The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 135 You are so bad! However, I like

"They are indeed stupid people!"

On the back of the phoenix, the Lord of Nether Glory heard the words and agreed quite a bit, but Feng Qing'an, whose will had come to her, couldn't feel it. She was in a pretty good mood at the moment.

"If this judge had just turned around and returned to the human world, you would no longer be interested in him, right?"

"Yes, speaking generously and not fearing death means nothing. Only when your words and deeds are consistent can you become a great person!"

Donghuang nodded. In her eyes, not being afraid of death is nothing. Even ordinary people can commit suicide at any time and take their own lives. What is truly commendable is the courage to face things that are more terrifying than death.

No one knows, no one praises, no one offers sacrifices, and no one cares about him. As a ghost and god who was worshiped by incense, once he leaves the throne, how long will it take for the local people to forget about him?

It only lasts for three to five years at most. People are the most forgetful. If there is no reward, who would waste incense on a ghost and god who will not respond at all?

Guarding the Nether Gap alone, you have to face loneliness and the forgetfulness of the world. At the same time, you also have to face the irreversible weakness that follows every time you swing your sword.

If this little ghost really chooses to return to the human world, she will naturally not do anything and let herself be free. As for the offenses, she doesn't care about them at all, let alone waste time on them.

But when this ghost turned his back to the human world and faced the underworld, and waved his sword, she really became interested. A commander who could lead troops to fight, and whose will was as strong as a rock and indestructible, as the leader of a country , how can you not be tempted?

"So you are more interested in him now and you must take him under your wing?"


"But with his character, I'm afraid he won't give in at all!"

"It doesn't matter, this kind of character has such a simple temperament, I have so many ways to use him!"

"For example?"

Feng Qingan asked enthusiastically,

"The ghost king ordered him to lead an army to conquer the three hundred souls of the human world during the solar eclipse. Do you think he will refuse my order due to his character?"

"Certainly not."

The young man was categorical, but his brows furrowed and he couldn't help but ask,

"Is it true that one day the Ghost King will eat three hundred souls?"

If there is, don't wait for any conquest. He wants to chop with his sword now.



"Ghost kings who like to devour human souls are everywhere. Rather, there are all ghosts in the Netherworld who don't like to eat souls. If you want to devour all the Netherworld, you should give up this idea as soon as possible. Wait until you become a sect one day. Ancestor, don’t think of this again!”


Feng Qing'an was speechless. He knew that there were too many things in this world that he couldn't stand, but if he really wanted to eliminate them one by one, even a saint would probably have the intention but not the power.

"Donghuang! What is the sword you just threw down for?"

Feng Qingan brought up another matter.

"That is a weapon used by the Ghost King that I collected not long ago. I left behind a superior ghost-eating method and ghost-cultivating method in it!"

"You really want him to be a ghost general!"

Feng Qingan smiled.

"Since he chooses to stay in the Netherworld, he can no longer be a ghost or god. The little bit of divine power in him, without incense to replenish it, is like rootless duckweed. It will be exhausted in a short time. If he is not given the ghost cultivation method, he will Die here."

"So, he can only turn into a ghost cultivator?"

"There is nothing wrong with being a ghost cultivator. He has no choice anyway. There is basically no way out for him as a ghost. With his temperament, there is no possibility of promotion. Until his soul is gone and he can no longer support it, he will be suppressed by others. It is better to enter My subordinates are my commanders!”.

Donghuang explained for Feng Qingan.

"That's true!"

"If he is smart enough, he should pull out the sword I left before his divine power is exhausted, so that he can complete his specialization as soon as possible and master a new source of power!"

"What if he would rather be upright and unyielding, even if he dies, and would not pull out the sword you left behind, and would not degenerate from a ghost to a ghost general? What will you do?"

"This is the second choice Gu gave him. Choose to fall, gain the power he once despised, guard the gap in the netherworld, or keep his own power pure and consistent, and die in the gap as a ghost and god. , allowing the door between the human world and the underworld to open wide, allowing ghosts and evil beasts to wreak havoc in the human world!"



"I suddenly realized today that you are really bad!"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help laughing when he heard Donghuang's arrangement. With Xu Wufang's temperament, there was no need to think about what choice he would make.


"But, I like it!"

"It's just the means I should have as a king. Regardless of whether I want to use it or not, as long as I want to use it, it must be used by me!"

