The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 136 Master, lecture! Why don't you talk about it?

Youhuang Ghost Kingdom, Royal Capital

In this capital city that is being expanded and is getting larger and larger, a new temple with Buddha's light rippling has recently been added near the palace.

The golden Buddha light made every ghost passing by, and even the dignitaries of the ghost country living nearby, feel extremely uncomfortable. However, every ghost looked at this Buddhist temple without any disgust or dissatisfaction.

Because there really is a group of monks with living flesh and blood in this temple, monks from the human world.

Therefore, the eyes of ghosts looking at this Buddhist temple are full of greed, and some with weak willpower will even leave saliva in their mouths. For them, this Buddhist temple contains the most delicious food in the underworld.

However, those powerful ghost generals and ministers have already received the news. The monks in this temple are not there to reward them and give them food, but to let the monks inside preach to them. .

Although it is a bit regretful, this is normal. After all, their king does not allow them to eat even the living souls, so why would they let them eat the monks?

But even so, the dignitaries of the ghost country, who have the strength to match their own power and status, are full of expectations for listening to Buddhist scriptures.

The resentment and evil that gave rise to them, although they have made them successful, can also devour their minds at any time and destroy everything they have now.

No matter how prominent the power is, once it goes crazy and loses its reason, the power will turn into a passing cloud in an instant, disappear into thin air, and cease to exist, leaving only ashes.

But now, with the arrival of this group of monks, everything can be saved, because the first thing this group of monks did when they came to the ghost country was to try to restore the consciousness of a group of out-of-control ghosts who had fallen into madness.


In the temple, old, young, fat and thin monks looked at each other in silence, with sad expressions on their faces, because before their eyes, they were neatly filled with more than a hundred ghosts roaring wildly.

Although these evil ghosts have all been restrained at this time and can only look at the group of monks and drool, and cannot do any substantial harm, these ghosts can still decide their life or death.

"Uncle Supervisor of the Temple, what should we do?"

The old monk's brows and eyes were full of sorrow, even though he had been walking in South China for many years, fighting demons and demons, and had encountered evil spirits like this one several times.

But every time they met, he used Buddhist Dharma to save them, and the evil ghosts also reincarnated and passed away without even the scum left. But if he does this again now, the king can make this group of monks lose even the scum. Nothing left.

"What else can I do? Just leave it to fate!"

The fat monk also had a look of regret on his face at this moment. He really never dreamed that if he found the reincarnated immortal king, he would be caught in the Netherworld. He should not follow the advice of his nephew.

At this moment, he had come to his senses, the Lord of the Ghost Country who captured them. I'm afraid it has something to do with the reincarnated Immortal Lord, otherwise there wouldn't be such a coincidence in this world. As soon as their front feet arrived, their back feet were caught.

The Lord of the Ghost Kingdom is so unique, and it’s not like he has never seen a Ghost King before. Among the kings of ghosts who have risen in the netherworld, which one doesn’t like to give birth to human flesh and blood souls? Monks like them are even better than ghost kings.

However, the king had no interest in their flesh and blood and souls. Instead, he asked them to lecture on scriptures. That was all. He even saw that the king forbade his subjects to devour them.

This is not something that the Ghost King can do, or in other words, the one who can do this shouldn't be the Ghost King. What he sees and hears, how can he not make the fat monk think a lot.

One of the backup plans left behind by the reincarnated immortal king?

It's not impossible, after all, the phoenix has appeared. Although the color is not quite right, it is the phoenix.

If this is the case, their lives are actually guaranteed, but this is just his conjecture without any evidence, so he still cannot be careless or take it lightly.

"Leave it to fate?!"

Many monks looked at each other, never expecting to hear such an answer. The temple supervisor had the highest attainments in Buddhism among them, and he also had the broadest vision and the highest seniority.

"Of course it doesn't mean to do nothing. Let's try reciting a section of the Bodhicitta Mantra!"

The fat monk sighed and made a decision not to delay it any longer.


The old and young monks are still hesitant. Singing sutras, chanting mantras, etc. have naturally been engraved in their bones. They can do it without even thinking about it. But the question is, what are the consequences?

