concealed the reminder.

Ji Feng nodded. In fact, he felt it when he called from Ji Zhenping. No matter whether the person behind the plan was directed at him, but at least he is now suspect, and his suspicion seems to be very big.

He has enmity with the Wu family, has hatred with Shao Jie, and has the ability to do so. He is fully in line with these conditions.

However, Ji Feng is not worried.

Don't say that the assassination was not done by him. Even if he really did, he was not afraid, not to mention that he was only suspect.

The Wu family is no longer the original Wu family. If the Wu family is still alive, the Wu family will definitely fall quickly. It has been suppressed by the Wu family, and the factions and families who take advantage of the Wu family resources will definitely spare no effort to bite the Wu family.

Therefore, how long the Wu family can stand still depends on how long the Wu family can live.


Ji Feng doesn't care, but it doesn't mean that others don't think so.

The place where Shao Jie was assassinated was in Yanjing. This is a place where the concentration is relatively concentrated, so the news is very fast, and the news of the assassination of Yan Yadong is relatively slower.

But this can't escape the eyes of the people. Only one day later, these two messages were completely spread.

Many people think of Jijia and Jifeng for the first time. Although there are other people who meet the requirements, Jifeng’s suspicion is definitely not small.

These chaotic seasons have not paid attention to it. At this time, he might as well think about how to break into the fourth stage of cultivation. He is also concerned about the construction progress of the island, and there is more and more self-consciousness. Consciousness, Ji Feng has not thought about how to deal with it.

So who Shao Jia and Yan Yadong were assassinated, he didn't have much time to pay attention.

However, not paying attention does not mean that you don't care. At least, when Ji Feng feels that this may be a conspiracy against himself, he still has some arrangements.


Yanjing, the first hospital.

Wu Zhengxiang's face was gloomy and stood outside the ward. He received a phone call from the hospital. He said that Shao Jie knew that his own gadget was cut off after he was awake, and suddenly he was mad, regardless of his injuries, he was desperately in the hospital. The struggle was finally controlled by the doctor.

However, because of his struggle, the wound on his body collapsed, and the anesthetic was re-cleaned, and the body was weaker.

Looking at the pale face of Shaojie is slumbering, Wu Zhengxiang from the ward is gloomy to the extreme, his eyes full of anger, can not wait to kill the mastermind of assassination of Shao Jie.

"The head, you have asked me to check it." At this time, a secretary-like person came over and whispered.

"Go over there and say."

Wu Zhengxiang waved his hand and took the secretary to an empty ward. He asked, "How about checking?"

The secretary said: "The head of the police, the police can not check it down, but found that the identity of the killer is not a Chinese, but also from the outside world, the killer did not bring anything, the passport is fake, and in The killer’s mouth also found a fang, which should be used by the killer to commit suicide after the failure."


Wu Zhengxiang bit his teeth and said with a deep voice.

The secretary nodded and said: "The police also said this, saying that it is very difficult for such people to check the history."

"It's hard? Don't you check it?" Wu Zhengxiang's voice is full of anger.

The secretary did not dare to answer the news. He knew that Wu Zhengxiang must be angry at this moment. The only son, Shao Jie, was injured and wounded. This is simply the root of his pulse.

This is imaginable for the Chinese people who follow the tradition and pass on the ancestors.

"I must urge the police to solve the case as soon as possible!" The secretary said quickly.

Wu Zhengxiang also knows that this kind of thing is actually difficult to check. He just has no fire. "Have you checked over there?"

The secretary immediately lowered his voice and said: "I have checked, there is no movement on the side of Wu County."


Wu Zhengxiang snorted and flashed a murder in his eyes. Nothing was the biggest move. Everyone knows that Shao Jie is his son. It will undoubtedly be Wu Zhiyong's most powerful competitor.

Especially after Shao Jie’s identity was made public, the situation was already clear. Wu Zhengxiang believed that Wu Zhiyong was definitely aware of the crisis.

Now that I heard the news that Shao Jie was assassinated, did Wu Zhiyong actually have a little movement?

Wu Zhengxiang blinked his eyes. Will it be done by Wu Zhiyong?

"Continue to keep an eye on him. It is best to master his every move. If..." Wu Zhengxiang did not say anything more, but the secretary already knew what he meant.

"Please rest assured that the head, I know what to do." The secretary whispered.

Out of the ward, Wu Zhengxiang's eyes flashed in the cold, no matter who did it, this thing must not be finished!

However, when Wu Zhengxiang's anger came to the courtyard of the Wu family's father, his face could not be seen. He walked slowly into the room and saw the old man in a wheelchair.

"Little head."

The special care staff around the old man greeted him quickly.

Wu Zhengxiang swayed the screen and retired everyone, staring at the old man in a wheelchair. At this time, the old man was sitting in a wheelchair, his head was on one side, his saliva was lowered from his mouth to his clothes, his face was awkward and his spirit was extremely wilting. .

"Your grandson was assassinated!" Wu Zhengxiang suddenly said, "What do you think?"

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