"Hahaha, it is indeed mine..."

"You have nothing to do? It's time to practice!"

Before Feng Qing'an could finish what he said, his consciousness was expelled. Donghuang forcibly interrupted Feng Qing'an's "Spiritual Art", not wanting to hear him continue.

"Tsk, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

In the room, Feng Qing'an, who was holding the girl's delicate body in his arms, muttered, and then amidst the dissatisfied murmurs of the girl in his arms, he calmed down and helped the girl to channel her power.

"The Art of Swallowing Souls and Empowering Souls"

After a period of study and training, Feng Qingan has basically mastered the latest secret technique and understands its purpose.

This secret technique is still in a cyclical and progressive relationship with the first three secret techniques, but it is fundamentally different, because the function of this secret technique is no longer limited to the body, but involves Soul.

This solves the problem that Feng Qingan once thought about. Although these three secret arts, "The Art of Leading Spirits and Refining Blood", "The Art of Gathering Spirits and Tempering Bones" and "The Art of Swallowing Spirits and Changing Marrow", can help birds and beasts awaken their spirits, they are Limited to creatures with flesh and blood.

There is not much use for the innate Yin spirit body like Nan Ge. Although Nan Ge also has a flesh and blood bone structure similar to that of the human race, and even has body fluids in his mouth, this is essentially different from flesh and blood creatures. She is essentially a spiritual body, but her essence is extremely high.

Feng Qing'an has never been of much help to Nan Ge's cultivation. To him, this is simply a slap in the face. He can only enjoy the benefits brought by the other party unilaterally, but cannot reciprocate. What does this mean? Eating soft food?

However, as Feng Qing'an acquired the fourth secret technique, the problems that once troubled him were naturally solved, and he had the ability to interfere and guide the soul.

Even for innate Yin spirits like Nan Ge, he can assist their cultivation, speed up the accumulation of power, and activate their potential in the shortest possible time.

Nan Ge now wants to complete the Nine Refinements that her sister once did, so she would rather stop moving forward and condense her strength to the extreme. Originally Feng Qing'an could only watch from the side, but now he can participate.

After all, condensing strength is not unfamiliar to him. After all, he is tempering his soul power every night. It is nothing more than doing what he often does for Nan Ge.

"Were you talking to your sister just now?"

The girl nestled in the boy's arms, staring at the boy's increasingly mature and handsome face with her clear and bright deer-like eyes, with a trace of deep attachment in her eyes.

"Well, your sister arrested the military judge of Yongning County. I just went over to join in the fun. That military judge is really a man, and I admire him!"

Even though the fragrance was lingering and the beauty was in his arms at this moment, Feng Qingan was praising another man, because the life of that martial judge and the choices he made were indeed beyond the reach of human beings.

"What kind of man is that?"

The girl blinked and asked curiously.

"A foolish and stupid man!"

Feng Qingan made a faint comment. Then he will tell everything he saw tonight to the girl in his arms.

At the same time, in the City God's Law Domain in Yongning County, all the ghosts and gods gathered in the main hall of the City God. Their faces were solemn and heavy, and many ghosts and gods even showed sighs and nostalgia on their faces.

"How could this happen?"

"What a pity!"

"Master Xu Pan is too strong!"

Many ghosts and gods were talking about it, and sighs were inevitable in their words, because one thing had been determined.

The military judge is out of position!

A ghost and god cannot find his location. As his immediate boss, the City God cannot even sense where he is. The only thing that can be confirmed is that he is still alive and not in a state of death. However, no ghost or god will treat this martial judge. What expectations do you have.

Because, as ghosts and gods who come to the altar to receive incense, they must not leave the place where they are worshiped for a long time, otherwise they will be beaten back to their original shape and turned into wandering ghosts. At most, the soul body will be tougher than ordinary ghosts. But it doesn't end well.

In Yongning County, the Yaksha ghosts patrolling day and night will basically not leave the Yongning County line. Unless the Lord City God goes out on patrol and has made sufficient preparations with divine power, he will take them away for a short time. , but it won’t take long, no more than half a day at most, before they return.

It is a very serious matter for ghosts and gods to lose their position. Even if the martial judge is still alive, in the eyes of these ghosts and gods, he is no different than a ghost.