What if by chanting the sutra, the group of evil ghosts in front of me are wiped out? The king handed over the evil spirits to them, but asked them to help these evil spirits transform into the resentment and evil spirits that eroded their sanity.

One thing to say is that such detailed requirements are really difficult for monks like them. If they encounter such ghosts in the human world, they can just save them and let them pass away. Who would be so full that they have nothing to do and accept such ghosts? Crazy monster.

"Do we have any other choice? Even if we can't regain their consciousness, it would be a meritorious deed to save them and help them to be liberated!"

"What Uncle Master said is true!"

The old monk was still the first to respond, and then he looked at the many brothers and sisters,

"This time it started with a poor monk, so naturally it should start with a poor monk. Let the poor monk recite the scriptures alone. If the king of the country is angered, it will be the fault of the poor monk alone."

"Senior brother, no matter what you say, what will happen to you and me when we fall into the ghost kingdom? If we recite sutras, we will do it together. If there is any difficulty, we will bear it together!"

"Amitabha, good, good!"

The monks finally calmed down, and the murmur of the Buddha's sound immediately echoed in the Buddhist temple. The more than a hundred ghosts who were tightly bound in the light of the Zen sound and Buddha suddenly let out shrill and painful screams.

As if burning, these ghost bodies have been restrained, and the ghosts that cannot move are sizzling, and thick black and gray smoke is steaming from their bodies, but that is not smoke, but evil and evil energy. The external manifestations were forcibly expelled from them.

But as these evil spirits were purified by the Buddha's light, the painful roars and roars of these ghosts suddenly became much quieter and became weak. The originally solid bodies of some ghosts even began to become illusory, and it was clear that they were about to appear under the Buddha's light. Zhonghua is gone.

If you see a ghost, it will disappear in the sound of chanting, and the monks can't help but stop chanting. If the ghost disappears, they may disappear with it.

"Keep chanting!"

A cold voice sounded at this moment, and after hearing the indifferent and ruthless order of the king, the originally weakened chanting became clear again, and ghosts began to be annihilated in the increasingly blazing Buddha's light.

However, there are also ghosts in the Buddha's light. Because the evil spirits are transformed, the consciousness gradually recovers, the brain begins to clear up, no longer crazy, and the fear naturally shows in the eyes.

"Exactly as expected!"

When the monk began to chant, the Lord of Youhuang Kingdom stood in the air and looked down at everything with a calm expression. He did not even look at the ghosts who were annihilated in the Buddha's light and did not get rid of their madness until their death.

However, she fished out the ghosts that were beginning to regain consciousness. As for the mighty Buddha light and Zen sound, they were of no use to her at all.

They were just Buddhist scriptures. Back then, she often listened to her father. She even used Buddhist scriptures to hone her Taoist mind. Although the meaning of Buddhist scriptures has the meaning of salvation, it can also be used to hone the mind.

"Are these monks really useful?"

Youyou, who was standing on Donghuang's shoulder, was quite surprised to see the group of ghosts who had been awakened to their consciousness.

"If Buddhist scriptures cannot even do this, then they are in vain."

Donghuang was not surprised by such a result. The most difficult part of this matter was how to get monks with profound Buddhist teachings to cooperate. For Buddhism, there is only one way to save a ghost that has fallen into madness. There is no need to save it, even if it is rescued. , this kind of character cannot sustain it for too long, and it will fall into madness again.

"Let these monks be saved individually and select the one with the highest attainments in Buddhism to lecture the ghost generals under my command!"


The little phoenix flapped its wings and flew up. She was responsible for this matter. After all, not everyone could ignore the golden light of Buddhism like she and Donghuang did.

Ten days later, in front of the Bodhi Temple, fierce ghosts came in droves like clouds. Large ghosts with towering bodies of dozens of feet arrived one after another. Even the ghost king, who was shouting in front of him and surrounded by others, appeared from time to time.

But no matter how ferocious the ghost is, even the Ghost King must turn into the size of an ordinary human race and cannot act recklessly here, because this is the order of the king.

If this temple is placed in a town, it is quite large. However, if it is placed in a country, it is too small. You can enter it to listen to scriptures. For ghosts, it is also a manifestation of power and status.

Therefore, outside this temple, there are also many powerful ghosts gathered. Their eyes are full of unwillingness to look at this small temple. They want to enter it, but they cannot get a place.

