The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2240 Waiting for you for 100,000 years!

The most painful parting is missing each other.

A drunkenness will relieve a thousand sorrows.

Every time Feng Xiao misses Gu Han so much, she has to drink heavily. She doesn't need to cultivate to suppress the alcohol and just let herself get drunk. This does make the pain of longing for him less in her heart.


In addition to inquiring about Gu Han's whereabouts, she also wanted to do something else.

Looking for wine.

Looking for the strongest wine, looking for the wine that can intoxicate people, looking for the wine that can relieve lovesickness!


She went back to the days when she didn't meet Gu Han.

Come and go alone, pour and drink alone.

Live and die alone, love and hate alone.

Time keeps passing.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years... She has never stopped searching for Gu Han. Although she has given up her practice because of this, she is the reincarnation of Shi Feng's true spirit after all. Her foundation is so deep that no one can match it. She still relies on the powerful Talent has reached the realm of unity.

Until a certain day.

She suddenly stopped and returned to Luo Qian Xiaojie again.

With the complete destruction of the Mingquan Sect.

Some low-level monks and small sects have gradually gathered here. Compared to a thousand years ago, although it is a little desolate, it has a bit more vitality than it had before.

Standing on the top of the mountain.

She took off the flask, but she didn't get drunk as usual. On the contrary, she was soberer than ever at this moment!


Not because she gave up, but because she suddenly discovered something!

This world.

Maybe there is no such force as Fengwuyuan!

And she.

Maybe I also misunderstood the meaning of this sentence.

A phoenix cannot live in a phoenix tree.

Yu Fei is not destined to meet.

The so-called Feng Wuyuan is most likely inseparable from herself!

"You are really hard to find."

As he figured out the key, a voice full of emotion also sounded behind him.

The beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.

Feng Xiao slowly turned around and happened to see a tall man with extraordinary bearing, piercing eyes and a dragon-shaped mark between his eyebrows.

Who is coming?

Of course she is no stranger.


The Yun clan, the current clan leader!

"He has been missing for so long without any reason."

Yun Xiao looked at her and said softly: "We thought something happened to you! If I can't find you again this time, I will use all the power of the Yun family to find you!"

While talking.

He turned his eyes and looked at the wine bottle in Feng Xiao's hand. He was a little surprised and said, "Why, we haven't seen each other for many years. How did you learn to drink?"

"none of your business."

Feng Xiao said expressionlessly: "Why did you come to me?"

Yun Xiao didn't take it seriously either.

Feng Xiao has a cold temperament. Even when facing friends, she has such a cold tone. If it were a stranger, she would not even say a word.

"Of course something happened."

Yun Xiao looked solemn and said seriously: "It's something big!"

"What's up?"

"There's no rush yet."

Yun Xiao solemnly said: "Let me introduce you to a new friend first."

The words fell.

Another figure fell down. It was also a man. He was about thirty years old. He had a generous appearance and was taller than Yun Xiao. His eyes were as deep as the abyss, and from time to time there would be a flash of red gold!

"Xia Qingyuan."

He looked at Feng Xiao, cupped his hands and said, "I've met Miss Feng."

Feng Xiao nodded slightly.

She could see that Xia Qingyuan's strength was on par with Yun Xiao's, and he was also a rare strong man!

"Qingyuan and I share the same goals."

Yun Xiao introduced: "He is also one of the helpers I found."


Feng Xiao was startled, and her face became a little more solemn.

She is familiar with Yun Xiao's temperament. He is talented, resourceful, and far-sighted. He is known as the master of the Yun family's resurgence. However, he is a bit arrogant. Unless he encounters something very difficult, he will never do it. Maybe you need help.

"What happened?"

"In the Divine Realm, a new Divine Lord has been born!"


Feng Xiao's heart trembled.


Xia Qingyuan sighed: "The gods feed on faith. This new divine king will probably establish his own religious kingdom and have his own believers."

Where do believers come from?

It's self-evident.


Yun Xiao nodded and said seriously: "We, the Yun clan, have already heard that the divine king will come to our human territory soon, capture all living creatures, and bring them into the kingdom of his god of faith!"

"This way."

Xia Qingyuan said worriedly: "I don't know how many innocent creatures will be affected."


Yun Xiao got straight to the point: "This is why I'm looking for you!"

"What are you going to do?"

"kill him!"

Yun Xiao's eyes turned cold, and he said softly: "Gather the power of my Yun family! Together with the two of you, we will have a battle with that divine king, and we will definitely make him... come back and never come back!"

"not enough!"

Xia Qingyuan shook his head: "The strength of the Divine Lord, even if he is just a newborn, is comparable to that of a strong man in the first step of our human race's Origin Realm. With the strength of us, we may not... have a good chance of winning against him!"

"It doesn't matter."

Yun Xiao waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "I have already informed the other two friends. One of them is the eighth generation master of Huangquan Palace. After hearing about this, he also intends to help me. As for the other one..."

"He's a swordsman!"

"It is also the Xuantian Sword Sect, the sword leader of the generation!"

Xuantian Sword Sect?

Feng Xiao was startled. She vaguely felt that the name was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it.

"Xuantian Sword Sect?"

Xia Qingyuan's eyes lit up: "Is it the newly emerged super swordsmanship sect?"


Yun Xiao nodded and said: "I heard that the Xuantian Patriarch had a mysterious origin and extraordinary circumstances. He rose to prominence and single-handedly created the Xuantian lineage. He shocked the crowd and became famous! As for my friend, a sword cultivator, He is his direct disciple!"

"I see."

Xia Qingyuan said with emotion: "Void is vast and vast, there are countless realms, and there are many talented people. This is the blessing of our human race!"


Yun Xiao turned and looked at Feng Xiao: "Do you want to go with us for this battle?"


Feng Xiao's answer was simple. As she spoke, she raised the wine bottle and drank.


Xia Qingyuan's eyes were strange.

It's normal for a monk to have some little quirks, but it's extremely rare to be so addicted to alcohol and a stunning beauty.

I want to ask.

But he was embarrassed and could only look at Yun Xiao.

"Dont look at me."

Yun Xiao smiled helplessly: "She and I haven't seen each other for at least a thousand years. I don't know how she became like this."

"Let's get down to business!"

Feng Xiao's eyes flashed with purple flames, feeling a little dissatisfied.

"Then let's get down to business!"

Yun Xiao's expression turned solemn, and a trace of murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he said calmly: "Gather the power of the five of us, gather the power of my Yun family! In this battle, even if we cannot kill the god king, we must let him understand that our human race is not No one! I, the human race, can’t be bullied!”

"This battle is dangerous."

Xia Qingyuan sighed: "It is very possible that we will never come back!"

"so what!"

Yun Xiao laughed and said: "Live up to the wine in the cup, live up to the people in front of you, live up to your youthful dreams, live up to your ambitions, live up to the mountains and rivers far away, live up to the will of heaven and earth!"

"well said!"

Xia Qingyuan praised: "If we just keep living and doing nothing, what's the point of our practice? If we go and never come back, then we will never come back! Even if this battle is dangerous, I am willing to die for justice!"

The wine in the glass, the person in front of you?

Feng Xiao's eyes lit up when she heard this. She looked at the wine bottle in her hand and her mood suddenly improved a lot.

who's that person.

She still couldn't remember, but she had already decided in her heart that after this battle, she would establish her own Fengwu Academy!


Wait for him for a hundred thousand years!

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