"Lord City God, how should Xu Wu deal with this matter? Do we want to investigate the reason for his loss of power?"

A ghost asked the city god at the top.

"There is nothing to trace. He has provoked an existence that he shouldn't have provoked. He is solely responsible for this matter. You don't need to ask, I will report it to you!"

"Sir, do you want to report it now? How about waiting a little longer?"

Wenjian couldn't help but said at this moment.

Once it is reported and the military judge loses his position, there may be inquiries from the gods, but the most likely thing is that a ghost will be sent directly to fill the vacancy. There will be no further questions about the disappearance of Mr. Xu.

"How long?"

Yongning City God follows the good deeds.

"Three years?"

Judge Wen asked tentatively.

"Are the ghosts and gods over there, Mr. An, the City God, blind?"

The Yongning City God couldn't help it. Normally, the civil and military judges looked down on each other, but now that something happened, the civil judge really dared to speak. In three years, even ghosts and gods couldn't be so lax.

"How were those two years?"

The civil judge lowered some requirements. Once a ghost takes over the position of the military judge, Mr. Xu will be completely reduced to a lonely ghost even if he is alive.

"One year at most. If it's any longer, I'll forgive my humble position and inability to do anything. Even so, I will be held accountable!"

"I will thank you on behalf of Xu Ren!"

The chief judge made a bow.

"What are you doing? I am the superior officer of the military judge. I see everything he does. This is what I asked you to do. It has nothing to do with you!"

Yongning City God waved his hand impatiently and dismissed his subordinates. He was also upset at the moment.

"You should be promoted and transferred earlier, otherwise why would you suffer this disaster!"

After the ghosts and gods retreated, Yongning City God looked at the empty hall and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's my fault!"

In the Netherworld, before the gap between the two worlds, the golden light all over his body was dim, and even Judge Wu, who was unable to sustain his tall divine body, had returned to the size of a human being. He held a big sword full of gaps in his hand.

But what he needs to face is still endless ghosts and ghosts. In the ruins, there are even greedy Yin beasts watching his every move, waiting for his power to decline to its lowest point.

His previous slaughter had no deterrent effect at all, because all the ghost beasts could feel the ghost and god guarding the gap in the netherworld, and his power continued to weaken.

Who would fear a watcher whose power is constantly declining?

Besides, behind him is the passage to the human world. In the past, this was a paradise that could only be entered with the permission of the Ghost King.

"I already have no choice!"

Looking at the endless ghosts and hidden beasts that were gathering in front of him, Xu Wupuan sighed. He looked at the bone sword thrown by the Lord of the Ghost Kingdom.

It was a ghost sword full of ominous aura, but it contained strong power. He had just seen an ape-like ghost beast that didn't know whether to live or die. It tried to pull out the sword, and then its whole body was sucked alive by the sword. blood.

Xu Wupan knew that this sword was prepared for him by the king. As long as he holds the sword, it means that he has given up his identity as a ghost and chosen to become a member of the ghosts in the netherworld.

How to choose?

As a ghost and god, fight here until you die of exhaustion, end yourself in the most glorious way, and complete a commendable ending. This can even be written into a biography and spread throughout the world!


The warm breath from the human world made Xu Wupan take a long breath, and then he inserted the broken sword in his hand into his side. The moment he let go, the scarred sword suddenly broke.

From beginning to end, there was only one choice before him!

The ghost god, whose breath seemed to have declined to the extreme, reached out and grasped the bone sword that was once wielded by a ghost king. The evil energy as black as ink burst out from the ghost sword, infecting his golden body.

"I am Xu Wuding! Xu Wuding, who determines the world with my martial arts!"

The ghosts and gods who have lost their place should give their names, which is really his father's greatest expectation for him, and he has taken this as his direction, unswervingly and never changed.

"How dare you bite the Lord with a mere weapon? Equip me with a sword and kill the enemy with me!"

The evil spirit left by the Ghost King was unable to shake the martial artist's mind. The surly Ghost Sword immediately settled down and gave everything to its new master's control.

As a result, the majesty and solemnity of being a ghost and god receded from this martial judge at this moment. As a son of a noble family, the warrior who died in the border battle to repay the blood debt of the border people showed his true madness at this moment.

"Want to go to the human world? This road is blocked! I will guard this place and I will die for you!"

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal. UU Reading What happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.


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