The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2241 Cut through time with one sword!

Gu Han was still swimming.

Still swimming in the long river of time.

The only difference from last time was that he was now a little familiar with the water. This time he did not drown, but remained conscious throughout.


Instead, he missed the feeling of drowning.


Boom boom boom!

The long river surges and roars, carrying with it the power of endless years and time, constantly rushing in, like a speck of dust in the boundless sea. Gu Han's body drifts with the current, ups and downs, and it is difficult to control himself even with his current strength.

Not far overhead.

The Eternal Sword Intent of Chaos was still fighting non-stop with the coming mighty force. It could barely spare a sliver of strength to protect him from being assimilated by the power of time, but he couldn't care less about the rest.

Gu Han felt very sad.

The body, the soul, the consciousness... everything seems to be torn into pieces by the long river of time.

But even so.

He was still holding the sword in his hand firmly, and was wearing the tattered silver armor that was almost useless.

Instinct told him.

Internal pursuits are always higher than external ones. He cannot place all his hopes on the sword intention left by Su Yun. The sword in his hand and the armor on his body are his last resort and means!

more important.

He is very aware of his situation and the time he can hold on is running out!

Dragging a severely injured body.

He endured the pain of shattered consciousness, barely maintained a trace of clarity on the altar, and constantly observed the surrounding situation.

Time is like a long river.

It kept washing past him.

Every drop of water.

They all witnessed the rise and end of a genius, and tolerated their magnificent life.

Every wave.

It is the rise and fall of an era, and it is an ancient tragedy that has been praised by the world.

Every tributary.

It is also a period of time buried in endless ancient history and long forgotten by the world.

Such years.

Movement is measured in thousands, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand years, but now it only takes a few breaths, or even a shorter time, to flow in front of him.

Prodigies are like dust, heroes are like sand.

In front of the Avenue of Time, everything seems so small and humble, and can even be ignored.

"me too……"

At the moment of life and death, a glimmer of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his heart.

He has cultivated the ultimate realm.

Regardless of cultivation or killing power, he can be the best among his peers, and even the best in an era, but... throughout the ages, there is far more than one era, and the world has changed from prosperity to decline, and there has been more than one era!

He is stronger today.

But as time passes and eras turn, one day, he will be completely buried in endless time and will no longer be known to anyone.

"Cut the reincarnation of time..."

"Cut the fate of cause and effect..."

"I see!"

Both Su Yun and the Dayan Sword Sutra emphasize the importance of these four swords. These four swords are the sure-kill weapons against those chosen by heaven. Likewise, they are also the beginning of the road to transcendence!

Escape from time and destiny.

Not involved in the reincarnation of cause and effect.

Only then can one be truly qualified to walk in front of Su Yun, which is also the beginning of transitioning from the extreme realm to the extreme realm!

All kinds of realizations passed by in a flash.

He suddenly felt that although the long river of time in front of him still wanted to swallow him completely, it was not as scary as before.

“Fear comes from the unknown.”

"If I know you well enough, you will no longer be a threat to me!"

Think of this.

He was immersed in his mind, and for the first time he came into direct contact with the power of the river of time!

Time is ruthless.

It doesn't matter what he does.

Under the constant scouring of the long river, it was visible to the naked eye that his body, soul, and even consciousness were in danger of completely collapsing. At this time, the armor on his body suddenly changed!


After a series of bloody battles, the armor had been completely destroyed and was almost unusable. However, at this time, among the remaining restrictions of the armor, traces of undetectable mysterious aura escaped, constantly resisting the erosion of the long river of time. !

It is also the power of time!

However, this sliver of power of time cannot be compared with the vastness of the long river of time. It was wasted away in just a few breaths, and this broken armor that fought all the way seemed to have completed its final mission. The light of his body dimmed, turned into little bits of fly ash, and was completely swallowed up by the long river of time!


Even though the time was short, it still bought enough time for Gu Han!

Brush it!

Just before the armor completely dissipated, Gu Han opened his eyes again!

Reach out subconsciously.

He grabbed the last palm-sized piece of armor in his hand.

"I see."

Sensing the power of time quickly dissipating on the armor, he suddenly sighed.

This armor is also called Xuanjia.

Not only is it inseparable from the Xuandan Camp back then, but the armor itself also has traces of being infiltrated by the power of time!

All the time.

He uncovered one mystery after another, and even found and met his biological father and family, but only what happened at the Xuandan Camp back then always bothered him.

And along the way.

He always used this armor as the strongest defensive armor, but he never expected that the insignificant power of time inside would actually help him a big favor at this moment!

It’s also the final favor!

"Thanks for your hard work……"

Accompanied by a belated thank you, the last armor piece also turned into a wisp of flying ash and completely disappeared before his eyes.


Boom boom boom!

Under the roar of the long river, even with his strong physique of the eighth level of the Immortal Sword Body, he finally couldn't bear it, and suddenly burst open with terrifying scars!

But he seemed not to notice.

Slowly raised the black sword, a little sword light suddenly condensed, and the sword light contained the meaning of the vast world and the rise and fall of all living beings, but it was slightly different from the meaning of all living beings he had used before.

While raising the sword.

His mind kept flashing back to the years and ancient history he had seen.

He saw that time is fleeting.

He saw that youth is hard to bear.

He saw the regret that mortals can only live a hundred years at most in their lifetime, and they regret that heaven does not give them longevity. He saw the regret that cultivators spent their lives in mediocrity, could not reach the highest level, and died helplessly. He saw the regret that the geniuses were born at the wrong time, and because of the changes in the world, they stopped at the third step and could not make any further progress...

All these things.

At this moment, they were all gathered under his sword!

"In the years, there are also sentient beings, and there are great regrets in the hearts of sentient beings. Sentient beings are like grass, and years are like knives, but..."

Looking at the front.

He said calmly: "You can cut off their lives, but you can't cut off the regrets in their hearts!"

The voice fell.

The long sword also fell down!


Boom boom boom!

Above his head, the eternal sword of chaos seemed to sense something, and suddenly trembled, and immediately broke through the blockade of the great power and attached to the black sword!

The next moment!

An endless chaotic sword light had already slashed towards the long river of time in front of him!

"This sword is called the regret of sentient beings!"

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