This group of ghosts does not have much yearning for Buddhist scriptures, but because this matter is led by the king of the country, and among them are the most powerful ghost generals and ministers in the ghost country. If they can get into it, they will be appreciated by one of them. , above the blue clouds, it is not a bad idea.

In the temple that has become a vanity fair of the ghostly kingdom, many monks looked numb. Each of them emitted a faint Buddhist golden light, resisting the ghostly aura coming from all directions and getting stronger.

However, there is a hint of happiness in the numb faces of most monks, because they only need to resist the Yin Qi that naturally emanates when the powerful ghosts gather here.

"First practice, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, calm your mind, don't panic!"

The fat monk with the highest status looked at the old monk sitting opposite him with a face of compassion. The master's eyes were also numb, but they were full of despair, and the palms that turned the beads were trembling slightly.

He is very honored to be appointed as a lecturer by the Lord of Youhuang Kingdom, so today he has to face the senior leaders of the ghost kingdom who are extremely powerful and powerful, and they are also the most powerful group of ghosts. There are many of them. A fierce existence that has reached the level of Ghost King.

Therefore, even though he can be called a virtuous and eminent monk, Master Yixiu's Zen mind has a tendency to collapse at the moment. This is different from a few days ago when he was tied up with a group of ghosts who were unable to move and fell into a state of frenzy.

At that time, even if he didn't do a good job, and the ghosts were destroyed by accident, it wouldn't be a big deal. The Lord of the Ghost Country obviously didn't mind this.

Later, he was about to face a group of ghost kings, as well as the commander of the ghost country and the most elite ghost generals. There would be no restraints on them.

As an old monk with fresh blood from the human world, he recited sutras that had a restraining and purifying effect on such a group of powerful ghosts.

Master Yixiu has no doubt that he will pass away here today and be buried in the belly of ghosts.

His own existence is already a great temptation for ghosts. If he recites Buddhist scriptures, the ghosts will be stimulated nine times out of ten, arousing the resentment and madness hidden in their hearts. Once they are driven crazy, they themselves will The end must be extremely miserable.

But he had no choice at all. The Lord of the Ghost Country didn't give him any chance or room to refuse.

The ghosts shared their food and died!


How many sins had he committed to know that he would end up like this?

"Where is the Buddhist master who lectures on the sutra? It's time to lecture on the sutra, why doesn't he show up yet?"

"Maybe you are afraid of me waiting for you, so you are hiding in the house and are too timid to come out!"

"Hahaha, it's very possible, but that's not possible. We are gathered here, but those who come to listen to the scriptures cannot go in vain!"

"It's true, it's true. Who among us is not so busy with important things, how can we be so wasted?"

"Master, if you don't come out to lecture again, we will go in and ask you to come out!"

Outside the house, the wanton teasing and teasing laughter of the ghosts came from outside. Even with the order of the king, they could not devour the monks from the human world, let alone harm them, but they could say a few words and exchange one or two, and the head office Bar!

"Yixiu, we will follow you out. We must not let this ghostly creature despise us. We must not lose our Buddhist door and lose the face of Bodhi Temple!" M.

The ghost's wanton words made the numbness on the faces of the monks in the room recede. If they really had no choice and could not escape the tragic end, it would be better to be more open-minded.

"Thank you, Uncle Master, and thank you all fellow apprentices. Since the Lord of the Kingdom has asked me to lecture the ghosts, I can face it alone. You don't have to take risks with me!"

Yixiu became calm at this moment. The madness of the ghosts outside the house actually aroused his desire to conquer the devil. He had even thought about what to tell him:

"Fudo Myooh's Curse"

As soon as the thought fell, the old monk stood up, opened the door of the house, and walked out. In an instant, hundreds of eyes with a heavy sense of oppression fell on him.

In an instant, the temple, which was filled with gloomy energy and filled with ghosts, suddenly became quiet. A ghost raised his hand to wipe away the saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a black wolf with a lazy attitude walked into the temple at a leisurely pace. The old monk, who was originally stiff, suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the black wolf. The palm holding the rosary beads was raised tremblingly. Pointing to Montenegro,

"It's you!?"

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, UU Reading What happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.


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