The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1051: Godfather saves...


Looking at Ji Lei's headless body, almost everyone fell into shock and confusion. It seemed that they could not understand the logic of Gu Han's behavior at all.

Mingming people were also let go.

He was still laughing a moment ago. do you say that you just do it without giving anyone time to react?


Fan Yu exhaled softly and sighed sincerely: "The sword master does not care about the result of this sword, he only wants to express his heart directly, be happy and grudges, and have clear thoughts! As a sword cultivator, this is what we should do!"

While talking.

He slowly closed his eyes, only to feel that Gu Han's sword not only killed Ji Lei, but also cut away the stagnation in his heart. His mind was clear, and the sword intention in his body increased sharply. !

Gu Han looked strange.

Can you understand this?

He wanted to tell Fan Yu that his sword was not reckless at all, but a sword full of wisdom!


Qianye suddenly said: "This kid actually embarked on this road."

"What way?"

"As you wish."

Qianye said with emotion: "If his thoughts are clear and his mind is smooth, his cultivation speed will be rapid, far exceeding that of others. On the contrary, if his mind is not smooth, his progress will be completely slowed down, and he may even stagnate. In short , this is a double-edged sword, and those who practice this way have a short life..."


"It's easy to understand."

Qianye explained: "Cultivation of one's mind, in order to keep one's Taoist heart pure, naturally one has to do something very dangerous, even beyond common sense... in other words, seeking death."

Gu Han:? ? ?

Can't you just say my name?

"You...dare to commit such a murderous act!"

Suddenly, a roar came, but Ji Xiu was the first to react. Looking at Ji Lei's body, his eyes were full of grief, and then he turned his eyes again, staring at Gu Han, "I Of the three sons, one was injured by you and the other was killed by you... You deserve to die!"

His eyes were blood red.

He seems to have lost his mind.

Gu Han's face was expressionless, his heart was calm, and he had no intention of refuting at all.

You can only reason with someone who can reason with you.

If you talk to people who are should either talk about strength or backstage.

"This is wrong of you."

On the other hand, it was Yan Qi who was upright again and said seriously: "I can understand your grief after your son died, but your son had forced the father and daughter to have no way out before. Have you ever thought about their feelings? ? He has to walk his own path. As long as he leaves a way for others to survive, today's seniors will not kill him..."

"Who do you think you are!"

Ji Heng also had a look of grief on his face and looked at Yan Qi suddenly, "A mere furnace tripod and a mere casual cultivator are worthy of comparison with my third brother?"

Hear the words.

Kun Ling had an angry look on his face, while Kun Ying's eyes darkened.


Yun Guangtou felt distressed in his heart, and said angrily: "Your son is a human being, but other people's daughters are not human beings! You can have family ties, but others can't! What kind of bullshit is this! I, Yun Mou... I look down on people like you who think you are superior!"

Kunying's eyes lit up, Yunfan's words spoke to her heart.


She noticed the big bald head.

It's so bright and dazzling!


It was the fat man, on the other hand, who gave Yun Fan a strange look and said, "There's something wrong with you, kid! This matter has nothing to do with you! Why are you so excited!"

"Brother Yulin!"

Yun Fan said seriously: "If I can't say this, I... can't calm down!"


"There's something wrong with this kid!"

Gu Han also felt strange.


Qianye smiled and said nothing. With many beauties, he was naturally very experienced and could see through Yunfan's little thoughts at a glance.

No reason.

He suddenly thought of himself when he was young, and also recalled those lost years of youth...

"Elixirs have levels."

"Spiritual beasts also have noble and inferior qualities."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded, "It is normal for people to be divided into three, six or nine classes. If there are superior people, there will naturally be inferior people... Nothing in the world is like this."

The voice fell.

An old man wearing white clothes, graceful and energetic appeared suddenly in front of everyone.


Seeing him, all the Ji family members saluted one after another.

The person who came was Ji Chong, the ancestor of the Ji family. Like the ancestor of the Wuliang Sect back then, half of his feet had already entered the realm of unity.


Ji Xiu pointed at Ji Lei's body and said sadly: "My son..."


Ji Chong waved his hand and said calmly: "Just leave it to me."

He already knew what was going on. He didn't show up before because he just felt that there was no need to deal with such a trivial matter. But now that Fatty and Dong Daqiang were involved, the situation was uncontrollable, so he had no choice but to show up.

His eyes turned and fell on Gu Han, and he said calmly: "Young man, do you think what I just said is right?"

"That's right."

Gu Han's answer was very personal.

Ji Chong didn't get angry, looked at Ji Lei's body again, and asked again: "Did you do it?"


"What's the reason?"

"Too lazy to make it up."

Gu Han's answer was perfunctory.


Ji Chong nodded and sighed: "Ji Lei is a good boy. I have watched him grow up with my own eyes. He has been smart and lovable since he was a child... but now he has died in your hands. I have destroyed you, That’s fair, right?”

"King of Zhentian."

Gu Han thought for a while and glanced at the fat man, "What do you think?"


The fat man blinked, "That armor..."

Gu Han's face darkened, "How about I give you the armband now and let you try to see if it fits?"

"Ahem, just kidding."

The fat man looked at Ji Chong with a stern expression, and said carelessly: "Old man, don't you know who the fat man is?"

"Of course I know."

"Then you still dare not to give me face, Fatty?"

"If I don't give him face, how could I just destroy him?"

Ji Chong shook his head and said with emotion: "I know you have a Dharma image in your body, but it's useless. Don't say Dharma image today. Even if he comes here in person, I still have to do this... young man."


He glanced at Gu Han again and said: "Remember, there is no justice in this world. The distinction between high and low has always been based on strength. This is how the world is. In fact, with your status, you could have been the superior. As a human being, you are willing to degenerate and stand up for the inferiors. You are entirely to blame for what happened today, do you understand?"

The tone is neither urgent nor slow.

The way he moves his hands and feet, he has the grace and confidence to control everything.

"Are you pretending to be a**?"

Before Gu Han said anything, the fat man became angry, and his answer was very personal.


Ji Chong's expression did not change.


As if he was determined to teach Gu Han an unforgettable lesson, he gently raised his arm, and a terrifying and heavy pressure rose up!

The fat man can't keep his face anymore.

In the Junyang region!


Don't you dare give him the face of King Zhentian!


He glanced at Ji Chong fiercely, raised his head to the sky with all his strength, and shouted: "Father, save..."


Just after shouting three words, a more terrifying pressure fell instantly. At the same time, a golden light that could almost blind people suddenly fell from the sky!

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